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4�cc'S�j.-`.�.- q' ^ � c9'��s+�Rf . •a t� - :7 I :` t �� '.i=. ` _— — <br /> .� . � _���i��l <br /> J srlc _ _ ....�=�—+...�.a T•- <br /> � T E 1 - � .�) _ <br /> `�,s:.,.� - - . r . . �g� ��,��i f%' - <br /> - . : � . r <br /> - :�9� ,tlk�NM4N�0�f1AMiRtixiixltd�� Upondeicy,Npyirostarirttl»pajmientdfapprlortqaierahr+ej/!mtald�omm��prF ` _ <br /> -�=-- tMNo»;O�i'aryrdtwveip,m�tk411onsoi��tMSlonsthp�'eci;atMpoym�ntots�nyottrilndeDtednpssi�turedhx4bpotlnJMyKfac`Anti �. <br /> ��� of4�yofHawmenoMiq►v�eemanqherW;iEei;Bane4cimymay�eoAt�?ntseaJredAerebyirrined'qtotyQu3Di�poyoaoa�idiMtcrtl�- . <br /> �.ru,_� shC:I tMreypon petcmo due a�7 poyaEla WtlhaiR presMtment,dt proHSt a notice of miy k�nd:lhNkoftar,B�jiefidpry ripy'041jrst.lo . —._ <br /> Trqstn6ati��MO�elorotipnofd��WNmidd�mondtWwle,ttwinttwilMr�thoporre�otloleo iMProptrfyan0if6srxflcioryd�k}i}�ie_ . <br /> �'�':`.R':'� propxty Is to M�old B�hni{Eeposif wtth Trustae tNS Oead of hust�tM Nute cr notas ond any mM�dowmeatslv�3pkL�qexpt�"M�f : " <br /> tuuedhar�Dtr,ond tACO dellva ro Trvit�e a mNten notice o}.detGuM a�d eleerion to cwse the%operty to 6e coW,wM TrvsfPO,�fyrn,�tind' <br /> �� pre�aroot4N,vi�tialnthatamreyvlredDy(asvrNkAt1�16eduryf�YCdlarecadDyTrustea. � - '� <br /> - - - (o)ANcrtMbpseo(wchtimao�may6erequkedbyfpwtolb�0»retudationofY,otleaofDatoult,mOtkiksofDatauttandt�cl'.saot �_ -- <br />_=�=T��.� SaMhovNpbxnpivano�requlred6ybw.Trostoe.wBMuldomandanirusta.dallwllrMProperlylnonorrnoi�pawtsandlnsdcAader.• <br /> � '" o�trustamoydetem�4wantMdateandot�hetMeadplaedeslgnatedlnmldNOtkeotSale,mpublkmx+lonrofhehi➢M#6!dder,tMpiii• — <br /> � : �� chas�prics pcyoElo in wsh In Ioxful money oHAe UnfiM States ar tM fm�A of�penon conductGg tM mIe moy,taany cduse Abashe � -- <br /> 4„y`r^L. deem�e�edient,po�fpaie the wlo iran tMe to time wNl Ir dwll 6e wmple!ed ond,N evary cuch wse,notfee of postpanemem�ho11 b r,lven <br /> f""'�` 6y pu611e deelaro�lon thereof 6y such per�on ar fM time aM Dhce last oppointk}a the wle,D��Wed,if the ial�b postponM tq longathan <br />_ ==:_',..�=::. <br /> one(11 doy 6eyoM tAe day desl�noted In the dorice oi Sote,notice thereof�holl ba piven In the wme mamer m the oripfml Notko of Sola. — <br /> ,-, i �`? Vustee sho�l execure ad deJver to fhe purdwser tt�Daed conveyfnp the Proper�y w wld,bur witlaut any convena�t a wmranry,ex�ess,or <br />- , ':v;"'s:".v,;: ImpOed.iha rectPois in tha OerA o}any moBer+or toct�slall be tonclutive proof o}the tMhfulness thereof.My perton,indudfng withou� � <br /> "';:-�'=';:• Ilmirotlonflustea,maypachoseatMe�ole. --- <br /> :::a:`y+;,^..:, @)•Yfien TrvstOO telb pursuani to the power�herein,Trvstee cMll c,�ly the praeeds of�he sole to payment ot the cuts and expons�s ot --. <br />- �`-�y��-•Y exerdsinp the power of wle ond of ihe wla,IncNding,wffhour ItmBat:on,the poyment of TNStee9 Poei tneurad,wAich TmsteeY kes�Aoll not <br />'�-:�",:�'�;t'"s�: in fhe ap�eyata oxceed�he followinp amwms hosed upon�he amamt sewred hereby and remalniny ucpaid�S percamum on the 6alance <br /> � '}-' rhereobandthentoth�tfems�ettorthtns�bparapraph(dhereoflntheordenhe�einsmted. `-` ----�- <br />}�{,..��,_:;.: (c)Afrer pnyfnp the Nems specHied In subparagroph @),if the mle b 6y Tnrs�ae,a the poper wurr und offier costs of faeclosure and wta _ �- � <br />�;t�.;;�W::�., if fha sale is D�+�nt fo�udkfol faeclosure,the p�aeads of mle shall be applled in the order stared 6ebw to fha poyment of. <br /> yu cY _ _ <br /> iI} �:<-L:S�i �'`-, _- <br />--�;�_�;�;;;�;''y'y" p) Costo}orryevidenteoNltlepra�TedinconnecflonwtthsuchsaleandofanyrereiwereQUtredtobepaid� ---�,,—. <br />;,•,t."�,�tt.r` l21 AttomeYSioes� c°`=-�-".-- <br /> °� ' `: (9) Nlmmfthensecuredhereby� "�"� <br /> , <br /> i::; <br /> 1 , , -' <br /> (4) lvnfa trost deeds,matqaye�,oroPoer IienMlders,and `'�`'�.-°�� <br /> , -`-i�, (S) Tharemainder,Hony,fothepermnwperwnslepollyentifledtherero. K+�Qr- <br /> �x -: :- ''..-- <br />' `�''=:;?'f��� (d) If the Beneficiory of 7his Deed of hust is a bonk as deNned by NeMasko law,ony statement contufned in oir/ofher sectlon of 1Nf deed i;j-�,�`�'-. <br /> �- -.�- .� ' nOtw�fisiondiny.iha 6CidIlEf6�y Sihvi nor o;sr,tira m rsca�v cr r�.a��.u:�im r„���,t Ba�tG�,i.,i ioµy M y�Nl VI��\OIIfQjSMI VI�VYb �. <br /> s + " ment,power of u�tomey fo tonfns jadqment,power of attmwy to a�pear for a bovower in a�udickl praeeding aapreement to poy fhe aosti -"` '- <br /> J�}f ''f of eol:enion of the attome s tas,unless such acis of collection vrould not o�herwise be ohibited b He6rasko law.Prodded,howaver,that �'' ` <br /> � t,...,...,t: Y � D� Y �.i�;.�'�.,.�ic=.- <br />����.;;I'�r`.:•r, this sectton does not opply to the Truste�foe reterred to in poropmph 6(b).Prorided further,fhot this perugraph slall nor cpply to fhis Deed of ��r�;i7:.:;r.: <br /> ' -'f ?-��_ Trost,if the Beeeliciory is not o bonk. �� 1t 'i yy;- <br />_!:-:�•.!�,.�:,-:�: IR. Adfltbmll�evdrylnstrvm�nit.Trus�or,atitsexpense,willexecureoMdelivertotheBeneficiory,promptfyupondemond.suehteavri- `=�.�(•.�•�--- <br /> ;�.:�:'s.'..�,�,�. <br />-• � � ti-,y,^. ty instrument�os may he roquired by Beneticiory,in fam o:d sobttonce mtistatory fo Beneficiory,corerinp any of tha Prapert�convared by ��1,:���%:?;�';'},: <br /> t:��i:..-i: .. . . ?,_'c',:. , <br /> -;�;,�,_.,,z;�- tNs Deed of Trost,whkh tecu.iry inst�uments sholl be additionol securiry for inrstw's foithtul performence of a:l ot the terms,corenanls ond ;t:.°�;��:;��,�,r._ <br /> f e� '.,:'��x.•- <br /> �''�' :•������ ' conditioro of ihb Deed of Trust,the pranissory notes secured hereby,and any other secu�ity inttrumemt exauted in connecrbn vri�h this fran• ;;., j�,. <br /> ,._.ryn'_..P _u.';y,,:.._. <br />�' satbn.Suchinsfrummtsshall6erecordedafiledotTrusror'sezpense. ,;;�;T.� �c� -;= <br /> 1 : 13. Appolntm�M of kante Trusf�e. Baneficiary mo7• from tim� to time, by o wriRen InitNmenr ezecured and acknowledgM by _, 4�»cr ��_ <br /> ?4 -- ',� Beneficio mailed to Tmsta oM recaded in�he cwn a coumies fn whieh�Iw Vr rt n laoted and b otherwiu com � wi�h ihe ovi - � ,_:, <br /> x.-��,- �Y, h We Y� Y PN��N 7� : ... _ <br /> �'^ sions of the a rzoble bws of the Stoto of Ne6roska,substifute a successor or wccessas ro the Trvstee named heein a a�i hereundx. �}"�'�`�'�;.` <br /> GV� M ;�'..,�.:-' r- <br /> ���: 1l. Intp�etlont.Beneticiary,or its ageNS.reprasematires or rrorkmen,mo authaited to enrer at ony reasorcble tima upon or in oiry port , 2 '` � <br /> '' '' �,�_�� of tM Properry tor the purpose of insD���M�he some and ta the W�POSe of pertwminy ony of the ats it is a;�MOi=ed to pertorm uMa the ;���,,:;'._�,��=.�p:-: <br /> _.�-,-:--, terms of the Deed of Tmst. -- r � -+-� <br /> 15. 0 tlon ta Pore�lote.Upon the aarrmca o!an detou:r hereunder, Beneficior slall Iwve tho o t�on to taalose this Deed of Trvst in 7��"�" `-- <br /> "�' P Y Y V � r .e <br /> i ' the monner provided by low for the foredoswe of morfqopes on reol pmperty. . , <br /> „��� 16. Pore6aarenu! Benafitla Not a Walrer.A toreheoronce 6 8enef¢iar m exercisin an ri ht a remed hereunder,or otherwise <br />_ '-_-`�:-_-. '1 �► �Y 1 Y� 9 Y 9 Y :;•�:sq:thu:":. <br /> offpded by applimble bw,slall rot be o wairer of or prxluEe the exercise of any such riyht or remedy.likewise.the waiver by Beneficicry of :`.-<`-�i:•_v-=�'- <br /> , ` �.:_ .,..,�...:at . <br /> _ ony defoult of Tmstor under this Oeed of Trust sholl not be deemed fo be a woirer of ony other or zimilnr detcults subsequeMly atorring. :':-W, - <br /> 17. Trvslor No1 Releesed. &�ension of fhe fime tor poYment w modificotion or omorriio�ion of ihe sums secwed by fhis Deed of Trust <br /> � , . _ ' gronted by B¢neticiory to uny sacessor in ir.terest of Trostor shall not operafe to ony nanner,the Iiobilily of fhe originol Trusfa ond _ - <br /> Tmstor"s successor in interest.Benefidery sholl not 6e reqc�red To wm:nence�raeed:ngs such suaessw a refuse to eitead rime for -. - _ <br /> ' � � , poyment or othervrise r.wdity umortizor.on of the sums secured by th�s Oeed of Tmu by reoson of ony demc�d mode by the aipinol Tmsta ond �� - . <br /> - - � Trusror i successor in ir.!erest. ` "". - <br /> - 18. Ben�liehry'a Ferrn.Y/ehout cttec�ing fhe liobiliTy ol fhe Trusfcr or any ofier person lioble for the poynent of ony ob!igotion M1erein E . . <br />� memioned,and+r.rhoW offectinq fie lien or chorqe oi this Deed of Trust upm any Dortion oi ihe Properfy not ihen or fhereto(ore releosad as �_ , ' • <br /> _ secairy for the fuil omount o�o:l unpoid ob!igotions.Beneficfory muy.imm dme to time�rA wi�hout notice lil reieose onY penon w IicbN.GU ' � - <br /> extend fhe motwity or alrer ony of the�erms af eny such o6Spotians. G�q gre++ o�F.e:��du[�ences. 6.)r¢leoze a recon.ey.or couse�o be � ' <br /> releosed or rttonreyed o�cny time af Beneficiory"s opfions any pmcel,portion or oll o��he Prope��y.p1 fnkc or re!ecse any o�her or add�ro�ai , <br />- � securifyforo�yobligc��c+hereinmentioned.or(vilmakpcomposf�fonsoro�¢mentsw�!hdebbrsinre�a�ion�he�ero. � <br /> � - 19. fvtun Adronct�.Upon reqoest of Trosfor, Trus�ee o�Tmsree"s opKOn.prfo:to�econve7o�ce of the Property m irus�nr.moY moke . <br /> - ' -- - (N�re adronrei:o Tres:or. Su[h tuture adrentei,vmh interesf tF.ereCa. sMll be sttu�ed br fhis Tms� Deed whm evideMed by promissory <br /> - '_,. __. r _ .-;.:�ss:��i:':;:.saiCrs.:2sa.e.a.:a�.:a:e� ___..:�''"`"""':__'._��.."' '_ :": ' " _' ' . <br /> ° . . 9 1�Nv�. n �v�. .n. aaa. u Y••uqr' w�anaa..r...vw.`y S ..sw <br /> � ronced to pro�ect�he sxurify,ecceed on ag5rega�e pdnnpol umouni ol ST . • <br />. • 40. Rewnr�YOnee E�irvifa.Upon wrinen requeu of Benei¢iory s�onng�ho�all sums sxured hereCy hove been poid.cod upan zurrender <br /> _ - oi ihis Deed of Trust o�d the No�e to Trus�ee for concello:�on ond re�enfioa cnd upon po�^.+er.r by tmsfx ot Trvstee i iees. Tms�a sholl <br /> - � recanrey to Trus�ar.or the persrn or perzons leyolly emifled fhe:eto,wBhoW wcrromy,on�ponfon of ihe Rope�ry�hen he�d hereunder_The <br />_ -. . .- recBols�n such r¢conre7aMe of o�ry moners or focts shcil be candusire proof of fhe trmhfulness ihereol.The gmmn in ocr reconreyonce moy <br /> .' - ba described as"the penon or persons legally er.titled there�o'". <br /> ei': •.i <br /> ,i;t' <br /> rJi�•.•-:.: - <br /> ; C <br /> . .. <br /> , <br /> ."._J ..4 � _ _ _ . .__ _ <br />