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1 i- 'S � I� � 1 -- - L- �� � ` � <br /> s rk }arv .- -- - -. r .�.�=�4 . 1 - � .? f� <br /> �1'.� . . _- . � _ :� ��� �c .. <br /> —_ ..� �.. ` ,:' -• . � . <br /> , - - _ ._. .: � � � p� <br /> - . . r . . . .. .-_ . ` - •� - . 1'. : Y `5 ") ' �� y(" <br /> • 6.HasPrd oa�`NPC�7 �, Qort6wer elui{iWeD Rio im�taveance�f Ao7/ax�cttuy ge�ereatlet erec�oa o1�f�ie ,� , <br /> _ ` t��y�areaag.�►m��y.n�.nu�a:.��aaa�,m��ne�erm eu�camver�0...cawqowra-�a�,t�oaw , _. <br /> - doodi 6t flooQi r tor a7�lrk 1,ses}er et�^.Iteelnsuntwc.�lnnvGnoefAaU be cwlnWnc4 tn mo�mouqm•spd for t're peil�+ ��. _ <br /> —"_ tbu L�Ae�[a��e�a.The lrsuro.�oe.cultu 9roWQlnB 0e tas�ooq�ll�choua 6y itdrtmver sub;t�i,to Leq4ec'�approvl► <br /> —= vfiic{��all aot 6c aueuo�aDly v�liefa,It 8ocrower teile to mataleia coverege d�xd6ed qbovb, Lea¢er�mry,;�t{�er'� " <br /> optlon,obuun o�v�a co protect 1�adu4 N�letheProPrnyta ebmrd�me avld�pa�xgriph 7. . . _— <br /> --•.=`:"� Alt lpsurmcp policles euA reaowaie tLeU 6e aooEptable ro Lcnder erA slu:1 Iadude a efenEstd poitgige etaula.S,eaQer <br /> � ehilt Lam 0e rlght ahotd ihe poUc[q eeG anew�ta.ttLendu requitta,8ottowa pp�il promp�ly give w Lenau¢1[axlpt�ot , <br /> ��m pilA pm�lum+end ceeewal notlae.Ia t�e eveut otloa�,Boirower�AaU givo pmmpt aotioe to me fasu;epoe cmrlee trr.A LerAer � <br /> LeadotmaymaYeyroofotloxiltuotmadepromprly6y8ormwer. ' ° "" ` <br /> ��� Udeae I.endar md Horrower othernlie egcw in wrltlnA,inmrenee proaedi ehaU be eppllcd W ndtoraHon oe tfp�ft etQu <br /> ''r �t!�l� Propsriy Aem�gtd,it�6o ratomUon or eepalr i�eoonomieally feastbio eaA Ltadee'i aaa�dq le not teaSweA.Uehe[atorilion or <br /> �c .L°� npalz i�aot eoonordcatty fea�tbta or i.ender'e�a�iry would be Iaarned.0e Lvure�oe proeuGe ehell be vpplto0 to.t�e�ums <br />—`"��,, _ n�' �eaued by thit 3avdty imt�umeat. whemer or not tEea dne,wteh my axau pald ro Qoirowet. If BottowM abandont fhe <br />— Propeay,or Coes not mawer within 30 Crya a mdce trom Lender tLU t6a Insmecce eartlu tw oHemd to eetpe a Gaim,Qua <br />_:;=�>ti�`;':�' Lender aay coAec�0e Wurmca pmoad�. Leuder may use tLe proae0a w npafr or rcatore me Prope[ry or to pey�uw <br /> ?";'--'_,ri <br />_;,,t t,.;;,�+fr �oaimd by PJ�Seauity Inateumwt,whether or not�6en due.7Lo 30�day paflad wUl begla whcn tho aoqoe le givw. <br /> Unteas Leudet md Hoirower o�Aemiae egreo in wrlHng, anY appltca�loa of pmaoGs ro p�ieclpal sLail eot oMwd or <br /> '��t,^'�! postpone the dua da�e of tLa monthly paymenb rofurtd to in paregraph� 1 and 2 or e5�uge tLe emouut of the pnymeaa• U <br /> - . �..��' under puagteyb 21 the Propttty k ecquired by Lender.Borrower'e dght ro eay foaurmce pollclea md proacda resWttnB&om <br /> / �;f�• d�mage ro the Propury pdor w the ecqui�itlon eheU pes�ro I.eader to t6e extent ot tLe�um�secuttA by Wls 8eaulty Ins�n�IDCat <br /> � immediately pdor to t6a ea�ulelUon. .- -. -.- <br /> .. .,;','::: <br /> -="":``•,,;:s'�� 6.OocuDaneY�Preservatton�M8T11�l08RC0 UOA PfOS2MI00 Ot fL!Y[OjIE[�f�BORONl7�B L0911 Ajl(AICBNOG�LlaSGE0IG9. — <br /> },;if'�'v't�.�':7.. <br /> 1;;�_:-°.;�.%r= ���e��PY.G+�b11aL.e¢d uee t6a Prope[ty e+BocroweP�prinNpal residenoe wl�hin eixry d��eitu t6e oxaotion of <br />'�' �'3-':Yr,'i`. t6�3eadry Insecument aod�6e11 continue eo oxupy�e Propeery ea Bomowar'�prindpY reaidmce tor e[teast ona yeu efter _--_ ._ <br />-,xc,•„j i i�nk�E the darc of awpenry.uNea�Lender o�LUwice agrue in adting.whieh conient�hall not be unttasonebly w10�6e:d.or�mleat ���.:�. . <br />;=;�;.r,.�Yi:.�•� ex�enua CI[CUIDSIlOCC9 W[16[ WLICL ![6 bCyOnA HOROWC['� COFtfOI. BOI[OR'C[ 6LeII flOt AC3[f0}�, damsge or imp�ir tl�e <br /> - ':5'<' • Pro{recty, ellow�he Pcopeety [o duMomie. or com.�II waa�e on the Property. Bonower eheil be In default it my todeltuee �F `_-. <br /> c: <br />_•;;;;�;;�%�;:3 ? eaion or prooeediag,wLetLu civil or cdminel,ie begun wa[in LmdeP�good talth Judgment couid resutc in forfe[mre of tLe �`y��-' <br /> �""?`��'°�j'�'� Propecty or ot6enviae metedally Impetr�Le licn creeeed b tLl�Seadt Imtcumwt or I.endu'e urud inro[eat.�oirower - <br /> ' - _�S-::._r Y Y p' °wY � . <br /> �._-�,�_,,_,,�,; cute sueh a default md ttlnala:e,u pmviCed in pa[egreph 18,by ausing rhe action or p[oaeding ro be dlsmlued wtib a mling �_ .._ <br /> , - '""' tAe[, ia Lender'e good felr6 detamineUou, predudef for[aimm of t6e Bortower'e Interae In�Le Property or other materiel ,a . . <br /> ±r•��- n4nai <br /> t �{n(the lirr cre�vd by t61a Smid[y Inswmeut or l.ender'e aecutiry Interest.ISorrower ehell elco ba in d6Gult It ^=` <br /> '��t i,?r;�� Bortower, during the loan epplicaeiun prooe��,geve materlelly falsa or inaccurete informatlon or etetemwts to Lender(ot filled F! -_ � _ - <br /> � to proviAO Leoder wii6 e�y metedd In(o�maHon)in comectton wfth We loa¢avidenad by tha Note,Including,but not Ilmlted =� �, �--�= <br /> A� +Y- - -' to,repttaentnione conceming Bortower'�oa:up�nry ot tLe Propaty u a princlpat rcaideoce.I[�hb Savdry Inaaumwt i�on a �ia �,,� ,�;� <br /> �, �,-h,?. leasehold. Ho[rower�hall comply wtth Wl t6e provitions ot the leau. If Bo�rowe[ ecqalma fa dae ro �6e Ptopecry. tLe .4 r _ -- -�- <br /> ' -- `;;:� Itatehold aad the fa�IUe a6etl not merge uclea+Lender egrces to the me�ger in wdting. �+ --" : <br /> a.�� <br /> ` .- ��:•1 7.Protutton otI.endu'e Rlg6ts In t6e PropeRy.I[Borcower falU[o peda�m tLe mvenecro ead earameca contalned lu :` � �,��' h <br /> ::':i':�`:,;�.:�' tLi�Sead L�sttumcn[. or thetc is a le roceedin t�at ma d fleantl aRect LendePe d �e in the Pro `-.�a,•s��.,.�}s�.__-� <br /> ::� ry d�P 8 Y 8� Y Sti P�nY(wc6 ae a ;- � _` _£n;� <br /> ; -,. _,. prooceding in bankmptcy,proba�e, for andemnatton or forfeiture or to enPorce Inw�or reguletlom), then I.ender may do end A �, -- r:tx— <br /> , . pay for whe[ever it nxea�ary to protect�ha velue of the Propc�ty aad Lender's righte in tha Propetty. I.ender'e eaiom m�y �; � ''_ '` � � <br /> � � include pay(og any �um+ eaured by a Iien which hss pdodry over �hia SecuNry Inswmen[, appearing In co�ut, prying g t 7 r��,�,r.m: <br /> --�� _,- reuoneble anomeye'txa and eneering on ihe Proper[y to make repeln.Although Lender may Wco actlon uader�his paregreph ,x�+ ' �x;k:; _. <br /> � - ' �' 7.Lender dou aot have to do ao. '' * ,et <br /> � y t$,'i <br /> '` "- A.ay emoun[n disburacd by Lendcr undcr �his puagraph 7 shatl become eddit'onal deb[of Bortower secured 6y this -= s%� `�,4�. , <br /> '" �;: Saudt /nsmw�ent.Unlese Bonower end Lender ree�o other terms of a mmt, tAese emounu thell bcar interest from the . � ..n?.7t;;_.:�°� <br /> y e8 P Y + <br /> ,--- � dve ot dlabunement at che Note rete and ahall Ix payeble, wit6 imeart, upor.nocicc from Lender ro Borrower requaling '' _ �7' _ <br /> - ��. Wymem. i� ?�.', '���-1 c:. <br /> ..4}_.J� >;_ 8.Mortgage Imurenee.If Lender required mortgage Insurance at a coadi�ion of rtuking the loan saured by thb SauHty �,'c i'� p -'{` i. <br /> �=-Y;c':--:-.':� Instrument. Borcower ahell pay the prcmiuem required to mintaln the mortg�ge Insuronce In etket. If. for any reasoa, the '�,`�°;:`:----:"-. <br />-'� --, - mortga6e imurance coverage rcquired by I.ender lepsea or ceues to be in efkee,Dortower ahell pay efie premiuma requircd to � '� S -`` ' <br /> � - o6�ain covenge subsnmielly equivalent to�he mongege insur�nce peeviously in effcee,a:a cost subs[an:ia]Iy equivelent to�he � '� � <br /> - cost to Iiortower of�he mongege insurance previoualy in cffat, from en elrem�te mon6age irsurer approved by I.ender. If ` � �'� � <br /> - `_' ��� substantielly equivalrnt mortgege insurana coverage is not available,Bortower shell pay�o L.ender each momh a sum eGuel ro �,;-.� :. � <br /> ono-twelfth of the eui mon e e insurance remium bein aid b Bortower when the insurana covera e la sod or ceaud to -'- `� '` -' <br /> - Y Y 8 B P 8 P Y 8 P f• ��. '.' - <br /> - "� - be in e(Rct.Lender will aaept,usc and rctain�Acse paymems v a loss rcscrve in licu ot mor.gagc i.�suranu. Lou rutrve � � <br /> � . Form 302� ; :. . . <br /> - - �j •8V(NElmos� v,poae ! . <br /> _ <br /> . . <br /> -. -. ' _ -.».'_ <br /> ,}�... "'.,-. . ._.-- •: .. -r . . _. . <br /> :s4 % . <br /> . '��.•' <br /> >i. <br /> '.�_� • <br /> �' :( . <br /> . <br /> , ; <br /> � � <br /> - ., - - . --- �._. . .. <br />