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' �- � + T 1� . /i1__ .. an- d--f°.f "� -. .• S "`` _.t-----• _- ;`, r xi.. - _. _ _ .. <br /> _ . t.��_�.� ._. _ <br /> ��:'� .. - . .' _ _ " � � ir - ___ - _.- <br /> �1 ." . .^ � ' _ • ,��4. :r <br /> . � <br /> y � • 3��J(tt�rd ot Propetty Iaautaaaa Bottowae shell keop tha ImD��;monte now e�let►n{o�� e8on '.� <br /> _- thp preperty(naurcd agetast losa by QIro,hsinrds InoluAed w[t6tn the tetm eitendM a0vate�o a44 eny�:�tt;p_h�zetd5l_ " — _ <br /> �.,,� Inctuding Ilaads or tloodtng,tor ahtch Lendee caqulrcs ineurenoe.Thte inaotance shull be maloulppd tq tho elttuu��e <br /> _.;� end Ior tAe ptlriods thet I.ender requirea.The insuroaoe cerrier pmvidlng the[naur�noe ehetl6y ohoson by$ortoetet . <br /> z ;r;_ •eubjwt to 1,cnde�'p epyrord aMch eha11 not be unreaeonably wlthheld.It Aorrowm tsilew melaqtn oovefsye drscilbod <br /> ..,�� ebove,Lender mey,at LendePe optioa,obtaln oovcrage to proteat Lendee'e Aghte in tho Pro�rtyln epootdartbe wtth _ ____ _ _ <br /> °�' patagra h7. • ` � <br /> -� AlPinsurance polIc!ar end rcnewe:e shetl bo aooeptsble to e�d ehail include a standerd morty,aga cte�se. <br /> ' �- Lmdar ehall Asve tAo d�t to Rold the poliotee and ronawela If I.enderte�uires, Horcowa ehetl pmmptlp gtve;o <br /> °�� l.ender all reoelptnot pa! pramlume and ronewnl the event a!Iosa,Borcower ehett glvo prompt notioe to the _ <br /> �� insuranoe carcier end Lender.Londet mar make prootot loes H not medo ptomptly by IIorcowet. <br /> � Untess Lenderand Borcower otha xisa egrea in wrlting,insuranw prooeeds ehn116e epplladto rostorationor te�peIr <br /> ,•.. _;: of the Property damaged,if the testorationor ropalr{e economically faasiWe end Lender'e seaurlty le not lessened Utfie <br /> � f ' reatoration or repafr ie not eoonomioatly teaslbleor Lender'e saurity woutd bo lessened,the insuronoe proca0s ehall be " <br /> � ' a p11ed to the suma cecurcd by thle 8ecudty L�atrument,whather ot not then due,with eny escesspald to Borrower.It „� � ._ <br /> M4~(1��. �orrowa sbandoro the Property,or daa not snewer within 30 daye e notice trom I.endu that tha insurence cartfer hee �� -;;�.�.x,. <br /> ��_ ot[ered to settle a ctaim,then Iandar msy collwt the Insunnee proceede.Lender may usa the praoeeda to cepsir ot �„ ,� _._ <br /> j° `. rcstoro the Property or m y eume secured by thie Stcurity Inetrumen6 whethar or not thm due.The 30-day pedod xill ,,y,� °�- <br /> r nwhenthanmiceie van. � :°'��nry'e: <br /> 4 3 � r ,rte� h <br /> vY' <br /> UrJeas Lenda and rcower otherwisa egrce ln wr[ting,any applicetion ot procada to prindpal efia11 not eatend or �, , „ m ., <br /> E � •; pona the due d�te at tAe monthlypeymems reterced to inpacagmpfia 1 end 2 or chenge the nmount ot thepaymente. ;� :; _ <br /> +*h t underparegraph 21 the Propeny is eoquired by Lendar, Honower'e daht m eny insuranw poltctes end prooads f� s;�== <br /> ° t�- reeulting trom damege w the Propeny pdor m the eaquiaitton ahall pasv mlmder to the eztant ot the sume exured by ,.'__ <br /> "Y�' �'_ thte8ecurityInstrumantimmadtately pdormtfieacquisition. ; ,� :, <br /> � <; 6.Occupaucy,Proserv�tion,Matnton�nw snd Protectioa ot tho Property;Borco�ver'e Loau Applicetioa; 4 ;: °-° <br /> l.eaea6olde.Borcowar ehell occu y,eateblieh,md use the Proporty es Borroxer's ptinefpal teaidenu wltNn eiary days f"� °�- <br /> VY�y�' etter the axecutio� of tNe SecurRty Instrument and shall continue m accupy the ProQerty es BorrowaPe prfnclpal �'f ��;• � — <br /> �. yf!. ,�::�. <br /> - --�. reaidence tor at least one ytat atter the Ma of occupancy,unlas Lender otherHisa agras in wnting,Nhich conaent shell �_� <br /> _ `f:.�: not be unreasonably wtthheld,or unlese ertenuating circumetenae exfsc w6ich ere beyond DorcowePe control.Borrower t�7r.�,,, , � <br /> - ; ehall not deatroy,damege or impair the Properry,allow the Properry to deuriorau,ot commit waste on the PropMy. �4�i� _` <br /> . Borcoaer ehell be in defeult{f any todeituro ection or ptoceeding,whetheroivil or criminel, ie begun that(n Lender e -�_�t�; r i _�.� <br /> :�� good faith judgment could reault in todefture ot the Property or otherwise meterielly impalr the lien created by thie ', �- wF -_ <br /> F "`• Security Insttument or Lendera eecurity intercat. Borrower may cure euch a detault enA roinetetq ea provided in � -_ ' [i .��, -.-� <br /> � ' ,� paragraRh 18, by ceueing the ecdon or proceading to be diemissed with a ruling that, in Lander'e good teith u_� �`�.'� �_:. <br /> ,,,, 4,:� deurmmatfon,pralvdee tot[eiture ot the Borrower e mureat in the Property or other memrial impairment o}the lien ?� ;.s;i��y�° <br /> created by thie Saudty In�trument or Lrnder e axurity inteteat.Bonower eM1eU e�so be In dafaolt(t Borcower,during ..;;��•;y.c,�.ryr,;.-;;; <br /> � .-��=! !he loen applicntioa ptett^�, g!ve mektislly [aise o! instcerei? ietormetion Of�Atttn�ru in Scnrlrt (�r�d sr, _ - . <br /> . , .-- provide Lender Nith any meteriel information)in connection with the Iwn evider.ced by tha Note,ineluding,but not ''S '+�_:y'�?�C s`*;_ - <br /> -'-- `� limited to,representetions wncarning Borrorer'e ottupancy ot the Propeny ee a principal rceidanw.It this 3ecudty _ �: , - <br /> ''. Instrumrnt ia on e leasehold,Borrowar ahall comply with all tha provieion+ot the lease.[t Hotrower ecquires tee title to 'f;.', s "' -' <br /> . .: r << , � -_ <br /> '`� the Property,the Iwsahold and the tee titlashel�not metge unlesv Lender a�rces to the merger in writin& v+ .-r:>�y�t � al,_=_ <br /> - -'- 7.Protcetion of Lender a Righta ta the Property. It Dorrower feJe to pertorm the covenante end�greementa - :=, i j z� - <br /> .t. conteined in thie Security Inrtrument,or there ie e legal procading that mey signdicantly eitect Lender e righte in tM1e �, ;+ _ <br /> , ,�t,z; Propeny (sueh s+ e praeeding in bar.kruptcy, probste, tor condemnation or todeiture or to mforco Iewa or � _.,t;;_ ai�_..'��_ <br /> reguletions),then Lender may do and pey for whetaver is n�ary to protat the value ot the Property and Lender e " �1 � � . <br /> � �� righta in tha Propeny.Lendere ectiona may indude paying eny suma secured by e lim whieh hea priority over thie ,_ -��� 4J '"`- <br /> _ Security Instrument,eppearing in court,paying reasonable attomeya txa�nd entoring on the Propony ro meke repaira. ....-_,� "(��t <br /> Although Lender mey teke ection under thia parogreph 7,Lender does not heve to do so. -: � ^ _-�_ <br /> - Any emounte diebursed by Lender under thia pangraph 7 shall become additional debt of Dorroner secured by this y_-.� E �, 4�;; <br />. ,:r�'} �' Security Instrument. Unless Borrower end Lender agree to otAer tama a!payment,these amounts shall beer interest � �..r,._, . ,,.,s <br /> - irom the daro ot disbursement at the Note rate and eh�:l be payeble,aith intereat,upon notice irom I.ender to Borrower ��.�,}�,�t�t-`�''.=.`-'- <br /> �- requeating payment. Y t`� s . <br /> -,"� 8.Mortgage Ineurmce. If Lender rcquircd mortgage irs�rance�s a wndition of ineking the loan secured by this � `�' �,'t� �= <br /> Sxurity Instrument,Borro�ver ahell pay the premiume requircd[o meintein the mortgege inaurance in ett«t.It,toreny , ' <br /> � - rcason, the mottg+ge incurance covem6e required by Lender lepsm ot ceaers to be in ettxt,Borcower shell pay tM1e � ., - �k-_`•-``� <br /> premiume required to obtain rnverage substantially equivelent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at e eost !� j <br /> substantially equiealent to the cost to Borro�rer oi the mortgage insunna prcviously m et!cet, trom an alternate � �-'� `� . - <br /> mortgege insurer approved by I.ender. If eabstentielly equivelrnt mortgage insuronce corerege ie not aveileble, . , �- <br /> _ llorrower shall paY to I.ender each month e sum eqwl to one-twelith of the y�eerly mortgage insurance premium being _ : . <br /> . paid by Borrower when the insurance w��erage IapseA or cessed to be in etiat.Ixnder n�itl acecpt,use and retain thar � � � - - <br /> _ . paymrnu as a toss reun•e in lieu ot mongage insu:ance. I.osS resenro paymems mey no longer be required, <br /> ' Farm 30t! !/SO <br /> - �—BflP1Eho�oxe. "•�• �•'e In�urr . <br /> ie <br /> '� ' ' ' <br />- � c_. <br /> . Y. <br /> ' � .____�. . � <br />