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3.4.xb� - -.�. S- ��'-.r ---- =-"-� l - : : rt i z�k - -._ .. .--- <br /> .-_ <br /> ,. .: <br /> 19a , . .,, ».�� ..n. . __ :' — <br /> � �r'F � _._—_ <br /> s _ . . . " _ • � _ <br /> 7ri _ .. - .. — <br /> _ . : . .' � 93• �04�1,'� ' �_ <br /> �, . , , ` -_ <br /> • appllceDte!aw mey�pectfy tar RlnsWtemenp Oefon ealo o(U:e Propeny puieueni[o�.�y pp4ior ot aaio c6riaLi�irt 151r :. <br /> , �ry Inswmenr,or(b)entry o!e Judstnent cn[orcing�hfs 8ocurtry tnswment, 'iToso eoAd{qone aro tha�IIc�tower (e) ' — <br /> paya Lendu atl wfm which O�eA wou17 bo duo undu thla Seeutlty Inswmcp4 eed Ihe Nate a�If no eeccteredon had <br /> occurted;@)cuiesa�Ydefeuhofanyo�hermvenanboregrcemenu;(o)pey�al�oxpenseaincurtedfnenforcingfh(sBxu�ipy <br />---�` � tnswment,includfng,but not Ifmlted to,rcesonable a�tomoya'kea;and(�tekes s�ch et:on m 4enrtu may rcatona6ly. <br /> ry�'=�; rcqolre to esaure iha�qrolke otclile Saudry tnatn:me�t,I.ender9 dghte In�".e Propeny and Bonmrcrb obUgadon io�pay 1hC <br /> —• sum� saured by ehis 3ecuiry In:hument thnU wodnuo �mcha�ged. Upon rcinstetement by Bortcwer,��hle gecudty <br /> �� faswment end tM obitgaHoo+aecumA hercly shatl rcMain futiy e(fective ro Itno eaoeicradon hed ocG�rted. However,thl� - <br /> �: �ight_totcinswweSaUnocapplYfn.tdccaceofaeceluadonundaDuagroDhll. - -_--. .- <br />'�"'--`°°'-�� ,.�Sa(e'oFN6tej CAengb�f Loan Bervtar. 71ro Now or n partlel In[erese U�he Nota(rosc�her widi We bewriry __ — ___ <br /> �r..g,�, �s`� ent)M�y Dd io.dafi6 or aro Umu wtthout dor notice�o Boaower. A se.e may reaul�In a ctwige In the enHty - . <br />�;._�� I no{M1FY11�Y�t0AtYYl�41�rNTlwt wllecu momlily paymena d�e uader O�e Note ar.d ihif Securiry Inatn:men� 7heia elsa <br />=-�- I fiS'o'4'tiidEd'tT�ng S(ilie Loan 3ervittr unrcteteA ro e�ele ot the Note. !f Uxro d a change of the l.oea Seniccr. <br />-����•�`�;; ' Borto�vu wlit be Iven xzfnen nodca of�ha chan e In necordana wtth grep h l4 ebove end oppIicabte Inw. 7La notiqe - <br /> _:r�`�,�M1;� I will atete ihe neme end ad�w of the new Loan Suvlcer and the eddresa to�ivhich paymenp�Rould be made. Tha notice wiil �__ . _ <br /> = alw conuin eny oUiu fntomution requked by appllcabie Iaw. _ . . . <br />"'=-�>'�:>`s_' ' 30. Razardoue SubsGnces. Horto�ver edail noc ca�se or pwmfe the presena,uie,dispoael,ctomge,or releaso of any <br />�:_'-='':t�':.� Hazardoas Substences on or N�he Property. Boaower shall not do,nor ellow enyone else to do,enythir.g df'cetlng Ne <br />-'-1r3'��:�.-�.: pfpp�rty that Ie in dolatton of eny Anvlronmentel Law. 7La preced(ng pvo�entencw�hall aot e ply to�he presenw.use.or <br /> =��.�,,:;.,,c : <br /> _ tt!j �:arege on cha Propeny of mwtl quantitlee otHezerdou+Substenaa that are generoliy rccogr.i ro bo eppropdem�o nortnel _ <br /> ''-�`-{;�'":; � raidenOd usea and ro ofthe Property. <br /> 2[,:.��.v:._:., <br />;ti;;,_{;,�.S, Bortower shall pmmptiy give Lender written naice of eny InveaNge�ion,c1aM,demand,lawautt or other eaion by eny ___ <br />__;,.,,_»�f,�� ; govemmemnl or reguletory�gency or pNvne patty involving the Property md any Hezardoua Substence or Env(ronmcntal ___ <br /> , F - Lew of which IIortower Au actual Imowlcdge. If Bortower leams. or ie notifled by my govemmentel or rogulatory .�- ._--.. <br /> y,',6 'i7--x' emhodry.�hac eny removal or ot6er rtmediadon of any Hezardous Subseence af&cHng the Propeny b neassery,Hortower ��,�, <br /> .;==3„�-?:e � ahall promptly teke ell necessuy remedfal ecuone In exordence wi�h Environmentel Law. � -- <br /> � " '�r'`i As used in thl�parasiaph 20,'Hazerdou+Subsuntts"em thase subs�encea deRned e��oxte or hezerdous eubstanccs by - <br /> 5_ , ,' ' <br /> , ,; � Environnmtal Law md the tollowing subswnces: gasoline.kerosene,o�hu flemmable or toxic pevolwm produq�.toaic �>- <br /> ,.,;;,F��-!a. pes[ictdes and herbicides, vole�ile mlvenu.maredela wmaining ss6estos or fornialdehyde,end redloaetive motede:�. As i��' _. <br /> �-:'T;•`=-%'t uud in ihi� ara h 20."Enrironmentel Law"meam federal lawi and lawi of tlx Jurisdic�ion wherc the Pmpeny la loeeted �s-.a7"�-�-� <br /> �'"�;�;�:':; �hat rclate�o heel8 h,sakry orcnvironmentel protettion. �f��--� <br /> f;•:'.r <br /> ?.,.�.-. f+�;" RON-[JPIffORM COVFNAN7'S. Bortower er.d Lender Ponher end agee es followr. �ri�*.�p� <br /> -.,, i�,;:,.:: _ <br /> • , ;.�: 21. Acceleretton; RemMira. I.ender shell give wtice to 6orroner prior to ecttieratlon foliowing Oorrover'e �?'�:";>" <br /> '�'��'�-`-`5•�• breech of eny covenaat or�greement in ihta Secudty Instrument(but not prlor to acceleratlon ur.der peregraph t7 ^'-s_-.— <br />;��"�-'�-� unleas e Itcable la�r rovidee othera4sel. The notice ehall s ecl (a)Ihe defeutp(b)the flctlon utrsd to cure the �81i�`�-- <br /> t�.::�'::+>;:`:- VP P P �y- rc9 r:.�- -� <br />,�___-_;._2. deteutp(c)e date,rtot les�than 30 dey�hom the date tF.e nolice la gfrm to Borro�ver,by nhich the deteuit must�e �,�;;;_ .. <br /> -° curetl;srtd(d;the!(_Re�'i'�n rnrc thc oeiaalf an or bcfore thc dntc spcaified in tue nuliie iiiu�Rsul�Ii airai:rai�ar.ot - _ --- <br /> +r r r `( the eum�cecured by Ihis&curlty Instrument and sele of Ihe Property. The noNce shall Nrlher Inform Oorrower ot u.t� _ - <br /> - the right to retn:tate atter ecceleretlon and the rlght to bring e court aclion to essert Ihe non-existence ot a defeuit or � � - _= <br /> S' any other detense ot Borrover to e�celention and aela R�he default L+not cured on or before the date speclfled in ;�� �y�p�- <br /> , �.�,:;,� the notice.Lender at Iia option mey require immediate peyment fn full ofall aumesecurcd by tAis Securtty Instrument �,: ; *.�w.,.-- <br /> � - ;i. Mthout Nrther danand and mey Invoke thg po�rer of sele end eny other renedfa permftted by appticable lav. "-`,�,�-o��t;_ <br /> u -- : Lender shell be emitled lo mllecl all expenses incurred In pursuing Ihe remedies provided In ihia paregmph 21, �+'i r . <br /> tntludin but not Ilmftetl ro,reasonable ettorne s feea and rnste of titleevidence. r - r�� �'� <br /> '.r•_ . :., -i 8• Y � �,� �-y.�`.�_=W;_. <br /> i �• If(he power of sele Is Invoked,7}ustee shell remrd a notice of de(ault fn eech wunty fn which eny part of the - . � _ <br /> .+'ri: Property is laceted nnd shall mnil rnpie+of such noqce in t6e menner prescrl6ed by epplicable lew to Borro�ver end to '�� � �'-"s,-- <br /> 3 i .. .:r the olher pensons pracrl6ed by npplicable In�v. ARer the tlme requlrcd by epplicab;e Imv.7}usta ahell glve pubUc .}.t��}_, � � i._:_ <br /> 1 � _ ;'-_` mtice of sele ta Ihe perxom and In the manner pracribed by epplicable law. 1Yustee.�rlthout demand on Borrower, ,_ �j� t,;s-._ <br /> _ .._��,,.:_ shall sell lhe Property at pu6lic autlian m the hfghent bidder et the Iime xnd place and under the terms dalgnafed In ,i;, er _.�y� -�-�- <br /> - the notice ot aele In one or more pnrcels ond In any order 7}u+tee determinex. 7Yustee may patipone sale of all or any >�Y` ,t.t -"- - <br /> r.. parcel ot lhe Property br public annuunttment et Ihe tlme nnd plece of eny prerfously schMuled sele. Lender or fts ��_;,.. .�f�f-+.'��?_,_ <br /> t_:: Cesignee may purchaze the Pmperlv at nny xnle. 4��; -d � � _. _ <br /> Upon receipt of pnymenl of Ihe prim hid,7}uxlee shxll delh�er lo the purcheser TTustee's dced com•eying tht �,� .� <br /> " Praperty. The recf�als In�he 7Yus�ee's deed slioll be prfmn fecfe eNdence nf the truth ot Ihe ststemenU made Ihereln. 11 ._,t iF�}� -- - <br /> - 7}usteeshnli npply�Ae praeeds af ihe+ale In�he Pol:msin�urder. (a)to oil cacts ond apensn of exercising the power .-,;., i;�_as?.�;,,,�___.. <br /> �.t- d�`i__ _�. <br /> I p.J <br /> - :r,l"'r . �.,.^.�_,:7.t - <br /> - 6}•`�; ' ' ^iw)'` _' _ <br /> i-' � <br /> , f�r. <br /> -• �:::n__• .i:. : <br /> - - . - ". ,�t_` . <br /> �_ _ ._ '�,ri - . <br />." Furml0lX 9\0 .p...<.qi.pie..� f1 � � . - _ <br /> 1' ' _• .. <br />- ' . <br /> _ � <br /> � . <br /> . . ___ �_ � <br />