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t _ ':5 _. ._ . . _ _ . . _ r� . .s"- s,t - <br /> ai �� - - - --- <br /> } rr.;t.' _. ' . - - . - . - " . . '' - . <br /> . . , : . ,. . � - . - :_ ... <br /> _.__ �. -. . _. . , - .., <br /> r n /�g.Q/� <br /> —�.. .. _ - �1�� _�0'lS1J�7 -. -.:' .. .�a[r_. _. . . <br /> ---, " r ydriod��at T.endsr�e.quirea. 7Le L^.sumnoo ea�riet provlding iholnaaraqee�hail be+chosen by BotrGtvu du6lCCt tal.etidetY <br /> ,-�_- opproval which�hatl hot 6o unneasonabty withheld. ttBortoNee talla ro malnteln eovenge dacd6eA o6ove�l,ende?Ms�y;dt - <br /> -_- Lcnderbopdon,obtaidcovua�otoprocsaLendertidg6ta1�4�eProp�rtylnaxoMansawi�hppia§�i ph7. " <br /> --- + All Insuranco policiu and mnawels ehe116o e wblo 10 Lcndcr er.d sdal(Inchdq e stenderd rhongage'Nauso, I,enEer ' <br /> �hallhave[hbilghtroho�dfiepollclwandrenewal�LenQerreqefna.Bortowerfiallp'rompUyglvewLendCrelltocetpts : � <br /> _-__= ot paid promlum�and rcnowal notica. Jn tha event ot lav,Botrower shali gtve prompt notiee w tha Insurance eurfer enA <br /> _ .. �,..; <br /> Ler.da�. I.endumaymakeproofoflwaifnotmedepromptlyby Horrower. ' � <br /> .a,-� Unlese Lendet md Bo�rower ahenri:e ngrce In rrdttng.Wumnce proceeds eholl be epplied ta ttstomt[on or npair ot ' �- <br /> --= iho Property dams$�he rcaiontion or r G ecoaonilcally teaa�ble and I.ender6 security ts nM�assened. If iho • � ` <br /> raweedon or repatr b not economically feaal�or Lendub security would be leasened,the Insutaice proceeW che11 De <br /> _'�=:_<_��� epplled ro the aums by thle 3ecu�ity Inspument,whGhu or na Nen due,wlth eny exau pald to Bortowet. U <br /> --- -_-_ 8ortowtt abandona the Ropeny,or dae not enswu wiiAtn 30 deya a nalce from I.ender ehu�he Nsumnca cazrler h�u <br />__:_+.�_cs,u. otfered to settle n ciNm,tlen Leadu may collect�fie Insurence proceeda. Lenda mny use tha proceed�to rcpalt ot rcsWte _ _ <br /> _='`:�'�� �he Pnpeny o:to pay eum��ecured by thj�Secudry Instrument,whether or not then due.'fie 30-0ay pedod witl begin whea ._ . .. . _ _ .. <br /> —., _-;,__�� �he crotia lt givw. <br />=-=,r�,z_ - Unlw Lendn end IIortower otherwiu agiee L�writing.eny eppflcedon of pmcad�to principil nM1all not extend or - - <br /> ge <br /> -.7(#.,, postpone the due dete of tAe monihly paymente ro[erted ro In paregrephs 1 end 2 or charge the emoum ot�he pa menta. II <br />--�=?`%':=S' under pawgreph 21 tha Propeny i�ecquircd by l.endu.Bortowu6�igLt to any ir.sure�w poltcles a�d p�raultlng <br />-_'•�:�??��::;` F•om darnege ro the Propeny pdor to the ecqulaition�hall pass ro I.ender to fie extmt of tha sume saured 6y thfe Secudty — <br />-"�";.5]�.;='"�i�� Instrument immediately p�ior[o the ecquiattion. _. <br /> ""'-�-'�`�'�`= 6. Occupancy, Praervation, Meintenence wd ProteMion of the Propertg� Borrower'� I.oan Applitadon{ <br /> `� +s�"r'� - Leaseho!da Bortower ehall accupy,atablWh,end use the Property es Bortowerl pdncipal rcsidence within eixty dnyi after <br /> +' '� ,`-."i,;; the executlm of thia 3ecudry Inawment end ehell condnue ro occupy tMe Prope�ty av Hortowet§prinelpnl rcs(dence fo�et _ _____,_..__. <br /> {" � -v�a- least one year aRer �e dete of occupancy, unlw I.ender othuwise egmes in wAting, whieh conunt ehai] not be _ <br /> ...-r.�;_:,",�;,t unreesonebly witMeld,or unle�extenuadng circurmtencee eacist which ere hayond Aortower4 controi. Aortowtt shtU not <br /> _�.,�ti, destroy,demege or Impair�he�he Pmpeny to deteAorete,or wmnit waste on the Property. Botrower shell �___� <br /> _i, j,Yy_ be in defaul[if eny forfNwrc ec0on or proceeding,whether civil or eflminel,ie 6egun Na[in Lender1 good faith Judgmen[ -- � <br /> 1 u���� rould resu.t(n forfei�urc of the Propeny or otherwise muedeily Impair�he Iien creeied by thi� 3ecudry Inswment or � <br /> �ft�F �;�-,s.. Lender6 security intecut. Borro�ver may curc such a default end rcW�ate,a+provided in paregeph 19,by eeusing the ecdon _ __. <br /> >rc-5;�•:f!s•;� or pioceeding[o be diam(ssed wiih a ruting Ihe�,in LenderY good fdth detem�ineeion,prccludea fodeln:x of�he Hortower6 ___ <br /> .._.•:t�:49%:"N� —"_— <br />�._.,V�,_,�,,_.�:�`� interea[ in�he Propeny or o�her ma�edel impaim�ent of the Iien created by this Secudty Inatrumen[or Lendenc�ecudty �-•—_ <br /> 2> i:; - . imercst. Bom�wer shell also 6e (n defaui[ if Bortower, dudng che loan epplfu�ton proce�s, geve me:edelly Llae or ��o=-- <br /> � � inaccurete InformaHoa or tta�emems to Lender(or feiled to provide Lender wi�h nny matedd i�fortnetton)in conneuion wlth <br /> ,�a�«�-,:?':-��:� — <br /> ..p.�_ti.�7��,.r:� .q �he loan evidenced by ihe Note, ir.cluding, bct not limi:ed to, reptesenta0ons canceming BorrowerY occupancy of tLe — <br /> � t�>y�z�; Propeny as a principal'esidenee. If�hia Sauriry Inattument ia on a leauhold,Bortower shell comply with all the provisloro —�. <br /> � __ <br /> ..�f.�.6....A.0....una �6.I..e.MLI anA�Fo fan�aln.h.11.v.r m..o.nnl.0 I.iuln.w.r�. — --. <br /> �. �— <br /> C.. C.^Sx. �f�U(IC�f��••'�••••�•.� t..:.__ '_ ' " _'__'_'_"'"_�`_"'""_"'"'"p__"'_�__"__"_.� __ _.__... <br /> S>-:h'-`'�C� tothemergerinwriting. �a .- <br /> ' ( 7. Proteetion of Lender'� Rlghts in the Property. If Bortower feils �o per[o�m the coven�nu end e menta �-�'^= - <br /> ,`r.,�-'.k! mmeined in �his Security/nstmment, or thefe is n legel p:oceeding �het may signlfiamly affect Lender6 ri te in the � �� <br /> - ';:;::.�-`i�� Property(such as e procuding in banlwptry.pmba�e,for condemnafion or fodeimrc or w enfora law�or rcgule�ions),�hen -i`,���;� <br /> "''r'�<<;c=r-+:`. Lender ma do and a for whatevcr ia neceue ro ro�at the vafue of the Pro and LenCerg ri ta in the Pra rt . i:%,'�?$�`w;; <br /> �v r�.� -._ Y P_Y 7 P P�nY Sh Pe Y ,. <br /> r - - Lenderh aaions may mclude paying a�y sums securcd by x lien which hes priority over�his Security Imwmrnt,appeering ; -- <br /> -• >1;,��;t%� in coun,paying rcawneble mwmeys'kes and mtering on the Propeny ro meke rcpairs.Al�hough Lender may take�c�fon � ����,�:�: <br /> .t ., cnder�hi3�wagmph 7.Lender das not have to do so. . � �� <br /> `y -. : Any amoants disbursed by Lender under thia pamgraph 7 shafl Ixcome edditional debt of Bormwer secured by thls f� > - , _ <br /> +5 '� Sccurity Inswment. Unleu Rorrower xnd Lender agree to o�hene�ms of paymen[,�hesc emounu ahell bear imereat from the 't� a� <br /> �� �`-�� date of disburscmmt at�he No�e ro�e end shxll bc payable.with interest,upon no�ice from Ler.der to Bortower rcquuHn ' " ��-. <br /> - iN -r TS� payment 8 S', 1�..e�.:: <br /> .', 8. Morlgege[nsurance. If Lender required mottgyge insurnnce ns a condi�ion of making�he loan aecurcA by thia '� ' � - <br /> -- :�,? Security Insuument, Dorto�ver shull pey�he premiuns required�o mainmin the mongage insurence in etfat. 1L for any '�,,� +��5 <br /> _ t U�: rcason, ihe mongage insumnce coverege required by Lender lepzes or ceaus ro be in effea. Borrower shell pry the ' f .�ir,�=,;-- <br /> k� <br /> `�`' prcmiums rcGuired to obmin coverage substaniielly eqnivaleN !o Ihe mortgage inwranm previous:y in effect. et a cosl •`;1_;':?t�,,,�''�'r'-. <br /> �^� �i�:•�• subs�aa�ielly cyuivnlent to the cost�o Bortower of the mortgage insurance prcviously in effect.from m a:tema�e mongage � S 5,x=:.:::-�- <br /> insumr npproved by Lender. If subsmntielly eyuivalem mongage iacurance coverage is no�availe6le,Bortower ahall pay[o tt a� �Ki�_ -. <br /> r -- �,' Lender each month a sum tyuul to one-iwd([h of the ycurly mortgage i�curance prcmiunt being paid by Bovower when[he i a .r�:�-i <br />.r_A_t�,;,-,,.�'`�,_. irtsumnce cm•e�age lapud or teaud m be in etfecL Lender will accep�,ux and rc�ain�hex paymen[s asa loss reserve in lieu i�'-y-7 `•':f'i[-�°� <br /> ;��r;: !, of mortgage incumnce. Lazs reserve paymems may no longer be rcyuircd.a�iF.e aption of Lender, if mongage insmance , i�-+.r_ .!;%"'-' <br /> mvctagc(in Ihc amoun[and for�hc period�hat Lender myuircsl providcd by an iRwrcr approved by Lender again becomes '' '- <br /> µ available and i.abtained.6ortower shall pay�he pmmiams rcyuircd m main:ain mongage msumr.ce m eRec�,or to provide a ' �n�_F _- <br /> .�-r �- la�s merve,umil�he myuimmenl(nr martgage inwnnce ends in acmrJance�cilh any ��:i::en:�grcement between Bormwer <br /> `.` ;.!'" ` and Lcndcrorapplicable lax�. <br /> � 9. InspKllan. LenJer nr ia agem m:n�make rca.nnahle emnn upnn:md m.pection�n(�he Roperty. Ler.der.hxll - <br /> - girc Dortnwcr nnlicc a��!:c�i:nc nf or priano an iro�x<�ian,�ra f(ymg m.�,nnaMr aau.c(or�hr in.pcc�iun. - . <br /> . � 10. Condemnatlan. The pnxecJ•nf:�m a��ard nr claim fnr Jamaga..Jima or connection wi�h any ' !,��i.'.':-S . <br /> . .-. S�aFlrF�md�-FannieVee.RNdieft�cfUF11R111S5TRl\1FST--I�d�rr.�C...enam. 9r9p �p�er+.�np,q�u . - <br />. - - rnn w�+wuvn eamt iv ■ -' - . <br /> � ie�+w�an �wmvoam c eu auta-�:n <br /> . _ . r- _ <br /> ., _�. <br /> .., ....��. .' � . _' _ . _" _ '_"'_ " "_ _" _ _ <br /> . - - wr.�-.—..._-...'--,'..--. -. . - . ...._ - ---• --""`.-- - . - - <br /> �:•>. �.: � - . <br /> y:i <br /> -�: �' " <br /> a1 .r <br /> a �- <br /> x. , . <br /> ,� „T� ��. ,_ . . . _ . _ - _. . . . _ _ . . .. _ . . . . . .]. •. � . <br /> � 1 ) <br /> .A�.::-'_ �_.1'-� - <br />