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. w-s s.::: a -i�:; rr /;;,« �i � �> <br /> � 3�_ Z .- {� . _ —"_ <br /> * { <br /> � ` : 3 T � <br /> t _ ���Si��a�.._ • > _ <br /> 1 c �.y�.rq� t . . - � . _ . - .- . :. . � -. -.. <br /> _ • � � OitO 091R�if1 ��° �0�'l�.� ° : -- -.- <br /> THiB TflU81 DEEO,mYOO t1� Z� Oay 0� flflj' 10_�in tv�1�'v�g�ovas ?::- � _ -- <br /> -.--,,,,_;-v aDDa ear <br />-_�•�P-_-?� vmosem8mnpedEreseb 6�0 W Louiea Orand Ieiand NB 60801 _ <br /> _ -'�� p�e:a�"lruitol�;endlt�pMIMiIl4wrasemal��edOrSSabP.O.BOZABf,WOOOANer,NObrmta888�3,p�eraln'Trustce;'ub"8enofict�iy'). <br /> '�``,;.'.='r� FOR VAlUA0l1 CONSIDERATION,Intludl�tM IM�DtWn�s�InQmtltl�d henin and tM tmst hanin a�atb,lis�rx�lyf of wnk�b Alr�by _ <br /> ,_ ,� �,: akr,owleEpM Trutta Inevotc6ry�rent�,vanittr�,wmoY�,on0 atsfpnf fo Trustt�.IH iRUST. Vflill DOYIEk 01 SALl,fa Iha 6eMflf ab T=_-_--_- <br />�":",-`� ' �KUrfri of Nn�flakry,wWx md suCNet totMtumf ab coMBianf of thif Mh of Trust,tl�rw1 propenY MKri6N af fotbw�� <br /> -�+:::�i_�. �-- --- <br /> s °�' Yhe Weeterly Yourtyyfour (44) feet of Lot Yive (S), in elock 1t+o (2), in Hiabe'a '-'�-� = " <br /> -^� r'� Addition to ehe City of 6rand Ielend� Hall County, Nabraeke <br />_>>��'•:';:". ;`� °__-_-_ -- <br /> �;ia:�^;::' _ ""_ <br /> '-`" _' _- <br /> �'.T�' �•i 4 —cv. <br /> 1 ' � �1� � . <br /> 'hli/:5 -I'5�.•.-.�—�_� <br /> rl � � <br /> ..; �1�� t9 � . - . <br /> J �.�Y._ �'_� �� �... <br />� u5t -T' ia' MS'�L`�.:- <br /> - ';. r.,7...._. �r;:9�.r.�- '—_ <br /> : •is,f.- <br /> `_f�':�-�. n C,i'r"s -. <br /> - - ^qj>R;; '�.dt�.?_ _. <br />_ '.�iro:_.. � :�+_.- <br /> _ '::�t. °ft,N•_- <br /> � ��:, ,�� __..__. <br /> � I` �.�;�J ' ; �a�r_-. _. <br /> � �. .i;:. �->t;.�., <br /> .n'':Y_:m �t' s.-:. <br /> '' _��: _i ' f� s — <br />-€: ' �it_,=ac: ii- <br /> :.,. � .,':'�'; :ca.�e:,,_ �j.:-w. <br /> „� •aF <br /> s / -.-: {��l + x n _ <br /> , iJ_ `�M1'k 1(1 �f .�. <br /> " iOGEfHER WI7N,all rents,profits.royalties,income and oiher benefits derired from the reol properly;oll leases or sobleuses corering�he jp� �t - <br /> -.-.:> reol property or any portion thereof,now or hereatix sxisring or entered into,ond oii right,fitle cM inte�esT of Tnntor thereunder, all in• ���` _ ��� _- <br /> teres�s,ee�u�n m othi�doims.'will+n:ex anS m ny�ii�.:ni�T.-d;70:e0:F:.:::T3�h�GL•fiH QCQi�•^tn+h��°e�;+�n�.ey-nll�esementc -- � _�-- <br /> riphfs•of•rroy, fenemenis, hereditOmmts ond app�rtenar.ces thereof o�d therBfO:oll oil pd pos riphrs and profits,water rigAfs and woter :f;: »�T`c�n _- -_ <br /> sfak;oll right,tifle a�d interast of ormed a hereotter acquired,in and to any land lyirp within the ripht•of-xroy of ony street o� `7i c'�___ <br /> � `�� hiphwoy�oininp tM real property,ony and all bvildinps, fi:tures,improrements,and opp�rtenances now or hereotter erected thereon or ��t� f t� "-- <br /> _.;�J;;. -�:i�_;},...t j.�. <br /> belonginp thereto,(herein rekrred to as°ImproremenY:or"Improvementi'I;and ony and oll awards mado ta tha tokiny hy eminem domain .;{i:�:�,-,.;i.>F-•':� <br /> � , :� <br /> � ?S:. w 6y any Oraeedinp or Wrclase in lieu fhereof,of rhe whole a ony pon of fh�reol proporty. i, 7� p - -;_ <br /> - S--„,: NI of the forepoir.p estota,properry ord interest haeby conreyed to Trustee herein collecfirely referred to os the"Properry". ` �' ���-�:`- <br /> TNIS DEED OF iRUfi SHAllSKUR& �� }1 ' <br /> (a)The�ayment ot,indeb�adness av�idenFed b�7ros�!or i non8f eve7�S�herewith in the principal swn of ���,7!r .z _�:! _- <br /> orty-eix [ oueam m�e un red en no __Oollon (S ' ' ) l �� <br /> x -, <br /> � Topether with intErest ot the m�e or rotes provided therein,(Mrein,fogeiher wifh ony and o4 renewols.modifiwTions.and extensions thareof. ��J�� �$ `- <br /> -- --•';�' referred to os rhe"NOte")6oth prircipnl and intxest on tha Note 6eing poyobte in acwrdonce with the terms set tath rherein,rehrence ro !� � , .y_".,;.--. <br /> ``�� which is hereby mode.tha finol me t of i I a:id not saoner poid and if m.enewals,modifiwtions a eatensions ma mode ��� r'y '- <br /> . dua ond poyoble on '��y �0,�� ----' -� � �.. <br /> ��:�� i a�.- li -js. -:: <br /> ". (b)The pertormonce of eoch agreement and corenant of Trostor herein contained;and - , <br /> . - (U The poyment of ony sum or sums of money xith fnterest�hereon which moy be hereafler poid or adronced under fhe ferms ot this Deed of � j � _-= <br /> c- . Trust. ' `� .s.� � <br /> '� (d)The payment of ony fu�ure odvonces newsury fo D�otect fhe security w onY fWure adronce mode of the oD���o(the porfes;ond ���', [ -- � <br /> . .� �;�`;.:-5::.;,>`-.:"r' <br /> - (e)The pertormonc�of on o01ipation of any o�her person rwmed in this Trust Deed fo a heneficiory. :;�����r�.- <br /> t, - - TO PROTER TNE SECURIN OF THIS DEED OF TRUST.TRUSTOR HERFOr COVENANTS AND AGAEES AS FOLlOWS: ��� • < � <br /> � 1.Poyment of Pdndpal and Intere�t.Trustw sholl om tl Y . ��" �'- <br /> - � D� D Y WY�^due the principol of and interest on the iMebtedness evidenced b the �_- � .. <br /> - � Note,oM oil other chorges onJ fe�s as prorided in fhe Note,and fhe prmdpol of ond inrerat on ony Furure Admnces secured by this Oeed of f . . <br /> Trust. . <br /> 2.Wonanty of Thl�.Trusfa is lowfully se�:ed and possessed of yood ond�:Wefeos:ble ti�le oM esiaie to fhe Property hereby conreyed aM i <br /> hos the right fo qmnt and conrey ihe PmDerfy;�he Property rs free und clecr of oll Gens and encumhonces except liens now of rttwd;and , <br /> Trustor will worrant ond defend fhe tit:e to the PropenT ogo�ns�all c:o�ms and demonds. <br /> 3.Meinfenance and Complionee aRh lows.Trusfor sholl keep�he Propeny in good conAifion ond repair ond shall not cemmir woste or permit <br /> impcirmenf or de�edomtion of the Property ond slall comply edh fhe ponrior.s oi or.y leose d fE�s Deed of Trust is o�o IeasehoW.No imorore� - <br /> meni now or hereafter erecfed upon ihe Propeny shall be a'�ered. removed o�demolished wi��nuf�Ae Orior wriven conse��of BmefiNary- <br /> Trvsto�s1a:i comply wifho!��om.o�C�r.onres.reqa�a���d��mns oad resf�rttionseftecfim�ihe PropehY a^d^m�ommi�,w�}er. <br /> or permit ony ac�fo 6e dor.¢in or upon the Properry in rio:o�:on of onr low.orEinonce.�egulm:on. torenont,condition o�res��¢tion_Truz�a <br /> � sho11 complete or res�ore D�amP�ly ond in qood rrorkmoNike mcnner any impro.emenr on the Propeny d.:sh moy be doMOged or des�rored ond <br /> , poy,when due.oll do�ms for Itbor pertormed ond mo�erio:s fomished�heretare cnd for cny c:�era��ons�hereof. <br /> � A. In�uranco.Trus�or,ot ns ea0ense,wdl moimcin with icsurors apDroved by Ben¢t¢iory,ir.suronce wi�h respect fo the laprovemenfs cM <br /> . ._" "'__"' '_'"`'�."""" "_-".�..�..o� r...�...:.... ........a.. ....n..�A.....J��wl Mmrda rnwru7 h.afnMnrA oxiwMoA <br /> � persono�p�epv�r.amn��rv���ry���e...ry�..�..1rv�......»..r._....y.._._.�..__"_.__'"_'"�-..."______ _"' ' '_" _ _ "' . . . <br /> � corerage on omoum equa�+o a�leos�one hundred Dercenr ef the full reD�a�emenr value tF.ereo(ond ir.surence eq:�nsf iucn <br /> o�her hotards ard in such omoums as is cusromai'ry wrric-0 by ormers ond operoTO�s of simoler popen�es or as Beneficiory�wY�eq;;:re fo:�+s <br /> prottttion.iros�u wi:l comply wiih such o�her reQUirements as 8eneficiury mey froin fime�o fiTe requa�for the protection by fr.soreKe of ihe <br /> inhretts of fhe respective pe.Kies.AII insuronce po:rties�ned Durs•.iaet fo this Deed of Tmsf sMll rome Trusmr and Beneficary es m- <br /> -' sureds,os their respecfire in:erests nay eDF���a�d Drovide ttwt there stwll be no canceilo5on or modifiwr.on withour�w Iess fhe+15 dars <br /> . prior wriflen notificotion to 8enefiriory.In ihe even�any pof:cy hereunder is r.ot renewed on w befare 15 doys prior to as e:Dfrman do�e_ <br /> . . BerqF:ciory moy praure such insuronce in occadance wi�h the prorisionz oi poroqrooh 7 hereof.Trus�or sholl delirer fo Beneficiary�he ongmol <br /> ' policies of insuronce aM rene�vals thereof cr memo co0�es of s�ch policies ond renermis fhereof.Foilure to fumESh such msuronce by tresror.or <br /> - - " renewals os rupared her¢undx shnll,at fhe oD'�on of Beneficiory.constitu�e a de!au:t. <br /> ,, i <br />