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�A �`� _� 1 y3� �{ .y�✓ .-�. _ _ _ _( `[R{.i _ <br /> t��,��' j - _•�,�4 yn.� ._�.]-'iE �-.. — . t — t ii ,�. - .. <br /> .., r.. .. . _ <br /> i� } .... -'i`- ' ' � - 'uuai <br /> - � ) .yl: . . .r.�L. " . .._ '.�� M� { � <br /> ���y� � � . <br /> . (""i_'� ' - _ ! � . <br /> == � � 9�- �10��.� , J . : � .�� _ <br /> -- condemnetlonoro�hcrreMn�otmypaztoltlieProprny.wforcon�eYenaeinlicuotconCarwadar,ere�ercbyssstgned�ild � - <br /> — -- ehallbapxidwLendCr. � - <br /> fn Ne event of a tme► teNng of the property,the.prooeeds Mell be�pplied ro�ie ecm�secutW EY�le 3oq;tlry . <br /> �-- �-Y Insmiment whcther or nat then due,wlt�eny oxcaad pnid ro 9orrowec Tn Poe evrnt of a"panlel�aklnp ot Ne�peny in <br />� which tM"felr marku value of Ua Property lmmediately 6efore the teking In equel to or�a ter�han tho qmounto.thb ebm� <br /> W��•ff� eecured by�fa 3ccudiy tn�wmer.t Immcdiarely beforo�ho�aking,a�!es�Borrower ead LenCU othenvise egroe n wt(t4fg. <br />_— the nume eaured by thie Secu�4y inspument�hali be rcdu�ad by tho anount of Ihq proceed�nu1Hp11W�by the folloµ�ng <br /> hacdon: (e)tha toW emount ottM10 sum�seccrcA-Immedtately 6oPdia tta taking,div(ded by @)�he fatr mazket value of thb �' <br /> .. .._.__-� Property immedierely betorc tfic aking. My balana chall 6o patd to Bortower. In�he evcnt ot a pardal teking of the _ - - <br /> __ Property In which the tair msdcu value of the Properry Immedlately ixPoro the teking le!ew thm the emou�t of t(:o 6uma <br /> ;�i=r:;;�.'"� secured lmmediatdy Ixforc the uking,unlesa Bortower aM Lender ahenvlse agree In writlng or unlesa.eppltceLle Igw <br /> .f,� :+�� o�he�wiu providea,the proceedsche116e applfed ro the�uma cecurcd by�his 8aurtry Irawment whether or no[�he eum�em - <br /> .-K�� s� �hendua <br />.� -t'_ � It the Property Is ebandontd 6y Bortower,or if.eRer nodce by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor afkte to make _.____ __ . <br /> '- _.,�„-„A'i., en awerd or rcttle a da(m for dar.:egea,Bortower faib w respond ro Lender wlthln 30 dryi afler�ha date�he notice ta gtven, __ __ <br /> �-_ -;-�: Lender 6 authoriud to collect+nd eppty�he proeeed�,et 3u option,either to rce[oretion or npilr of the Property ot to t!w - <br /> , ,r �,_; iums secured by thia Secudry Imuument,whe�her or nouhen due. <br /> �.,,j.�!.,..�._;:� UNes�Lender and Borto�rer o[helwica egrca in wrldag,nny epp1leeHon of p:ocads to pdnclpal shell not oxtend or <br /> _ --- t:"T"^ postpone the due de�e of�Ae mon�hly paymenta rcferted ro in puagrephs 1 end 2 or chenge the amount of mch paymemx <br />--�`-`-`�-'+x;:%���' 11. IIorro�ver Not R¢leaudi Forbeerance By Lender Not a Walver. Batemton af ihe [Ime tor paymrnt or <br /> Y�''=";��`="?=���7 modlHcetion of emoMzeiioa of�he surtu sceurcd by thif 3ecu�ity Instrument granted by Lender ro any wcceuor in interett <br /> i�r`;�';,:-�y_•=_ of Bortower shell not opere[e ro wleau�Ae Ifability of�he afginal Horrower or Bortowerb�uocesso�s In inlerest.Lendtt <br /> 4 1 ` -�•- ifia:l not berequlred w commence proaedings egeinst any wccessor in intercst or rcNse ro atend �ima for payment oc <br /> t, ,,,,,:s v:�:= ofiernfae modtfy emorNzeaon of ihe sumi secured by�hb Savriry Instn:ment 6y rcazon of eny demand made by the odgind = `--�-- <br />=�»�:�-�^`r,;?Ll'- Hortower or Bortowerk cuccesson(n In:ercat. Any for6eatanx by I.ender in exercising eny dght or rcmedy thell not bs a °--- <br /> �` '`�F'r�,� waiveroforprcciude�heexerciuofenydghtorremedy. <br /> -..��K.'�-� 1]. Suceesson end Aeslgm Round;Jotnt end Severai Llebility;Ca-signero. 7Le covenanu end egrcer�rn�e ot�his �_,�•-'-� <br />��s�'`:".+<<,.?��jy�� 3audty Insnument ahdl bind end beneflt�he succesmn end essign+of Lender end Bortower,mbject�o the p:ovislom of � <br /> - -.;:*,•-.% paragraph 17. BortowerL covemnts and agreemmts shall be joint and sevenl. Rny Bortoxsr who co-:igns this Secmfty � �-� <br />-;v';;���:•-{;�:'r Inrtmmrnt W t d«�not execute�he Note: (a)is co•signing tM1u Security Instrumen[only to mortgage,grmt end convey that ��;c=��_ <br /> < ° *j i Borto�verk inreiest in�he Proper.y under O:c terms of�his Security Inswment; (b)ia not person�lly obllgatW to pay�he sums `.- -, <br />� k�Jk'(�±= szcurcA by�his Securiry I:iswmmt;and(c)agreea thet Lender and nny other Borrower may ega ro extend,modify,forbear --_- <br />_y_A,?;�;.;•t//� or meke any accommoda�iona with rcga:d m the �crms of�his Security Insnument or tha Nate wt�hout [hat Dorrowerl �e � �- <br /> }n ,.�i-,.-,y_ consem. F':� -- <br /> i � _ 13. Loan Chargee. If the loan ucurod by �his Security Insuument is subject ro a law which sets nulmum loan �S <br /> — — ch9�¢e!,gnd lho��aw j�finqpv int�rprr�M m�hwt IhP in4m�.+.�!n�he�INn rhanra rnlLr�ed ar m he cnllec[ed In conntC[Io0 _ .. <br /> � whh Ihe loan extted the permi:�W limiu.then: (a)any such loan charge shell 6e rcAUCed by Ihe emount necevary ro rcdua ��a <br /> , �r ,. ;'_; Ihe charge ro[he permined limir,nnd(b)eny sums already rn:kcrcd from Borrower wh!ch exaeded pertnitted limiu will be `L �,. � <br /> �-_�:fj:�>;yi��;; rePondedeoBortowec Lendermeychoaulomeke�hisrcfundbyreducing[heprincipalowedunder�heNoceorbymakinga '?`-_.�_.___� <br /> �� � .'i,-.� dircc�payment to Bortowee I(�rcfund reduces principal,the rcduction will M trcated as n panial prepayment withoue eny <br /> ,qi:- -. -! prcpxymentehargeundenheNom. :r �-�.. <br /> �';:_ 14. Nattcee. Any noticc�o Bortoner pmyided tor in�his Sccurity Inswment shali be giren by delivering (t or by ;s�r � .. <br /> - � ' meiling it by first class nail unla+applicable Inw reyuircs uu of anothermethad.The no:ice ah�ll be direc�ed wthe Propeny .� -, <br />- `..;,5�-_!;:`. Addrcss or my aher addrcss Uartower designa�es by notice�o Lender. Any mtice ro Lender shall be siven by flist cl�s �- f,.,,,,,;- <br /> :i_�; meil lo Lenderk nddress stmed Mmin or any o�her nddazc Lender dcsigm�es by notim ro 6ormwer. Any no�itt provided for .�.� h f ,,�- <br /> � ` ' in Ihia Security Instrument xhdl Irc decmed eo hnve 6een given to Rmrower or Lender when given ¢s pmvided in [hia ,, }_ � <br /> 'i5r':.�y;,;'';,". pafagrapM1. ::.4..�;:':�- <br /> ':;?,��_;;�•�,`;z: IS. Governing Le�r; Senrnbllity. This Secu�ty In,vumcnt shall be govemeJ by &deml law and �he law of�he `-�=:y'>=°�--- <br /> ' � ;r•.' , jurisdiction in which�he Propeny i.Ioca�M. In iM1e evene tha any pmvision or clause o(�hi.Security Inswmem or the No�e '�° � � ; •. <br /> '�'�' ronllicts wi�h npplicable law,such conflict xhall r.nt af(ect oiMr pmvi.innz uf�hi<Secumy 1 ns�mment or the Nae which can r i 4 �� �:.- <br />�5.����'� � '-�-'��: 6e rven e(fect wi�hout�he co�9ictin mvisiun. Tii�his e:d �he mvf.inm of ihis Securit Insln:ment und IAe I<o1e nrc �'`�'� �'= -� <br />=!.__ .E^.`:_-,,��-- B FP P Y r�.'-�:�.:::S:�se: <br /> n - - �: dttlared ro 6c ttvcrnblc. _ <br /> ' ���;�� 16. Borrower's Copy. Bam�ver cha!1 he given une confomicd cupy of�he Nuee a�d of�hic Securi�y Ins�mment. �?r� , -- <br /> - 17. 7Yensfer of�he Propertv or e 6eneIIciul Inlerest in Iiorrosrer. If all or any pan of�M1e Propeny oraay intercst in � �� - <br /> , ' `- : <br /> it is sold ur�nuu(ertcd(ar if a Mncficial ir.�crn� in Barn�xxr i+ suld ur�rar.+(emd and Bortoxer is not n r.aluml person) � � o- -�y�'. <br />�;'.i;;=.;,�% withoui Ler.der's prior wriCCn axucr6 Lcnder may.a�i�.aptinn. rcyuim immadia�c paymcnt m f�ll uf all su�securcd bY -:i;';":, .- <br /> - ' this Securiry Instmmenl. Howarr.�hi.uption�ha:l nm Ik ecerci.ed hy Lender if exerci+e is pruhibi[ed by fedenl la�v ac o( �- <br /> e 41 - theda�eo(�AisSecuritylmwmem. , n s <br /> + .� -__; ` I(Lender ezercius Ihi.opiinn. Lendv.ha!1�:ire Ilnrn�urr nuuat nf acnlen�inn. Ti�r na:im.hail provide a period o( � - <br /> tc -� �- ' nn�letc thaa 30 dayx(mm Ihe dmc thc nmire i.dr�ivercJ or miled uchia.chirh 13amrecr ma.�py all>um.xxvreJ by lhis .��"••" <br /> �,;-._ , Securiiy Insuumer.�. I(6urtoxrr faih to pay�he+c .um.pnnr �o�4e c�pin�inn nf�h6 �nud. Lender may�inroke any <br /> � . -- remcdfcapemiillcdbylhi�Sceurilrinammcnn�ilhn::llcnhernaliecnrdemanJonBammcr. '_ <br /> .. 18. Borrow�er s RIRht to Hein+tete. If 13��rro�.cr n�nc �rnain aondainn.. liortm�er.hall harc Ihe nghl lo L•�re °� <br /> .. enfnrccmcm u(�hi.ti�cuntr Inammrm di.ron:inn.d a::m� �imc pnnr�n�hc radirr.d: �a� 5 Jac.Inr.urh ntl�cr�ri�d ati :�:;'�. <br />-,., S�nF1.F.m�1�-klnnie\Irt,Frrddk\lurl\IFORVI�]TBINF�T 990 �ryirl.qnp.�r�� -. <br /> .. . . ' t�� ... . . . <br /> �`� . <br /> t' - ' <br /> C,, . <br /> - � <br /> :i- . <br /> � �..f _____ ___________ _� <br />