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. � • r . . �. � : <br /> . _ t" '� . ! -ri' A. --:i1'+� ; »nr`..rfYr '_.-._'4 .�°::7tAS4YS��Zc.� .___.v. . � n . _. _ "_'___ <br /> �ti' , . ._ �� . . _ . _ . -i . _ _ -.. i t t. t� --__ .. . <br /> 'A . . _ .' . . . _ -.' � ...• _ . .:. �R�/'�i� � �1 �S V._�_ � <br /> � TOb87'EiBR 1Vi'ffi a11 tAo (myrovpmenta now or hereattet erxiod on th��Mp o�;and�b1�'ea9E;� �9 � f t, <br /> `-� aPpurtenenorg,ecdGatuee9mNOP(uradttr.e3pa to�+Mqroperty�Alittplf�fitaqett!�eQdltloracl�ll,-01 #q�� _- <br /> bytAls�ecudty Inatniment.Alio 'tl:elo o �� �'- <br /> T s�dy Id�ieretenedtolnthis8ecurityInetrumentostee'Prbpyrty�, <br /> ' SORROWBR CUVAIVANfB'thet Borcowet 1918wM1y sel¢dd ot the estate haeby ounveyed bnd has�e rigfit�o � <br /> �� gront and oonvey the Propetry end thet the Property te-unenoumtiorod,esobpt tor enwmbrano�s o!rcootd.8ortonpr ' , <br /> wartaata end wlll detond generolly the Htlo to tho Propetty egainst etl olalme end demenAe,eub]wt to anyenou�bnr.ctd _-__ <br /> _,,.,„.:,.n,� _ . ._ . . . - - � : .- - -- <br /> � � ���TtQB BSCURITY IN3TRUMBNf oombines unitorm oovenente tor netlonei uso end nonvnftorm oovenanlawlth. � <br /> -. Y�� :�' pmiudvadetloneby)uAsdlodoet000nstitutesunitarmsewtttylnstrumentoovartngrea]property. • ':. <br /> .,- Uh7F0RMCOVHNANI'B.BarcowerendLonderaovenanter.degreem[olloNa <br /> + �. '' I.P�ymeatofPricoipalmdlntorert;Prep�ymeatmdLateCEarQea.Botrowetehoiipromptiypayehendue _ ' <br />_, �ryy.j, ,�: the pdnclpal of end Intercat on tAe debt evldrnced by the Nom end eny prepayment nndleto cf�ergea due under the Nota <br />: ,.�g ;: �, . 2.Punde tot Taa oad Jasunnco.Subject m eppllcabla law or to a written waiver by Lender,Aonovee she1l <br /> _z:'S;:?' -- <br /><,,:.:� �,; pay w Lender on the dsy montUypaYmante ero due under the Note,until the Nom le peid in tu11,a avm('Funda•)tor. __ <br /> . ::,R;;;:3_5 p —= <br /> ;,,.,�.,,r. , ,_ (a)yeetiy te:es md aesesamenv which msy attaln rtoAry ovar thle 8ecudty Instrument es a lien on tAe Propat�,(b) n;,o <br /> � ;�, yeerly leasohold psyments or ground renta oa the Property,it any;(o)yearly hazerd or properry iasumnee prom f ume; -= <br />° a , `�a (d) early flood�nsuranm ptomtume,it any;(a)yearl mortgege inauranoe promiume,it any;nnd(t)eny sume payable `�- <br />.. .. ,..,.... y - ------- <br />>;;��y�{:;`i-Y: by HottoNet to Lender,in e000rdsnoe with the provis ann ot pengmph 8.!n]leu of the payment ot mortgege insurenoo <br /> ,r �, pmmiume.These tuma era catled "Bserow Iteme.'Londer may,at any tima oullaot and hold Punds In en amount not �e _ <br /> <r v,r:. to excad the mulmum amount e lender tot a tederoily rolated mortg�ge loen may rcquiro tor BortowaPe eacrow 5^ - <br /> � s� ,§ eocount under the tedaral Real Estete 8etqement Prooedures Aa ot 1974 ee amended trom tlme w ttma, �a us.a �• ,- _ <br /> (, :: 8ectlon 2601 et aeq.CREBPA'►,un1e�another I�w that appliea w the Punds sete a lesser amount.It so,I.ender may, <br /> f ,i, ��;: et any time,colleot and hold Fundn in en amount mt to e:aed the lesser amount.Lender may eatimau the emount ot <br /> �== Punds due on the basie ot curront d�a and reasonabla tatimetes of e:pendituree ot tuture Hscrow Itema or otherwisa in �_ __,._ <br /> f ' `�,:�:g.� accordanoe wlthapplfcable law. :; : <br /> , ��.7f -�,4 The Funde ehe11 be hald in en inrtitudon whose deposits are inaured by s kdaral agency,iosuumenulity,or entiry ;..z�r <br /> ,:����it;�}4:''-� (includingLender,itI.endarieswh�ninetitution)orinenyFederalHomeLoanBank.LanduehallapplythePundsto .�.__rjt,�•,+,,. <br /> ;KS _+f <br /> pay the Facron Itema.Lender may not chvga Borrower tor holding and applying tha Funde,annually analy:ing tha �;, ��, <br /> `t _� -:- eacrow account,or veritying the F�row Itema,unlase Lender paye Botrower intmest on the Funda end epplicable law _�� ,f ., <br /> ' ,-; per mi�e Lender to make such e cherga. Howaver, Lender may requiro Borrower to psy s one-time charge tor en � � ' <br /> `•,��.'-;;..;:, indepandent reel eatata ux reportingwrvlce used by Lender in connoction nith thia lan,unlas epplicable law provfdte '�-.•:.;,_.- <br /> -' ntherwira.Unlus an agreemem is mede or eppli�able lew req�irca inter!st to M paid,L�mdnr nhall nnt be ra{utre•1 to r�•� .--- <br /> � S !'.:�� pay IIorrower eny intercat or earninp on tM Punds.Botrower end Lender mey agrte in wrlting,however,that Interest � _:5fx ` - <br /> + ehell ba paid on the Punde. Lendar dull give w Borrowx,without cherge,an a�nual acounting of tho Funde,showing +.�T,+ — <br /> , crediw and dehfts m the Funda md the purpose tor which eaeh deblt to the Funda was meda.Tha Funda ete pledged es �'�i � <br /> � � � additional securitv for eil euma cecurcd bv this 3ecuritv Inatrummt *�__3'. <br /> -='i It the fimdc hdd hy i+n�kr�.sr..d thw emoum=ry�rmitt�d to Lr Irld by epplinbte lax,Lrnder shal!aaaunt to --�` --= <br /> - �` Horroner tor the ezeen Funde is aocordenee with tho«quircments of applicebte law.It the emount ot the Funds held 1,E � f� '�° ; <br /> en <br /> � �.,�; by Lender at eny time ie not suflicimt ta pay the Pscrow Itema ahen duo,Lender mey so notify Borcower in xdting -;,�� , c �__ <br /> � � end,in auch cese Horro�ar shell pay to Lander the emount necesaary w make up the deticiency.BorroNer ehall make :•; ^ lt •-_ <br /> - .?��- upthedeticirncyinnomoratha�tadvemonthlypayments,etLenderesolediscrotion. _.SY ty �+ {4:'�- � <br /> - ��� Upon payment in tull ot ell sume secured by thie Saurity I�trummt,Lender ehel(promptly retund to Borrower �- -, ,� ��`�:t :--° <br /> , ', :_ eny Funds he(d by Lender. It,under paregraph 21, Leader ehil ecquire or sell the Property, Lender, priot to the i ` � , r Y- � �` <br /> -� ecquisition or eale ot tM Properry,ehell appfy any Punds held by Lender at the time ot acquieition or sele as a credit ��4`-�'%�;,:r�x;;;�i� <br /> �'��' againstthosumecxuredbythieSecuriry(ns:rument. °� i �_= <br /> z 3. A Ifcatlon ot Pa menta.Unlesa e liuble law rovidea othernise,ell mentn received b Lender uader '�w'.-•��:�.�'-`='' <br /> �� ��' PP Y PP P PeY Y .,;:::.-,'.�- -5+;:�-- <br /> '�"�: pamgraphs 1 and 2 ehall be applied:firet,to any prePayment charges due under tha Kote;saond,to amounte payebla •-t,., '�,' •:,. <br /> - - under parograph 2;third,to incercat due•tourth,to prmcipal due;md last,to any late charges due under the Nota - � �--`�� � <br /> 4. Chargoe; Lions Borroxer shell pny all texea,assessmente,charges,finea and impositione attributaHe to the "t` ,;;� <br /> - Property which mey atroin priority over thie Security lnstrument,and Iwsehold peyments or ground rents, if any ' d � -;.`. <br /> Horrower ehell pay these obligaiiors in the menner provided in paragroph 2,or if not paid in that menner, Horcower + 'j,+.� ` <br /> - _' • ehall pey them on timedirecdy ro tM1e perwn owed payment.Borcower shali pmmptly turnish to I.ender ell noticm of "�'}�;_�-,;��r_.: <br /> _ amounta to be paid under this paregraph.It IIorrower makes these payments directly,Borro��xr ehall promptly futnieh :^'-:�-�:'_- <br /> _ - toLenderteaiptaevidencingthepayments. � " � <br /> _ - Dorro�ver ahell promptty dischuge any lien �rhich hes prioriq•over this Sxurity Instrument unle�Borrower.(a) �''� ���Y" <br /> .. agras in Hriting tu the payment of�he obligation sxured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender•(b)contesta in � _� �s ^ <br /> - � gaod taith the lien by,or defends as�iast enforcemrnt o!the lien in, legel proceedings�vhich in the Lender s opinion } Z�_ .. <br /> _ , operate to prevent the enforcement at the lien; or(c)securea trom the holder of the lien an agreement satistactory to f �' , _ <br /> Lender subordinatir.g the lien to thisSecuriry-Instrcment.if I.ender determines that any part of the Pro{+erty ie subject � :" " ��:r-�'` <br /> to a lien svhich r:iay atnin priarity acer this Securit�� Instrumrnt.Isnder mey gi��e Dorrox-er e notice identitying the � - ` -_ - <br /> lien. Borrox�er shell sstisfy the lien or take one or morc nf the actions set farth abo�x within 10 days ot the�ving of � <br /> notice. <br /> � <br /> , � �-BBINEIn+os�o+ �..�..e Ferm 30!! !/90 . . <br /> wu�•r <br /> . .3 <br /> � � <br /> i - -._.1 ; <br />