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� `r�:2i. ( �h-i�r�J�..f..`�t - !� _ ti �i -r;t nx _ .. � <br /> ' ; - _ ' . , . '__ '. ' i .u�..i - ! _� ..-__ ._. . . <br /> n �h-�- ._ Y .. . _ _ , _- -:'•.- . ... .-.�' . ,�,.i- i ." .. 1 S t —_ <br /> ti.'fanster a!the Rtcperly ar a B�ncflolRl fnRa[�n�D.Borr6iver nqbr�ny pen o► �e"6ropMy ar . � : <br /> -P A �'� � • nny�lereat h R la�oIJ a cu�efined(a tl a bmcAoHl„txest N Batowallp to10 w Veqafufe0 qnd Oortowq �not�puEnt �' ;. <br />"�'F`�_�-'� Penap wilhout lendere pRor WrIUm oonaL�t lMdn mly,�C M o�71kn.icQu'�e Nunedtdto POymcnf 1n M of e!almu dBAa'kd b y -.- -- ..-..--. . _.. <br /> "� Nia&wdy InaWment Hvxaver,l!w oDtlon�h�.l' noi be exerolaed by Lenda N e.�erdsa L9 pioh@ he0 6y tedqnl Niv as ot No- '; �-' <br /> ,-.,, .r. dsto ot thle 8ecudq�InoWmmL � - - � ' ' - - . ;. <br /> _.��..,,.T* M lenda exudaea ihh op9an, lenAa�MU pNe Bortovm no'�oe of eooelmtlon. TAO no0oe�he�p(ovlde �px(oA ot- � �� <br /> ���`°"��T��; drye 4rom the tkte fhe noGw la d�FYered a ma7ad wflhfi whleh Bortrna muat pay N wme eearcd-Dy-. •� <br />;i,..:�� not lefe th�n 80 <br />,.;��r,y�4''_;_. th:a 8eaur:pl NN�ument. II Borrava taQa to pry thoae eume pbr ta tAS ra�hatlon af thW palo0, Lenda mny Hvoke 4q� <br /> remedes pmMled by Ihp&wdqr NeWmanl wllhoul Ml�a notlw a dmWnd on Barowu. <br /> � � �"� 18. Oerrawer'a Ripht�o ReMrbto. u sonowr, maute eerlW oonAtlona. Bortwrer nhel hnre Ne Aphl to luro � , .. __, . . _. <br /> ' �i miaama:t of We &aulry Ini'+ument �oonlinued at�ny Ums ptlor to Ihe euoer ot p)D dry�(or+uch otha palod w r <br /> f�'.''}3- epplaEla kw may eDedy lor rd�atstanan0 baforo ta!e of tne Fropary Wmwnt to any powa of eale eonkNed F lhtf � - <br />_:,�.;;s:.�,,.z.;i 8aw.ry Inawmenq a@)mtry ol a )Mgmml eNOrchg Nla BawAy NaWment.Those eondNons ere tArl Bortoww:te)peya --- <br />�r�`°,-:: �• <br />�,,.,,-_,,r,;,-� leMa WI aumf wAkA then would bo We unEa tNa Beaufrty Inatrument and the Noro w M no nooelaeWn haA oowrted; @) <br /> ..:".-�::....y __. <br /> - . . ,....,. wref any dofeu!1 0l ury oNer oormanl or�ge6mmW; (o)psys �9 m�enaes Barted In entmdnq thU Becwly NsWmen6 <br /> �--'�i�;':',y;:.-'• NWdng, Mn not 6�NIed to,reeamable ntlameye'taes: and(d)takes eueh eWm ae Lendn mey reasone6y requlro to as�ae ""'- <br /> �s}.,'.�y;SM,-r e'-""- <br />--- , -�: �net tl�e�en ol thla 8ewilly InaWmenL LendK�Aghu N tha PropeAy and Barowers oblyaWn to pay Ne aun� saeured = <br />;;'-i�:'r�.:;ti'�5:, by 1hb 8ecunty Inatumem shNl oondnuo wehengeA.Upon relnsta�ement Ey Bortower, tNe 8eary Inauument antl tne - <br /> =����-'�'%"x t�U_' obOyeLOne aewretl hereby�hell rwneln fuiiy decWe��X no eeetleratlon hed oaurteA. Howevu.Nla Aphl to reln6kle ahe0 `""'-- <br /> N;,�� �9� �__� <br /> � . ;; not Wpy N the case ot aocdera9m under pertgraph 17. �c.�-.;-- <br /> 18. 6810 O} NOtBi Change of Loan B6NIOBf.71�0 Note or■ a pWnl N;ereat N Ihe No�O (IO9aNH wAh <br /> ert i (-:. � - .- .. <br /> a t {" Ihla 8wwlly InaWmenq be edd one a more Wnn w11.hoN ptla nolko to Bortowe�.A We mey reaull N e elwiga in Ne � ��_ � -= <br /> �r <br /> � ? eniRy Qmown na the 'loen BaMcer') 1Mt ooEeda monihy p¢ymenb doe under Ihe Noto entl Nle 9aCUr'y NeWmenL There � <br /> = Ueo mny ba one w moro cMnpa of fhe taui 8e'Npx wvdotad to n asle of the Note.I!thae b a Mmge ol the Lwn x•+- ------ <br /> • :�' 8eMOer. Bartmer wID be pNen wAGen notiee of the chenge N eceordenes wXh pemgrepM1 ta ebovs end epPOeeble lew. The -�i-- ' - <br /> � ��� notlae w➢I elale the neme md adErosa ol the new Loen SaNeer anE the eAboea ro whleh peymenle slwuld be meda Tha .+r�-t-•�-� <br /> -',`��a"�i..�M, `',',Gf^:'!r_ <br />- - . notlu w:ll Wo Con1eN Nry olher kdomtatlon«quVeE 6y ePD��e kw. ..:i.::_:_.. `_ <br /> f u-�;� Y0. HBxi�dOUB BUbBt�t1098.Bortower ahd not eauea or pemYt the preaenee,usa.NapouL rtaaye. a ttleeea of ;�'t �. <br /> � - - eny FkzerOwe 8ubaleneea on or In the PropMy- BoROwr+ehe�nm do, nor euow anyone dee to do, enylhng erteqNB Ne 'CF r � <br /> -: t•..<f.t:`: 'u�.,..;;.' . <br /> ; y . .,' Prope�ly thel Is In Nolellon of any EnWOnn�¢ntel Lew. Tho preeeGnp Nro emteneee shel not apPN to the presenee. ma ` {'t " =—. <br /> , _ ..:iy or �wnge on Ihe RopeM1y of arta6 quenlitle�of I1eiuAOUe Bubatenee�that ue penerely reeognhM to be eypropdete to -'+;. <br /> namd resNentlsl usn antl to mihlma�e N Ne PropMy. Q ?i� �-. .- - .. <br /> f _�'i BaROwer the7 promp0�plve lentla�Mten noEOe ol eqr Inresligetlon, Gem, demend, laviaull or other�e9on 6y my r[� r _ <br /> } govanmentil or regulalory�qenry a pRnte pury Nra4Np ihe PropMy md my HarerAOUa Subetenee or EnWOnmenUl Law ot F -1� _ <br /> -_� whleh Bortavtt hea eduY knowle0pe. N Barower leame.or u nohlaA yDy�.vry porammenW or reyulatqy aul�h�w�Ry,� ihnt vry F,_. ;,v,� �1�at aa.�` <br /> �_ Iil�y IVI�MY VI VIFIP�W11i{T�1 CN� V�YIy {{'pj'JINw�� ��}uiG ii��ni'� •"�Yny'iii��irj� �inm`i�Y ir�rv���nrfr^ � R `Ju i .• . <br /> . ..rr�•:'� neaNnry rtnediei aGiwu i�awwJunw�rN�cnriromnadd law. L =— . - ----- <br /> -'=-' . !'� � Aa uae0 N lhio{wa�Oh 20,'HezuOOw 8ubalenras'a�e thoae substeneea de6netl af rotle or heurdoue wbsleneea 6y �?:`>•,=:�%•=`�'""-- <br />' ��Sti•� EnWanmenW Lnw mOth�lo0owln aubstences: wMe, kwos¢ne. o��ar flemme6le a twdo paVOleum roduW. tado ��'�`^�s'��'`����•��- <br /> 9 Ga P t Li� - �;; <br /> �„_��. pea0d0es anA herbiddea.vtletile wNents,mrtwlela eonteinNg enbeaWa or IomalAehyAe. a�A reROndMe meleflele. Aa uaeE h '`1 +�, °• <br />_ � panQeph 2Q'EnvlranmenW Lew'meenn IeEaW lam antl lawa ot Ne N��Won w�ere�he Prope'y Is beeted thet relete to - -i_.�3�`� - 4 r�.'�f�=- <br /> . _ .� ,r?t\;'E�;.5�. <br /> -- �ealM1,ae/ery or mWalmen!el prolettlon. �;'T;.�°:jS•}.--y�„^_:- <br /> " �,• NON-U4IFONM CAVENANTB.Bortarer mG LenAV NMer corenent end agree ee to0own: _q'� ��r�'t+�Y*Fi--. <br /> � � -�,.� 21. Acoeleretion; Aemedlae. Lander ehell give notice to Borrower prior to accaleretlon - � _ _ <br /> following Bmrower'e breaoh of any covenant or agreement In thle Sacurky Inatrumant (but not },,n;+, -�����rt:�5- <br /> prlor to acoeleretion unde�perag�aph 17 unleea eppilcable law provldaa othervvlsa). The notico ,- � r <br /> sha:l specly: (a) the detault; (b) tho acHon requlred to cure the dateu�t; (c) a date, not losa than ' ; �`'�� �-, <br /> - � 30 days trom the date the notica le given to Borrowor, by which the default muet be curod; end - '*! �j �.:--_ <br /> _ . (d)that failure to cure the dofaWt on or before the dete epecifled In the notice mey result In ;i1 � `ss:� <br /> � - - ecceloratlon of tho eume eocured by thle Securlty InMrument end eata of tha Proparty. Tha notice -` --•�'�1�f-`��:�-�•- <br /> - ehall further intorm Borravar of tho rl ht to relneteto efter accoteratlon end the d ht to btin e �`�l'��""��`-�'" <br /> . . 9 8 8 '.'•4;'^-°'!il'N.�,,��.' <br /> . couR ectlon to esaert the aon•extatence of e detault w eny other defensa of Borrowe� to ��`+��•��-�'}::-� <br /> eccelerallon end eala. If the default ia not curad on or 6efore tha data epeclfled in the notice, � .` -�^� �; ;_ <br /> ' Lender at Ita opllon may iaqulre Inmediata payment In full oi e!I suma secured by thia 8ecurity �� < }'�x�; ' <br /> _ +� Inelrumont without iurther demand end mey Invoke the povrer of eale and eny othor remed!ea } ? = <br /> permlttad by epplicable lew. Lendar ehall be entitled ta coilect all expenaos Incurrad In pweuing {`-. 'l�'` -`��P':'��`.:�- <br /> ..s: <br />-�- tha remadles provldad In thla pewgraph 21, includtng, but not Ilmited to, roaeonabte attorneys' �:- - • ��.=��•"�' - <br /> ._ feee end coate of title evldenco. t• ' . . -���"�� <br /> If tha powar of eai0 le invoked. Truetee sliall rocord a notice of default (n oach county in ^ - - � <br /> whlch any part of tho Property le located end ehell meil coples of such notice in tha mannar � <br /> prescribed by appllcable law to Borrow¢r and to the othor pereons proscribed by eppllcable law. <br /> ARer the tlma requlred by applicable law, Truatee shall glve public notice of sale to the paraona <br /> and In the mannar prescribed by appliceble lew. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shell aell <br /> the Proporty et publle euetlon to tha highast blddor et tho tima and pleea end under tha terma - <br /> i deaigneted In the notice of sele in one or more parcols and in eny order Truatee determinoe. �-- <br /> - Trustee may poatpone sala of all o�eny percel of the PropaRy by publlc announcement at the <br /> � tlme and plaea of eny prevlous'ry acheduled eale. Lender or Ita deelgnee mey purchase tha = <br /> Property at eny aele. -_ - <br /> � Upon rocelpt of payment ot the price bid. Truatee ahall dollver to the purchesar Truetee's <br /> � deed .. e.a....a�.e o.....ew., t�.e.e..oe�. �.. ��.e r...e�ee e weew e�.eu � ...�.... �..a� ....�w'_'_ � <br /> __'_ =.^.e""'s """_�"'„ "" """""""' "'"'_'_ "" "'_" _' <br /> �..... .�...� o.. .. <br /> tho truth of tha atatements made thereln. T�ustee ehall apply the proceeda of the aelg In the — <br /> tollowing order: (a)to all coata and expeneea of exarcising the power of sale, end the sale, <br /> Including the payment of the Trustee's feea ectually Incurred, not to exceod three <br /> 'Y of the pdncipal emount of the note at _ <br /> tho time of the decleration of defaul6 end reasonable attorney's foes ae pormitted by law; (b) <br /> . � to eil auma aecurod by thle Securiry Inatrumenk and (c) any excesa to the pereon or ` <br /> ' persona Iogaliy entltled to It. <br /> � ppp, l, <br /> ' r,a,c wo or.nn �.v.•�5 � <br /> 3 <br /> , 9Mt1�1 � <br /> 1 <br />