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41� ,f•.� ���, bf sl � .c-."��� .� r cJ _., -"-_ s :. 3 R: iliYi . ... ... <br /> � , ryN , . �Il! ,,J, � � <br /> - g.l_ ._��e - �i. ] ..2 .�,. �y}s _ - . -- - — " " . ._,. _ <br /> ��� --- " - F . :-_. . .- - t :: _p} i r- � <br /> . ' ' . - . - " - '. ' � <br /> ,����� . 6oaava nxY aue euh �ce.auA .ma retnass�e ne �aohQea N b4w�ad�� 4y�auaha the id'on W yroeMdN9 Io b0`'_ 3' , — -- <br /> . ._- ' . t0smtsaedw`�h�tuN¢NtR�lMder'epaod.NllhdetyM1�h►V6n�oreduA�rorto�yrea���Ao�rQwi�+ntrut„N.�ron.nla._ <br /> ' ""• N aei.�mi n o�MaiMe me io�ui e�cn�a`°o�e mia aewriC�����w�Cra a t�aere.eeomn�t�t�m; ear�ver�na oea aa^� - - - <br /> r=� prooeeapa a4ty fUar or"„�avme NtaFhuqon o��tanenl�[o tpdx•: _ <br /> �-�.. (a hlatl to prorlde Lanrler wM aiy nw1aW WomrllaQ In�i�onneCVOn w11b Ne ben rAdlpeW fy 1M Nott-Ndu9Ap'Dut ` <br /> c; '�� . . not imYed ta rcArosmtatbn� conam�ng BonoweYQ oqouDanry bf t�a proPorq�a � WNcl�W ro0(Amw. 11 N9 Soaifa�� _. <br /> -�.:-„m�`; innwmenl Ia on a te�se�d0. Bortowx eMf oompN wilA i9 iho DroNe!one ol tho luna If Bortowar"a�qu'ros tea 1ha _. :_ � � <br /> - �.� ProvHql ihe leneanold end Ne tee IAIO ih�7 not mapa un�e9a kndn�greea to tAS mcrpa N rMGy -- . - <br /> ";, 7. brot�otton ot Mnd�e'� (IIgMo In the Ptoperly.n ewrowx ty�a to parortn�n�r,ovaumr end�prammn . ' <br /> 2�x�;,�� eonWnaa In fNS 8acu:ly InaUUment a Ihere 1a�legu Oroeao¢nq WI maY NpnManVy�Xea Lada's AyMa In Ue kopary ;i�. <br /> -- - - � ' (zcoh ee a ptaceCQ'np in DnnlcuPtq.P�oaate,tor oondctrse9on or PoAcILfo m to rntaeo Lme or rcqUaVOne), thrn Lendx m?y . - �----.-- . -.. <br />�:=i_Lat:v�e,.,' <br /> �� _-� do andpa y 1or whete�e�la neoeaaery to prolect Ue vafue of tha Propmly end Lendefs dphte In�he Proptsp: LenAKe eatlone <br /> i t---_:.a m�'Ndudo Da7M0 eny eumf eeaurad DY� em whloh h�s D�uM wa thb Saou�'InfVUment WDeuNg N oour6 P►YN9 � . <br />'.l•;,.ti_;:;;i;,�-+ rcmoneb:o�tlomayi'feas aM enleAn9 on Iha Properry to meke rcyan.Mhou9h lenaa mey take�otlon unQa N9 putprtpA . - <br /> 7%` 1,Lcnder doe�nol heva to do ao. <br /> �i.�C^;:rrc'..,, � _ <br />- : �.•:. .. �-- <br />�,�,.._��,�4.�::-1. My emounle d�bu�eaA 6y Lende�untlw puagraph �shel beoome eddklonel dMt ol Bwrowc+ aecureA Ey thb _ _. <br /> i�F�.4 SBWlIIy IO8Wrt1Mf. UnlBe! BOROwM Md LBIIELY 11�l0 t0 OWG�¢l1110 01 pByfnC14�h089 fiI110W18 6h0E 6¢8f 0118�001 80111 - -'------ <br />�`�"�"��a.,�j� fio dete ol daDunement et Ne Note reb end�hel b0 °-"---- <br />'-+R;i}i•.-_-�;'�`;- . P�Y��0.vAlh NtU051.upOn IWikO 601I1 WIdG to BOrtOVn.Y tOq11070ng _. <br /> payment. <br />�` `x �-il� 8. MOrtgdDe Inswanoe.11 LeiMx requlred rtwngage Innuranoa as s wnd�Jon ot mafdq the loea eearaG by thia _— <br /> ,�.';x.. BeouAty Inshument Bortuwer Me7 pey tha prmdume requtred to meNIW Ihe mortgage Naumnee N eRece X,(o�eiry reeson,tha �_�--__ --- <br /> t r -_.�,5, mongage Naurenee ooreraye requtre0 by LenAer lepaea or eeeeea to be N e8ect, Bortower sha0 py the premlume req�had to r�- _ <br /> +;;i ODItYI COYCf�QO 6Vb61Bt1WOy BQIII'flIBIII b UIB IIWIIQQgB FIiY1MC0 pf8YI0YbI�l N BII2d. 6I B COS�iYD41811UlHy equkelent W the s_r±�,�:- <br /> �y 7� ,�� wat to Borrorrer of Ihe mat9a9e Neumnee prMOUa.y N eHeet trom en Mxnete mortqefle Insr.a epDrmed by Lender. If ' - <br /> =Y S Y _ __t� aubstenik0y equkaleni mortgege In�ursnrs eovereye la nol nveAeble, 8arowa shal pry to lender woh monil�a wm aqud to ��-- <br /> ` °"T';'�!�';� onetwelllh ol the yeaily mortg+ge insu,aaee premWm behp ps1A by Bortower when tha Nearenee ooraraga byaeG ar eeated to �.� j4. -�--�--� <br /> � -+ <br /> - �,..,� be h efteeL Lender wm aceapt, ute and releln theae pnymente es e loea reserve M feu of mo�tp�pe Nwruroe. Loas teswe :«�` ' -� <br />. t ,._ �, -, : pay�nente mry no longer ba requUatl. el tho optlon ol lwOSr.M motlynpa heumnee eorerepe Qn N�emovnt end la the D�d �a n��.. <br /> -�� �"'�" thet Lendar rpu4ei)proNdetl by an Iniurer epprwed 6y lenAer e aN 6eoomaa araOaWe end b ablainad. Bortowor ahe!pay <br /> ? `e ' ' 9 .' l� ._,�v,_ <br /> - �y_i _,; fhe premiumf requ'reA to mehbin morty,qe inaumnoo In erted, a to proMde s�oae reaene,unti Na requtranent tor fmtlpage r, ��, . <br /> }j+' ; :->_. Neumnee enda N eaordenee with eny mliten ayeemen[bWwe¢n Bonorrer end LenUar w eppAcaW�kw. :? nr� '.�_ <br /> '- 1 9. 108 00NOn.LenCer or 1U e ent may meke reesoneble enWee peny. Lendaz shd '� � <br /> ; p g upon end IntpeWona ol th�Pro Wva .`.�4 _ <br /> t ',���! Bortaver nolke at the Cma o�or D'lor to en Napectlon epecN�My reaeonebta ravee 1w the Napedlm r_� <br /> _ .'.+�^-+-_s-1 10. CondemneNon.Tha proceeW ol ury ewar0 or deM for tlemegw. WeU or eonaequenUal. h oonnedion w:N eM .... . <br /> � '�'s eontlemne8on m other teWng ol eny pert ot the Propefly, or ta wnveyence B �eu ol oandemnelion. ere hereby aaalgneC end <br /> 1•,'N+� ; _s_ <br /> � �<r �`� eM➢be Pe!d to Lendec �t o � -�.: <br /> � ,`<'. In Ne want ol e totel taldng o1 the Propwly, Ne proceeda ehe6 be epplleA lo the eum� seareA by Ihb BewAq � v),,+� � � <br /> '*�-�� mswment whether or not then due. wNh ery m�eean peld to BoROwar. N�he wmt ol e partW teldna of the ProveM N - r<<4. `7'.`-�--. <br /> '� r .w�[.n �hp..y m�A.�wY�e M.�.>o.�y ImmwMlNy 6nlmo ihe tak6la I! CWaI to Or yGttCf thtll Tho 0m0uRt o! ihe 6utt10 •�'"'� . -.. . <br /> �4 '�? eewretl by ihle BearXy IneUUment Immad'atey 68bre 1he teldng, un:a�s Bonoxer enE LmAer oNawlse eyee N wrllinp, the •�,r � - �- <br /> - eumf eewreE by thb 8ea�:y InsWmer.t ahall ba retluoetl by the emount ol fhe Drocaeds multlplM by Na toQowh9��^� 6 < <� ���� <br /> � -:.�' (e)Ne to1N unounl ol ihe sum9 aewred MmeAklet�before Ihe IeWng.mrldeE by @)1he teU r.wket vWe ot Ihe Ropuly ' �l`'S�h�- :_7�f�- <br /> � 4:wCSley beforo Ne Iek.Mp.My belence she9 be pdd to Bonowa.In the s�mt ol e pullel teWnp oi iha ProDd;Y�n whkh ?.',.:.'.,�'�;;•��e `?�a s <br /> the felr me'Icat velue ol the Prapeity Nunedetey 6ebre tha teldng le lean Lhan tha emount of 1M aume eeoured NxneAeley ;�,r ri J - <br /> •�.;.��; before the UMng. unleea Bortowa wE lenda o�hercASe nyea N vRJng ar unlesa epp0eable lew olhemlea provltl», the r7- �` +�-?? _ <br />- praeeds e��9 be epp9ed ro Na numa eeareA by thls 8eourXy InaWment wh�Ner a not tha sum�ue thm due. ��+���-��i.+;�y��;if�.?�� <br /> .s <br /> If the Prope�ly b a6entlonM 6y Barower, a X, eRer noliu by Lmder�o Bortower Ihat the oontlemna o!fero ro m�ke en ;; � t J-i' j ' <br /> ewud or setl:s e Wlm for dunegea, Bortower feBe to reaponU to Lmtler wllhln 90 daya eRet N� tlnla ihe notica ia qiven. �" � t?;���+°. <br /> - LenAer Is euNOtlxetl lo collact end eppy Ihe proceed�. at he option. eilha to restaetbn or rep�Y of the Property or to :�; _ '�•.-e.r r-- <br /> ep Y � <br /> - Ue tums seared by Ws 8ewtlry InaWmenL whether or not Nm tlue. !- �� _,{.,jT�_ <br /> Unleae Lender end Bortaver othdwUe eyree in rrti�lny. eny eppffoaUOn of Droceetla to pindpel eM0 not exlenE or - � t 7 j��� �-�.� <br /> po�tpone tha tlue tlale ol the monthy paymmte rHmed lo In pamgrephe 1 en0 2 or cl�en9e the enwrnt of weh peymenie. �:i � � �-� ��:. <br /> , :'��� ' 71. Borrower Not Releasad; Fabearence By Landar Not e WeWer.Ex�enakn of the wne tor paymmt or ;, + - - - ra°.: <br /> modAleelbn ol amortlieUOn ol Ne 6um�eeWretl by thie 3ea�:ry InaWment qrented by lmdM to eny su0ceaaar In Nleresl i:. H-y:+i t�,-. <br /> .. " ol Bonower she0 not opefele 10 rNease Ue Gebmly ol(�e odglnel Bortower a BonowVa bueeeasore In MlMeat lenAM ehell ' � r\ �;t� '' <br /> - nOl he requ5ea to commence proceeUNps eyainsl any 6uctessor In Miereat a r8N58 Io mdend Wu fOr peynent or oNa'MSB � ; � �7sj,� 4' <br /> ' - moddy ema�raUOn oi ihe nums aea:eA by Ihb Sewdry Inawment by reaaon al eny demend mede by ihe aylnel �1 . {'. <br /> - Bortower or Bortower e auueesore in in:erest My lofbearence by Lentler in exerdslny airy Aght a remedy aMA not be e a -__ <br /> - vmNer of or pred�+tle Ne exutlne of eq nght ar remetly. � .� ��`� � %. '!-•. <br /> -� ' 12. 8uccesaore and Asalgna Bound: Jolnt end Severel Llablliry; Co-signere.rne cwmeme ene . �rJ. ' : <br />.'�t -- egmemrnln ol thb Sewrl.y InaWmmt ahefi b7nd md bene`I Ihe succeesory a.0 essl�.�s ol lenAer md Bortower.subJec[to the �- i"��.`�� =" <br /> ' � proHSiona of pere9reph 77. Bortoner'n corenenls anA ahaA be�dnt ar.d serereL MY 8onower who eo-signf 1hb �_ ` . _��.-�; :�� <br /> n <br /> SewAty InsWment bu[Coea not ezecute Ihe No1e: (a)is w-slgning ihb Sewriry Inswmmt onty to monyaye,qrant enE wmey t _ . <br /> 1Nt BortowKe intermt in Ihe Properry unEtt Iha tmne ol Ihis Secutlry InsWmer.l: @)p rtot pascnaly obQgetetl to WY�he - - <br /> sums sewred 6y Ihb Secur.".y:nswmmC antl(c)agmes Ihe; Lender end any other BoROwM egree to eatend.�y. <br /> fo�6ear or m�ke eay eccomnoEelions xilh regarA lo�he Ittme ol Ihis Sewtlry Inslrumml or Ne Nole wllhout Ihal Bortoweia . <br /> C0113M1. <br /> 13. 108n Ch8tAB8.Il ihe loen sewretl by Ihis Securiy InsLVmenl u subjeC to a law which sels medmum loan <br /> chuyes,enC Ihat law U finauy htepreteC so Ihai Ihe Inlaes�or o:her loen charges wux!etl or Io be co�ected N eonnttCOn <br /> � wXh Ihe loen exceeC iF.e pemin�etl Smits.ihm: (a)eny scch loan charge snat Ee redocetl by the a.nount r.ecessery to re0uce - <br /> the cha�ge to ihe pam:T.etl Grt:il: anA @1 eny suns e4eady coemetl trom 8orrowv which exaetled pertntned limas rrill <br /> ' be reNnded to Bartoner. �mder mBy choose lo r.�eke Lhis reNntl by reticTg the pnncpal owM unOM t�e Note or by <br /> meldny e tlirecl paymm]to Oortonec II a reluntl reduus pn^aPeL ihe �Muction wdl be Vea:td as e pahbl prepqenenl <br /> wetoN any DrePayment eharge under lhe Nole- <br /> 14. NOtIC08.My r.o4ce to Bortower proritled lor m ihis Sen:nry Insirunent shut be gtven 67 deliremg rt or by ma�.�if _ <br /> • by Nst dass me�un7e55 epplimble law reGuires use o1 eno]her metF.oO- The nollce sheY be Airednl to Ihe Pmperty ACGress <br /> MM1r aMreae Pnnnwu Mc�nna�nc m. nn�ifo �.. �onnn. e..... .. �a...w .heu w. we.. w R..� .. <br /> ' Lenderb etldress steteE nerein or any o�ner atltl:ess LmAer Oesigneles by notiCe fo Bortow¢r. Mr no!ke proritleA IC:in - <br /> 111h SlNf1iY IO3.NnMi Shill p¢dQE1nCtl IO F.OV!blf0 9bM 10 AOnOwH O�lmtler whm�ren es poedetl�n�his Daroqnph <br /> 15. Qoverning Lew; Severability.Tr.�s sewmy ms•.mmem snan be goremee by tedeni iew ene :he�ew c[the <br /> }�tlsSCllon N which Ihe Pmperty�s bu�etl. In me rrent �hat eny prorisian or uause o1 this Secu�:ry Ins�mment or �he <br /> Noie cron111tIS wF.h appticebie lew.suan con!�q shell nal e'lect olher prori;ions ollhis Securiry L�swmrnl or ihe No�e which - <br /> ran be gNen eBetl w.:hou� Ihe conllicGr.q provislon To�h�s entl the pro.-sms ol lhis Sewriry ImWmenl enE Ihe No:e ere -- <br /> , deNeretl to Ee eerereE:e. <br /> - 78. BOfIO�vBf 0 COpy. Botrowet sha:l Ce gnen one cor.lotmed mpy o�ihe Note and o/lhb Secu:ily Ir.s:[ument <br /> � Ff]�61M61tp9]I v��J-�5 u,� ll <br /> ��. _Y�`._ <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 1 9b1�lN � <br />' � <br />