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� e � . ' �i: ?ay�l���-a6 r . Tr--+ i v .. , __ —.. � _—_<,. <br /> � � p J <br />�� i.� . ;- c -.. - � . � ' �7�4���17�l� :��r <br /> -' et the option at Londa,It mongagb Inaurepop ooVo,'rage (in the.pmoune ptid tor tAe perlod thef F,bndtr reqdires) 5 � -- — <br /> _ prop2dadbyenlnsarErayproceAbyLenderegnin6ecommavillebleendlsobtJocd.BurtowerefiillQqcQiboro�tume_ _ __ <br /> � requtiod to meirttein mortgage ineumnx in elfwt,of w provtEe e loss iw4avp,untll the rtquttomenYtct mottgeg�.:' _ <br /> � Insureneeondsld3000rdenoewlthenywdttenegroementbotaeenIIotroxetanaLcnEeeofappNub�efaw; '� � <br /> ,� •� 9.Iaapeottoa:I.enAerorirsegentmkymakeroaeoroblerntdeadpnneodinepoottoneotth�Ptuperty,'f.end6Pehtll-• <br /> gl�oEonoxernoticeesthetimeoto�pdorwenlnepwtionepeoityingreasonabfocausetortheinepootion:' � ,� <br /> � 10.Coadetnnatton.Tfie proaedeotenyawardorolatmtordam�gea,dircctoroonsequantid;inoonnectionwith <br />_s___'•�__�`� eAy oondomnatlon at othcr teking ot eny parc ot tho Propctty,or tor conveyanoc in tleu ot aondemnation,aro Tereb'y. ' <br /> aselgncdendshalt6ep+idwLenCer. ' „ <br /> �-� In the evmt ot a totel te�ing ot tM Property,the proaeAa efisll 6e appAed to tha eume aauted by thls 8ecurity _____ <br /> �� tnscrument,whetherornotthendue,withanyexa�paidwHorrower.Iniheeventoteqn�atukingotthpPlopocryitt _ — <br /> '}'�� nNchtl:efetrmerketvalueottheProperty immediatelybetorotheukingieequaltoargreatorthnntdeamountotthe g <br /> "� eume swurod by thts 8ecurtry Inetrument immcdtetely bctore tha teking,unless Dorroeer end Lendu otfiarwlse eg�ee — <br /> '� �, in wdting,the aums sxured by this BeuAty Inmrument rhell be reduoed by the amount o[the proaede mWtipl(ed by <br /> `." :� the tollowing iraation:(e)tha wul amount of the euma cxurodlmmed(eteiy betoro the tsking,divideQ by(b)thaTefr -"-- <br /> ,_ai�,;;� mvkat value ot the Property(mmediately betoro tha tetfng.My batanoe ehell bepaid m Borrower.In the evdnt ot e __ ___ <br /> partiol mking ot the Property in whtch�he tnir morket vAue ot tAe Pm p e rty immedlauly batoro the taking le 1�than _ <br /> � . the emount ot the eume sxurcd immedietely batore the ukin�,unlas H orcorx and Lender otherwise egtee In x�Idng <br /> t • or mdae applicable Inw otherwtse provfdes, tM1e proeads ehatl be�ppl{ed to the aume sccured by thle Beourlty �`T�"v'�'�,�,..�u <br /> 'zrE ` Inatrumentwhetherornotthosumaeretfiendua ! ` -°� <br /> s � ; ,9` It the Property ia abandoned by Borrower,or It,etta notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnot olfere w .�'�: <br /> � meka en eward or senle s cletm tor damegee. Borrowu taite w«spond ta Lender whNn 30 deye etter tM daU the �rL. --- <br /> 1 F�1,� '' notice fa given,Lender ie authorized m eollect ar.d apply the prooxds,n ita option,ettherto reatontlon or repn(r ot the s ,, ,�, <br /> � � � Property or to the aume secured by thle Bcoudty Inatrument,whethar or not then due. ,_ __. <br /> � Unlcss Lender and Borcower otherxlse egree in writing,eny eppHcaHon ot proceedam pAncipel eheil not ertend or ;;��:, <br /> -�;!-'��::,,�:i postpone the due dau ot the monthly peymente rotarced to{n parographe 1 and 2 or change tha flmount ot euch >`r,�:%'.-rs:: <br /> � �'v�t �y 11.Horrowor Not Roleased;Forbaraace B Lendor Not a Naiver.Bxtension of the dme for men[or j ��e � <br /> , � � . Y PaY .. - <br /> �_ �,+ _�• modifiuNon o[amor�ization ot the eume sxured by thie Saudty Inetrument gented by l.endet to any succescot in -� :r >_ --- <br /> y t� ? interes�ot Borcower ehail nos opereu to release the Ii�bility ot the originel Borcowu or Borrower e suoce�ore in - �'z < ; -- <br /> i�:; interest Lender shell not be tequired to commence ptoaedinga ega:ret any successot in interest or retuse to enend aF`:�`� - . <br /> � - timc for payment or otheroise modity amort[zotion of the aums xcurcd by this 9ecudty Iretrument by reason of any -- - �`� - - <br /> '" demend mede by the original Borrower or Borrowar e wiceesmre in intereat.Any torbarance by Lendar in exuciaing �` - � - . ' <br /> 1� � � �ny right or remedy epol no[be a waivm oI or prcclude the exercise ot�ny right or romeCy. �Vt��;�,� 5� - - <br /> h � >' IR 8ucceasore�ad Aesigae Sound;7oint and Several Liabtlity;Cwignere.The covcnants and a�reemente � � f'*` <br /> _,..., ot this°.auritq In.-trummt oh:ll �icd:nd tcnuic tha ti:.e�o a a�d��u ot and Eorco�xr.:ub,�xt ta the t ' ` <br /> � x> ��c provieioneofpe�xgrapni7.Borrower'ecovenamsanAegreementeaheiibejointan6sevar�f.Anylforcowerrpoco'e�gos � .� -�E} -�-".- <br /> ` i_�-; thie Saurity Inatrummt but doea not execute the Note:(e) ie co-signing thfa Security InsMUmrnt on:y to mortgage, � � _ - -'�. <br /> �.,�;-.�;�:.� grant end convey thet Borrower's intereat in the Properry under the terme ot thie Saurity Iretrumant; (b) ia not ��.r4-.?#�.:-•`-r� � �� <br /> � , .-+, pereonally obligated to pay the sume secured by thie Saurity Instrument;end (c) ngrees that Lender and any other � `-� ' ,' ��)j�;p z <br /> ` r --- Dormwer mey egree to enend,modity,torbear or meke my acc�mmodatione with regerd to tha terme ot this Security -�t�„_;;,.,,,,<�� ;(t«. <br /> i-_-� InetrumentortheNotewithoutthetBorrowereconsent. 11 -�,i,� � �1��:i`r�; <br /> �'' - ' 13.Lo�n Chargw.It the loan secured by thie Security Instrumrnt ie subject to a law which sete mueimum loan } � "d� � �JIi' <br /> _ ,� chargea,end that law ie tinally incerpreted so �ha�[he i.^.[erest or other loan chargea collected or to be collected in F.+:> t j 7� <br /> - �, connection with tha loan excad the permitted Iimite, then: (a)any auch loan charge sMll ba reduad by the amount - -� 1 y �- ��� <br /> ' "- �-'� neassery to roduce tho eherge to the permitted timit;end (b) any eume elready ca!lec[ed trom Borrower nhich "':;:;�;�`„`.,i;.`;,;x":.� <br /> < � � e:aeded permitted limits will be rctunded to Borroner. Lender mey choose m make thie tttund by reducing the -,-c{ , > »__ <br /> r -- principal oNed under the Note or by making a direct peyment to Borrower.It e retund reduces principal,the reduction --„a r r F ' ";'; <br /> `}� -`. will lxiveatedase anial re mentmthou[an p y. g ` <br /> - a p p pay y pre a nrnt eher e under the Note. - ,: .� {-- ^� <br /> r- ��,..._' � �.r��: <br /> ,s •; 14.Notieoe.Any notia to Borcower provided tor in thie Saurity Inatrument ehall ba given by delivering it or by . , nt.. _,.!�. <br /> -- ' � meilina it by tiret claa mail unlesa epplicable laa requircs use of anmher meehod.The notiee siull be directed to the `� � s'�� -,=- <br /> � . f :" ,' <br /> Property Addre�or any other addresa Borconer designetes by notice to Lender.Any nouca to Lender eheli be given by �,u;,t:�c.. .,r, .�i_ <br /> tiret daza meil to L.endet e address etated herein or eny other addresv Lender designeta+hy notice to Horconer.Any - "� �'� <br /> -, ; notice provided tor in this Security Inatrument aAall be damed to heve been givm to Iiorro�ver ar Lender when given ;,,�( h r� -.�= <br /> C. ' .- aaprovidedinthisperegraph. >• j1 , <br /> - i.:; IS.Govttning Le�v;Severability.Thia Security I�utrument slull tx gm•erned by tederal lan and the law of the � '- r-� �, <br /> °�'� " urisdiction in which the Pro t ie lacaeed.In the event that an ro�ision or cleuse ot�6is Saurit Inatrument or the � � � ''�'�'':��'•' <br /> J Pn Y� )P Y - i�,', <br /> f�`� Note conflicta nith appliwble Iae+,such contlict shall nouffectother prorisions o(this Security I�trumer.t or the Note � _ <br /> ' . which an be given etfat withaut the contlicting provision.'io thia end the provisions ot thia Security Instrument end ��. -- � . � <br /> _ _ the Note are declared to be sevewble. i - -_ <br />-- ."`'. . Ferm 901! !/90 . . <br /> .. , �-6PQYEI�a�ouo� ..r. e.• . . <br /> mia��c <br /> .r, .� , . . <br /> .,ylt: _' � . _ <br /> _ . , <br /> ".;�..'•__,-•-T.:'.,�'"._,:�.<a.v'_ '::: .. ... ... _ ' <br /> . . '-�:'.,-�. :• - _ <br /> -___-�-_ __._"-`-- - - . . <br /> �.�; --- . - . . . <br /> � ,� .:= . <br /> -�,:!"._.� - . - - <br />_ :;s._ - • , _ _ . ' _ . <br /> .: <br /> t � , .- . ' -� � <br /> - .,. .- � .. - <br /> . :q -.. , ..,, . . - - . .. . . <br />