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cs � . : , '�—'�— : , <br /> { �, ; __� <br /> a/�� , <br /> �.1e`a � . . . . _ s ' � -V�� �V�17�� � � r <br /> —'7 . �'it <br /> ... _._._- -. . . . . . . ' ) {� <br /> ' TQqB7716Ia Wi79i a11�ho Icpiovemtnib noa ct hcrc�itar ereeted on.tho pioptny,anQ o1lEtser�ece�appu«tnu�.+, _ <br /> ti�d�ii�tfqca oow or h2i�efia e pae oj ihovmuerty. liii�tptavFina�ts s,S eWlttr,tta a�iilkalso 62 eri cv'n�i Ly tfiii�w u — <br /> - .' Inwument, Attot�6otor�gdi�UrekrrWtoid.(ht�8wudryGutryaxnta�tho."PropeNy." � <br /> — Ab1tRON�ES COVaNAN'C8 mai Bo;mwci Po�vilUtly sslscd ot d:e eswto AereCy convayeA and ha�f7tlgAt to gr�nt - -- <br /> — end comey th6 Prouerty end�hat 0e Property la unrnwm6ertd,oxap►tor bneunbrarae ot rccOM BOtroWet�ycrtante e�d <br /> --- ailldefendgenerettythep0e�otlxProperryegalnatoltc�aim�anddemnnd�,subJeetwenycncumbronaeofroebb. <br /> 77A3 SECIJAY!'Y IN9IRUMBK7'combinw untfoim¢ovenenta for nailorel uso and non•unitorm aveiiantb wiiit ' ` <br /> Ilmited vedeelons by Judsdldlon toconsdwm e ualform secudty instNment covering�I pmpc�y� " <br /> — UNIFORMCOVBNANfB. Oortowuer.dl.enderwvenameadegrceeefoliow+t ' <br /> - l. PaymentofPrinclpalmdloterestsPrepapmcatandLateCEargwHmmwcrehcllpromp11ypay whsrtIIus�ha = -- <br /> _ pdnclFalotandlnttresronNede6leHdenadbytheNoteuidenyprcpayr.ier.tandtatoc�ar8adu0undertAoNOta r T . <br /> � 2. Phnd�tar'l�esenAYusurencaSubJec�eoapplicablolewortoawrincnwafverDyLcnder.Bartowee�hal!pay�o <br /> �us�f Lender on the d¢y mon�hly p�ymenu qra dve under tda Note,untll tho Noto ia paid In full,a wm("PUndf")for(a)yeuty <br /> �:�;— �ue�md asaessmente wh(c6 may�irain pdodry over�hie Securiry Insvument ea a Iien on cAa Propcny�@)peaAy Iea+chuW <br /> �-.���� paymenu or ground renta on tlic Property.U eny.(c) ywly dazard or propetly Insuronco prcmlumr, (d) yearly flood <br /> -'+'T� insura�ce premiume, if eny;(¢) yeady mortgage Wurenw prcmiuma,if any:ond(�ony wme paynElo by Uormwu ro �—�—-� � <br /> �:`.f;"i-'�'' i perag+ph Ilcu ot�ho mrn[of mwtgage ImurarFO rcmWnu. 'lUtse <br />.:___��� eaardanca wi�h ihe�rovia ons of Pay P -.. . .. . . <br /> �"��.,�r hema ere ealled"Hscmw I[ems.' I.ender mry,at eny�ime,wllec[and ho�d Ivnd�In en amoum not to oxceed�ho maximum <br /> �;:st� , emount a lendu!or a federally nlated mortgega Iwn may requiro for OorrowerY cscrow aaount undcr Iha ftdcrel Real <br />:-_s�:::� Estaro SeWemen[Proceduru Ac[of 1974 w emendW from�ime co�ime,12 U.S.C.6���t r�y.("R08PA'7,unless anotAu <br />-`-���`-�j-.;, Iew the[epplia to the F4nds ce[a e Iwcr emount. If�o,I.e�Mer may,at eny tlme,collal and hold Pomd�In en emount not�o <br />,'.jr-.`_�;;� exceed �he lesser emouni. I.ender nay esiimete �he emount of Wnds due on Iho bmla ot ocrtent dela end rcasont6le <br /> � -- a�imatea of expendituru otfuture Pscrow I�ems oraherwisa ln eaordence wl:h eppIlcablo law. <br /> ' _�� 1Te Amd� shall be held in m ina�imrion whose deposiu aro lnaurcd by e tWenl egenry,In�rumen�all�y,or entlty — <br /> .,...y..�.' (including I.ender,if Lender i�auch m ins:imqon)or in any Pedenl Home Loan Benk. Lendtt thall npply�he Ibnds�a pay ` -'°"- �- <br /> c•=::i�i ehe Pscrow Ircma. Leider may mt cherge Bomower for holding and eppiying tha Wad+,eanually melyzing�ha eaaow <br /> . '4�,Hr.. <br />-:�--1r.,.-:-,;.; eaount, or verifylag �Ae Eserow Itens, unless Lender pap Borrower ir.[ercst on Ne E4nde end epplicable lew pertNu <br /> '�-,``�:::r. I.ender ta meke aach a chwga However.Lender mry requirc Bortower to pey n one•tlme chargo tor an independent real <br /> �-�:�'�;.-���� ea�n�e�ax rcporting cervia uud by Lender in eonneeuon wi�h[hia ben,wlesa eppIicable la�v provlda olAerwlse. Unleas�n <br /> -�?.�•;;-`.�,.i egrecment(�made or applipble law rcqui:e�interest ro he paid,l.ender aMll not be required ro pay Dortower any intetes[ar - - <br />;_�,;;.:.:,e4�;'. eem(nga on[he Amds. Borrower md Lender mey egrcc in writing,howe+eq�het inrerect ahail be paid on the Rmd�. Lender _--_ <br /> "--""� `- she11 gire ro Bo�wer,wi�lwut charge,em m�ual eccouming of the FLnd+,showin�crcdite end debin ro tho Mnd�and�he <br /> �s purpase tor we�ch eece de6ii co tne'runda wu maua i ne ivuus mc yiaigcJ m auui�immi accuriiy(ur dl euno�u:c.:v� . .. . . .-.._.. <br /> fT Fr� this Securiry Inawmem. <br /> - I(�he Wnda he]d by Lender exceed�he emwms pem�itted to be held by appliable law. Ler.der sha:l account ro <br /> ;_,ct�f•s�. Bortower for�he e:cess PYmda in eccordena with the requiremema of applicable lew. !f Ne emount of�he A:ndf hCld by <br /> '��-�'-'�_�- Ltndcr et eny!Ime ic m�sufficie�t�o pny�he Pscrow Item�when due.Lender maV w mtlfy BortowCr In wfitl:l¢.end.ln <br /> --4s : cuch cnse Botrawer shtll pay to Lender�he wnount nuzssery lo muke up du deficicnry. Bunower�hell make up 1he _ --- - <br /> ._;p.�., deficienry in no more�hon twelve momhly prymems,e[l.enderh sole diacretlon. ---- <br /> �,;;=a�(,;;,; Upon payment in full of all sums secu:ed by�hu Seturity Inatmmm4 Lender ahall prompqy rcPond�o Oortower t�y <br />`--"1==;•;'.s� Rmde held by Lender. If,wder p�regreph 21,Lender she:l ecquirc or aell tAe Propeny.LenCer,pdor to tha ecqclsttla�or o- __ <br /> •��i`'� iele ot che Property, aha:l apply my Wnds held by Lender a[the�ime of acquisiUoa or sele e�a crcdit agalns��he�um� ==�- <br /> - z : ucurcA by�his Security(nawmem. '7` ' <br /> +}� ' yt 3. AppllcaUon ot Aymenu. Unlm epplinble law providca o�herwisc, ell paymenu rccelved by Lender under 54 -.-; __ <br /> , . -t� paragraphs 1 end 2 ahall be applicd:firat,to�ny prcprymer.t chargu due under Uie Note; emounts payable under k } }� : <br /> - -f'-, paragfaph 2;third,w intercs[due:founh,to principal due:end lest,to eny lete chargcs due under lhe Note. -.�'E' -- <br /> ' 4. Chergea; Llens. 6orrower ahell pay ell �exes,asxssmems,cher5es, fina and Impositiom ottribu�ebte ro�he t� :` ` ���_ <br /> t T); propeny�vhich may atuin priorily over this Security Instmn:ent,and Ie�ehold paymenu or grou�renp.If eny. Bortoxxr i f�-��''�` :__ <br /> - --- shell pay rheu ob:igatior.s in�he mmncr prorided ia parngnph 2,or it not paid in�het menner,Bortower shall pry them on �n'� , :_ <br /> �j�' time dircc�ly ro�he person owed p»^nent. Borto�ver shnl l promptly fumish ro Lender all noticez of emova�s ro be paid under :- ' � �. <br /> ��`i•> Ihis paregreph. It 6orrower mnka�hese paymen�c di:ectly.Uorto�ver shall promptly fnmish ro l.ender mceipts evidencing ;.._'-{�}-�;�4;��_._ <br /> . r .. �he paymcnn. . '"s� • : `" <br /> Bortower shall promp0y disciarge any licn wF.irh has prioriry over�his Security Inawment unless 6ortower.(a)ogrces _ _--;;i Mi N-..- <br /> in wriUng m�he p�yment of�he obligmion secured by�he licn in n maaner accepuble w Ler.der.(b)cor.tesu in good faith�he _ -�^,.T <br /> -� lien by,or defends aguincl enforcemem o(�he lien inJegal pmceedings xhich in�he lsnder's opinion operate ro prcven[�:e (�-�`; , .. <br /> •��' enforcemrnt of the lien:or(c)securcs(rom�he holder of Ihc licn an agrcemen�satis(ac�ory�o Lender subordinaling�he lien ? -�': ��..��'��� <br /> , w thia Sccurity Inswment If Lcndcr dc�em�inc,�hai any pan of�hc Prupcny i+suhjcct to a licn�vhich may mtain priomy " � ' - <br /> � ��, over Ihis Security Ir.strumer.�.Lender may give Bortover a�ro�ice idemitying ihe Ifcn. 6ortower shall setisfy�he lien or I�lee -�-'�q�t" _ ��,�- <br /> r- - oneormoreoflheactionsse�fonhabovewi;hinlOCaysofC�egivingo(nolice. �f:�. • ,-. <br /> � S. Haxerd or Property Imurenca Borro�vcr shali kecp�he improvemcns non exis�ing or hercaRer erected on�he �-- }''-'�- <br />. "� Property insured against bss by �rc.ha��rds mdudcd within thc�crm"cx�enCed mvc�agc and any olher ha�ards.intluding „�r.`�;"':=:`- <br /> - �oods or ilooding.for which Lcadtt reyui:es insmance. This ir.nurontt �hall M maimained in �he amoun[s ar.d for�he - " - <br /> }�.i::.- <br /> _ ,� <br /> 5 a iorm W36 9A0 INK:••/n p�Kn "' ��" ._ '/ <br /> . - E}Y-. .."i. <br /> ��'i <br /> _ !;, .. ��.-i��•-. <br /> - -,-.._� _'_• -•- _ _ '_ . _ •' ' ' __" _ " . <br /> - - •y - .� • _' " . _ . .�—i_ . ... _ <br /> . . - ..:;'� .. ' _ . _" ' . _ . . <br /> ':.'y..-�• . _ _ _ ' " . ' • . . <br /> _ '_ "_} , ' . . . ' ' .. <br /> . 'J� _ - . _ " � _ - ' _ <br /> y _ ' . . . . . _ . <br /> '_t� _'-/. .. . <br /> .(i _,ti _ _ . . � � - ' � <br /> t CA -�,�� .� .. .. . . _. . �. � . . • ' ' . . . _ . - <br /> 1 1 • .. <br /> , <br /> r� <br /> :. . =� . . . � : �: _ . ::�-� . . :- : � �'�- - ,. �: - - <br />