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� yYi_ til _< -�'"y�^ ?r py.3r - XJ^'i��'�r+�!s�m�yZa,n '^,". Cr ! . <br /> . <br /> �"x �• _ <br /> �t5�i.a'�Aa � ' ' _ ' t��..�..z..��.-`---"•-.-- � _ . <br /> H�YC1)Y9ii1 � . . _ __ .. _ . . .. _[_�I r ' t � ' _. .. <br /> � _ . • _ • • . �+�� ;�,�l�11�� � `" �� <br /> � . a7.7t+a�tcror+nerro�orpae�n�wm�«�«srasor�o��orme�ro rurar.ay�.aaitois <br /> —`- is aelQor trana2rted(or If n olat(a�oie6t tn 8ocrawe�U eatd 4i t(ansFa'�d eaAur.wra�ia ur�6�u�ai perav� wn`Fwr '' . <br /> � - � LendeP�prlot�vrltua ooueat, LenGer msy u iro option Immediaro paymenrM fail of tll ru�e.�emt�py� <br /> ��,.� ee6adty Iostn�m�t However,�LU oytlo�e�It act be exer�ud�Leaaer itexen�l�e b pro�tbefa Dy tederd hw d o(Ihedite <br /> qf OiU Becurlry fahi:mcnt <br /> h:mc <br /> I�I.euder ezerei�0U opian.Leadet eh�1!p�e BotrowprtqNoe otaooctemlon.7Le notica�Cail piovlde.i pEdoG 91��ot <br /> b+",� le�.+t6eu 30�n[rom Ne Qato mo uotioo 1�delrvered or msl:ed wlthin wLtcL liortower must p�NI wm�eaa�tW 6y tDl� — <br /> t�, x.— gcauiry Wnumeot.If Borrowu faf1�ro qy 0ue eum+pdor ro me explroHOn ot 01e palaA.Lwder may invoke u�y[emedita , <br /> �r _� pamitted6y thlaBaarl Iwtn;meotwi�outUutbernocC�eordemaedoaBOnower. <br /> --:: t8. Bweoxei'e�91 to Retostata Ii Bo[rower cettain condlGOm, tiortower ehtll hnre �e dgAe ro 6eve � _.. �...V---_--__ <br /> ��r- wtorament of Uilr ry Iasuumeot dieoontlnued u my Nmr pdor to tAe tulloe oC (a)!dayo (or wch ot6u period at <br /> �� � . yypltcabla law m;y speciry tor nlastetement)beforo aele ot the Ptop�[ry punuaut w my poww of We coon1tsd ia t6L • <br /> t , Sl�Vltty IOEWptu4 OI(b)CUIry of e jud$mCOt COfO[Clu$t61t 8CN[!ty f1lEwment.'Ihose oondltlon�e�e�t Bos[owu:(�0�ra <br /> � .f;:f�?,'�� Lecder dl eumf abfch 0en would be due mdu tLU Sea¢Icy L^suument eud tbe Note u 1t ao aaelereUoa Lad oDaurM;(C) <br />�F � 4 �r curw my dofawt of any other covenm�e or agrameou; (o)P e ell oxpeasee inaaed in entorclog ILIa 6aaulry Insnviuw6 <br /> ladu�q.6ot aot Iimtted eo.iessonebla anome�e'taa:md( teka sucb ealan ea Leeder mqy ceaaonabiy rogolro ro assure <br /> .,. �` �� - �hu�ha llen of tCi�Securiry Inatmmoot,I.endu�d �a la me pertY md HortowaYe obli8eNoa ro pay P.e wm�ttaved by <br />.�r,t�ce;i::;; rhf� 8avrity Imwment �he11 continue uneLaag�Upoa rcinatazemcnc 6y Borrowcr Wa Sea�rlry fasmuuent aad the <br /> +AS, .. -L. <br />_ry;�.�,�;;,,`;� obflgetlona sxured dettby rLali rcman tully ef[ect[ve a91t no aooe]emNon bed axutrod. owerer.tbta dg6[to selneuto ebeU _ <br /> • not apply in�he eau of acaleratlon undu parograph 17. — <br /> z S - =,� 19. Bale ot Note� C6auge ot Loaa Bervtcer.lbo Na�o or s pasUat Imecest In tde Note(togetLet wlth tL1e Secwtry <br /> : ; s �;�t«:. Insnume¢t)m�y be sold one or moro Nma ait�out pdor notice to Horrower.A tate may rautt i¢a cLanae L�tha entity pmown <br /> �ti� ' ;?, a�tLe'Loao Seevlar')�6at collca�moo�Ely pqymente dae under tfie Note md t61e Saudry Inauumcat.�ete elw mny be one <br /> ' ��' or moro cLaaga of t6e Loan Se[viar uueleted to a�e:e otthe Noro.If tLere L a c3enge of the Loan 8arvicer,Bortower aill bo _ <br /> � .�-;��t:�: glven wrltten no�(ce of tLo chaage iu aaordaaca wiU�peregwph 14 a6ove and8�Qtiwblo Iaw.1Le notke c+lll crote tLe nemo end _- ------ <br /> Is +_��i ed&es�ot the new Loan Servlcer and tte addeesa to which p§ymente ehould DD IDLAB.�10 IIOIICO R'III 8Ii0 COAtlIQ fi�OLL`Ct <br /> ` s - -s•-- informetlon requited by epplica6le law. `— <br /> ( `�t J,t 4�� 20. Forardou+8ubsteaca. Bo[rower itell not cause or pnm!t t6e preaence. use. diaposd, c�onge. or ttteate of any �2,� :;:. <br /> �r, S�.o.� H�za[dow SLbsuuaa on or in �Le Propecty. Bortower �hall cot do, aor allow aayone elae to do, a�y�hIng aHcuing the - <br /> �� ,_-.: : Properry the[i�in violeelon ot my Snvironnxntel Law. 1Le preoading two ewuncd�hell no�[ayp1y to�5e preunco.uu.or __. <br /> � ��-�? n[orage on the Property of emell quantidea ot Heiardous Stiba�euaa tLat aro gweretly rcoognv.ea�o ba approp[laro[o noimel �; --. <br /> � ,:��' [e�identlal usa end to weintenmce ot t�e Property. f`--- <br />;;`�,,�5#;.-`.._,2n_ Bortower sENI p:omp�ly gWe Lender wcitten notice of eny Iava[igation,cleie�,demand,leww(t or otder�etioa by my . . <br /> �� - ,.. govemmwtal or rcgu�atoryagrnry or pdvaro pury Involviag�he Properry md my Hewdow SLbsunce or Snvironmental Law �� __ _ <br /> $ � ,,�,,;: of which Bortower 6as eUUel knowledge.If Borrower leam�,or te notlfied by my gove[ementel or rcgulazory�u�horiry that � — <br /> �h <br /> any rcmovel or o0u remedieHon of eny Hazacdou�SLbsunce afteping tLe Prope[ry i�neceuery,Borrowu shall promptly telo¢ � �,..�- <br /> a',,, { . e]I neoe�ary cemediel eaiom in eccordmce wtth Bnvironmental Law. .:,� <br /> �.:+ A�uaW In�6u puagreph 30. `Huudau i5oic suGstan:z+deflr�:s toxit ot Wzrdous:u�t�4 -,,i � ..-._. -. <br /> ` Envlronmentel Lew end thc [ollowing svbsttinera• gn.otine, tu�ue�, o�her itemmable or toxk peuolwm producG, to�c F •_ ____ <br /> i 1�"��- - � petdcidea md deNlcldu,volatlle�erlab coateining esbato�or foimaldeh�de,end radloactive matedaU.Aa used In i;`^r� . —_ <br />::���t:;.;_;`.: �hb pangreph?A. 'Hnvlronmmtal Law' meaaa hderel lam end lawt ot tLa juded aion wLere the Propeny b loceted i6at ..'i�},.::�.; —,:- <br /> -.- �-';' rdaro�oheal�L,wte[y oreavironc�emd protation. 'j "°`� <br /> '. � ��€ .�, <br />�4�.�',�� ��- '�" NON-UNffORMCOVBNANTS.Borrowerendl.enderfuttbercovcnantnndegma+tollowa: ;�;,�_Xx�..��"�'- <br /> .:,n.��s�,,-;: . lt'�'af <br />_ =-�?a�.;�;�' 21.Aaeleretione Remedla.I.endv s6ei1 glve notice to Borrowu prlor ta accelerntion tollo�ving Dorrower'e Dreach ;<.,;i;;t:�;':�:w;,�- <br /> -���°, of eny covmeot or agreement In tht� Seeurtty Wtrument Nut not pdor to ecaleratlou mder peregrap6 17 udess t.r ;''s- �„ i� -- <br /> < ' t_- ,'� appllcable law proNdes othenvtse).1he notice s6e11 spalty• (e)the defau.q @l t6e ection requlred to cure the defadt; - : s j --�ri f <br /> � (c)e datq cot lea�tAea 30 dey�from tlie dete the notiee�gfven to Borro�rer,by whkh the defauit r�utit be curMi end ( -r� -� �, �w <br />_ ��.� ,,�.r?;t (�tLet tellure to curc the deteult on or 6etore the dete epecffled[n tde nottce mey result In acaletadon ot the sume +; ;'' ��1 �.j .. _ <br /> � ,-.�-::�: seeurcd by tht�8ecurlty Instrument end sele of the Property. 7Le noNce chnll Nrther tntom�Borrower oT tGe right to �< - r��t��ri_-.- <br /> � • relastete e[ter ecceleretion end the dght to bdng e wurt nction to assert 1he non-�adstwce of e detault or noy othu •-'� - � „�r �. <br /> � -,->,�`; deteute ot Borrovrr to ecceleretlon ead mle. It the det¢uit Is not curtd on or 6efox the dete specit�ed In the nodce, i;;. ' ?�-:ot� ,._ <br /> ..-,�,.,._-.,.; Leader, nt Ite option, mayreq efn immedlete payment in tull of all auma ueured by thb 3ecudty Instm�ent wtthout „ ���_,.,, �: 1,,; <br /> �,�-�; NK6er demend eud mny Invoke the power ot sale end eny other rcmedin permitted by appllw6le Iav.Leader a6atl be �i�;r, �y-,- <br /> entltted to collect eil expeacea Incurted In pursuing the remedles provided In tiili paregraph 21,Including.Dut not Ilmtted . ; i 1` W�}. . <br /> � -� �� to,reawnable eftorneya'fea end cosu ot title evldmce. i.; , ,_ . � i- <br />- . � � ' -���. If the pOVer of aele (s Invoked,7Yustce sdell record a notiee of detault In each counry in xhlch eey pert of t6e r;;,;;;:_.::�l,Y.��L::, <br /> �ti Propwty Lv located and ahell meil mptes ot such notice In the me�mer preuribed by eppllcable lu�r to Horroner end to ; t n �' : <br /> � '` -� - the otAv pvso:�s preacribed by appliceble la�r.ARer the tlme requtred 6y applfcaAlc law,Tntstee shell gtve publle notice �. :� � "'-; �. <br /> --S�j " otaale to the pusom and in 1he men�v prescdbcd by eppllceble law.'[Ymta. �sithout dwend on IIorrower,ahell edl I,;'-.`,;`.��, �- ^' ����i_ <br /> the Property at public auNton to the hlghest bldder et the tlme and plaee end under thc tertne destgneted in the notice of �t " <br /> � �?` � <br /> eele In one or more parcels end In any orda 1Yut[ee dHerminea.7YuRee mey postpone sele ot ell or eny parcel of the � - <br /> - � Property by publle ennouncement at the time and place of eny prevlously acheduled wle. Lender or ita deslgnee may � -' - <br /> � purcAaze the Properiy et eny sale. (`. - - <br /> I <br /> . j <br /> . Form 3038 9I80 <br /> � . -� - ��6VlNE1�9�os� o.yswe � _ . <br /> � -- . r .. . ._ . .�r_ . . _ . .. - . . <br /> .:�.,. .; . " <br /> � � 11''--'.�. . <br /> ,p' <br /> '..�''', . . . . <br /> , .� <br /> •• � � <br /> . <br /> ) i . . .. . - � . _� . . _. <br />