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..t::_ _`. �zY.',:v --o - r ;, -- ��'.-�:Si ''�:r::+7 - <br /> "�."�'�..""z� .� .. .o.. .�._.L:�L ""'_ .� . �_ _....._..� _.._.-._. <br /> 2 _ � ._ •. _ - _ _ _ _ _. _ _,— -""" ,_.,- . <br /> A �� <br /> 1 ��_�`I - . . - . _.. � k: <br /> iFt�_..f'L� `� y � . . _ - �� ��`akf�I/ ' <br /> � � � �6.EarraRee'eCopy�Borrowaelst�bagirrnonecqntormsdsupyot�':u • » ' ° '��`s•,A <br /> -i� \i pNVi{{`�M�v <br /> , � ' 7.Tr aeter o!the oyeri�o�e AenpjJold In4ereat In Oorrpwot,I}eii 6r eoy paie pt t�e�my�ety o18 � ,, <br /> inttroet In i�1 aold or treastorrod or t a bcnenetdlln{ereat in Borconn le sold ot transtettM na Ao"rtpwet lo nop e <br /> ��r�"� naturet person�wtthoui LenAer'e p or wrlKen ooneeM,Lendar may,nt tte opttos,raqutro tmmed�aupay�ent ln Mlo� <br /> � , � e11 euma swured bp eAle Beourity Instrumant.Nowover, �hfa option ehel(not be e:erciaul by i,endor t oxorclen fa <br /> -;- proAlWtedbytcderallewanottt:edntoofthis8coudtylrstrumont. - ` ` <br /> s _. a It Lender e:otciaea thie option,LenEer ehetl giva Dorcowot nofloe ot eooeleratton,Tl:e nottoe eheil provlAe e peAod <br /> � olnotlessthan30deyefeomthedamthenotleeiedelfverodormelicdwitNnwh!ohDorroHermustyey�Usumaexured � <br /> '�`_r` ., bythleBwuAtylnstrumont.lfBorcowertellewp�ythaesnme priortotheex�rationotthloperiad,Lenderreaylnvoka — <br /> anyremediespumlttedbythls8ocurft Instrumentwhhoutturthornoticoordomsgdon8orrower. �T-° , - <br /> �' 18.Dottower'e Ri�ht to Relus�ate.It Borrower moete oanaln oondlNone,Eorrower ehell heve the d�t to deve <br /> ktf ' )K' <br /> , , ;� —�. antorpcement oithte Becuflty instrumentdiscont nued et any ttme pdor w the earllor oh(a)S daya(or suoh oihorpulod <br /> � �Y n5"- '� hIsPSCCt�t� Ine!ument�o�b)e t�ot a���toro eale ot the Propony pureuant w any powu ot sele oonteined In — <br /> } , y ( ry t gmeno enlbroing thls SeouNty Inatrument.7hose oondhions aro that _ _ <br /> r Horcower. (e) psye Len�er e11 sume whloh tLen would 6e dua undar this 8xurlty Instrument end ehe Note es it no F,,, <br /> �",sA �.� eacelttation had occurced;(b)cures eny dafault ot any other oovenonte or agreo:nen (o)paye ell e=ponata Incurted in = �_- <br /> � rs�tr ��E: �torcing thie Securi�y Instrument,tnctuding,but nat Ilmlted to,reasonabte attome tas•and(d)taYes such actton es F = — <br /> r ,�� Lendar mny re1agsaonabty reqyuiro m essure that thye lien ot this 8eourity Instrument, nder�e righu in tha Properry end —=--� <br /> , .;+����;ti, byBorwiomwert�Ide9xudt�yInetromami�tan�dtl�BOblfgetioneuseour�haro yeh Il�ro�alntuily H�tiveaaPitnoax�ataraBon , ,`, ,� •t' <br />- -,.:•,,s_:... �i. <br /> , ,.,�r�^s,_ hadoccurced.However,thlerightmroinetetaehallnotapplyintheeueotaxelerattonunderparagraphl7. ?,` , � <br /> ' f� :j t9.8eleofNoto;ChangeofLoanBervicer.Theh'oteoroperttellnur�tintheNote(togetharwiththfe8eoudty `•''� } �° <br /> , i,,�. - �,if- Inetrument)mey be sold one or more times wlthout pdor notice m Horrower.A eale may result in a chengo In theeq tity ''�� r���. <br /> ^ r� � ` (known ea tha'Loan Sarvioer')that collecta monthly paymenta dua under the Nota end thta 8ecuriry Instrummt 7Tero ;`� —_ <br /> � , �, _-j�; elso mey be one or moro cfiangea of the Loan Servicer un»lated to a ealo oI the Nota if there ie a change ot the Lan x °'-"" <br /> r f Servicer,Borrower will be given Nrittan wtice of the change in a000rdanca w(th paragnph 14 above and applfcable I�w. ,; � <br />! � " =,.�s� The notice wfll etate the neme and eddresv of the new Loan Sarvioer nnd the addresv w whieh peymenis ehoutd be mede. i�e;';;�,.-- <br /> � -- -s` ThenoticowillalsocoatainenyotherintormationrequiredbyapplicxblelaN. -'. � � ,l -- _ <br /> 4 -�-- s 20.Heaerdoue Subatances. Borcowar eha�l not eeusu otpetmit the presenca,uso,dispose1,etoraga,or relesse ot -.,%r�, � � <br /> '"` `�;� any Hezardoua 8ubstancm on or in the Proparty.Horrower shall not do,not allox anyone else m do,anytNng aHecting -�'•, �� .-. <br /> ,� - x;��,: thePropertythetieinviolationotaayIInvironmentelLnN.Thepreading twosentanasahallnotepplywthepresence, r. � ""` <br /> _-��i.. �-:i use, or stomge on the Propart� ot emall quantitiee ot Hazetdouv Substanas thrt nre ganarelly rocognized m 6a k�,;Y�,.��..;-- -- <br /> - L - �%; eppropnetatonormaltesidentie useaendtomaintananceoftheProperty. .�.� " --� <br /> a ,� :` SorroweraF.ellpromptlygiveLendttwrittennoticeotanyinvea[igetion,cleim,demend,lawauitorotheractionby _�` �SF fi�;�—. <br /> } r� : . iy`, any govemmrntal ot rogulamry agrncy or privata pirty irrvolving the Property md eny Hezerdous Subsunce or , E r�M�._' <br /> .a.:�; Environmentel Law o[which Botroaor hae aetwl knowledpe.If Horrower leame,or ie notit�ed by any govemmenul ot s-e i�sa,��-f y„i°- <br /> 1 -.- t,;;; rogulatory authnrity, that any removel or other ramcdiatmn ot eny Hezardous Substance nifating tha Property is ' �t _ __ <br /> -JG::7-` nax�ary,Bortowersheilpromptiliakedinxwaryromedieinccioremaccordancaeichnnvironmen[e1Law. -�` - <br /> As used in thie parograph N, HezeMous Substanus'ere those substenae detined av w:ie or hemrdous euEetenaa ��� s,x>--�nr:�- <br /> „ '-�•�: byEnvironmentelLaNendthetollowingsubstenaagamline,kerosena,othertlemmebleormxicpatrolaumproducts, �f ��,.s,r��' �' <br /> , ,'��: toxic peetieidea and herbicidea, volatile solvmte, materiele conuining asbestos or torma!dehyde, end rad�oactive �j F� .;,.��-�- . <br /> , �-� :: mntma.aAsusedinthieperegraph20,'Hnvironmenullaci meanstederallawaandlansotthe�urisAictionwhetethe � 5� h- _,-';�i��;�. <br /> � Propetty ielocatedthatreletetohealth,eatetyoronvironmenulprotcetion. t_;_+ , Y- h� __ <br /> ' NOV-UNIFORMCOVBNANfS.Borcower�ndLenderturthercovanantendegraestollon� , <br /> - 31. Accoleration• Remediea. Leadar ahall give notiw to Dorro�eer prlor to ecceleration tolloving _�.f ` .�{� -�y;.::. <br /> 7 ' IIorrovor s breech ot any covenant or agreemont in this Seeurity Inetrumant(but aot prlor to acceloratfou "-`.,_.�s_t`��i�.►(= <br /> -'�' � uader peragraph 17 unlossapplicabla la�r providea othenviea).The notiwahell epecity:(e)the defeult;l6)the � � �� _�`�YriF_=- <br /> _: '-- ' nction rcquired to curo t6o defeult; (c) a date, not lose then 30 dsys ftom t6o dete the notice ta given to z !_�r_�j�> <br /> � _ Borrowor, by Rhich tho detault mmt be cured;and(d)that tailure to curo the defeult o0 or 6etoro t6e drte -:-<+ � ,l j_`�i�L <br /> �� speciticd in the notiu may reault in accoleretion ot tda suma accured by t6ta Security Inatrument end saleof 1 . ,�_i4 <br /> i - ths Property.The aatice shell tunher inform Borro�v¢r of tho right to roinstato eftor ecceloration end the -- <br /> ��'`"� right to bring a eourt acNon to esaert the non-eiiatonco of e default or eny ot6et do►enso ot Borrowor to .`,' ` '`�i"-r'�';: <br /> - eccolerallon end sale.If tha default is not cured on or betore the dato specified lo t6o noUco, Lender, et ita � -���}"=` <br /> option, may require immedi�ta payment in tull ot all sums securcd by t6b Secudty Instrument rrithout :''� `-- <br /> . --� -�� furt6or domand end may i�vokc the power ot cale and any other remediea permittod by appllcable tew. . .. � -=�-%`." <br /> . Leador ehell be ontitled to collect ell exponsca incurcud in purauing tha remediea provided in thia pangwph C:��. �?,:,:...':�; <br /> - 21,including,butnotlimitedto,rwsonableettorneya feeaandcoataottitleevidenca. � :� k`w.-;� =` <br /> . _ It tho posser of aalo ie invoked.Trustec ahall«cord a notice of defaultin cach couoty in which aay patt ot ��- i ' <br /> the Property ia located end ahall mail capies of auch notica in the manner Prcacribed by applicable Iav to � '': t - . � <br /> �, -� . Dorron-er and to the other peraons prescribed by applicabk la�v. After the t�mc required by ap�licable Iaw, �' - ''� �•'1��" `` <br /> �2�-'��:�:' ,-'.i',�'-:' - <br /> `• � � TruateeahaligivopublicnoticeoTsaletotheperaonsandinthemannerprescribedbyappIicablele�v.Truata, �� - := ,,,_._ �.` <br /> `.`�--•RS - without domend on Borrowct,shell sell the Property at publicauction to the higheat biddetat the timo and ! '- <br /> ' - place and under the terma daignated in the notice ot sele in one or more parcela and in any order Ttwtee i � __ - <br /> _ . detetminea.Trustu may postpone aale of all or eny pareel o�the Property by public announcement at the - <br /> . time end plece o!any preriously schedulcd sala Lcndcr nr its designee ma�•purchase the Propetty at any � <br /> - sele. <br /> � � �-BRWOn.m�e� Farm 90I1 !/!0 <br /> q�. s..e Inllble <br />. r 1. ,F'� <br /> 1 — <br /> -. . . _ � <br /> i: � <br />