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l . l r ..iF . . y ?:- -ti,�1 1'C .�7.`':� > i� ' r � � r`1;`�'h: <br /> • � .t��t _ .l'.:..• . _ _, . ._ _.. . �. . -_-__ :_ � �..:-��� K.� <br /> � . . ��:�. 'l�l�Lt`' . . , �.�i ''+/� .. `���. . i_ ` . �^: .,�� ' , t = <br /> . • . <br /> . � . <br /> . . �� . . .. . . . 1 - . — <br />...... _.__..-_"_. .. _ �...__,:.'�,._.."_' ' '.' __' .. i' . ...'_."'._" ' � . . "_ ". . . ... . _. . _ — - <br />. . . ' "._"'._r -^' ,. , . , '�_,_ <br /> - . .. . . . . . .. . —\L) .." _ <br /> • , • . . __ ... • _ ._Ic�: - _.. <br /> ; � . <br /> ` ��Jil��. . ` . : . . . ....._� ....—.—,...._.�._ _ ' " <br /> \ � �.�.. <br /> ��� . . ._�.�:�..�.....�.�..�.«-- ,..... —- -__ <br /> . ..t. ..�._��..T.�.._...�..��.�....T�—.........�.. . _>_- _ _ __ <br /> 1 . . ��.�-y .1.�c����� �� - — - <br />,.,; <br /> ` . �. •t �� � - <br /> ? - �:':,:' :' paytncnta�u��y nu longcr ba reqidrcd.+�t�hc��pdun c�f lsndrr, it'nwrtgage imcurun��c covcrat:r tin�hc innu��nt un�l t�tii�Gc�x:�l�xi � __ <br /> C. ;.r,•.• :. . �-� <�-�;� <br /> �__._ �' ttml Leit<tt`� rc��uiresl pn►vidc�l E�y�in fnsurcr uppruvrd by I�;ndcr ug:dn bcccimr.r•i�vidl:�ble itnd ir•uhti�iu�d. Ilurm�ver yhiall pny � <br /> �:: �liu pc�inlums cequircd tu n►alntidn murtg��,c instcrm�rc in ci'f�ct,�,r c�,p���,via�a►i�yti���,ti����,undl Ihc rcqidremcnt ti�►•mu�IE;ugc . �"�� , _ <br /> ��� � -� � in�u�ncc ucc�xdnncc whh nny weiucn n�rccmciu bctivecn [larruwcr iu�d l.cndcr ur uppUcnhlc lu�a. ` �- <br /> �` �" " 9. I��s��ecil�rp. I,cndcr ur ils c�gcnt m,►y makc rc��suni►hlc cntrirr•up��:� �md inwpc�Nans uP th� Nr��pc�ty. I.��ndcr alu�ll �yivo ;, .,,� `� =�_ <br /> � IIurn�wrr nall�c�►t the timc oi'r.r prlor tu an ins�xrNun y�cri(yln� i�:asnnnhic causc far Ii�L inspertiuu. "`' - <br /> � .., ;.�„� t0. Conticmnaltap� 'i`ho heocecds nf nny mvutrl cw rl;ii�ii Par dxn�agcy, dircct ar eunu�{ucntlul, ln cann�cti�m �vith l��jy «. , ,;- _ <br /> ,� _ ., ;� C011dl`IIlI1Lq1011 M (�lhl`f IQ�IfI�11f+]Ily (lilft UI i�tC F�u���.�►y� �;i i,1i�<3i:1�y':IIi:: 1� ��wi1 t`!t:`n.�:!!!ft!'.e}••!!. NPt Iwr•�l��i+�ct�!tk�l attd !�- . , . °- <br /> - shnii be(�nid tn Lcn�ECr. ��` - ,- - <br /> In�ho cvcnt��f a tc�u�l tnkinF;oi thc:Prc�perty,�hc pri�cccJs sh,dl bc uppli��d tu tha�ums ucurcd hy�his Sccurity In�truumn6 <br /> --- whcthcr ar not then duG, �vith uny uxress putd to Hurruw4r. In the event uY a purtful taki�i�t��t thr 1'rup�ny in which thc li+lr : . , <br /> � mnrkct vulu�nf th�:Prupccty immcdiutcly bafi�r�thc ti►kir��; fs cqu�d to ur grei►tcr thun �hc nmuunt uP INc�umr scrur�:d hy tNl� +, , <br /> 5ccurity lnstrumcnt imaicdintcly heti��c tha tsiking, unlcsti Bon•���vcr und I..�ndcr uthcnvisc ubrcc in�ti�ri�iog,thc,um�,c.urod by . , <br /> . : �� this Sc�u�ity Instrunwnt shnll bc reduccd by tha umawu uF thc pnxccds nmhfplfrd by thc ti�Uuwi���; Prucllun: (n) thc totnl ,: • <br />` ::.; ; . <br /> :.. . . <br /> _ � nmmmt c�f tla� sunts secur�d intnudiittoly hefur� tha tuking, divid�:d by Ib) thc Pnir murk�t vnluc��i'�h�� 1'r�yic►qy immcdiiit�ly ,. . ,. .,: , <br /> _..::.:_ • � . .. a �, � � , _ .. _<,,' ..;,1�. ;;;. , <br /> _. , . befure the tukin�. Any haltince +nau be puie� tc� nurru�vcr. iu d�c uvcut ot'� �,�����d t.�kin�; of;�ti� S':::pi„}• .r ,,��..3:.� U�. f��r <br /> '�� mnrkct vuluc uF tha Pro�x.riy immcdintcly hrf��ro th4 tnkinti i�Icgs thun thc amaunt��i'�hc �umti scrurcd imnudi+�tcly hcli�rc thc ��:'.<i`� •�, <br /> tnkin�;, unlcss�orm�vco und Lcndcr��thcnvisc u�rcc in writing or unl�ss uppUcablc law uthcr�vi�c pruvidcs, thc prarcc+lz tihull , , <br /> ho opplicd tu thG sums sccurGd by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt whcthcr ur nut thc sun�s urc th�n�luc. .. . • <br /> ' If the Prope�Yy iti uhandoned hy p�r�u�vcr,��r it',alicr n�iticc hy l.�ndcr tu Uorruwcr thiit th�:�undcmnur��t�f'cr�tu mukc an , , . <br /> �':�;: , • uward or setUa �� ciaim fur dumi�res, 8oirowcr Puils t�� ►rs�x,nd to Lcndcr within :�l) J.q•�ut'tar Ihc datc thc r�alirc i. �;iv�n, . . <br />'�?`.'.�'t'.t.•.,•' .;,.�'`'� ` Londcr iti uutharized tn collect und upply thc procecds,ut its op�ir�i, cfther t��re+toratian��r rep:�ir uf ihc Peapeny or tu Ihe sum.r ; ;:. <br />'�'���.'�� ' securcd hy this Scrurity Instn�mcnt, whcihcr ar nut thcn duc. , •�` .;�_- <br /> �' Unlcsc Lcndcr nnd (3arrowcr othcr�visc u���Y in ��•retiu;;, any uppUrutiun ut pr�xccds tii principid shull nut extcnd or �;�:r.- <br /> , postponc tho duc dntc oi thc monthly puymcnts mfer���t��in�;ici�gri�phs 1 und 2 ur changc thc iun��unt of surh puymcntw, " `_! <br /> � 11.Borrmver Nat Rclensed; Hanc�i�rt►nce B� 1.rndQC rat a Wniver. �xtcnsi��n ut thc tlmc ti�r paymcnt ur maditictttian . <br /> ai nmortiznd�n af the sums secured by this Securiry Instrun�.nt L ranted by l.ender tu�ny ruccessar in Intercyt uF[3orrower shull <br /> ��': <br /> n�it operntc to rcicasc thc liubility��f'thc originid Brrro��•�•r or N��rr�wcr'c surc��,.��rs in in[crest. Lcndcr tihall nc��h� rcqui�d to . '� <br /> commcncc pmccedings :�;ainst any tiurcessor In int�itst or rci'usc t��cxtcnd time i'ar paymcnt ar othcnvisc m��dify�un��rli•r.�Uun ( �"-�- <br /> of tho sums sccurcd by this Sccurlty Inslnmiritt h}• ti'casun nf any drma��d m.idc by thc uriginal Harrawct' ur Borrower'.r• (, a. <br /> . :.;,. surccssors in intcrest. Any fonc�uruncc by I.cndcc in axcrcisinc aitc ri�;ht ar mmrdy shull not V�c u wuivcr uf ur prccludc thc � t; <br /> .. .. �j:,.;�:� � t • F. <br /> ,}•;,>'.;:��, excrcise of uny ribM��r rcmedy, <br /> ���`°� ' 12. Succ�tiors uud A.�.signs Bound; Joint Atld Sc��ec:il Le;►bilEi��: C�rci�ncrs, Thc cavcnantti und a�!rccmcnts at'thi.r• , t° <br /> ... . <br /> � . ` �f��' Sccurity Instrumcnt shull bintl und Ucncfit thc ui��evxors and a��i►:n, rf Lcndcr und Barruwcr, subjctit t�� thc pruvitii��ns uf ; �., <br /> --=_ ° --� pnrngruph i7. nait��wer'� tavettassis :sstd agsc:.:..°.•.°. 4h.a!! bc ,{alnt „�� �c•?•.*��1: !!ny Unrruwcr �vliu cu•signs thi� Secu�itY - -- _ __ .� <br /> lntitrument but ducs no� cxccutc thc Notc: (al is co-si�nin� �hi� S�tit�ritp ImtrumCnt unly to mongc�gr. �nmt :md cnnvcy thut r ` <br /> Aorro«'rr's Intcres� in thc Aropcny un�lcr thc tr�m�rf this S��.urit�• Instrumrnr, (h)iti ni�t personully ohligutcd ta pay thc sumz ` �� i <br /> - --_. .�ur,�ti�,�}.��n�ri�v j�c�nini�mt;unJ Icl aerces thu[ LCndCt:tnd iim� othrr Borm�vcr may ugrec tu rxlrnd, ntudify, f�uhcnr nr <br /> __. ... ., <br /> — � - muke uny uccomm��dations witli r��urd tu thc tarny��t'this Srcarity Insm:..,c<.t ar thc Notc�vithuut thnt Horr���vcr'�c�n��m�, � : � � _� �- <br /> 13. l.aan �:hatfi+.�c. lf thc li►un secured by thia S�curity Instruntent i� �t+t�irct to i�luw whirh set� maxinwm loun rhi�rges. � � <br />� nnd thut law is �nzdlp interpraced ,a thut the int��rest or uther luan churges �v�llected ar ta hr�ull�cted in a�nnectii�n with the � <br /> ` ' lnan exceed the perntitted limits, then: (u1 tmy �uch loan rhurge �hull hc reduced h�• thc antuunt ne��tisary ti� redurr. �hr charge t <br /> •�:�:�'� to the permittcd limit; und lh) uny +ums alrcad)• c��Ucrted Prum Aurrowcr�vhirh uxrcedcd prnniUCd lintit.a�ill he rePunded ti� � <br /> ,' ' . � <br /> Barrowc�. L.cndcr muy chiN�se tu nu►kc thi� rct'und N}• roducing thc prinripul uwcd undcr �hc Natc or hy making a �Urect <br /> • payment ta Borrower. It ii refund reilures prin:ipal, thc redurtinn tivill be trcatcd a, a partial pr�paymrnt withuut any ! <br /> � <br /> ptwpuymcnt chw'gc undcr thc N��tc. <br /> . • lA. Noticr.v.Any nuticc to 8��rruwcr pru�•idt�:3 for in this S�rurita• lnstrument tihall h�givcn by dcli��cring it o�by mniNng � <br /> ,,,,,., <br /> .,,;,i, it b�•first clt�ss muil unless applicablc luw rcquiccs u�c ot'anuth:r m�thixi. Thc noticc tihall h�dircctc�l tu thc 1'ropcny Address i <br /> • or .m�� othcr uadrass B��rrowcr dc.r•ignatcti b}• �to:i�ti tc� Lcnd.r. :�ny n��ticc ti� I.cndcr �hull hc givcn by iirtit rlass mail tu <br /> Lender's nddross stated hcrein ur anp uthcr ad�iress Lender detiiFnu�es b�• nuticc a� Hurruwcr. Any nutice pravidcd f��r in this !. <br /> � S��urity In�trumrnt shalt bc deemed ti�have hcen given to Hi�rr���v.r��r l.rnd�r�vhen givcn u,providrd in this paragruph. i <br /> 15. GovernlnR l.ow;ScveraE�a�Bty. This Sccurity Instrumcnt tihull hc i:a��crncJ h�• icdrr.�l la��• und thc lu�v nf thc � <br /> juriyd'a��tiun in �vhich thc Properry i. luc:Ucd. In thc evcnt that anv pruvisi�,n ur �lauw�+i'thiti Srrurit)� Instrumcm or thc Not� <br /> , conilictti with uppHcablc law, tiuch a�ntlirt�hall not al'fcrt��thcr pr.n�lsi�mti��t thi.Srcurity In�trumcm i�r�hc Nutc which can hc I .. <br /> given cffcct with��ut thc cunflicting pnn�itiiun. T��thiti �nd th. pruvitiiuns��f thir ticruri�y In,trument und thc N�,tc urc dcclarcd ! <br /> � <br /> j ta bc scvcrablc. ' <br /> 16. Borrower's Cup�•.Burrower shaU be_•��cn�mc cuni��rmrd ri�p>'uf the '�Jntr;m.f of thi�Srrurit��Instrument. ' <br /> _ i <br /> Form 3028 9180 <br /> v,n^a; c <br /> - - ..-_--_-.-... - ! <br /> i . <br />_ � <br /> v ► <br /> . � <br /> -- --- --- -- <br />