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Tr a } ..�� - _ � ° 'Y`'' v_�Y'":` )al .. _. <br /> � ��� ._ _.� — — <br /> r i _ . ' ? " f �t � . <br /> U . . - , - . . �° <br /> _ . g3. �.�0���9 - � ,,, , <br /> .-1_- <br /> � T0087ti6R tYpYi Nt Na lmProvtmeq�now or duentla emfed oq t�if prupe{i7rr'en8 al[cassmeritkop p�untrtanCes, �- t= <br /> ,� ond flxNres now or herexfter a put o!the prope�ty.-All ieptaamen�s'end nddltiona�hall dso 6e covcrcd 6y tifts 8e�utlty ; __—_ <br /> Insaumen�. AllotfieforcgoingUrofertedtolnthl�8eadryTnsqUmentafthe"P�optny." . . ' <br />--- _— BUAAOMSR OOVHNANT9�hat Horrowu te IawNAy sotsed ot�he et�ate heceby conveyrd end daa Ua[Ight to g�§nE : . -..�,;; <br /> -- and convay the Prppcny end that No Proputyle unencumbered,eaapt!or encitmbmn�as ot rxoM. BoRmwu wertante and'_ <br /> �`i� wlll detend generaUy�e tttPo to U�e Propecty aga!nat ail cldma�nd denand�.�ubjea to my u.uh,nbtancea of ruootd: ' <br /> 7Ht9 BECUATfY INSTRtTNtBhT comb(nea unifom� covenmb for neUonel use end non•mftomi Mvenenu �vllh <br /> <�- ;�! limiced verlatlon�by Ju[isdiction to constfNta a unifolm«auiry inawmen[covedng reil propeny. . .. _--`-.. <br /> _�� UNIFOAMCOVHNAKC9. Bortovrcrandl.enducorenantand�greee�foilowe: � - � — - <br /> ---.,�;;y,r� 1. Peyment of Principal and Intereat�Prepeyment epd Lnte C�arges. Borrower�dall promptlypay whea due iho <br />'-_ s:?;�,. pdncipa1 of end Interut on�he deb[evldenad by�h¢Note nad any prepayment end late cM1erga due under tlw Note. <br />__�_5-, .:. A NYmd�forlgxea snd Insurence. Sub,kc[to appIicabte law or to a wrtaen waiver by Leader,Bomower sh�li pay lo <br /> '.' F <br /> �- ���C':r. I.ender on Uie day monthly paym.enu arc duo under�he Koro,unNl the Note la paid in tull,e num('[i�nd��(or.(e)yeatly <br />"��"`��--��'" tauea nnd aasessmema whlch may ettan pdorltp over�Nt Security Im�nuneat an a Ifen on the Property;(b)ypo leasehold <br /> ___-`:7�°': paymenq or ground rcnl� on the PropCrty. If any: (c)Yearly hazaM or propeny imurence prcmluma• (�yyeerlY tlood - <br /> ° -:-�;;: insurena pnmiuma.lf any; (a)Yeady mortgege insurenee p:emiuma. It s�y: and (0 any wma payable by Bortower to <br />� ''���==�t%.:- Lender,L�aeeoMarxe wi�h ehe�rovisiau of puegaph 8,in Ileu of thepayment of mortgege Insurenca prcmlume. '[hese <br /> `;>�=;��•'''� ttem�ere celled'Bscmw Items. Lender mey,et eny time,mllat er.d hold ILnda in an emount not to exceed Ne meximum <br /> �--:��-�•?'��� amowt e Iender for e tWerelty rcleted nortg�ge loan may rcquirc for Hofrowerl ettrow eccount under the federel Ral <br /> -_..-_.•t?.:-:�- <br /> _-,��,�_,•.•� Estete Sutlement Pracedurea Ac[of 1974 as emrndW Gom�imo ro[ime.12 U.S.C.6 2601 er req.("RH9PA',cNess eno[her <br />- - _'�;'=� law�hat applia ro the FLnds aete a Icaser amoua�. If so.Le�der may,at eny Cme,wllea and hold Punda in en emoun[not ro <br /> �;,;�ti�;,�r;, exceed �he Ieaser emoune I.ender may eatimate the anount of Wnda due on �he bula of wrter.[ dete end rcasonable <br /> �� f i-�' ea�imaua of apendi[ura of fu[urc Pscmw Itema or oiherwiso ia accordence with eppticable law. ` "� "'°---- <br /> � ��,,?,:; The Punds�hall be held in an instltutlon whou deposits are inaured by a fedenl agency, fnstmmemil(ty,or entity �y - <br /> � +�, _; Oncluding Lender,if Lender is sueh an InsumdoN or in eny I'ederel Home Loen Bank. Lender chell epply ihe Punds ro pay = _ <br /> �'��- ;? �he Eurow I:ema. Lender may not charge Bortower for holding uid applying�ho Wnde,annually analyang the escrow _ � <br /> � eccoun4 or vedf in the Escrow Itema, unlas I.ender a Boirower interest on the Punda and e licable law rtn:u ��"� - <br />•,i?:;i,;'F•�:r Y 8 P Ys PP Pe -_�.. - <br /> :._;�};.y�,:,: Lender�o make wch e cherge. Howerer,I.ender mey requ!re Bortower ro pay a onaime charge for en Independer.[real p�. .__*-`;�•• <br /> : -ti;� este:e teu rcponing urvice used by Ler.da in rnnnec[ion with Nis loan,unlw eppliceble law providet othervrise. Unleas en 6 „ <br /> -�.��,��i,{;, ageemen[is m,ade or epplfcable law requtrca imecesc ro he pa!d,Lender shell not ba rwry•ired to pay Bortowu eny inrcrest or �-_�,-- - <br />,^Z;�_i�er.��;_ tamings on the Ponde. Bo�rower end Lender may ega in wd�ng,however,that intercu ehell be paid on the Wnda. Lender ==�= <br /> -,r;,:s,?g};. ahall give w Bortoxrer,wi�hout charge,an ennual eccountiag ot the Punds,�howing cadi[e end deblu to�he ILnde end ihe �":'=— . <br /> , � -���. puryose for wAich eech debit to�he fLnd�was mada The FLnda erc pledged es additianal xcudty for ell mms amrcd by [-- =-._ <br /> {'y� �his Scecrity Insttument -,sx,"° <br /> If the Por.ds he:tl by Lender exceed We amounta permitted ro be held by app:ica6le Iew. Lender siull aaount ro Lf'�t- --�- -- <br /> f� ��.�� uouuntl iv!if¢�wCiii{"mi�.i m a�wuiai��i ndi�irc fiybi(cliiv'flib Of np(r�lidble law. If the:ur,ounc o:i.ii.flt(i.'�S rA�u� =--:"S.yq. .- . . <br /> s.�. :" Lender et any time is no[au(ficient ro pay Ihe Pscrow Item�when d�e.Lender may ao notify Bortowtt in vMting,end,in '?.__= <br />_i`:-=s;"�:ii ''`��;'-�.s-.: <br /> _".S_.r cuch cau Bortower shall pay ro Lender�he amaun[neassery to make up the deficiency. Bo'rower ahill make up the ��„ ,,,��.. <br />:i..':,:l,�__,�::`; deficiency in no morc�hen twelve monthly payments,et Lenderh sote discrctian. ,, ^.•:i{Q.'3'�k <br /> Upon payment in full of nll:ur..s sewmd by�hs Security Instmment,Lender shall pro:nptly rePond�0 6o�rower any -}�y%'"�!��� <br /> .'.�_,''�'�- Punds held by Lender. If,ender p��agreph 21,Lender shall acquiro ar sell�he Propeny.Lender,prior to�he acquisitlon or '+{��' uYt„a,�; <br />'t`v.-.;"`� .'_ sele of the Pmpeny,shall epply any R:r.ds held�by Lender et the time of acquisition or sele as a cmAit agilnst Ihe suma ""'���;�si'.°���- <br /> ' -.t �=. securcA by�hi�Security Inswment. � S�+ .. '���•:� <br /> � t t -' 3. Applicatlon of Peymenla. Unlexs applicablc la�v provida o�hewia0.all paymema receivW by Lender under _ -� + .�`��`� <br /> �-u� paregrephs I and 2 shdl 6c epplied:first,to any prcpryment charges due under the Nar,second,to emounu payable under t� yyi r �,y_=, <br /> - ara M1 2;�hird,ro imemst due:founh,�o nnci al due:and Iaz[,ro an le�e char es due under the fiote. �-�+;:�._,,. <br /> .-'r:._ P 8�P P� P Y B �Y:,��; <br /> ��'%5C�'"= - 4. Cher er, Lfens. Bortower sha:i a all �axes,uussmen�s, char es, fines nnd im si�ions xnr.butn6le ro �he ��''-f�: '' `F: a._. <br /> ' . B PY 8 Po �:'i,��<��....... <br /> � �n--� Propeny which may anuin priori�y over�his Sca:rity Insuumem,nnd leasehold paymenu or gmund renu,if my. Bortower ?„ ,' ti- "' <br /> z - ahell a these obti a�ians in�he manner roviCed in am n h 2,o�if no� �d in�het manner.Dorrower shall a �hem on `+± i <br /> s PY 8 P P 8•P W PY + -_„ <br /> � � ' 1imC di:cCtly ro Ihe perso�owed paymen[. Bo`rowcr shnll pmmptly fumish lo Lender all nolitcs of amounts lo be paid undcr ts�^Y "'t� ., <br /> this paragwph. If Bonotvcr makes thcsc paymrnts direaly.Borrouer shnll pmmp�ly fcmish�o Lcnder rcttipts evidencfng ,;,F,..,,_ia�3:_'-:'.�-. <br /> �-�., the paymcnts. "i.�N � f y."'; - <br /> - __ Oovower shall pmm.ptly dixharge any lien which has priority over lhis Security Imtrumen[unless BorrowCr.(e)agrees `?-:'d��;=,;s�;';SS`:-. . <br /> :���, i�wriiing lo�he payment o(Ihe obligation securcd by�he lien in a manner acceplable to Lender,(b)conles[s in good faiih Ihe -.1�,':�� Z _ _ <br /> -� licn by,or de(ends against enforcement of�hc lien inJegal proceedings whicn in the Lender�s opinion operem�o prevent Ihe r'`> `, `� <br /> �::� cnforcement of�hc lien:or Ic)scwrcs from�hc holder u(ihc lien a�agrccment wtis(aaory to Ler.der subordina[ing Ihe lien �" tY�+`�'-�- <br /> t�- to this Security Inswnem. I(LenCer de�emiines iha�any pan of the Pmpeny ic sabjm w a licn whieh may anain prioriry 'S � j .i=i;�� <br />� over�his Securi�y Insuument.Lender may give 8ortower a mtice idemi(yir.g ihe lirn. Borto�ver shall sa�is(y uhe lien m�ake ttf -��" <br />� " one ar more of�he actions xt fonh above within 1 n dap of�he givmg of nouce. �`�u<� � <br /> S. Haiard or Property►nsurance. Uorto.rer shall kecp the improremeMt now exis�ing ar hereatYererec[ed on the °Y � -, <br /> � - Propeny insurc0 agai�sl loss hy fire.h:vards indnded�vi�hm Ihc Icrn�-ex�cnded corcngc"and any other han:ds,iMluding �����;-���=��°" <br /> Ooods or flooding. (or whfch Lender rcymm inwrance. llti. inwr�nce .hall hr maimained in O:e amo�nls and for the � �����-�� � <br /> 'i ', <br /> _... . � farm102B 9�90 �l�c�l^IM1N[o� - . <br /> � -� �'.•� ., - <br /> , � . . _ ... <br /> " �' .. . • _ ._ <br /> - r <br /> � 4 <br /> � '.hC�.'T'=.T..__ . _. . . . - _ . . ._ - . ' . . -' - � <br /> , ._{.��' ,� . <br /> - r:i. ' <br />. ..:��,- .- _ <br /> . ,r �. r. � • - . <br /> • 7 . . <br /> .'-. ��1_ . _. . ._. . ..... . . _ . _ . �v�� <br />