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{ .�r . . - .. - •,� � r�.Ch°'. <br /> `�`_�� . . .. 7�7�Y,.��'iV��Y-'. ' '� <br /> - perWde tM[Len4er aqulrca. 7Le�rmutenen certler provlding Q[e Nsurd.tioe�Latt tie chosen Dy_Botrowu cub1ec110 L4�1deiU ` <br /> _ ' app:oval which�heti not 6e u:¢wwnably withhetd.if Hortbwe►tdls to ma!ntalrf coveregE desCMbed ahora,L2r.du mey,e{ '} ,� <br /> i Lenderboptlon.ob�elncove etopro�ectLenduYc�dgpfitu�DlpiheLP.ato�dpqerty IneccordansatvtthparegraPb7yg e- - <br />°=�:;=�. � sheil hava ho�ght%h Id Q�a poL[ea end rcnewele. Tf Lsndu n!quliw Horrower shAll p mB�yB�V to Lende►all r�fpp . <br /> ---- of pald premluma end�onexrel aoNcea. tn tha avent of Iau.BortoWU ehd!give prompt nodce to tha Insuranc6 certler Lnd <br /> Lender. Lender may meke prootof tou If not made promptly by Ho[�owEa. � � <br />""' �`� Unlw Lender and Hortower o�M1e�wtre agee In wt:iing.inswance roceeda shall bo eppUtA ro rcstoratlon or repalr of <br /> °, the Propeny damaged,lf tAa reuoretlon or cepatr is eooaonlcelly feat4e�a�a�au���r ia�i�w. u mo <br /> �"'+�'� rcsroredon or rcpair b no[economicelly ka�ibb or I.enderY sewriry wouid be leasened,the inaurenro roceed�ndall ba - � . . <br /> -�'--- ,._.___., _ . <br /> °—''°� appUed ro th¢sumi uared by�hi�Secudry Tnswment,whethu or not then duo,ni�h eny oxcess pal to Bortower. V <br />�'�-���37 Bortower abandon+the Property,or doee not answer within 30 daya e notice from Lender the[the fnturence ewrter Aav <br /> #� ,''; oHered to�ettle a c;�tm,then l.ender u�ay colleu�he insurence proceed+. Lender may esa rhe proaede�o repair or marom <br /> tha Property or ro pay cums caurcd 6y tlds Secudry Insm�ment,whether w not thrn dua 71ie 30-0ay pulod will begin when <br /> the notice ie ven. <br />-� � •.y.- Unlw der and Bormwer othuv�tu agrce in writNg,any ap Itution of proasda[o pdnctpat chaU not extend or �--------� - <br /> uv, <br />-`---=*�.=_� postpone�he due da�e of�M monthly paymenu rcferted�o in paregrep a 1 end 2 or changa the emount of�ha pa enu. If �-. . <br />_y- -rrr:2' <br /> Y,�«,E,; under paregmph 21 Ne Property b acquired 6y Lender,Bortowu§dght to eny lnsurance poUctea end p resultlag <br /> -�:': �:,;=� from demage ro the Properry pdor ro tl:e acquinidon ahdl pas.+ta Lender ro tha extent of tha wma su:•red by tAb Saudty — <br /> • ..i_.. - <br />---- - �z� Instn:mer.timmed:atel prionotheacqu:�itioa °� <br /> r.-`:.;?.�5i? 6. OccupanegyPreservetion, Melncenence and Proted!on of rhe Propert�s Borro�ser's Loan Appllcatlon; °__ <br /> ;:.,.-.yyt Leaseholde. Borrower shell acupy,atablish.�nd usa�he Propeny es Bortower6 pdne pal residence wlthin sixry day�after _ � <br />--���-,-; �e execmton of th!�3«urfty Inawmrnt and ahall contim�¢to oaupy the Propeny ei Borrowerl pdncipai[esldexe for et <br />�-"";.:�"'%�>�: least one yenr efter the dete of aaupaney, ualeas Lender o;henvise agree� in wri�ing, wfileh consent �Aall not bo — <br /> unrcasonabty witMeld.or un:ess utem�atir.g eireumstaxea exiat xhich ere beyond Borrowerh wmrol. Borrower aheU wt -°----- <br /> �,�_.:_,.'�;�: destroy,damege or impair the Peoperty,allow�he Propetty to detttiorete,ar commft wute on�he Propeny. 6ortowtt tMll �=r'"_. <br />-i-�.;�;�-j= be in detault if any fodeimrc ac�ion or proceeding,wheUur tivil or cdminil,is 6egun that in LenderY good tei�h judgnent �-`--- <br />�=�4<`+f{,�<. could rcsult in fodeimrc of�he Propeny or o�huwise materielly impair the Ifen erca�ed by thia Savrity Ir.sirumrnt or �!�n�= <br /> .':d-:-ti: _t _ L.F.•-- <br /> ,-..;,:,��1;: LenderS ucurity ir.tercst Bortower mey curc sueh e de6ult end ttinamte,m provldW In pem�aph 18,by cauting�he ecdon <br />-'r'j�-F �n•' or proceeding ro be dismisaed with e mliag tha4 in Lenderk good feith detertn(nation,preciudes fodelnue of the Bortower§ '- -_- <br /> �•.,..:,a;.; � — <br /> -.�-� �- .�. in:ereat in the Propeny or ot�er matedal impairtnent of ihe lien ercated by �his Security Inadummt or LenderL secudty —_-_ <br /> �?`.,��,;;; intercat. Bortower shall elso be in default if Dortowar, dudnd the loan epplice�ion procesa, gave metedelty falae or =_— <br />"z:'-_;!y�i inaccurete infortna6on or atetunenu to Lender(orfailcd w provlde Lender wi�h eny mercrtal in[om�eHon)in connatlon wlth ___------ <br />=�r:,;=,.;;a �he loan evidenttd by the Note, including, bu[not Iimi�W�o, rcprcsemeqons eonceming Bortowerti oecr.Pnncy of U�e =__- <br />:�,.:,,. ,�f_:_ 1'mpeny u e principxl residence. If�his Securiry instrument la on i leauhoid.Borrowet ahall comply wi�h all the provlsfons _ ___ <br /> = .,:.�;�-,: of�he leau. If Bortoiver acquirea fee title ro the Roperty,�he Iwsehold and ihe fce riHe�hall not nerge cnlesa Lender egreea <br />- '-�s�' to�he mergcr in writing. --- <br /> - f,-; 7. Yrute.tiun of l.indera Rights tn iht Proptrty. (f G;rr��tr oi:. ;a �:;.::.:::: :::c ce.e_.'_ _::^_e •remen!e -�� -:�: <br /> ��-�*�r�-' con[eined in �his Securiry Innrumen[, or [herc is a legil proceeding Ne[mey significantly affect LenderS dg�ia in �he .�si-�r..� <br /> ;; • 5.:= <br /> �� -�-.;�� Propeny(iuch as e proceW ir.g in benkmptcy,probare,fa condemnation or fodel:ure or�o rnforce lewc or regu!a:ions),then t:4,�._:_ <br />�`-"�;b�?'��-;r Leader mny do end pay for wha[ever is necexsary�o pm�ea�he ralue of�he Propeny end Lenderb ri;hu in the Propeny. � -_ <br />��,L�'-.>��-_ Lenderl actians mey include paqing eny sums securcd by a lien ufiich has prioriry over this Security Imm:ment,appearing -:5.f'4�;- <br /> �:�4:: in murt,paying«aconahle anom.eys'fees and emering on the Pmpercy to meke rcpain.Ahhough Lender mny take action ':s:�>::.•:._-- <br /> 2�'�:�.:',% under�his paragrapA 7.Lendcr does no�have ro do m. :':`':"'�-- <br /> �'==� Any umoums disbursed by Lender under�hs paregreph 7 ahall became additiond debt of 6ortower securcd by Ihis "�-.;,-:;-`� <br /> -';1i�-�• Securiry Instrument. Unleu 6ormwer and Lender egrec to u�her tertna of paymem,ehese amouau�hall Geu intercat from Ihe '<'"�r'•r."'��-� <br /> da�e of disbursement n[the Nae re�e xnd ahall Ix payeWc, �vith inrercst,upon notice from Lender to Oortower requuting ('�?j`�?�il F' - <br /> paymrnt. :: e;,-1 <br /> B. Mortgege Insurance. If Lender rcqui:ed monange inwrence ac e condi�ion of ineking �he Iwn securcd by this - '�C�� =- <br /> Security Insttument Borrower shall pay the prcmiums rcquircd �o maintein the mortgage i�surence in effect. If, for any -�:-?-f2;r:F.�- <br /> . ''-Ft'-,! reason. �he mortgege iasumnce covemge reqvired hy Lender lapses or cexses to be in etta�. Borrower ahnll pay the ���r�;:_�';;'-- <br /> ;'-•�� prcmiunu rcyuircd ro obtnin coverage subsinntially eyuivalm[ lo the mortgnge insumnce prcviously in eHec[, et a cat[ •�•t5';r�'� <br /> �:,f; :::C�}:7;';'. . <br /> � eyuivalene�o�he mst m Bormwer of the mongage incumnce previously in etfce�.trom un elteme�e mongege r� <br /> " -� irtsurcr nppmved by Lendcr. It subs�antially cyuiralent nongage insurance mveragc is no[nvailable.Bortower shnll pry[o r'-`i.: � r� <br /> , �,'� Leader cach momh a sum cyuxl to ono-n•d(Ih o(�he yearly mortgoge inxuranee premicm being paid by Bortower when[he �z,}�'•" � <br /> ;.��� in.wunntt mvenge lapsed arceaceJ[o be in effect. Lendar will uc[ep�.uu and remm�hese payments as a loss reserve in lim %�'�;�"����� <br /> �r- u(mnrtgage inaunnce. Lms mserve paymenls nny no longcr be reyuired,ar�he op�ion of Lender, if mortgage insu�rce r ._X> "-- <br /> em•enge(m the amount anJ(or�he periud Ihae Ler.der rtyui¢s) pnvided by an inwrcr approved by Lender agein becomes >,�'1-i:,�": <br /> - , availa6le anJ is oblained.Dnrmo�er shall pay Ihe pmmiumc reyaired lo mair.�ain morcFaFe insunnce in ef@ct,or lo provide n -�--'.�?-.-=��.'�' <br /> . - Im.reunr.umil the rcyuiremem(or mnngage m.urame ends i�xcartlance wi�h any��rinen xgrcemem berneen�ortoner �°'•'"'"�`��"'- <br /> and Lcndcr or appiicablc la�v. ;<:.�„�,l.�.__.�. <br /> : • 9. laspeeflon. LenJer ar i�.agen[may makc rca�ciable cr.�ne.upun and impeainn+nf�he Prapeny. Lender shall �%'��-; <br /> girc Dmm�ocr nolicc a��hc�imc n(nr prior to an impcctim. it�m�rcaumaM1lc r.�au fnr�hc i�. cuoa. � :;'t., <br /> - 1� ' F P� -:'l'trr,•.-,.. <br /> - - IO. Cnndcmnallon. 77rc anr axard urciaim fnrdaau�gc..dirca nr aanuyucnliai.m mnnc<tin:�with an�� �"--''. ...t,- _ <br /> s��y-FnnnirVaaReddieN�rl\IP�H\11\SiNI\fE]T--Im�.mmt'm<nam. 110 ,�,.c�,..inn,Y„� � �: - <br /> � mw IL,.h.rnv o-.n,u ■ ',.-."-•-' . <br /> � tn�tSx�� ItllSLfMiCiUN6]f1.1131 . . <br /> � .,,:o-._;_.`� . <br /> :1."�. <br /> -,i�. <br /> ....-_. <br /> . .t.,., . _ _ _ - ...... .. . . _ . .- . . ..._.�- ._ . . _. __ �. . <br />