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�F,r �r _ �..(;=�i � . n+N`�il�r n_:t�> . . . .c S-f � :,-. _ . <br /> s i ' J_ _. �� M1 _'°�d°�",�,: r, u _� 1 r_� f <br /> �- -� --°-i�ae,w�.--1_{°fc � r -°TJ 11�-�.. -" ' --- <br /> � .- . :� . . , _ - � i �(.- ;`�'�� �_i r -. <br /> ,�3:..."'��� ". Yi .. :. . � . -. � •� ' �� � � �Y�wo�i7 -r� � 3` <br /> _ � rt� 3�r��4rao: roperiyta.aunnce, BorfupretehnUlcapthe�mplovoinertt@p9NO;1�n�e+t�ercre6tedoR <br /> „� , hhe Pmpeny.i�eg�inst tos�6y ilre fiizarQe Include0 ai�Nn ene tetm•e�tte�de0 oeveie�e }�ldiny dthetltizlyde; ' <br /> _ inoluding flooQa or(laoding,tor wNoh�.onde►roaulrce ioeu�anae.Thia inaunnoe aAiii be mitntsinqd(n tpa ombunte �_r ;- <br /> --= and toe tho pedoCa thrt Lendar roquitte.The Insunnbe arcier providlny the ineur�goe ehdi be choxn by Boiror». <br /> '�� subJoot to 1.endePe eypmval whloh ehell not be unroesottn4ly withheld,It IIotrower falle tu mdnuf000vorega d�scAbod • <br /> _�„_ _._:— a6ova,Londormay,et LendePe optlon,ubtetn ooveroge to protaot LonEe%r1IIhk In the Proparty In�000rAtpco Q�itA �,:• <br /> '� � peragraph7. _ . _. <br /> �-h-N* � Ail lqeuronoe policica and ronewda ehut bo a000puble to�anC oh�11 IncluQp�atuiMtrd mottsa e olt�.- <br /> ' r ��1 Londer ehetl have Me d t ta hold the poilcies end rmownta It Londer rcqutree, Doerowet eha11 ptomp�y givo tu <br /> , �, Lendet all rocolpieotpei�pramtume end rcnowsl notiaa Tn the event otlwcv,ifotrower eh011 gtve prompt notipe tn tha • <br /> F � <br /> ry � tneurenceuttterendLender.LendermeymalceproofofloseltnotmnAeprompdyby Sorrowet. <br /> ip � Unless Lender and Horcower otherwise egrce in wAting,insuranoe prooeeds ehep be applied to reatoretlon or rop�(r <br /> !. �:; ot tho Properry dnmaged,H the restorettonor ropeir ie oopnomicelly loasible end Lender's uourlty ienot lease0ed.tftha _ <br /> i,+'c:>.• .. restoretion or repnir ie not eoonomicalty teastble or Lendor'e security wou:d 6a lessencd,tha ineurence rooeeQS ehatl 6e <br /> ..-...}�°3��a <br /> :'•�}„�;:.;;;� ppplied m the eume secured by tNe 8ecuriry(nstrument,ahether or not then due,with eny eioess pel to Horcowet.It <br /> x��i Sorcower abandans the Propeny,or does not anewx within 30 daya e nottce trom Lender that the Insurcnw tarrier fiae �--- <br /> t a�z; "; ottmed so settle e cleim,then Lender tnsy colleot the insurcnca prooeeda Lender mey use thep roouda to repalr or <br /> �� .. �r.% reawre tha Propetty or topsy sums securod by this 8wudty Inatrument,whetharor notthan due.The30�dey period witl <br /> y' ��°;: 6aginwhenthenotiaeie gvan. -- <br /> v , - Unless Lendar end Horrower otherwise agree in wrtNn9,any applicatlon ofprooeeds m pdnolpel ehell notertend or �,,__._ <br /> -1���.,;v:' paa tponetheduedetaotthemonthtypsymmtscelerredtoinperegropheland2orchengethesmountolthepsymente. �_ -- <br /> "'��°S'�:�;'?� It undar pnrcgreph 21 the Properry ie eoqulred by Lender,Horcower'e riaht w any Inaurance polidcs and pr000ede - - <br /> I r�-����: resutting(rom damege w the Property pdor to the acquieition ehsll pesv tal.ender w tha extant o(the a�me sacured by P--� <br /> ., ';�" thieSecudtylnetrumentlmmediauly pdormtheacqufeitioa. ,=h � ` <br /> � - 6.Ocoupanoy,Preservation,Diaintenoaw�nd Protection of the Property;Botrower'e LwnApplicstion; � .� ,F .� <br /> `$�`« �' Loeso6olde.Borcower ehail occu�y,esteblteh,and use the Propxty es Borrower'e principat rcsidance xithin eirty daye <br /> v b,_'. <br /> ,- ., ,'- atter the axceudon of thie Secunty Inattument and shal(continue to oceupy tM Property es Bottower's pdndpal ;;��r : <br /> < <4';�;�;. reeidence tor et teast one yeer attec the date of occupancy,ualeae Lender otherwise agras in wrtting,wfifch wnsent efiall z c <br /> � � =�f�; not 6a unressonebly withheld,or unlese extenuadng circume'anae exiet which are beyond IIorrower's eonttol.Bo�roNer <br /> f�ti�. �- ehetl not deatroy,damege or impalr the Property,a11ow the Propariy to detedorou,or commlt Naste on the Property. `^f t„ . <br /> � Bormwer ahall bo in detault it eny todeituro eetion or proaeding, whether dvil or criminel,ie 6egun that in Lendu's ?�- a - - <br /> t� i�� �z;' good feith judgment coutd reeult in forleituro of the Property or othernise meterldly impeir the lien creetcd by tMa � �y�, --- <br /> i , }� Security Inatmment ur Lender's security intereat. Horrower may aro auch a deteult and roinstate,es provided in !'� � � <br /> , ' � +..;; pategraph 1$ by causfng the action or proeeeding to be diemissed with e ruflng thet, in Lender a good fafth �4 f? <br /> � determinetion,prceludes tortoituro ot the Borroner s interest in the Property or otha meteriel Imp�irment ot the lien ���- ' <br /> _-"- creaced by rhie 3ecunty Inetrument or Lendeta sxurity intereat.Bnrmwer shnll nlso be in defauic if Borcower,duAng -�-� �-- <br /> - '�J tha loan applieation process, gave matarially talse or ineaurate intormation or sutemente to Lender (or fefled ta t��; t} t ,,' -.` <br /> ' !-- rovide Lender with en metetial intormetion m connection with tha loan avidenocd b tha Note,inc;udir. but not -"'�� s'�t�� <br /> ,c �, � Y )' Y B� :. � <br /> ' - --°a �mtted to,represenutions conarning Borconer's occupancy e:thc P:operty a9 a principal residmce,(t thie Security r�;" t' .-'�. <br /> InetrumenNa on e leasahold,BonoNer ehall comply Mith a{I the provisiona ot tho lease.It Borrower aoquires tee title to -r�:,�r ��, 2��,� <br /> theProperty,theleeseholdandthefeetitleshallnotmergecn:es�L.endero�rastothemergerinNritiag. �-�� f ,,, -� <br /> 7. Protection of Lender's Rights in tho Propetty.II Horcower taJe ta pettorm tha eovenante and agramente --�-(; ��h',y.:� <br /> _� -_ _�` conteined in thie Security Ina[rument,or there ie a legal praeeding thet may signiticantly ettcet Lander's rights in the -";y L + {J''° <br /> _ � ,'-� Property (sueh ae e proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, tor condemnation or tortaituro or to enlorce lawe or '�� + S `;--� <br /> - i'�� ttgulationa),then Lender mey do and pay tor�vhetever ie nceesury to protect the v�:ue ot the Property and Lender e , -:_ <br /> righte in the Properry. Lendera ections mey include m an eums secured b a lien which hes norit ovet thin t *�� -- <br /> .,.:.r.;l'. PeY 6 Y Y P� Y ..'�.. . .,. . <br /> ;:_=�;••-.�- _ Securitylnetrument,appearingincourt,payingreasonablee:rorneyetasendenteringontheProparrytomakerepaire. >=��+'..;-�.';.;•t;;;���.- <br /> , � � :- Although Lender mey take action under thia peregrapM1 7,Lendar does not heve to do so. .;�'r<� '_ <br /> � �`� AnyamountadiebursedbyLenderunderthieparagraph9eha116ecomeeddicioneldabtotDorroxersxuredbythie r _.- � - <br /> - Security Instrument.Unlesc Dorrower end Lender agree to other terms of payment,these emounts e!�all bear intereat �, ' <br /> � � <br /> .--j �' from the date of diebursement at the hote rete and shell ba payab:e,nith intercs[,upon notica from Lender to Borrowtt -,q':-.n,.. �5.:.� <br /> � requesting paymrnt. � >, -. <br /> 8. Rfortgage Insurenco.If Lender requircd mortgage ineurena es e mndition o!making the lwn sxured by this - 5 � j`.-- <br /> - _ Security Inatrument,Dorrower ehell pay the premiums requircd ro maintain the mortgage insurance in,for any ' ':- <br /> rceson, tha mortgage insuranca coverege required by l.enCer lapses or ceases to be in etfect, Horroner ahell pay the � - � a`-� <br /> y� �- premiams required to obuin coverege suhttentially equivalen[to the mor[gage insurence previously in ettec[,at e cost � : <br /> . subsuntiatly equivalent to the rnst to Borroner oi the mortgage inaurance previoualy in eftect,trom an elternate jj :. <br />_ - �� - m o r t g e g e i n s u r e r a p p r o v e d b y I,e n d e r. I f s u b s t e n t i e l l y e q u i v il e n[ m o r t g a g e i n s u r a n c e c o v e r a g e i a n o t a v a i l a b l e, - • <br /> Borrower shall to I.e^der each mo^th a sum ual to one-tadhh at the ead mort a e insurance remium bein � �'��- <br />- �.�;p- PeY W Y )' S 8 P 8 [",;� . . __ <br />� - paid by IIorcower when the insurance rnrerage lepsed or cezsed to Ix in effat.I.ender�vili accept,ux and re[ain these � - <br /> - - payments as a los5 reserre in lieu oi moregage insurance. I.osc «senro papments ma�� no lanaer tx required, F - <br /> _ F�rm 702D 9/90 � <br /> �- �-BRP1FJn.onio� ..�.�.�e u��u�. • . <br /> �. • ' <br /> .y�'�� <br /> . .�.i,.' i . <br /> �i. :`� <br /> , � <br /> .: . . <br /> _ _ '�.. - .- . _ � _ . <br />