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� 1 '�.l;,. �1 � r r�..�_��-� � ��h�t rr :r PT'- 2�-.. . _. _f. .� r ry.. � . _. .- <br /> .f:. t.. <br /> .�,:�..? ? � '93_ �a�s�d9 . , � . . <br /> � , — <br /> ;:� �n�:ri+�t _ <br /> , �� . 3.T�a,tr�ae�xlb ai�N�.Trvsta tha0 paY atf iaxa,ois�stiniMl a�7 oifirt that�a,Metudip,wi�I���s�kt — <br /> �, p09tlomo11t15NOD19to1h00ropsrty.�dlsa�stwldpaymtnnaprou�drmn,Hary,Mtae�lac�mboeom�ddlrquo-nt.Trusta�hotlprortq _ <br /> -.,.:,-::•:,;� ` tty fwn(sh ro&neilabry oll notiu�of mnoumi Eu�unFer tAia prropropA,wb in tt,a��mt trusta�hatl mok�poymtnf d:rKtN,Trwta�011 ,:, _- �-_-_- _ <br /> k - - ,.' Bxx11e�I�yY INaos Mrde a Won M!s Mb of T sf wirMuY f r�ipord os�c+ry Iawl/h�of'may e:i���d i o`oslroa�+ }lo�ho Mfiob a a�ny �_=--: - <br /> � , _ '�`• PvtthtrcotuponlMB�n�}IClmy. tHs' -. <br /> { ; 0.�p�y Wq�►rN�tiy N i�Ikir�ry(Kpiry.Trusta clwtl mak�c0 poymant�of IntKOtl and prlrclpol aM paym�Mi of m� �- -- <br /> �- ofhs chap:s,te�mid exp:nses conuaeed�o b�pab ro any exlituy n�nialdm oi ptor bn�ltebrN�undv m�y qia Nk ol Irus1 a ma r, <br /> s , n� �' t botae fM date they aa demquent and prompih Dw o��+�0�ary m�1 WI mhx Ii:n�,eWlmt a eher�as�;1ddi maY leopadl:s ihe [:}�� -hra' --- <br /> ,4' 0 <br /> �"�'t_, iec�wNY pranteE her�N.lf Trus�a talb to md��any wch paym�nt a Ioils to pMorm any ot tM connanfi and oyr�x�xnff eonta:nM fn thh _, <br /> t �` "` �. Caed ot Trvst,a In mY piar morrpag�or deed of trust.of it eiry acrbn a praaed6q b conmonced whlch motxblry oHecn B�nefldory'�In- , ,{,.�� <br /> �+"° w� ,� ferest in tM Vropert�,Includinp,bu1 nof Iimtred ro,eMnenr domain pocNdinps,or procaedNps InroMnp a dacend�m,a If ttusta fails to pay � � � �h� r ' <br /> '��-'-,'�` Vusta'�debfi onerolly ae�hey becana due,then Benafkiory,ot&nsfickry't opibn ond withoul notiu to a demond upon Lustor and �4 � -�'' <br /> '�{_.:;;�,k whlwul nleaiNg Trusror from any obllpotion hxeunder,may make�uh oDD�aa�ce�,disburw�uch�umf,ond toke su�h aeNOn os is nxassory .4`� �, 3: - <br /> i �- '-�?� to qotat BeneFltiary't inter�st incNdinp,bN nm IMited to.dicbunement of rmsomblo ottomey's tees,paymanr,purchate,wm�tt a can• , _� -" <br /> � � . -_-.j qomise of o�ry encumGance,charqe a Ilen,cnd entry�pon the F/operly to make rcpoin. In the erent tlrot Trusta�holl foil to qaure in- _ rSY�^�.�,•�� <br /> r, �-:t� :vranee a ro poy taxes,ossessments,a any mher ehorges w m mok�any paymenU to exi+tiny prlor Ilen Mlden a beneftdories,Benetielmy e <;� p .y�- 7 <br /> �' ---4;;� may pravra�ah Insurance and muke sah payment.Nry amwmt dis6ursed by Benofldory pusvar.t to thfs Paragraph 6 tho:l becano additionol '';.,�` . i.'.`..�' � <br /> , °�l�r,,;;u indebtedness ot Trosta secvred by thi�Deed of Trust.Such omwnn she!I be poyoble upon noNca iran Beneficbry to husror requesFlnp pay . � -_ ,.�..;., <br /> y °'--�" ment theraof,a�d slall bear interes�irom the date of ditburiement at the�ata payaEle fran tfine to time on oNStandiny prindpol imder tha .i'+I , �+ �-- <br /> ,4( �r q•; " ' Q"icae --- <br /> -- Note unless poyment of Inteiost ot such mfe would 6e coMrery to applkoble low,in nhich event svch omovntt sholl bear interest af the hfghesf s.� 4 � - <br /> � ��_�;_ rote permitsib!�unda opplicable kw.Nofhinp contoi.ud in this Parayoph 6 shall reQuUe Beneficiary to inn;r afry exponsa or take oiry otllon ,._� -y ��,, ;;. <br /> "4� �,>�._Y,.-_ hereund¢r- ,�r` h =�. - <br /> t'_ -' _ 7.Atsipnmtnt oi R�nU.Beneficiory shall hore tlw right,poww ond outFarity dwfng tM continwnce of thfs Deed of Trust to tollect thg `' "' �`-.- <br /> � <br /> r- ��yr„_ rems,issws aM profits of the Properry and of any perwnal property laared thereon with or without takiny possessfon of the property aHecled '''(� "` s?„�� � <br /> -- �_i4��„ -�: hereby,ond Trustorlwreby obmlutely ond unc�tiomlly assigns all suh rems,issvef ond pmtits to Beneficiary.Beneflcfary,howerer,hereby -�' v�u ii'-_ ; w._: <br />- '-�� ���-; �' � consenq to the Trustor's col!ection and retention of sah rents,iisws a.�d pofifs os thoy uccrue ond become paYCble so bng as Trutfa(s fat, _:,:!._;s:y,3�.,;�,S-� <br /> - �;i r:' ot such time,in defouU with respect to poyment of ony indebtudness sttured hereby,or in 1M pedormonce of ony oyreement hereunder.Upon .% tr ` �r:�,- <br /> f�;..._.:..�C`'::• ofry such detaulr,Beneficiory r.wy ot ony time.either in person,by agenr,a by receiver to 6e oppofnted by a eourt,wlthovt notice aM wlthaR ;, i�.,t -,,:-`-�_ <br /> ?_ <br /> ;,-R..-.':_��i�- regord to fhe adequay of a�ry security tw�he indebtednets here6y stt�red,(a)enrer upon and toke possusion of the Property or anY port ;:; y �y, -�.: -°- <br /> ''-%•";-;?�"'� thereof,ond in Bs ovm nom�sue for or othenrise collect s�ch rents.issues ond Drofits,includinp those past due und unpold,and o{qiy the sane. °,,=.t,;,E°?vt-;'°f::u�_� <br /> > " less costs aM ex enses ot o mtion aM collecrion,inclvdi reatonoble mtxneYt feas,upon ony indebtedness tecured hereby,and In such ' � ,i' � <br /> '-; P Pe ^➢ FF � S.,r <br /> � --' wder os Beneficiary r.wy delermine: (b)perfarm sucn xts ot rapa�r x proroawn os may be necossory or prop.r io zoi�scrva tts w`�e of tt�E :�„1� - <br /> - �'�= Properry,(c)leose the some or ony part thereof for sah remal.fern.ond upon such conditions as tts judgment moy dictate or terminore or ad �.9 � y�r��� --- <br /> , 1- ; :(• just the terms and tonditions of any exnting leose or leoses.Unloss Trusta ond Benefitiary agree ofherwise in writinp,any oppliwNon of rems, x � j-;,t�;-.- <br /> 1 . .- -:_ ; its�es or pofi7s to ony indebtednass savred hereby shall not oxtend a Oosfpone the dve dote of the instollment poymeNS as provided(n sold + i '�> , <br /> ,•,. ; � <br /> prqnissory no:e or change the amount of sah instalLnents.The enfering upon and fakiny possess!m of the Property,the toilectim of tah ` ( _ �, ;{:- <br /> -`;i- �, renis,issues and profits.ond the opplimtion fhereof os bfaresoid,sM.l not vroive or cwe ony detoult or notice of deto�lt hereunder,or in• �` r y,f , ,'i;��- <br /> rolidate any at don�Durswnt to sueh notict.Tmsior olso assipns to Benefieiory,os further seemiry for the pedumonee of tho oNlqations ';- ,_1;. �.;: e:. <br /> ��;-_=, tuured hereby.all qepoid rmts and oll moniet which may hare 6een ar moy hereofter be deposited with said hustar by any lessee of the Pro• i ��-�- -�;_>^� <br />} , peny,to sawe the mem of on rent or dama os.and u defoolt in the perfamonce of ony of ihe provisions heroof,Trustot agrees to r �•`: <br />, - deliver such renu oM deposrts fo B neliciary.Delivery of viritte nofice of Beneficiory's exercise of tha riyMS qronted herein,to uny tenant a• .� , ' ��J.•`-'��':- <br /> - c�0rinp so�d premises slwll bo suffidenr to requiro sai!�emnt to pay so�d ront to the Benefciory unril further norice. ° �� -.�-i"' �''� <br /> � 8.Wnd�Anatlon.If tif.o to any port of the Properry sMll 6e tuken in tondemnution pra�edinps,by ripht of eminent domain or similor action. - ' °`i �� `- <br /> ;.-;i _ ��: ,} _: <br /> a sholl bo sold imder threat of condemation,all owords,donages ond Oraeeds ore hereby ossigned ond sM:l be paid to Beneficiary who sholl ., : V,x r .r.-- <br /> � opply such owerds,domaq�s ond praeeds to fhe sum saured by this Deed ot Trusr,wifh fhe husfor.If Lusfa receives t'.',_ <br /> r � �� .? <br /> any �wtice or o�her informofion reqwding s•xh actnns or praeedinys, Trvstor slall qivt Drompr written nofice thereof to beneFlcicry. > r. - <br /> -�_ Benoficiory sholl be entif:ed,ot its oDt�on,to commonce,oppear in ond prosecule in its own name ony such ucfion or praeedings and sMll bo en- � � 5 j x ' � <br /> ' fitled to moke o.ry canOromise or settlement in conneclun wi�h ony sah ocfion or gaeedings. �5 •^ <br /> ,i. .� !' 9. R�medlu Not[eelvsin.Beneficiary sholi 6e emitied�o enforce poymenr and pedormonco ot any indebtedness or obligations secured ��� -�;:_ _ <br /> .-- 4 `. - hereby and to exercise oll riqhn and powers under this Deed of Trust or under any other opreement execut e d in connection herew i n h or any laws P --�}t � <br /> r_- -� now or hereotfer in�withstandny sane or all of the sah indebtedness ond ob!iqations secured hereby moy now or hereofter be other- � <br /> - wise secured.whether by morfgoge.deed ot vusf.pledge,fien,assgrvnem or o�he�wise.Ne�ther�he acepfonca of this Deed of Trosf nor i�s <br /> � ,:,,a `` entorcemem whether by court action w pursuont to the power of scle ar o+her powers herein contained,shail prejudice or in any monner oHttt �.. _ <br /> - - Beneficiary i riqht m reoifze upon or enforce enY mher security now u hereofter heid by Benefidary,it beinp aqreed tlat Beneficiory shuli be ; � <br /> � �� eniitled 7o entorce�his Deed ot Tmft and o�r ofhe�security now or hereoffer he:d by Beneficrory m such order ond monner ax it moy in Bs ab- ! <br /> � - - solu�e daaetim defermine.No remedT herein conferred upan cr resened to Benefiriary is imended fo be e:dusrve of ony o�her remedy herein . <br /> - or by low prorided or perm.itfed.but each shc71 be cu�ulotive o:d sho!I be��add"nio�to erery other remedy qiren hereuMer o�now or hereafter <br /> -- exis�inp ot low or in epuitr or by s�atu�e. Erery power or remedr prmided hereunde��his Deed of Tmsf io 0eneficiary or to which n moy be . <br /> � � - othereise enfiJed,may be exer6sed,concurrennr or f�dependemly.!mm tme fo fime and os oNen os may 6e deemed e�edienr Benefidory - <br /> . � . . md it moy qxsue inconsatont remedies.Noiheng here:+sholl be consuced as�rohibiting Beneficiory iwm seekinp a deficrency j�dqTent ayainsf <br /> the Trusta fo the e:teni such oction is permi��ed by I�x. <br /> � �� 10. Trond�r ot Properry:A*sumpfion. 1f all or onr pon of the properfy or cny�merest ihereEn rs sold.vons�erred or conveyed by Trustor <br /> - - - wifhout Be+efiriory's Drior wdaten cor.sent,aaclud�nq fol the creofion of o Gen or enc�mbrence subord�nare to this Deed of Trust,(61 the creo� <br /> - fion of a purchase money securiry in!erest fo:househcld aDO=�onces.(cl a*m�si¢r by derise.descenf or by oDeror.on ot low upon the demh of o <br /> � joint fenent or (d) �he prent of any 1¢ose6oid inte:est of fhree yeors or less �ot on oDt�o��o D��hose. BMeficiory moy. o� <br /> - "' - Benehciory"s opnon.Cetlore oi�ine sums securee uy+��s veed oi i rmi io oe�mmed�oveir„vt v�N�rirrvG�e.N.scse:::L�.:a:;,.`.:=a�.:E;: <br /> ot default.Beneficiory shall Mre•o:reE s�ch opf�on to occelero:e�!.p��or fo fhe sa:e,iro+s�er or conveTaMe.Benefic�cry and the Oerson�o <br />- �- rrhom 1M propeny fs to be so�d or tronsferred reoch ogreement in wri�ing tlq�fhe credit of such person is sotisfccfory to Benefidary ond tipt <br /> `- the�n!erest payab�e on fhe sums secured by th�s Deed of Trusf sholl be or such rote as Beneficiory shafl requesr. <br /> i . <br /> '. . <br /> ..- .. . <br /> ; -....-' <br /> . _•i <br />_.t <br />