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�?� �� .., _ -;.a���.a�++. _ ._ � . .:� r i . ._� r` � s'.- i _ tr} _ _—. . __._ _. <br /> a11 t e im rove�ent4 now or horufkr qrect+A on ��pro . ��`�Meuul�, �V <br /> '!'b¢BPHB� Y/[7Yt h V <br /> � egpurtenanaaend!(sturrsrtoxsnc6sr�att�rsDanottheyropecW.Allrep]:co�dvot�+in0_a� t[o�a�lLi�ur� F _ <br /> .byttile8eear(tyInstrdi�ent.AltotSh6forbybingfa'teterddtotpthlsBebuBtyN�s(FtimQnln�tJiO•PfifpaaxZY" ^ " <br /> _ • SOAAOWSR COV�N�NfB tLet Sorcowar le lew[utly celsed o1!ho eatato hereby"aonveyed and•J�t�the d;htto�. <br /> — gront eeC cunvey�:o Proporry and.thei tfie Prupecty(a unencumELreO,etcept tor oncombrAneeo ot reodrA Borrox�r% <br /> -- wartentsandwiildc[�ndgonereily�hattQomthaPropdstyagatnsiellotafineaa4dem;nds,suh}wfmqnyonwmbrpce�a�' <br /> _ otteooid:" , ._. , ._ ,.. <br /> "�.�:1'9 ' TH[S 8RC1A11TY IN$1TiiJMBNf combines unttorm tor nattonal usa aed nonvNtorm eovdnente ai�h; <br /> Itmludvedattona�byiudsdtctiontoconatitutasuMtormcwurityinatruinentaovertngrc+tproperty , <br /> "Y�`�-.°� (1NiFORMCOVBNANfS.Borcowerendlnr.derwvonantendagreaeatollowa <br />�- = I.PAyment of PHaoiy�l ud Intereet;Yteprymept�ad I.�te Chu�es.8orcowerehall promptiy Qar ahel!due - � � <br /> j,4. thepdnoipelofandinurestonthedebtevldenocdbythoNoueadanyprepaymentnndhteahsrgesdueur.det.theNbte. — <br /> h <br /> 9.Fuade tor Tuee and Insuranco. BubJcet m sppllcabie taw or W e wdtten watver by I.ender;lkr[oae�ehell <br /> -,.,r,;�c'{" pay to Lender on the dey monthly mente aro due under the Noto,undl the Note is p�'.d in tu11,e eum('PuRde !Y ` <br /> '�`�'f;°::'r; (e)yearly tues end esseaements w Ich may atteln prlortty ovm thie Bccuttty Instrumer.tae a Hen on tho Property;(�. <br /> t;, �.:":'+ yoaAy leasoholdpaymente or groundtynm on the Property,if eny;(o)yeatly hezetd orproperty Insuranca p[erl�[umr <br /> �"� (d)ymrly ttood insurance promiume,it eny;(e)ywdy mortgege iaeuronoe premfume,it enY:and(t)any suma ppyable <br /> _:,�.:.�:. — <br /> .�;,,,_,-� <br /> n,�t� .r.r by Borrower to Lender,in eocotdance with the p%lelone ot peragraph 8,{n Ilou ot the payment of mortgage in5urenee <br /> :;:a:;;?� promiume.These iteme ere celled Becrow Iume. Lender may,at nny tima�Ileot end hold Fund+in an ar�ount not <br /> - `"-E to exoeed the muimum amount s lendar tor n kdorally rolated mortgage loan may rcquire tor Horrowet e escrow -� <br /> ;?:,ct�,�: .__ <br /> ,_ 'c..:# aocount undm the tederel Resl Hetnu 8enlement Procedures Aoc ot 197A ea emended trom time w tim0. 12 U.B.G <br />:.: `'�'>;�:j. Section 2601 et seq.('RBBPA'),uniess enother law that eppllea to the Funda sete a lesser nmouM.It so,Lender m�y . _ <br /> ,� , et eny tlma,colleot and ho!d Funds In nn nmount not to e:ceed the Iceser emounc Lander muy eattmatotho amountof <br /> Punde due on the bssle of current data end roasonabte estimatee ot e:pmdiwrcs of tuturo Hsorow fume or othernise In <br /> ,� tf ecootdancewithapplicableleN. �'r/ _ <br /> `_ ..:.,k,�?:: The Punde et�n11 be held in an inst[mdoa whose dapostte aro inaured by a tederel agenoy,intrumanulity,or entity <br /> -'`-��•• ,., . (including Lender,it Lender ie such an inadtu[ion)or in any Federal Home Loen Benk.i.ender ehell epply tha Pundt W �;``;s'-<::. <br />���:r.,, ., <br />.-,��:,z�"t pay the Bscrow Itome.Lendor mey not cherga Borrower tot holding and applying the Punds,ennually aaelysing ihe �E,;��di�="'-- <br /> 3n �t ` acrow eccount,or vwitying the Bscrow Iwme,unie�Lender paye Borcower Inurest on tha Punds end epplicable I�w �ap78'� <br /> ��` mite Lendar to make euch a cAerge. Howover, Lender may requiro Horcower to pay a one�tfine eAarga tor m ' ' <br /> �1 ��ependent real estau te:rop�rHng servlce used by Lender in connection with thie 1oen,unlesa appliceble Isw provides ,';!' �:- <br /> r� ' othernise.Un:ass en egreement ia made or appliwble law requiree inureat to bo peid,Lender ehell not be requited m s ? � . �._ <br /> rt z; pay IIotrower eny intuest or eeminga on the Funde.Borrower and Lendcr may egrea in wtittng,however,thatintereat -'* --�_ -� <br /> 1 : r -; +i,+rr,��-= <br /> t'�_� `- ehe11 be paid on the Funde.Lander ehall give to Dorrowet,without cherge,an annuel aaounting of the Funds,ehowfr.g b 1 F-�} _ _ <br /> f " q credits and debite to t!�e Funda and the purpose tor whlch each debit to the Funde wea m�de.Tha Punde ere pledgad�a �}�:r � � <br /> eddidonel secudtr tor all sume secured by thie Security Inatrument. _!'z —_. <br /> ,0.d1�"`�i It fhr.Pund?held b�L![!d^t tz^!�a *h�nmmmta rermltted to be held by npplicnble Inw.L,ender eAell account�o - -- - �_____ <br /> "`t '.' Borrower for the exass'Funda in eaordance with the requiromente of applicabla law.It the amount of tM1e Funde held t��`-<'.�� I�*- " - <br /> ' _,$,,,; by Lender et eny time ia not sutticient to pay the IIscrow Itema when due,Lender may so notity Borrowu in ndting, � r '. ;n }.a <br /> : -- ' end,in such eese Borrower ehell pay to Lender the�mount neeessery to meke up the detieiency.Borrower ehell meke - -�;�'�� �`�� �-�- <br /> t � ♦ _� G a(`_`. <br /> -�. upthadeticiencyinnomorethanrnelvemonthlypeymenrs,atLenderesoledismtion. ` ;<_ - M}� <br /> ' - � � Upon paymont in Poll ot all sume secured by thia Saurity Inetrument,Lender aheil promptly rotund to Borroxu ,-�'��'- � r ���±, <br /> , ... , . ..,�..:..,,-: ..... <br /> � � �7°:Y ` nny Funda he!d by Lender. It, ur.der paregreph 21, I.ender ahall acquiro or sell tho Property, Lender, prior to the :`z€�,�r•�,., ��.,,axt„`. <br />'`���:;`:'�'i, e wsition or aele ot the Pro rt ,ahall a I en Punde held b Lendar at the time o[e uteitioa or sde as a credit �',<};`-::te:';;,`�t"= <br /> � - �9 � P� Y PPY Y Y �9 - F+_ <br /> againa[theeumasecuredbythieSecuritylnatrument. • t# � .-•- <br /> K 3.Appltcation ot Peymonte.Unles9 eppliu6ie lew providea o[herwise,all paymenta raeived by Lender under .,,;;,.s-:�,r�,;t;y;: <br /> '�' `- re ra ha I ar.d 2 sha�i bn e lied:tiret,co an rc ment char ea due under tha Notr,sernnd,a amounta eble '"�-•°�=-•.<<-:• <br /> t '�- Pe 8 P PP� Y P PeY 8 PaY --_ ;),�r - - ',::: <br /> -�= under paregreph 2;third,ta intermt due;tourth,to principai due;and list,ta any Iste chargea due under the Note. ,tj: �,--- --_�_ <br /> q �. 4. CLerges; Lieaa. Ilorrower ehall pay all u:es, aaaemente,chargea,tines snd impoaitions attributable m the s.._, t h, :: <br /> Pro rt whieh ma attein riori� over chie Sxurit Inatrumant,�nd leasehold ments or und rmte, it en . �����I i. ' � ��i�", <br /> • P� Y Y P Y Y PeY Bro Y . . , - � . <br /> . � •'�';�-� Borcower ehe!I pay these obligetions in the manner provided in peregraph 2,or if not pnid in that manner, Borrower 1_:t:y'�•:�;�'.?.g;�;: <br /> 1 <br />_ - shall pny chem on time dirce[ly[o ih¢person owed payment.Barroner shall promptly Porniah to Lender eIl notieesof `;_�,��$yr;"_;'°�_°;;;_ <br /> amounts to be peid ur.der this peragraph.It Rorroner makes these paymems direc2ly, Aorrower shJl promptly fumish - i� <br /> � toLenderreceiptaevidencingthepayments. -���-� { ' ` � <br /> }' Borroner shall promptiy discherge any lien nhich hss priority orer this Security Instrumrnt unless Borconer.(�) = >r F . ��` <br /> 4 agrees in nriting to the payment ot the abligation saureJ b�•the liea in a menner accepuble to Leader;(b)contestein i' :, ,,,:•_ <br /> gaod feith the lien by,ot deter.ds against enforcement uf the li:n in,legal proceedings�hich in the C.ender's opinian - . <br /> .!� _ operote to prevent the eniorcement of the lien;o:(c)aecures trom the holder af the lien an agreement eetiefacrory w � - -��`' <br /> Lender subordinating the lien to thisSecority Instrumer.t.lf I.ender decermines that any part of theProperty iasubjw[ --� '"f'`� �%: <br /> _ - to a lien �vhich may attain prinrity over this Securitp Instmment,1<nder may give Sorron•er a notice identifying the !.` . - "�" � <br /> _ _ lien.Borro�ver shell setisfy the lien or take one or more nt the actions set torth a6oa•e u�ithin 10 d�ys ot the giring of � - � - _ <br /> - �notice. , - - <br /> . •� •. . Fem 702! 9/f0 ' - — <br /> �—BRPIEImm>ao� ..�.r.�e �mU�b._ �. . <br /> � � . !J: ' ...:u.._ " .: . - _ _ ' _ . _ .. ' <br /> . ,`'.. `�- � � — <br /> L -� <br /> S� <br /> ` ' . , <br /> -..'�." - _ . . <br /> .- .. `�-_ _ ' ' ... . , �� � <br /> . _.���. 1 ' � ... .. � . . t.!' . � . _. _ _ . _ ... __________ __ ___ _ <br />