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.:2'',:� � _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ -e.-C-:,.� ti r . <br /> - .i _ _ - ' - . _ ' _ -. � . <br /> - . . 93=�t4���.'� � , <br /> eondemnulon or o�her u;kUiB oteny pnnof tho Pmpeny,ottoroonveyance in 11ui 9tcortdrmn�tlon.ti�RercDy aa91gre6end <br /> ehellbepaldtoLel��• _ # <br /> Iq �he oywt of a atel�aking of We-Ptoperry,the� proceeda,s'�all be nppllid to tpe suiis.cxured by thtd=5uudry � • <br /> Initnmen� whetqer or not.�hen due,wl)h any exau peld to Qohower. In the event of e p�tiai ul�ing oi.�t�O P�Op�ty in <br /> -- wh3eh tho tair market vel4e of tha Properry immedteidy Dpforo�he taki:�g la equel(o org�xetu thM�a emount ot tM dtlm,� =� <br /> � securcd by tAk Seaflty 1nsWmFnt Lnmedletely 6efore Iho teking.unleu Hortowcr and Lender othmvlee agree in writing,-- <br />��y �he wma ceoured by thb 3ecudty Inswment iheU 6e reduad by tho emount of ihe d�muliipIteq by tlie foltowiAg <br /> fracdon: (e)the toW amwnt o!tha sume securcA lmmediate1y 6efore U:e tokiog,divi ed 6y(6)tho tdr market value of ke <br /> — Propeny Invnediate'ry 6efore t�a teking. Any bale�ce ehalt bo patd�0 8ortower. In the erent ot R pan�el tak(na bt thp-_ <br /> pmpeny in which�hc felr marku value oi tde Property Immedietely Mfom�In tnking ie Ica�than�he pmount of�fie ei�m+ . _- <br /> . � ;: securcd immedlately Ixtore Ne taking.uNw Bortowcr nnd I.ender o�he�wix egree u� wr.ting or unlesa tpplicabls la�v __. � . . <br />���:;g,; othcrnlse providee,tha proceeds shall be applied to the eume cecurcd by�his Savrlty inst[ument wLeiher or not the tuma ere _ <br /> � I thendua <br /> ' ^' It tAe Property ia ebandoned by flortower,or iL after nodce by Lender a Bortower that�he cwdemnor often ro meke <br /> s- � en awerd or settle actaim for ds�neger.Hortower feil�ro mspond to Leader wlthin 30 dayi a9tt the daro the nodce i�given. <br /> � I.e�er b euthwixed to mllcer anA anpiy tAe proceed�,ai iu op�on,ehher io raroretion or rcpatr of�he Property or ro ILe `__ _ ._ <br /> �� euma cecu:ed by tfi6 Savdry Luwmer.t,whaher ornot then d�a . <br /> 3s:;:;�.^'� Unless I.ender and Bortower othe�wiu agree in writing,eny app1lcaHon of proaeds�o prindpal shell not extend or <br />-".�^^'� ' postpone the dae deie ot�he monthly paymemn rcfemd to in paegrnphs 1 and 2 or cheage�he mountof nuch paymmta. <br /> '�'1`�:i`� 11. Bonorver Not Releasedt Id�rbeerence By I.ender Not e Watver. Bxceneion of �Ae Hme tor pa ent or <br /> - ,.- i.�'. • <br />=�•-: �;�fq� . modiflcadon of emoMvaHon ot�he suma sewred by Nie Seeuriry inawmem gan[ed by Lender to e�y sucassor n imerut <br /> _p1�T;,.;=.tig of Bortower�hell mt operato to rcleaie�e 1lebilfty of the odginal Iiolrower or BorrowerY wccwors N(mercat Lender <br />-*�-��:'-�-��? ahall na bo uired to commence prceeeding■egdnst any suxessor in inrercst or refuse to eatend Hme for payment or <br /> 'c.=:'"�'`�+' othuwlse mod�emoniza8on o[the�ums ucurcA 6y thi�Sauriry Insuumrn[by rcawn of eny demmd mede by tha od Inal <br /> h' <br /> - Bortowu or Bortower4 suttessorc in imercu. Any Porbearena by Lender in exercbing eny right or remedy shatl not a __ ___ _ <br /> x ` r, ; weiver of or preclude�he exerciu of eay righ�or remedy. E,.... <br /> t o'- � 12. Successon end Aaslgne Boundj Jolnt end 9everal UaElltty�Co•aignwe. The covenenu end ogramenu of tl�b � ��� <br /> ;+'",;,i•�f' Secudty Inswment shell bind er.d 6enefit�he succesmn and assigns of Lender end Bortowu,au6Jcct to tla prov(slons of ,;rrn�-_ <br /> n.., v �':.,. <br /> h y�t �; paregraph 17. Bortowenc�ovenanp a�agrcemenu shall bejoint and severel.Any Bortower whoco-aig�u thB Securiry -, <br /> , Insw:neat but dou not execme ihe Notr. (a)is co•signing this Securi�y Inswmen[only w mortgage,grent md wnvey thet S �_ _ <br /> r+},��-3 Bortowuk imeres[in tAe Propeny under the iertns of�his Securiiy Inswmenr, (b)ia not personilly o6liga[W ro pay tAe eums �� -, <br /> � -t ' securcd by[his Security Ins�n:menC end(c)agrces th��Lender wd nny other Bortower may oyee routenJ,modify,foibeer =--— <br /> `�-•'*'b�;�'- or make any accommoda�ions wi�h rcgard ro the �erms of�his Sewrity Inswmem or �he Note wi�hout�het Bortowerh _ -_ � <br /> r L':- wnsent. <br /> ' ��z-� 13. Loan Chtrgti. If�he loaa secu:W by �his Security Instmment is subjec�[o a lew whkh seu maxtmun loon _ <br /> ' ' '"'f: chnrges,u:d�he[lan7a finally imery rcted m that�he intemst or other laan charges collected or[o be wllected In u�nection =-_ <br /> � �;�� wi�h the loan exceed the pemiiued Iimi�a,then: (n)eny such loan chnrge aha;l 6e rediued by the ama�t ne«ssary�o rcdua _Y . <br /> -�g•�n�h•orm.inni IimB-m�d ih:��.I:.-A:.-.-�.':er!fm_n Rnm:�-R e�hicF e�4!^dGA e...ninrA Ifmiu w(II M _ . <br /> ' �-� rcfunded to Bortower. Lender may choose io meke ihis retund by reducing�e principal owW ander�he No�e or by ma�ang a F-� -., .- <br />° � � direct payment�o Bormwer. If a rcPond rcduces principaL�he reducHon will he trea�ed as a pirtial prcpnyment wl�hout any �� .;-_ � <br /> -..i �,:_•,;F:' Prcpaymmtchvgeunder�heNote. '�.�.c�� ==- . <br />,�. �.�;=:r;,,�� l4. Noticea. Any noticc�o Bortower provided for in�hi:Security I�utrumrne ahell be given by delivcring it or by ..�S�s'�,;�--- <br /> � �t,i!�,<::;� ma!lins i�by first clas mail cnless applicable law rcquires use of ano�Aer me�hod.The r.mitt sM1all be direc[ed ro the Property •x�,.���ti.- <br />_'v",;;._z:._ .. _ ... --. <br />_,...�yy,.� Addrcaa or nny other eddress 6ortower designutes by no[ice io Lender. Any notitt�a Lendcr shal6e given by first class - `-- � �*-�� <br />�:.;;4�,.I,� mail�o Lenderk address atnted hercin or eny other nddmss Lendcr designares by natice m Bortower. Any nolitt provided tor u�.�J;��ii�-. <br /> -:: ;t. :;<- in �his Saurit Insuumem shall be dccmed to lia�x 6cen iven to 6onowcr or Lender vben gi�xn m proviAed in �his '^?�==+�_ <br /> f Y 8 .�r� <br /> - - J;. paragraph. _:. <br />- � :+: %: I5. Governing I.e�w, Serereb!Iity. This Security Insuumcnt shall be govcmcd by fcdeml law xnd Ihe lew of the - F�r ... <br /> ' r{-- ; - jurisdietion in which the Pmpeny is located. In the ever.t�hut nay provision arcleuse of�his Securi�y Inslrument or the Norc t -�; � _ <br /> � ��( eonllic�a with applireble Inw,such cun(lia shnll not aRect other provixions of�hit Securiry Invrument or Ihe Noce which can _ -- : � t � ., <br /> t�' ��i'�-"- be siven efkct �vi�!rom Ihe conilicting provisinn. Tu thi.end�he provi.iom of thix Securi:y Inxt:ament end Ihe Nore erc -?`•;,y-�..;;t:i.. <br /> �i�- ;°- dalared m be sever+b:a t '.�: <br /> 16. Borrotver s Capy. Hartoo�cr shall he given une confomicJ capy oC Ihe Noic and of 15is Smrity Irtclmmene �'.�E �{ } <br /> %•ri�,�..�y,o,,: .:'. <br /> - 17. '15�ensPerof ihe Praperty or a BeneMlal Interest in Oorroo�er. I(all nr any pan nf�he Pmperty oreny imerest in L�:�, � ��._ <br /> - �� i[is wld or Iransferted(ar if a beneficial imerc+t in 6nrro�cer i..old ur tmroferted mid Bortn�veris not a natural persaN ..��-y t� <br /> ` �' - �� wilhou�Lender's pr.or wrilicn camem,LenJer muy,al ih np�inn, rcyuim immediate p�ymem in (ui!of nll sums securcd by !Y!r`; tr ., <br /> �'�` thiz Securil Instrumem. Hu�rever.�his o lion sh�dl nnt he exeni.eJ b LenJer if exefci+e is rnhibikd b (edeml la�v ac of '-.i�'=_`�?�if.^?'�-- <br /> y p Y P Y � :.-: <br /> t� - - - thedace of this Security Insirumem. ' ; <br /> ''-- " If Lender exerci�es ihi+ap�ion.Lcader+ha:l gi.�c Bommer nn�im o(accdcntian. Th¢no�ice Jull pmride a period o( - r� ,. <br /> "� nol Iccr Uian 70 dayx from thc dalc Ihc mnicc i,dcliccrcJ nr m:�i:cJ�ri�hin�riii.h 13nrruncr mmt pa)�all sums sccurcd by Ihis L;� b�hf'� <br /> . - � Sccuriry In.tmmcr.i. I(Borto���cr fail. m pay Ihcw .um+ priur �o �hc c�pira:inn n(�hi. �ariocl. Lcndcr nay invoke any + - <br /> � - `'� remedies pennirted by�hiy Secunly In.:mmem���ith�w�funhernouce n:Jemand nn Hnaa��ec ' <br /> � : ..�-.--'( 18. Borrow�ers Rlght lo Relnstate. If � aondi�iom. W+ao.cer.hallhavc ihe righ� ro havc ,-..,i� � ��� <br /> .. er.(arcer.ient of�hi.Security Immmicnl di.c.mGnud a�am Gme pnnr�n il:c carlier�d' (al S da}.mr such mher perind ai _ " �.i-�„'- <br /> . _'.. . ....-.: ' - '' <br /> . . _ '; 5mp�c�-,md.._ "�....:. .... ..: <br />_ kannie\4v,FMdlefloclCIFONN1��fH1�7F.]T t-rtn...r..tb.cM:. 9�90 �NXN.Rh)*.v.� <br />:� - �:�. � i�. - . <br /> � .. <br /> . . _ . . .' ': _ ,"_ ' ' _ _' . _ .. <br /> . a - - ::�?'..'� , _. . _ . ._ .._ ._ �_ . . .. .... . . . . . . . <br /> '':_ ` <br /> . . <, : <br /> ,L.l•�.�(� - . i � . . ..s_ <br /> _ y}t.. t t <br /> .- .il°` . . � . - . - ..:-iC.: ., ' . . - . . . _. _._.._ - . _ . __ �. -��Y'-. ._ <br />