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<br /> �s_.__�.� :-- S. ilc�pani ur Pro�xrty insue+�ncv�. Nui�•u�vcr �hull kccp thc imprtiecntenl.r• �tu�v cxi4ting ur t�enattcr erccte+t un tha - --_ - - __
<br /> -�%�=�`�:-��= P�y�y�c�iy intiu�'«i n�i�inct lins E�y fit�:, hamrJs fnrludrd wUldi� Ihr tcrm "�x1��u�lcd cavcrnZlc" imd un}� uthcr ha�c►rds, �ncludin�; � , .Y - -
<br /> �.; floi�ds ur t'laudl�ig, f.ir�vhlch Lcndcr n�p�ircv in�w•unco. 1'hiti iuyur,inre shull hc nndnli►iiu�l in the amuuntw a��d 1'ur the p�rlads ..--
<br /> :=��' . thnt L.1;t1dCr I�qulres. 1'hc ins�u�uucc r;irrl��r pr���•idlu�the insurm�rc�hnll hcr��ht�scn 1►y Hia'ruwr►' .ruh��cl 1�� I.c�tde►''r t�ppr��vnl
<br /> s",�,,. : • -
<br />�=�„ . .`:. wldch shuil nu► bc u►trcusu�iubly withhcld. It'I��,rn+wrr li�ils ta tn:dnti�in �o��4ru�;r dcsrrfh�d uhave, L�•ndcr mny, nt LAndcr's '. �:.
<br /> '�� Y * ._"' uy�tlun,ohti�ln c��vcrUyc to protcct I.vndcr'� ��i�;hls in�hc Pr.q�cily in arcurd��nrc with parugra►�fi 7. --- -
<br /> _ :__� All insuninre K►+►licir.r• und nn�tv��l� ,hnii he�rceptablr tn lAndrr:md sh,�ll ii�r!tnle n 4tainfNrd nHt���a��cl:tu�, l.�ndcr ' �
<br /> � ,iiu11 1iuV� 1tt� rt�hi to h�ld t!t•�S4•Ii�•i��:1111I Sl'11CWl1Iti. li t.�nd�i•icquira,, [iorr��wer�hiill prnmt�ih• ►:I�•c tu l.�nd�:e:►11 reccipts uf � .--
<br /> - - pniii premiums«nd renr��`u1����t{aas. 1�thc ev�tit o4 lm:;, lliirn����er�Itult pivc prantpt nnticc to thc in�ur<�nr+_���;�rrl�e imJ Letitdcr. -. -
<br /> �'�� � ' � I.A:nda•m;►y makc pruoi'uf lass If nut nwcl: pratnptly hy florra�vrr. � '
<br /> �.�� ' • Unlcys l.undcr and Iiorruwcr uthrnvlsc ii�rcc in wrlting, insurunrc pru«��i�tihull hc iippli�Yi to rc�,t�►rutiun ur rrpair of'thc •, .
<br /> _, " Prupcily dumt��d,il'thc restariui�►n ur rcpair iti ccunumiu►Ily f'ca�ihlc i�nd I.ender'r ticrurity�is ni,t Icsscncd. li'the rc,torutlon nc �
<br /> ,t
<br /> __= �; ' ��:pair ls nat Gconon�ic,illy fcutiiblc��r L.endcr',r• ��•curity w��uld hc Icss�ncd, thc insurancc prurccds ,hull hc uppllcJ tu thc sums .
<br /> � • , ,. :�ccurcd Ny this Secutity InsUYmtcnt, �vhcthcr ur nut thcn duc, ���ith uny exc�:ss paid tu Harn�wce, IY Ilurru�vcr uhimct�ms thc �
<br /> ��,.�: , Prapurty, or dnr,nut ttn��vcr withfn 30 dnys u nutire t'rum l.rndcr ihtit thc insurunc4 c.��•rl�r has ufl'cred tu ,culc u cluim, then "
<br /> -,-r;.. .�._ . ,: . .
<br /> __.. .._._.__ 1,:��:l�r tt:•�� rt�ll�v�t ihC insunmrc prnrr��le 1 rot�l�r tnsy� usc th� pro..^.tl:: to rep;iir ur r::�;••�� th^ qrv,��Ny �ir tu ��ny �ums ��,,.---.:.
<br /> „ , sccured by this S��:urlty Instrwtt�nt, whcther ur not Ih�n J►t4, Thc 30•iiuy period�vill begin whcn Ihc noticc i,tiiven,
<br /> ��� • Unlc:�r L�:ndcr imd k����rmvcr othcrwisc agrca in writin�, uny upplittUi��n ut� pros4cds t�� principul shiill n�u cxtcnd or
<br /> :;` � post�x�nc the duc datc ui thc monthly paymcnts rcfcrrcil tu in purayraphs I ;md 2 ar chungc thc amnunt af'tlic paymcnts. If - y., ,
<br /> ,.;:� : .. , undce pi►r�graph�I thc Pmpc�ty is ucWui�ti.t hy ll.cndcr, Horivwcr's right tu amy Insurancc p�,licics imd prucccds r�sulting f'ran► ,
<br /> dnmagc t�•thc Pruperty prior to thc acquisit:��n�h:ill p;��s to Lcndrr t��the�xtcnt��f�tha zuniti sccurcd hy Ihis Scruritv lnstrumcnt , . :��;j,�;�; ' .
<br /> , . .� immcdiut�ly pcior ta thc ucquitiition. '�"' �
<br /> ;,,.. , .
<br /> . . . , b.(kcu�rt�euv. Preservatlon,Mitinte�wn�r aad k��S�iCCLi�i!ls!'ttr.e PropeMy; Horrower'�l,��un AppltcuUwr l.ru.uhulcl.�. . , _
<br /> Borro�vcr sh;i�1 u«upy, estnblish,and usc thc Property i�s k�arm�vcr's�rincipul residcncc�vithin sixty duys id�cr thc cxccuti�n of
<br /> • � this Security lostrument und shull cantinue to uccupy the Prnpeny as Grrro�ver's principul resldence tor cu Iea,t�ma yeur after ; .. °
<br /> ..'�;: thc dutc af occupancy, unlcsti I.cndcr nc+:envisc ugrccs in writing, «�hirh ronscnt shnll nnt bc unrci►sonahly withhcid, ar unlcss ��;"�:��` T
<br /> .`•�'���:;. . extenuutin� rircum.r•tanccti cxixt whirh urc bcyun�l Hurmwcr's c��ntrol. Burru��•cr >tzall not dcsn•ny, dnmagc ��r intpair tt�e : --
<br /> . ;;�; �
<br /> �����'. Pi'��perl��. ullatv the Prc�p:rty' tc� eietecic�rate, ur cannnit �vastc un thr Prupeny. G�t�rrv�ver sh:ill h.. in detuult ii'uny tiiri'eiture �:.;:. .• . -
<br /> .. nction or pn�cceJing,���hether civil ur rriininal, is het,un thut in l.en�ler's�±uad i'aith Judgmejit cvuld rcsult h� furteiture of the �;�.`,"•.
<br /> ��..� � �
<br /> ..}�.., , �
<br /> Properly ot nthcnvisc mutcri�lly impi�ir the licn crcuted hy thi�Sccurity Instrumcnt ur l.cndcr's srcurity intcrest. Burrowcr m��� . ,z,,,,,t, �
<br /> . cure such u dcPuult and reinst:itc.us pr��vidcd in purueraph 18, hy rau.ing thc ucti�m��r procecding to hc dismisxcJ �vith u ruling ;*�' . -
<br /> ' thut. in L.�:ndcr's go�xl inith dctcrmination, precludeti ti�ri'citura uf thc Borruwcr's intr.rest in thc Nruperty i�r uthcr muterial �'. `
<br /> , '' intFwirntcnt ot' thc licn crcutcd hy this Sccurlty Insuzim�n� ar Lcndcr's �ccurlty intcrest. Il�rrnwcr shall also tk: in dctiuult If � � "•''
<br /> Aarrower, during the loan.ipplication procevs,guvc mulerially t:�lse��r innccuratc int'armutii�n��r titatcments to l.cndcr(ur fi�ilc� � �� � :3:
<br /> - =-- ----- to pravicie i.end�r with aay �iiitefini ir�t�,r�ati;,ni in ccannr.:tius:ui:;�:�:�lt�:ttl C•11tletiCLY!hy!hL'I`!t22e, incluc!!l��.but net��rnic«t
<br /> - - ...—
<br /> ,�.,, • to, representutions cancarniiic;Aorrowrr's rcruptmry uf thc Propcn}�as n prinripal residence. If�hi,Security Insuvment is on a '_ ;
<br /> ;:i:';;t ' len.ehald. Barrrnvcr shuD rumply �vith ull thc provislnn.r• ui th� lcusc. If B�,rru�vor ucquirc� fce title to thc Property, the ; ``",`.
<br /> -- ---- --°-- li:.�:.�i:l�i�.�Sl:!Ltl�fi'°l!!��'�t?911 ��nt mrrno unlccc I.�nder aerccs to�he mcrecr in���ridne� �.-,'�-:- -- ---
<br /> �� 9.P�►tccttan�f i.ender's RI}�IU!+lu the Pr�nperi��.if't3i�rrt»��cr iails tn perti►rm thc co�•rnants and aigrceinents c�mtuincd In �'�•� . ,
<br /> � this Sccurity Instn�mcnt,or thcrc i� �� Icgul pruccedin� �h:n ma�� •ii;nit�;antly affect I.cndcr'.r ri�,htti in�hc Pri�perty (such as•s .
<br /> � proceedi�g in baakruptcy, pr��hate. for condemnutiun ur frrf�itur�os to enfo�•ce lu��•ti ur regulations), then Lender may do and ;��; : �.
<br /> ." puy for whntevcr is neeessary' ta protect �he vi�lur uf chc Pr�•pem and Lender's ri�hts in thr Pruperty. Lrnder'. ;�ctiuns mny
<br /> includc paying uny sums �ccurcd hy u licn �vhich ha+ priurit�• o.cr �his S�tiu�ity Instn�mcnt, uppcurin�: en ruurt, paying
<br /> res�sannble uttc�rncys'fces und rnterinp un thc Prapcity tu uiuhc repa�rs. Alth��ugh Lender muy u►kc action un�lcr this parugcaph �
<br /> 7, Lcndcr dacs nat huvc to d��su. I
<br /> • � Any antaunl� clisbursed h)� l,cnder undcr this paragr;�ph 7 tihatl hccum� udditiunal aeht of Horr��wcr secured b�� this � _ ,
<br /> Secu�lty ln�trument. Unlc,� Ncirruwcr und L.�ndcr agrec ta uthcr tcrm� uf paymcnt, thesc ��mountr ,haU hcar intcr�st f�om thc (
<br /> datc of disburscment ut the N��tc rutc und shall hc pa��ublc, with intcrctil, upnn notirc i'mm I.ender tu Bi�rrc�wcr rec�uestin� '' `
<br /> � pavment. � -
<br /> ,. 8. Martguge Insurancc. Ii l.cndcc requircd murtgugc insurancc uti a cundition ai'nr,�kin�;tNc lo,m sccurcd hy this Securii�• � :" ,
<br /> Inwtruntent, Tiormwcr shall pay thc premiumz roquired to muintain thr mortgagr in.rurancc in cffcrt. It', for�my rcu�cm, t�ie ,
<br /> moRgugc insurancc covcragc rcquircd hy l.cndcr lupscs ur ccasc, lc� hc in cil'cri. H��rruw•cr tih�dl pay thc premiums rcquircd to � . '
<br /> ahtuin covcragc substnn�iully cquivulcnt to�hc mu��tga�,c insuranru prc��iously in�ffcct. al a ru,t tiuh�tuntiaUp rquivitlent ti�thc
<br /> cazt to Borrowcr oP thc mortgugc insurunrc pr�vi��u.h in �tf�r�. frum un uUcrnutc muihtu�c intiurer appruvcd h�� l.�:ndcr. If '
<br /> � substantially cqulvulcnt m��rtgugc insur�mrc ra��crugc iti nui uvailablc. Horru�vrr tihall pay w Lcndcr carh inunth u sum cqual to j
<br /> onc-ttvclfth of'thc ycarly mongagc intiurancc prcmium tkin�paid h} Hi�rr��a•cr��•hcn thr imunmrr cuvcragc lapsrd ur c�ascd ta ;
<br /> be in effect. Lender��•ill uccept. use und retain the,c p:q�mentti ati a I�n, re��r�•r in licu ni nu,rtgagc in�urunce. I.�iti, reserve ,
<br /> � Fort�3028 8I80 �
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