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<br />: �:.�"��'�`�..::° 17.TrA�ster a!tha f�►�a�xrty or n[�c�i�f�ciul h�1��Ywt It�Ros����wcr. It'all��r c►ny��:�ct ai'thc Nraperty ur cmy int�:n�t in it __
<br /> ���.=�`� '•� iv s►�Id u��h�nnsicrrnd(�►r i1'u bc�acficiul Intc��:,t in Ilurruwce i.r• ���Id ur tcanst'errcd�md Rarrua�cr i�;nut u nnturul per,un?ai�hnut _ . __-• _
<br /> ;'�;��;';?'�-w'� I.cndcr'� prlor �vrfiten consr.nt. IARtICi' I11Ay, at its uptitin, rcip�lrc inmicdiiitc pny�nrnt in IIiU ui'ull ,ums sccurcd hy �hts
<br /> �''� Sccurit li��tn�ment. Itu�vcvcr,ti�lh upllun tihnll iznt bc cx�miscd hy l.�ndcr il'cxcnl�c i.r•pruhihl�cd hy tcdc+•i+l I:��v uv uf'�h4 d�dc •
<br /> �,��:;:.�j�:..__. Y
<br /> a� ,> � . ��f c�his Sccu�ity Instiun:cm.
<br /> t 4- IP l�:ttdCr rxort�iscs Ihis o�tiall. I.und��shull F�ivc liurru�vcr uuUcc af ucrri4rallun.Thc nuUr��h�dl pravidc n p�rlud oY nut �
<br /> '��, .'' •� Ic.+ �han 30 dnys 1'rani th�: dalc Ihe mriicc iy dcUvcrcd ��r inuits:d �vithln �vhich Norruwcr mu�t �uy nll ,ums �i�u���d by thlti _ __--- --- --
<br /> � -�� S►����rlly Instrument. IP Eiurn»vee fnlla tu nay thcsc+um��el���to the expiratinn nl'thi+prri�nt. I.emhr r�►Hy i�tiv«kc iu�y ret�t�dics - - ._
<br />•�.:::<<•�' ��'� �wuullt►at Uy titl;Sc.:ur:ty ln�tra:►:CRt �Yt1�HN�t Ii�NhPr��oticc ar dcmund un Ru���r+a•cr. �---
<br />��,� . : � 1c, Ho;:ah�'F .°•1Rts! k: KE.'�SIS�.^.�^. !f Pum,w�•c �nc�et� ccrtuln cuntUti�ms. Rurrowrr shall htrvc �hc riNht tu huvc ! .
<br /> ,� ,•'';''� enfiincnicnt ul this Security Intiltumcnt ais�untinucd��t amy dmc pri��r to the curUcr uf: ln) S dayx („r surh ��thc� peri�xl av I ..
<br />_=�:� _- , ' . aPPlicublc liav inay speclPy for n:Inst:UcnecnU hefnre +ale «f Ihc P�up�rty pue�uunt tu uny p;�wer ui' .ule cunt�dncJ in Ihis (
<br /> .k.�s�T
<br /> .� Securlty Instn�mcnt:nr (b)cntry ��f a�jud�;mcnt cnfuttiing Ihis 5ecurity Instrioucnt,'fhosc candltlnns.in�thut Hurruwrr: (+►1 nnyy
<br /> '•"��. • � Lundcr nll :�ams which Ihcn would bo dua undcr IhiK Securiry Instnuncnt und thc Notc as 11'na ucr�IcnUiun hud urcurrcil; lb) „
<br />.'\ti�r�.rv� .
<br /> ,:r�,,,:.�,.:'" cur�:s uny dcliiult��f liny othcr�ovcnanta ur agrecntcnis; lcl puya +tll cxpr.nscs incu�rcd in cnfu�•cing thi� Scrurlty Ins�niment,
<br /> inc:luding, but nol limitcd to,�L:�snn�.�bin iUtnmcys' fccs; und (cq a�kc�such�icsiun ns L,�ndce may n:uwnably rcquirc lu ussurc .
<br /> . �'. ' thnt iha licn�►f this Secucity Inrtrumcnt, l.undcr's rights in thu Pro�rty ►�nd I�ur����v4r's uhli�i�ti�m tu pay thc s�mis,ccurcd by
<br /> -�"- �h3W gect�rlty In�tn�mcnt shidl continua unchun�cd. Upan rcinstutcmant hy Borrawcr, thi� Scruruy loxirumcnt linJ Ihc
<br /> ���r obligatians sccun:d hcr4hy sht�l) r�m.aln 1'ully ct'fcctivo ns if n��urrclaraNun had ureu�rcd. Hu�vcvcr, th�s ri�ht tu rcmxt.uc shtUf
<br /> nnt npply in Ihv�nsw of acccicrudon undcr pun�gr��ph 17. •
<br /> �,•'t� , 19, Salo of Nate; Chi�n�;c oP I.�oo ticr�icc�. Th� Nato or :i partiul intcn:st in thc Natc (tugc�hcr with this Sccurity
<br /> �� lnexrumc.n�)muy bc sold�mc ar mnrc limes withaut p�i�r nuti��:te.k�urruwcr, A si�lc may resuU in u chungc in thc cntity(k��uwn
<br /> �- �'''.. ag tha"I.aun Servicer">thut a�llccts munthly pu,vments due undrr thc Nuta und�hls Sccunty Instrument. Thcru ids��nu+y be one
<br /> � or marc changcs��f thc i.��nn Scrvlccr unrolntcd ta u tiitlo uf th�h��t.. li'�hcrc is u chungc of�hc ln>:m Scrviccr, B��rmwcr wiU t+c
<br /> ' givco writtcn nn�ice oP tho 4h�mgc in uccardnncc�vith parat;r,�}>h !3.ttwvc.�nd uppilcablc luw. 'I'hr no�icc will rtutc thc nunu:nnd
<br /> • •'� ��� uddress af'thc nc�v IL�►an Scrviecr und thu uddn:ss t��vhiri��»•mcnes shruld hc mudc. Thc nuti�ti�vii! ,�Iso cuntuin uny ��thcr
<br /> ""•• . `:;'�,;-`�i'�' (nfom�aU�m rcquircii by t�pplicahlc la�v.
<br /> "', ` ,,';`:, 20. Hururduus SubsSa�auv.w. ��9rrowcr shall iwt r.►usc rr perRiit the presencc, usr, di.fn��:jl, st�+r,1gC, or rrlcasc uP uny �`' '�
<br /> '�''�'t'�'���'�:'�" `•`" Harxirdous Substanccs un ur in the Propeny. Borrrnvrr sh:i!! nol du, nrr t�l1<�w um•vtm clse tu dv. :urythinu afl'c�:ting the
<br /> ,,ia.,;, ';.,:
<br /> ' ``'" Praperty thut is in �•ioluUnn af uny Bnviromncntul L.i�w. 'iY��prcceding t��•��scntcnccr shall nul ap��ly to th�� prcrr�zcc, u.c, or
<br /> �torugc on thc F'n�peny nP smaU quttntitics ri'H��airdnus tiuhstunres dxas an gcocadly rcr��gnircd tu t�:�ppruprituc tu numurl
<br /> ' rcsidcn�inl u�es:►nA tu aiuintcnancc of thc !'r���crty. -
<br /> ° �� Borcowcr shull promptly giva l.cndcr��•ritten nuticc of any invcstibutiun, cluim, dcmand, liavsuit ar othcr�ic�ioa by any ._
<br /> gnvemmenti►1 ur regulntary ugency o�•private p:►riy inveslvin�;the Prc�perty iind uny Hi�r�rdnus Subsmnce ur Envirum:zrntul l.inv .
<br /> of a•hirh Borrt�wcr hus i�c�ual knmvlcdga !f 13urrawcr Icarns, ar ir ni�titicct hy any g��vcrnmentid ur rcgulutary:aud;tviry, thut '
<br /> � nny remmal or othc�rcmc�iiuti��n of uny F�arar�ouy Suhstancc uffcctin�thc Nrupeny is ncressury. Iiorru�vrr tihall promptly tukc
<br /> ull nccessury remalinl ucdi�ns in nccurduncc��ith �nvimnmcntul taiw.
<br /> ��ti u�ed ip Ibiti panigraph 20. "Haza�dous Substnnrex" aru Ih���e substi►nces deflncd uti tuxic ar h:�audous�ubstunces by
<br /> �;�;,�;. 6n�in�nmcntul Luw und thc f��llu�ving suhstuncur� gas��Uitc. I:cr��ycnc. ��thcr flnmmablc ��r taxic pcln�lcum pri*�f.•�!cts, taxic _
<br /> � • + �_.�;,i.i�c;4nd I�arbicides,volntiEo salve»ts,m.�teriuls contui�ing ushestos ur formaldah�•de,and rattiuuctive muterial.. As used in
<br /> � �� --
<br /> .! ' this p:i�•ugrnph 20, "Fnviri�nmc:ntnl lanv" mcam fcacral laws and luws uf thc juri��i:rtiim whcrc thc i�mperty is l�naicci ihut -�- - .-
<br /> '`�' rclato tu hc�►Ith, st�`c:ty or cnviranmcntid pratccU��n. � � �
<br /> ; .�:, , .
<br /> .. •, • NON-UNIFCofttkl COVENANTS.Rorrowet'und L.andcr Purthcr co�•c�tant iind ugrcc us fi�Uuws: ;
<br /> •--.,,-------_- ::. ��le�eius:: .°.e:ne�!�a. !^.!!�!'e�hall nlVe Itotll'e t0 BUPiYriVI'1'�ll'IUP(0 BCCI`ICI'A1I011 PU��Q)lviny�B��rmwe�•'ti breaich
<br /> . ......_
<br /> af any corenHnt ur up��nierit In tMs tiecurlty Instrur.a.nt (hut not prlor to accelerudnn �+�cl�rpa raa�rnph 17 untess f�`��
<br /> � uppllamblu Inw provldc.w atherwtsc).The naNce tihnll K�xrjty: (t�) th�.�dePault;(b) Ihe stctlan rcv�uircd to cure the defi�ult:
<br /> � (c) u duto� nut less tht�n�0 days Pr�nn the dnte the m�tice Is piven to Burrc�wc�, by�vhich the dei'�ult must bc cu�d;nnd �
<br /> � (d) ths�t Pailui�e to cun�the defmdt on or hef��m the d�te sperl�icd in Ihc notice mi�y result 6n acccicruUon of the sumq � , .
<br /> secured by thls Sccur1ty Instcument and wle�►P the f'roperly. '1'he n��Ucc tihuU i'urthcr i�fn�x (forrnwer uY the ri�Ut lo � •
<br /> �, reimtute ��f'te� necelerntlon nnd the ri�ht ta brin�u cuurt uctlon lo a�sseM the nan-existeu���raF a default ��r unv �riher
<br /> defense aP Qorrower to uccelerntian lind xule. !f the dci'uult I.r• not cured un or hefore eR� �n8r sptv:lfied ii� the nutice. �
<br />- ; l.cndcr, at I�y optiuu. mny rcv�ulre Immedlute puyment in i'uU of ull sums s�tiurcdl Dv th9c S�rurity Instrumrnt without ` : •
<br />- �.!E�; ; ft�rthcr dcmnnd und mny invokc Ihc pmve�oP sulc und any ��thcr rem��fi�w{xrmitCaw9�}•uppltrublc li�w. I,�ndcr shall be ( �•
<br /> '�� � enipled ta callect ull axpcnses incurr��cl i�putwulnR the remedicv provided in thl.s pau��r.�ph�1.ie�cludin�,hut not Umited �
<br /> �„;�''��'` to. rcasonubla s►tlmrneyq' fces and casts uf totlz evidence. �
<br /> : ',''1r, , I�the �����' of sale Is invaked, Trn�:st�ee shull r�rord �� notice crff defaedt in each cuu�t4 on whlch uny pitel ui'Uie ,
<br /> ,',,,., ;
<br /> `;���•:,1 Praperiy ly loci�ted And shall mall copies o4's�t1� no4�oe ln the numner prescrib��l bv t�pplicuP�9e law to Dornv��er und tu .
<br /> � ����'�`� ' the olher persuns prescribed by i�ppllcuble I�a.A�tee th�Aimc requlr��1 by upplic.��ble la�v,Trustee shull};ivo ra�lk natice i • ,
<br /> . ` af xalc to tho persons und In the munncr�rrsrr6htd�ry��pUwble luw.'I'rustee. �vithuut demand un Uormwer� shall seU ;
<br /> � th�Property nt pubUc auctton tu the highc�+A'.biddcr a!thu U�iie and pluce und under the termv dcvi�nuted in thr nusi�v:oY '
<br /> sule In onc or mam pi�rccls e�ad In nny or�!�r Trustcc dMermin�w.Truster muy p�ntpnne w�lc oP all ar i►ny pi�rce) ol'thc �
<br /> , •� �, Property by public announ�rment �t the time und pluce ni' uny previourly sch�duled sule. l.ende� ur Ity d�.wiFne� m�y �
<br /> ' , purchu.�e thc Property ut am sulc.
<br /> :� � 1 .
<br /> . �
<br /> Form 3028 9190 '
<br /> . - PaNn 5��I l: •
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