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.� . .. <br /> . -- - <br /> . f.-_ri:i� s+i�sL�a�a„f. _. .r•^J >h���t a .:' t� .t�: Y f <br /> ;�' . - — . �..��--n-�w..�,. •._ — _ __---_____.. <br /> � .� � . _. . .. _ _ �. . y .. �I <br /> t _ �� - " � .�� ! !- � S )- F! �'� i -! k .. �. <br /> – � ,, � PIAPiNEb`U�iC�'���lt3�PfiA��6P�WIC��t� <br /> .� � <br /> -- <br /> . . . . , . . . : a�ost t,�►� ' , — <br /> �.� niisv_waN�o.uN�?o�}odMEM mam i�m�ae,u��ae�n;_ �,r m M�y �].�l.�, <br /> . :�-:�, " �. md i�Nx�porhled tnto�nd�h�7 Dp,peemed Po emend�nd aupplen5��the Mortgage,Oe7d of fiiet or BaduAly.b�ed Qhi - <br /> . �. _-...: - <br /> — •sea,ay �iswm�nty ot Ue aeme 8u+, nhun Ar:ine undtnt�ed Ph� �Bqro�va7'to eeaN Barro�rele Nou {o `, _ <br /> .jf���Q�n�H�jlr�p}I Bankg[Qv�nd Idmd A Ilnkid Btatid Oorber,4tJon _,:t$ ,. -- ___- <br /> »; }� - � - phe'lindw'►of tha eUne Qile�n0 cwaNglhB CroDaOI Cei'a�b�d N NO �� <br /> S9WIGy_M7VIln1MI WIA IOWSE��7 � <br /> a kQ2081�a�COnh Rd. �nnd 1�{and. �IH-o8801 - � <br /> n �..'i Op <ff ' — <br /> �'^�� Tha Vropary hduEea,bu1 b not Mned to,e puod ot Wd ImprovcOwtlh�AvoMO.toyeNx W9h ofhe euch puCde end <br /> � ce�laH oammon arae�nd kcbUea,aa desc�ed In H/A � �''� .� � <br /> ,L� -.:� <br /> n= , -- <br /> .,Ls'r„�� --�. - <br /> '°,`T:.`'.`,? Me 'Deduatlon�.The Ropaiy ls s pert ol e plennea unR devdopment la�awn e� - � <br /> ,� ,_ � Hivereida deeonietlon <br /> � �} eme m me <br /> `-'�.4\��.;:=, (t�e 'PU��. The Propay tlso Ndudee Barower's Ntttast In fhe hanaormas auoWtlon w equHdent enNy ovmNA or �__ __ <br /> i`"� �.�,'n: menegHg tho common erea�end fac�tles of tho WD Rhe 'Ovmen Ikeod�tlon')end Ne usee, EaneGit a�d proceode of - — <br /> .- f . �.- .:. BOAOWlr1 NIM86L �']t.'�-. <br /> �-��i'::•�'�.;;�. PUD COVENANTB. in adGtlon to the wvenente ena a�eanents meEe In the SaaAry Intwment.Bortowcr end —_— <br /> =`:::t.:q:._,,� e.�-_ <br /> �'.r:_.: LBndH NMPI OovM8111 Hn0�¢E!E5 t01ow0: �L�. _ <br /> ____. <br /> -��" A. PUD OBWOA710N8. Bofrower ahe0 v�orm e7 of BortowKe o6ogetlona under the PuDY Coneuuent =;� _ <br /> -�� �+ �-� Doammu. The 'ConeUumt Doammu' ere the: (� Detluetlon; (q eNdes of Inaryow9on, trun hawment w eny ,,.,;:. <br /> _.;,-�; equhalenl dooument wh:ch areatea the Oxnera Maod�UOn:end(�ury by�kwa o�other Mai or reguHtlona of t�a Ormero -''� — <br /> � - /UeodetlOn. BoROwer ehe6 pOmPM G�Y. when Cae. e0 duoe entl easesunenU 4npo6etl Pureuant to tho ConalCUenl . • <br /> j. Y)_" �Oq1t11M�i. !'�,"., <br />"�;`1i1.;:1.� <br /> '.;��;;�:'•�'S" B. HN11RD INBURANCE. So long ee tha Ormae Antodatlon meNWne. wnn a eenereAy accepled In:urance ,'�y;s-.:�- <br /> �-;:�iZ�;'t_;_= certlat�'maater' or 'blenkeP poYry NtuAng Ne Property whlch b aatlakGOry ro Lenda end whleh provldea L�surance _<q;�:�_. <br /> i� -.-:.». covenye h ihe emouMa, ta the pwlotle. md egdntt tha hazud� lendfr requtee, hol��ding NB u�A heLrAa Ndudotl - �;y. <br /> E ;�: vM�Nih�lertn •mGendedea�aage'.ihen: ' '� . ._.... <br /> } T`�"ri�F� m NqelLmec�ls ior hazud Insannee on the Aoyefly;y�d lor Ne manNN Peyment to Lender ol Ne yeMy penlum C�d <br /> t` r x43 � Bomowel� obOpetlon under UnMOfm Coren��t 6 to meNaN hazerd heuwnee aorereqe on the RopMy is daemed - � <br /> �' -,.��� u11aReC to}he e#mt Ihet the requ:e0 aorerape la proMEetl by the Oxnae Aaeodellan po7oy 1 ' — <br /> - ,�:;1_� Nortawef 6he1 Oire La1Ca Prompt noYCe oi eny bpse in Rqured'n�d erouruioe wrrn8o pfwioed'or ine fniiiw"v 't -'-s. <br /> = 'uw�iwi pw4Y. y]: .. <br /> �,"i In 1M10 evenl of e ms4Au9on of IuzerO Nsureate proceeda !n Ieu ol re61o'a8on or repelr IoHOVMg e loes to the =� � "—• <br /> '`�- � PropMy.a to earmon uw�end tedWea ol the PUD, eny proeeeda payaMa to Bortower ere hereby eselyned enA �he0 :, � ''�Y =_ <br /> zv=�.;:�;=- ba Ddd fo Lenda.lenda�6N apPN Ihe DroceeAa to the wm�sacurad by Ihe 8ewdry IneWmmt rriU airy exeess pelA },�.. _�-!�� :�.. <br /> Y 7 n . <br /> to BoCnmrPUBLIC LIABILITV INBURANCH. Bonov+er ahell wce sueh ectlons es mey be rwsone6le w Inwm thet � "c -�- <br /> �� - the Ownx� Asaodetlon m�hWne e pubBo OeblP.y Nauranca pofiey eeeepteble N fo(m.emount, end exlent ol corMege to ;� 5. �;3?;-_ <br /> - ' �- ��aD. CONDEMNATION. The proceeAa ot my mrerd or de6n for tlemeyea. daoct or eoncequentlY. payabte ro -- r,'�e '���r- <br /> � �' Bortower N oonneWOn wllh ury wr.Eemnetlon or oNCr teWnB ol aG or any part ol the Ropary or Ne eommon ereas and r-F <br /> ��}`;';';,i:�:: lac�ee al the PUD. or tu en oom >'Y:`c..j."w <br /> y eyenee N Oeu of condem�etlon. ero haeby abbi�etl BnC shY bB pYd t0 LenAec '�,h;�}>a;„_ <br /> �4'� 8uch praaede ehe9 ba eppteE by LenAer to fhe sums aeareA by Ihe SecuAry InaWmml ee D��tleO In Unibrtn Corenent d >:;;,_.". <br /> 'A_' <br /> �0. : 5 ! :�.. <br /> E. LENDBR'S PRIOR CONSENT. Bonower ehe? no�, acept tller notice to lmAe�end wXh Lendefe D�� _'� '�Y ,i`-� <br /> � �1 @ Ue ab�nmeotnw ertnine on of the PU.�m�cept for 6�andonmer.t or tmninelbn reqWretl by Ww N the caae ol � 1` � ��+'=>%:_� <br /> F.'. <br /> mbalentlel deeWC9on by Ne or othn mauelry or N 1he cese ol e ukNy by eondmnNlon a e(Nnem Aom+Sr, ', t r � ��i-,.: . <br /> �� (� eny emmCm¢nl to�ny proNnbn o/the 'COnsUtuent Dommmle' X tha proHSion b tor Ne e�rase Eene@ oi ' � � <br /> � � . Lender, }> >�-. <br /> (� IemY�atlon of prolesslonel mene9ement entl aasumpYOn ol acX�menaqement o/U.e Owuera Assodalian:or _ � <br /> (1� �ny ectlon whiN wou:d here Ue etlecl ol rendedny Ihe publlc Il�b�ly Mauronce cwerepe me'nteinetl by Ihe -�_ �,_`�- <br /> 4 Ownera lusodatlon uneccepleble lo Lmtlec =' -- <br /> ts ' F. REMEDIE$. 11 Barower doe�nol pey PUD Aues enU essessmmW when due,Ihen Lentltr may pey than.My _ . <br /> emaunb dnburaed by lentle undtt Ub peregreph F shaA 6ecome�UAIliwul OeEt ol Bortower aecure0 by ihe Sewtlry <br /> InsWnenl Unlesa Bonower end Lmder egree to oNx temu ol peymmt.Ih¢se emounts shall 6ear Nlereal kom Ihe Oete `^" - <br /> " _- ol tltsbursement e: ihe Nole rate and she.", be peydble, wilh Mleresl. upon notice LentlM to Bonower reQuesWq �_ �• <br /> ���L .. <br />. � - BY SIONINO BELOW. Bortower eccepin entl agrees 10 the lertns enA proMSlons comebed in:Me PUD Nider. The j_ - , <br /> untlerelyrztl bortower(e)ecYaoMedge(e)re�etp:ol e wpy of Irtie InsWment. ` �-� � - <br /> _ �,,,�c.���"�^�, : <br /> o•.� r 0.y � a� <br /> , . ' �� ! ,J-%' <br /> � tCal,�s/` .2 . /t5;'�Zi tsenu <br /> �`��Fonal . Moran <br /> - i <br /> _ � <br /> l5EAL1 <br /> , ' . 9rn,m- <br /> . 1.°+EA4 <br /> - o........, <br /> MVLTSTRTE VL'j WCEN-S�:e bn'y- iM1IM'SxIM:CY�[�M�NSTPG4EeA i..rn. yg. oq� <br /> . .���" • � r�Ol9-W3(�91> <br /> b J <br /> . . • '� — 9YITLM - __- -_ _ _ . _ _ ._ ._.—. � <br />