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� r1V � or -_' .' ,�.j <br /> *�-: - - ' v� b + ._�� ..__ � r)`,,- ,--ir L, � -s,'>.,'--�---+— � _- _'__-- <br /> �� i ���^ « .—,. _ .�. -:� _" ._ _ ..- � � __ <br /> —= �193�:�o�so�! � <br /> - - at'the atxtidn at Lendar, it mottgaga fnsur-.ncs cawraga(tq.tlw amount md fo;tta �1od tfiat�td� �Wr�� <br /> 'F �•� provldsd by en Insurct eppmved by l.ander egaln 6eooines evellablo end ta obtainW.Bot�ower aheli pay Rho'j�temluine � •' <br />� N '� ra{Wted to mdntaln mongage Insuranoe in offeot,or to Qiovlda e,loss rebet+re, undl the kqutroment tot mortgdge <br /> ��-K� (nsurmoeendstaeoeordancewlthenyweInenegreementbetvueenDormwerendLendororappllcabletaw '..� <br /> �_•.,. 9.InepaHoq,LenderoNteegentmaymalcereasonablaenulrauponandinspeptlonsolthoProp,ny.I.endtteh�ll - <br /> glveBorrowmnot[oeatthetlmeotorpHortoenlnepeotianepecltyingreacor.abfeasusatottAeltispectlon. � ' �• <br /> ti � t0.Caademaedon.Tha prooeeds oteny aNard or ctelm tor demeges,direat or consequontiel,in connEOtion with -- <br /> j „J'� any condemnntlon or other uking of eny pert ot the Propeny,ot tor aonveyanoe in I!eu ot condemnatton;are hereby _ _ <br /> • eneigaed and ehett be psid to Lender. — <br /> '- � "� fn the event ot e totel te�tng ot the Propeny,the prooeeds ehall be e pl:ad to the sume secured by this&cuiity - - <br /> �'T` inetrument,whether or not then du0.witA my exoe�pa{d to HorroNer.Tn t�ia evont oh paniel teking ot the Propeny tn -- <br /> � ,: w=- <br /> .,.;;;';����-,:,� whloh tha tair markot value of tha Proporty Imme0lately beforo tho utcing le equat m ar grwter than the emount ot the ; ;--- <br /> � � c�_,�� eume seoured by thls 8eaurtty Instrument immediately betoro the taking,unteav Borcoxar�nd Lendar othero�lse egree �- <br /> � �� !n wAting,the sume sxured by this 8ecudtY Instrument ehall be rcduced by the amowt ot the prooceda mult{plled by - - <br /> ,r�;:,; the totlowing iraation:(e)the totel amount ot the eume swured Immedlntely 6etore tM1e talcing,divided by(b)the falr �`s =__- <br /> s � ._�} markot velue ot the Property immedistely befom the taking.Any balanoe eheil 6e paid w Borrower.Tn the evmt of n u�: __ <br /> y�, < - ,;_ partial uking ot the Proporty in Nhich the tdr marlcet velue ot the Property immedfekly betora the tatcing ta las thn� -,, _— <br /> �, F ',F, the amount ot the eume secured immedlatdy beforo the uting,un!ess Borcorer end Lendu otherxisa agrce in wAting ;o ���� _ -=._ <br /> r � •-,r or un!esv oppliceble law otherwise providea, the proaeds ehell be appHed to the suma seoured by this &cudty ._.:_ -- <br /> t � � �` Instrummtwhetherornotthesumearothendue. '< < a�`=' <br /> �. ._ �?a;�: It the Property is abandoned by Borroner, or it,attar notice by Lender to Horroeer thrt the condemnor oHere w _ <br /> f � � �•';.. malce an award or settte a c:afm for demaga, Horcowm taile m reapond w Lender Nlthin 30 deye at[er tha deu the :�, r .- <br /> � ' � notice ie given,Lender is authodzed to col�at nnd eppty the procuda,et ita op[ion,e[[her m restoration or repair ot the -� ; _ °° <br />_�i„i`.,�F,",3C Property or to tfie suma securad by thia Security Instrument,whother ar not then due. _. <br /> .5+ .;��i�. Unlas Lender end Borroner otherwise�6tee in writing,eny application of proceed+m pdncipal ehall not ertend or ,.4C,�4 <br /> ` ` � * ,T,� postpone the due dau ot tha monthly paymenta rotarred to in paragnphs 1 end 2or ehenge the emount of auch ,._ �- —'- <br /> :z z Psymenta <br /> � Y. <br /> � � iy,;, 11. IIorro�vor hot Releesed; Porbwnnco Dy Londer hot a Neiver. Batension of the time for payment or -t' <br /> ' moditication ot amortization ot the sume sxured by tNa 8ecurity Inatrumrnt granted by Lender to any wcceasor in .J? <br /> 1 - - 11'[v -: .tcs - <br /> ,� Y rr._�: inureat ot Horrower shell not opemte u release the liability ot the original Horro�er or Borrowar'e s�ccestrore in - •, 4 =:_ <br /> *r z�-_� inter�t.I.ender ehalf not 6e required to commance proceedinp ageins�any euccesso:in intereat or ro[we tu aatend '� ,� <br /> °' i� z�' tima tor peymeni or othernise modity amortizetion ot the euma secured by thie Security Invtrument by«avon ot any �% �; � _ <br /> � �' i� demand made by the originel Dorrower or porroxet's auccessore in inureat My totbearanee by Lender in exeKising -t, s+�r.� `� <br /> sk�� eny Aght or romedy ehell not ba e waiver otor prceluda the exenise of any right or ramedy. --�>Yy �{ _- Y.. <br /> �••� ii ftucceaaora and nssigna Aound;Ioint and finverai i.�eniH�y;Cn-Rigners.i hc a.+venenra snd a rrmnmrs - - --� _ <br /> '� ?j r;� of thie Secudty Inatrument ehell bind and benetit tha sucassore and assigne ot Lender and Botrower,su6�ect to the i �, �i:_„j_- <br /> .�!< ,- �- • provisiona ot paregroph 17.Horrower e eovenmts end agraments ehall be joint end savnal.Any Borrowor who co-eigne ;;i::�.. °.t r..-_ -- <br /> _,; ;ct{� thfa Security Inatrument but daes not exavte the Nota: (e) ia co-aigning this Sxurity Inatrument only m mortgage, '"'+' sr� � '""'�_- <br /> , ' 't� .:. 6ront and convey the[ IIorroner'e interest in the Property under tha terma ot thie Security Instroment;(b) is not -� .�S rir'T ai�:-. <br />-_ " - ..- ,i Bo o�tIr mey aagtee to exund�modity torba�r m ke eny�eycwmmodai ons with reg+d t tha terme ot thie nSeur ty ;":`'j�0'c;:;c}".`�c-.K: <br /> ` �-._ ;_' Instmment or the Note withnct thet Ilorconas consent. �� � ,a;Y'� ' <br /> - t3. Loan Chergea. It the loan secured by thie Sceuriry Ina[rument is subjacc to�lew which sete merimum loan �'L � - '�rg.�_ <br /> � 1.�-�f y. ch�rges,and [het lan is tinally interpreted m that the intereat or other loan chargee col�ated or to be collected in �� t �js";;ja1 -. <br /> f �, connection Nith the loan exceed the permiucd limi�s,therc (a)eny auch loaa cherge shall 6e reduced by the emount '�� �- �1 :1 : - <br /> >> - ��%,, neassary to reduca the cherge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums�Iready oollated from Dorrower ahieh .y , ;:-�z=�sf °< <br />. exaeded permitted limita will ba retunded to Horcowen I.ender mey choase to m�ka thie rotund by rcducing the -. z:�ri r <br /> :-. princiql otived under the Note or by meking+direct payment to Dorrower.If s rcfund reduas princtipal,the reduction `-i - �iF:�: i:: <br /> `-j will betreated es e pnrtial prepayment�vithouteny prcpeyment cherge ur.der the Nota. _- t_�•:'�s'` <br /> � -; �' 14.NoHeos.Any not�ce to IIorroner provided for in thiaSecurity Instn:ment ehali be given by delivering itor by ' '�t ' <br /> meiling it by tire[clesv meil unlesa appliuble la�r requirea use of anather methad.'The notice ahall be directed to the � t f;- '` '�� <br /> �+ `��' � Property Addras or any other eddrers Borrorer designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to I,endet ehall be givrn by L�:, - s. ''� i-; <br /> � - '�-" firat cless mail to Lender s eddres9 ststed herein ar any other addresv l.enda designrtes by notia to Horrower.Any �-` ' v <br /> ` i - . notice provided tor in thia Security I:istrumer.t ahe:l be dameA to have 6een given to Oorrower o:Lender o•hen given , _ <br /> +y� ����. asprov�dedinthieparagraph. � <br /> 15.Governin La�v:Sevetabilit "ILis Securit Instrummt shall be �erned b federel lew and the law ot the �'� '�„�-� <br /> '7' 8 Y• )' 8�' Y ( <br /> � jurisdiction in nhieh the Property is theerrnt that an7�pro��ision or cleuse ol thisSecurity Ins[rumentor the t ` � <br /> hote contlieta with appliceble law,such mnflict she;l not atfect ather prorisioas ot this5eceriry•Instrumentor the\ote k�� � - <br /> - . which can be given etiect�vithout the mnflicting pro��ision."Ib this end the pro��isionsoi ehis Security Instrument and � - <br />� . theNotearedalaredtobesererable. i <br /> _ ' � <br /> � . I <br /> . . . , �_BRP1EI�o�os.o� Ferm i02E 9/90 . . <br /> ..n�a e mm.ic <br />- ., . _ .. <br />-i _. " <br /> _ =z%,=� � <br /> �. <br /> 'y' . <br /> ,:S'-'� <br /> 3� . . <br /> { ; . <br /> - . . .. . _ ., ,-..�.:'-.,. _..._� _.. . � <br />