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't `ff- rL 4; ` 1 -_I.�^ � c <br /> �S� ' :j1! _,'J y' i. C. _.�.y1 .rtf�, x-C�y.�'�`"y,i'°"t- -. _ - .-._ _—>._._. <br /> i -_ f — _" --�—"--r <br /> � fS:kS,��-� _ . ' � _ " ' . _ _ . -"� - .. 5 _ _"—"-_ <br /> � � . . • J��Q 0 _ _ __ _— <br /> �,a,r. • t6.Dotroner'eCopy_.Borronerehail6cg}venonewatotmedcopyottheNoteendoitfils8eau���um nb, � <br /> !7. Tttnetet of tho property or e Dono[lobl Intere�i in Honoaer. fr s11 or any put o! e rqperty or nny __ _ ___ . <br /> —� latoreat ln It i sold or trarsier�(or it e baneflcial(nuaat i�Donowm le sold ot trenaterreA ond Borrowelte nat.e ; <br /> n „ � naturat pereon�wlthoutLender'e pAor wrlttrn consont,knAor may,ot{teopHon,req;dro immed{au paqment tn(ull of '� `- _- <br /> .eU eume sceured 6y tNe 8ocurlty Irstrument.Hawevor,thle option ehelf not bo e:erolsed by LeaQx if egmclsa ie <br /> 1+ ' �' proht6ludbytederollawesoithodatootthieBeoudtylnstrument. <br /> ',r� -.=T ItLendno=etclsesthlsopHon,LendetehallglveHorcowernoAcoot�aelerntton.Thenoticeehatlprov�doepetind `-' <br /> __ .,;�...:„�` ot notlecs then 30 daye trom thedate the notica ie det{vercd or mailed Nith(n wh[oh Borrowcr musepsy eU sume sxurcA �,.,,� _ , - <br /> „� ='� bytNeBeourltylnetrumencItHorrowertailetopaytheseameoriortotAeaplrationotthieperlod,Lendermaytnvoke - <br /> � a, anyromeditapermittedbythie8eourity Insttumentwitho�i[urt�iernoAceordomandonBortower. _ <br /> I8. IIorrower'e RiQht u Itotnstato.]t Bottower mwta cortein wnditlons Borcower ehati have eho A�t W heve - -- <br /> ' �� _''� entoroeme�t oi thie 8ecudty Jnstrument dfaaont nued at�ny tfine prtot to the eariter ot:(a)J daya(m suoh oThet�od . <br />„ '' � ' ae eppliceblelaw may epecity tor reinetatemant�betoro ala ot the Propeny pureuent to any powar ot eale oor.tafned in p _ _ <br /> � � �� thls eeoudty Inatrument;or b) antry ot a dgmens eotoroing tNe Securlty Instrumant.Those conditione ere thet t ,��1 _=.- <br /> ' r:•; Borrorar. (e) paye Lender e1�euma whioh t�en would be due under this Secudty Insttument end the Nou ea it na F -� �;�� ., <br /> � < i`��� aae;eretion had aocurred;(b)cureaeny deteult ot any otder oovenenis ot egreement�(a)paye ell e:pansee inwrccd{n ,,,, . <br /> ��r�ti 1„� entorofng thia Security Inatrument,in e luding,but not Iimitod to,reasonable atmmey a'teee�and(d)ukee euah aotion ea _ #„ µ <br /> L.ender may rcasonably requtro to assuie thet the lien o!thla 8ecurity Instrument,I.ender s righte fn the Property end � -.+�� <br /> y �.,��� Borrowar'sobligedontopay theaumsaecuredby thle8ecwityInetrumentehallcontinwunchanged.Uponrolnetetemant 1��;`Tz .L--a�ae.. = <br /> ��- {<; byBotrower,tNa3ecurity Inatrumentendtheobligationrucuredhetebyehellremafntullyaftxtive�aifnonocelatation �: f - - <br /> St�t� ,3�9' had occurred.HoNavet,thie ri g ht to rotnateushall not e�.pIy in thecasao[aaelereNon undar paragraph 17. -;f' i �3_� <br /> ,- : 19.Sale ot Note;Change ot Lom Servlwr.Tha-Fou or�per[fel intereat in theNote(togetherwlth thfe8ecudty r`xe ,� <br /> , ,,� ! ;'.; Inatrument)may ba sold one or moro times wlthout pdornodce to Borrona.A aela mey reaul�in a ehenge in theentity ,_t�r; ��� <br /> ,,, _....,,, ,•, (knownaetha'LoanServicar')thetcollectemonthlypaymantedueunderthalloteandthie8ecudtyinatrument.Thera ._tr. .,, W°=-° <br /> Y' `<Y� also msy be one or more chengea ot the Loan Smvieer mreleted to a eele ot tha Nota Ii thero ta e change o!the Lonn � <br /> � -`;;' Sarvicet.Hottower will be given written notico ot the clunga in auordenco with peregraph 14 abovo md applkable Inw ;r- � -- ... <br /> fsl< <t� Tha r.otica will etete the namo and addr�oI the nen Lmn Sarviwr and the eddrese w which paymenta ehoald ba mede ; � . � --- .- <br /> y `,a_:�_.;-.� 7'henoticewillalsoconuinenyothmintormattonrequiredbyapplicablelaw. �l�.y��* : -� <br /> < � r,;. 20. Hazerdoua Substeaus. Horcower ahall not cause ot�mit tha presence,uae,disposel,awraga,or t lease of ,-_,. 1 ��::::aa--� <br /> j any Hazerdous Substenae on or in the Proper[y.Borcower ehal not do,not allow myona alse to do,anythingattacting � <br /> �Y t l�,;: the Property that ie in violation of eny Hnv�ranmrnul ptecedingtwo santonae ehall not npply to thepresenca ti�,. ,f° - ��--- <br /> �3� ,,: uea, or etorega on the Propercy ot emell quantities ol Hemrdoue Subatances thet are genmally recognized w be •::� J '' '%�`d - <br /> a. ' ��; eppropriatotonormalresidmtielusea�ndtomaintene�aotthaProperty.. ,�'` .��_ <br /> ,� +-'r 13orrower ehall promptlygive Ler.doraritten noticeof eny inveat�getwn,daim,demend,lawauitor otherection by �,j.I' � -. . -- <br /> + Y !"? eny governmanul at rogulatory or private pany invoiving thv PrupErty and an} Hazardous or cfZ �.M t� ,�,.- <br /> y � .�"� Bnvironmental Lew of which Borroc+er has aetusl knowledpa.It Borroner learns,or is notihed by an;govemmenul or g;,n � y,C,�.-: _ <br /> rogulatory euthority, ffiat eny removd or other romeAianon ot any Hazardous Subetence attxting the Property ia �-a�'s'' Yi ,,Y -_ _ <br /> necesaary,Dorcower ehall promptlY teke ell n�ery ramedial eetione m eaordance with Bnvironmmtel Law. � >.� .� .�, . • <br /> -. -,.y :,e�,i���th�a��e�aNh20. [(aw;d�us�utowr.cW'araih�su�tar�dcfin:4asto:i:orhaa:dowa:�nr.c� -- � `,� L <br /> +,��-� Dy Marvironmental and t�e following suostanas gamiine,kerosane,o[her flammeble or to:ic pe[roieum praducw ,ti�i < �����F__ <br /> toxic pesticidea end herbicidca, volatila solvente, me:aiale wnteining esbeatos or tormeldeh�Ce, and redioactiva ;-,,`�' � .yi -�.�r-__ <br /> metene�s.As used in thie paragreph 20,"Environmentel Laav' means tederal lawe�nd lawe ot the�urisdiction where the �,�.rzt 2 t p ;��S•_. <br /> �- Property islocatedthetrele:etoheelth,setetyoronvironmentalprotection. f?{ „ -_ ��$s.� <br /> , _- _ � hON-[1NIFORMCOVENAN7'S.BorrowerandLenderturtM1ercovenantendegreeeatollowa �;;y ,� ti:fi _ <br /> ', - ..c 21. AaelemNon; Romedios. Lender ahell glre notiw to Borro�sor prior to acceleration folloning + s EV S -�. <br /> -{ � '. Dorrower a breech ot any covanent or egreement in thia Seeurity Inatrumont(but not prior to acceloretlan ,; r »-- � �.�� ` <br /> - ��, uader paragrap619 unlw appliublo taw providos othonvise).The notiw ahall�peci►y:(e)the dotault;(b)t6e :.T - -r y <br /> ' - �-��_^ action rcquired to curc the default (c) e dete, not loss then 30 daye trom tho dato tho notice is givcn to � �-+ . + I + ` <br /> ��-,�-` Borrowor,by R6tch tho detault must be cured;and(d)th�t failuro to curo t6e detault on or botoro t6o date , q $-. � �'r- <br /> ` -- apecitied in the notiu m�y result in acceleretioa ott6e aums secured by thi�Sacrity Instrumont aad sale ot i }'f� " <br /> tho Proporty.The notice shall turtAer intarm Horrower of thc right to rainetate e[ter acceleretion end tha �� � ,, --.� ti ,.?,{ <br /> ! . right to 6ring e court action to essort tho non-oxis�ence aT e doteult or any other detonw of Borro�ver to *�_y� � _-y�, <br /> -- ���.� aculeratfon and ealo.It the datault ia not cured on or betore the dete epedtied in tho notiw, Lender, at ite �- _ •, -: <br /> opHon, may requira immediate payment in full otall auma aecured by thiaSewrity Ina�rument�rit6out ° 4 3� ,b��`S <br /> futther demand end mey invoke the powet ot sale and any otAer romedfes potmitted by applicablo latv. - 1 - . : <br /> � - Londer ehell be eatitled to coltect ell oi onace inwrred in urauin tho remedics rovided in tAis ara ra h �.-�., ;; �''�''"%'�=''� <br /> 21,iacluding,butnotlimitedto,rwsonebleettornepi teesendcust8aoftitleavideuce. P 8 P �` � . - <br /> , - I!tho po�ser ot aele ia invoked,Trustee shall rewrd e notice ot default in e�ch county in+rhich enp part of ��+; - ;;�- <br /> - the Property is located end shall meil copiea of such notice in the menner pre:cribed by ippliceble la�r to , .,;',�' <br /> `� �- Dorrower and to tha other persons prucribed by nppHcable le�v.Atter the hme required by epplicabte la�s, � '� __��;;_-.� <br /> ���. - TrurieesfiallgivepublicnoticeoTseletothe persommdinthemannerprcxcti6edbyapPliabblasv.Trwtec, , <br />,';'"� � . �vitAout demand on Dorro«er, shell sell the Property at publie wction to the higheet b�dder at the time end � -. <br /> - pince and under the terms designated in the nntice ot sale in one or mnre parcels and in any order Trwtee � - - - ` <br /> .. - detetmina.Truatee mey postpone sale of all or any parcel ot the Properq�by public anmuncement at the <br /> - time�od place ot any pteviausly scheduled aele. [ender or its deaignee mey purchese the Property at any - <br /> salc. <br /> � �-BRINE�o+oe�o+ ,�����, p Form 30t! 9/90 <br /> minm <br /> � ' <br /> _^ ' tF I <br /> . � <br /> � <br /> ', _ <br /> � -.- :.'_ _ � - � <br />