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F <br /> T t.� { _ . J 1l}Y ..--�.�_-'-- 'C"'S - f n <br /> � , <br /> `�"-� • " " ��' 1(��t?[l�1�' `; ,,� <br /> _ .. . .. . . <br /> • ' ..paymeniam�ynoioagsrbemRuTrW,e�AoCpdouofi.ec4or,ltcwrtg�e�nriir6pcocover6ge(IntAoe�oynlqi0ta�lLeyeAcd' ' <br /> �— • iim 1.rnQer reg�ireaT9rbr2QeQ Dy m iaau�et spproeeBIIy f�Cer eSelaMca�v evell�Ate en4 ta ohe�o�G u,.,M�.`a.n r��{_ <br /> � mepromlum�requ.rWcum�►nt�aaartgrgafasuuoelaettaci�ortapN�de�laurweive.lIDlU�ProT�U�AI�A�L611¢QfIj140� > <br /> -- Imunnoeendrinwoo�d�aoewim�oywdtten�greemsct6etwoeoBoirower�adl�4aroripplleablol�w.. , � <br /> = �.Impxtloa.Leheer or[ta�geat mey maYe nuonabte euMw npou aed latyec�loas ot tAe Pro�eny.Lsceer itult gtvo`, :. <br /> Boi�a�av[Iaa u tLe tt�a af oe piloria ea lm-p�alan sp�tqlug r�naDla r�vsa tar Wafru-p�tlan. -' - ;'�-- <br /> �-�=�� 10. CondeAnadon.7Le pmoecE�ot my ewerA o:ciafA for dam�ges,dltxt or eonseQ�:eatlil,in conatdtou w1�L esy <br /> condemnulon or othbe Wcieg ot any pan ot�Le Pmptrry,o:tor.00aveyaace In Iiw ot aoademnnloo,�i4e Lmby utl8��-, <br /> .."� ofiell be paid w i.ender. �•- . .-. ._ - - .. <br /> -" U�ha ovent ot e toW taking of�o Propeny.the praoeoda eLeU 6e�pplied to�ho sume�xuted by t91�6or,�rlUrlasintl�ect. <br /> s �,-� aLether or aot then due,w10 eny exaaa patd to Borrowu. In tho eveut ot a parHal�aYWg ot tpa Ptopeety ta aLlch tEe ta�'- <br /> :•�r�,:;� market value ot mo Pmperty lamedletefy betore�6e tatdcg la cquai w or gttucr tben @o amount ot t6e�ums aewred Dy fLlf — <br /> - `,�� Seadry Inewment Immediatdy betoro�he takiag.uclea�Bocrower md l.eader omeewtae ag[co ln wri[Ing,0e eums secuted Dy <br /> `°:�;;�Xq thls Secudry (aapument thell 6a tcdua0 by the emount ot fLe pmaads multipUed by�Le foAowlog fradlon:(s)the toWl <br /> ,�. '�� emoua[of ine er.m+eea¢ed Immedlazety boforo tLa teking,divldW by @)the feir mazlcct value ot tha Proyerty immediatelY <br /> �:,:":";' 6eforo the tnking.Aqy batence shall6e pald to Hoerower. In mo even�of a pWal nking o!the➢[opetty la wLicL 0o fatr <br />- b h?. <br /> - ='�,;,;,•�� mo�ka velue ot tLe Properqr Imuudie[ely 6eforo�La[eking lo la�tLan we amomt of ma s:m�awviced Icimod(acly befom t6o <br /> ::i.;;;;�;?.;s [ekiag.unles�Bonower aed I.eadu o�hernlee agree In artiNng or uutesf epplluble lew othernlee provlda,tho proxMf eLeU <br />_:r::=,r,s:,, ba epylled ro�he eucu�ecured b �hii 3aarl Iniuumenc whe�6er or na�e�um�ere t6cn duo. <br /> : -V;r.:_;^ Y �3' — <br /> :�i- ,;;i;-; U the Propecry is nbandoaed by Bortoaer,or it,aftu notice by Lendu to Bottower thet t6e oondomnor oMue ro make an <br /> `°,_.i.'yt:,,'y <br /> �,� ,; award ot eettle a daim for damaga, Borrower faile to rapoud ro Leoder wlthl¢30 drqi efter tLe date t6e natce A giveo, <br /> Lender ia an�dorized[o wUecs and apply t6a pcocada,at lu optloo,etther ro ratorotion or:epair otiLe Ptoperry or to the sums --.. -_ -----.-- <br /> ; �? eecurcd by tlii Secortty Inadument,whet6er or no[the¢due. -� �=-- <br /> r t' �;• Unlese I.ender end Borcowtt othernlse eg[ea in mtring. eay epPlicetlon ot proaed�to pdneipa] ehall aot exuad or - . ._ <br /> `-;1�;='<,.iii pos:poae t6e due daee of the monthlY P�ymente afcrsed to In pazagrap6�1 and 2 or chenga We amount of�uch paymwts. ��^.�^�.-`-. <br /> _ - ..;;r,....r <br /> _':;;;ag;?`�;; 11.Harroeu Piot Reteasedt Forbwrnnce By I.mdu Not e Wefru.Hxteosion ot tha tima(or psymeat or modificaHon L. <br /> ��=• �.,<:�{� of emottization of�he ava�cecured by tN�Seavlty Inatn:ment greated by I.endu ro eoy waeuor in inte[est o!Hortoaer�tell �"��.-,_ <br />:�r';r:�:-:t-;:: �......._ _ <br /> s. _- noe operate ro rcleue t6e 8ebility ot�he odgicel Bonower or Bo�rowttY woceuoro in iotereat.I.eader eLall no�be required�o ���.. <br /> f commence proceed'wg�egeion any mocessor in in:erea[or retiue to exund time for payment or m6emise modity emortlnNon �r <br /> `�`t�, Y' ot�6e �um�sar:rcd by Wia Sea:dry Ius[[ument by reasoa ot my demend mada by the odginal Borrower or BotroweP� ° � ---- <br /> � '4,�- wocasore la inte[est. Any fo�bear�nca by Lender in axerclsing eny dght or Kmedy e6aU not be a welver of or pecelude che ��' -� <br /> ' "�`� �- execciaeotmydg6�ornmedy. ;` <br /> '� � 5. 9 C a � 1 P i m ant_ �`` <br /> ` -.:� 1_. _L�ct�n � A..tP.Huucdi Juln_ea� �3erere L�LnDIlityt _a+�ei5. '!tie __v?�.a znd nTorumeou ot thb _? _- -_ <br /> Secudty insuvm?nt shAt bind nnd Mnetlt We suceeeaoro uici auigm nf Iender and Aortuvxr, subJs[ro rhe provi�toa�ot p'? ' - __. <br /> try,a��_t: P&BBroPb 17. Bo�rower'a wvepenu md agreemenu ahell be Joint end eeverel. Any Bortower wLo co-nlgoa tLla Sewtlry :.�=� �f � -�;- <br /> �� �--_ , Inawment bct daea not exxu:e tLe Note: (a)Ie co•eigning thu Sxudry Inauumeut only ro mongege,graet md eonvey Waz '- . ��;j <br /> . vr�, �: Bortower'�inureat in�Le Properry wdtt�he�emu of�hl�Saudty IDstmmenr,(b)Is not petsonatly obligated ro pay tho eum� ;} ,: e���:. <br /> -s .�.�', aecurcd by Lhia Searity Inattumenr,end(e)agrces�het Isnder end eny other Bo�rower may�groe ro extend,modify,torbear or .�.,,5�vAq.� ti � <br /> ,.,.F..:.�-� .---`r�_-�s=•_.j.:�i.. <br /> - H�, make eny eaommodaHoae with regerd to the term�of thia Seeuriry Irswment or�6e No:e wi�hout Out Bortower'�conacct. t�:x r- �3 - '�-� <br /> r4 -� -_� 13. Loso CAerge�.It the loa�securcd by�6b Securlry Insuument ia sub;ec[to a law wLlch seia meximum loan chvgea. :: t �+_ ,f-q�. <br /> ,..-,,.a 4�.� and that law la flnaliy In:cryrc[ed so�fiat the imereat or other loan ehuges collcued or�o be collected In conaaUon wl�b tho -,,.-��?'r,/�.__±-�- <br /> -; , �`i loen exceed�he pemUtted Iimtu.�hen: (e)eny such loan chuge sLell be reduoed by the amount neaasery ro redua�he cherga .` •°r "1`. - <br /> - ro t6e perdtted limit:end(b)eny wms dready collected from Borrower whJeh aceeded pemiltted Ilmiu wlll be refuaded�o �� `.'x' t i j.w->= <br /> '� �.- -, Bocrower. Lender mey choou co make�his cefund by rcduciug che pdnctpal owed undcr che No�e or by making a Nnce '-=��r s ,,,;,.�� <br /> ,�� �e`.` payment ro Bortower. If a rctund reducea pdneipal. the reductlon will be uea[ed ea a parNel prcpayment wlt6oat eny t .�,3 -{x�,t ,;,�,�__;- <br /> � Prepryment chazgc undcr tMc Nota - `,� it�ti,�<�-_--. <br /> "+ 14.NoNcw.Any notice ro Dortower provided for in this Savdry Insuumer.t ifiell be given by ddivering It or by malling „� :y: ;rJ�.?.-.-; <br /> f tt by tl[st clact mall uniw applicable Inw reqcirea uu of�no�Aer me�had.The notice ahell Ix direUed to�he Property Addres� -!•7 , r� �. - <br /> t - or i1y otLer addrcss IIolrower dpignaiu by no0ce to Lrnder. My noNa to I.ender shall be given by flnt dw mail �o �� _�,��, ��.�--- <br /> ��-r' Lender'a aCdrcas a�ated hcrein or a�y o�her addrcu Lcnder desiana�es by notia to Bottowe:.Any noNce provlCcd for ia t6b i� 5 ,1'� -�-' <br /> x� Seadi Im[mmrni�hall be decmcd�o have been rven[o�orrower or Lcnder when iven az rovided in�hla ar h. - s� '�t����- `� <br /> Y 8 8 P P aBroP .: i ; r���"... <br /> IS.Goveming Lew; 3everebllity. 7'his Sauriry fmwment sha11 be govemed by fedclal la�v acd �fie law of the - - _ <br /> + Judsdictlon in which �Me Property is lota�ed. In�he event that eny provisbn or clause of�hia Security Instcument or We Norc F . ;,t i��` -��. <br /> ` � con0ieq wi�h applicab:e law,such canflitt shall not affect other provisions of�hif Security Irstmmrnt or the Note which tan be � -: ' - { ' <br /> glven effect wi�hout the confiiGing provision.To this end tAe provisioas of this Security Ins:mment and the Note are dalercd . <br /> - to bc xverabla �_ - . . . _ . <br /> "- - 16.Ootro�ser's Copy.Borrower shyl bc given one wnComed wpy of the No�e and of�hit Sccurity Instmmrnt. . . <br /> � - Fmm sot8 I80 j .. . . ... . ' <br />- . . � oy..we ; , - <br /> f <br /> -; ,L�. . <br />� '''. �,�� ' _ <br /> �fJ�_`�';y.. <br /> 2 <br /> i �. . � <br /> , . <br /> : <br /> -_ 4 . _ - .. . . . <br />