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+ �,�. <br /> .-� •. _ � _ -� � c �t >f F i zN <br /> ._ .� . . .. '_. //Q _ <br /> 'Y 1�-_ ' . .. .w_ •—.. - : ' I� � _ _.. ��5',� �`r _`'� —r . . . <br /> .^--- - .. � - ' _ . .' � :.� . ; ' --. _ 'y'4tl i� � f"�r ': <br /> TpOBTHBAWPIH�i�,�heJm➢rovemw�t�nowotlsoivaftecbtateAdadtapropcttS' �¢�118asFmdn,eisp�IitlneD�#,sod c <br /> , 8xrues dow or hecs+ner o pazt ot the pmper�y �ui ar�eoec�e�.±-�a �utc�oas e6�4 a�aa ee�cOvuc4 by�U Sa�tSty';'� <br /> — .IcttNaka�tt:Atlot�eto[ogoingla�efciaAtolnthf�Bewzl411qtUOmfaidt�q.'Prope�ty• . , , ,., -, -- <br /> �"'�°' RORIt0P/6A QOV6NAN'f8 rLat BottaWU ip Lw�ulfy eelsedat tLOwtptehereby oonv��yo�d�6�4 h�de flgtt a gccot apd-" {,. <br /> � eonvey the Pmperry end mat�e P[ope�ty ia mtencumMteO�eacspt far eacumbtaaoea at tECor4 8orrowcr avarrenta und v�lU � .. <br /> —= def�AgaierauymeetAewmePmPenYBBaWtell�tilmimddemm0a.�ulilocitoqaycawmbrenasoiraoid.. _ __ <br /> �S' '� 7YIt9 ggCUAy7y l�tgTRUMBNT wmblaes wifotm avensn�a for oadoaU use e�d non�unlfom eovenani�wiw���+ -- <br /> vuluiom Dy Jueledictto4 So coeaeitute a wiform eecuity lastmmen►aovcdng re+t proprrty. :- <br /> T� UNIFOxIM OOVBNANI'8,Bortowa ecd LenCer oovensot etid agcea w to4nvn: �` � <br /> ' l.Fa7mtnt of PMdpal and Iuteiestt Y+�POPpmt wd Iate��. Boaower eUaU Dro�Y P�4Y w11en due the .�__-_ . _ _ <br /> �aa� ptL�clpal ot end taterfat os tIIa Aebt ecldenotA Dy tLe Nattl and my ptepayment md lete cbugee due unQtr�e Note. _ <br /> ;�' 2.Fundv[or Texm and Iasurona.bS:bJca ro applicable law or�o a wdaeu walver 6y Leeder,8orrower'�811 pay to. <br /> I.eaAer oa tLo day moaiLly paycunro ero due under the Note,mtU tLe Note ti pdd L�lWI,a wm('FUads�fon U)yeady texea <br /> i ._„ ead nauumtnte ahtch me,y a�tein pdorlry over mia Samtry Instmment m a tien oa tde Pmperry;(b)Yeacty IeaseLold p�ment� - . <br /> �,e T „_ or gromd renw oa�e ProPenY.if any:(c)YearlY Deurd or Propeny ineurenoe pnmiumr,(fi Yeazly Aood Wannoe premiutn�; <br /> " it uy:(e)Yeuly mortgage iusurmce pnm:u�.if auy:aud(A aoy tum�pqyu'le by Bortowet to Le¢du,in a000�dmx wl�h - <br /> ;.:;..:.,.:x_ _._.._ - _ <br /> n`s'.'"-e, t�e pIOVblom ot paragepL ltw of tLe paymect of mortgago Wureoco pcemlum�.7beae Items are ca9ed •WUOw Item�.' <br /> ;-_..�5-i.�: <br /> ;_�;.:;{,_;y:� I.ceder mqy. a[eny tlma, coltect and hold Pwds ia en amount not to uaed tLe mexlmum emouat e lwder for a federeUy <br /> :i.:.�;.:;; :eieted mongage loen wry requlro for Borrower'a eserow acoomt uader tho foCotel Real B,iuta Setdemcnt Ptoceduma Act u! <br />. -``-=���". I97A a�emended from tlme to time. 12 II.S.C.3ecdon 2601 et seq.(•R89PA').unleta anotLer law tLat eppltea to tbe Fund� <br /> _1;;xf*.a':'- <br /> •�;p,,; �eu a leuer emount. If eo. Lmder mey, et my dme, oollea aad hold Aunda in m emomt not ro oxoud the laser avo�mt• _ <br /> ' Lender may estlmate the emomt ot Fund�due on�he baste of curten[dua eud mswneble esttmata ot expendlmcee of tuturo _ <br /> `t ;�' Hacrowitem+orot6ernleolnaocordancewltbappUcablelaw. �----....-- <br /> _;ti..K=?'' 7Le Fuoda shell be deld!n en lastlmtio¢ wlase depwttn aee Insured 6y a tedual egwry. Wtrvmentdity. or wdry <br /> -`:3��:�� (IocludL�g Lender.if Lender 1�wch en inaeimtlon)or in eny Federel Homo Lom Bank.I.euder shdl apply the IMds to pqy tLe �:,__-. .. <br /> �'�yE Hsaow ltemf.Leader say noe eLarge Boe[owu for holding md applying�La Funda,anocaUy analyzing the escrow accomt,or �` <br /> �;�� vedtying rhe Hacrow Itew,udesa I.ender p�y�Bortower Inte[es[on�he PUada�ud epplicabla Inw pe[miU Lendu ro malce euch �_r_ <br /> -,i'�:^�s t:i� e charge.However, I.eoder may[equim Boaower�o pay a one-Nme eLarga Mr en indepeoden�real ataze ux repoNng cttvice - <br /> •r'F �V used by Lender in comxtlo¢wlth thie loan, wiles� epplfable tew provlda othe�wlae. Un1eu an egeemw[ Is made or �: <br /> ,�_f. epDllcable law ttquitta Inrerat ro be pefd.I.ender e6d1 vot be required to p�y Bo:rower my Intena�or euning�on tlte F�nde. "°"���� <br /> + &irowu and Lender may egrca In mRlug.Lowever,tha[inieceat shell be pald on t6e Aunda.I.ender e6di give ro Bortower, �� <br /> ` - <br />...;!.,�-;��:,, wi�hout eLarge. on eunual eaomting of�he Mnda.�howing credtu and debiq to We Punda eud tha pwpose tor which each L`V, - <br /> -�..=+-.. deb:t to�La Fucda wav mede.lLe Fmde are p!edged a�additional exurtty for ell sums eecured by thla Seadry IwuuIDeot. �,,`„�-.—� <br /> " �4'zx� if 'ue Funda held by I.eoder exaed the amouau permlttcd[o be 6ela by appliuble law,I.enGa�hell�ocOUnt to Bortowe[ �, �=;r,. �-- --- -�� <br /> -� for the exttaa Funde in aaoMmx vmh Ne requlremenu of�pplicabla taw. i[tl�c�rumt ot Wa Punda tcid by Lenda at aa} »„r- --� � � <br /> � ��i � tlme ia no[wfticicnt ro pay�he Eacrow Icem��vLen due,Lender may so nodfy Borrowu io writing,and.N�ucb cato Bo[rower , .;�,w�. •:__� <br /> � -z rhall pay to I.endu[he amount neauary ro make up�Le deF.cieary. Bortowu aLelt milce up the deflNexy in eo morc tLm :_ r� + , <br /> .�k`.,y._.t �welvemontLlYPaymeau.atLenderYsoledlacceNon. �- .•. ',R�:_ <br /> ts- , Upon payment in full of ell suw secured by�hia Securlry Insteuc�tot, I.ender�hall promptly roNod to BotroNtt aay ?..�, �Fk�.�,.•- <br /> � ` 9 ` Funda held by I.ender.If,under paragreph 2l.Lendu ahall ecquire or sdl the Property.Lender,pdor to�he acyvl�@lon or eale - ��h� ti m`" <br /> „�it.=t� ol�hePco ePPY Y Y � 88 y ���y� ' >, ��.�. <br /> ._ petty,s5e11 I en Funde held b I.eoder at�he time of a altton or sele ss e cttdit alnat the auw sewnd b } 7,,,, <br /> � r-'"� �hb Secudty Inatcument. ' �� � �Zl. <br /> j ' 3.ApplleeHOn ot Paymenta.Udesa apptieable law providce o�henviso,ell paymenu rexlved by Leoder under parogrephf _ �- i � _ <br /> ; �. � 1 and 2 thall be eppliW: fint, to anY Prepuyr.�ent charges due under the emoanee peyable undu paragroph 2: � r� } � `+�-`. <br /> f ,.- �Slyd,to ia[erest dur,tourth,ro dnei due;and Iut,to an late cfiv a dce under the Note. � -� - <br /> P P� Y B v -}� ' �- i > :=.: <br /> - 4.Cherga; Ltea+.Bortowcr sM1all pay all texa. azsesamenu,cLerga, finea md impo�idons attribmeble ro the Propeny , �� � <br /> wh!ch ma attain dorit over t6ia Securit Ins[nrment, and leauAold meoee or round mti, if en .Borcower e6�I a •�:=�- S�?•� �Y'�" <br /> Y P Y Y PeY 8 Y P Y - :�„� + tr .; �-' - <br /> +-� �heae obligepor.s in�e mnnner provided in paregraph 2,or If r.ot paid in�het mmner,Bortower shall pay 0em on Hme directly - ,, _- ; <br /> to the person owW paymen[.Bortower ahell promptly fumish io Lender ill noticcs of ar.�ouau ro be paid mder�hts paragraph. ��- ;'� '�'--{>--;�- <br /> �- _{L;�• .'i.� If Borrower makea�hese paymenu direaly.Bo:rower shall prompt:y fun�sh[o Lcnder raeipte evidenctr.g�he paymen[a. ,';;;," Y:;�.f't"TP;�:,..'- <br /> „s -, Bortower ahell promp�y discharge any Iten wM1ich has priority over�his Saurity Imwment uNesa Bortower.(a)agrces in ;7-, � i ,-;rj" <br /> - h .o-ly+•r-. <br />.. - wridng to the payment of�he obliga�ion aecured by�he lien in a manner ccepreble to Lender,@)comesu in good faith the Iien �.4;���_.=,f;.���;,�;,;.. <br /> by, or defends againat en[oramcn[of thc Iie� in, Icgal pmeecdingn which i� [he Ler.deP� opinion operate to prevent �he 9 ,� .,,_,-- <br /> - enforcenent of�he Iien:or(c)secura from the holder ot�he lien an agreement satisfanory to Lender auboNinating the lien to ���- ::r,.- -; <br />� ''�4�., �hi�Sen:dty Instrumer.[. tt Ler.dcr�hai�ny pan ot ihe Propeny is cubjae:o a Iien which mry attan pdoriry over - <br /> thb Saurity Instmmen6 Lender may give Borcower a notice identifying�he lien. Borrower shall satisfy�fie lien or teke one or - <br /> _ . r.arc of�he actioas set(onh aDove�ri�hin 10 days ot the givin6 0(notice. � _ � -' <br /> � Fam 30t8 180 � .. -� � <br /> . . ' r ��BV(NEl�ncs� ow.�ae M,.� � . . � <br /> � ' <br /> . f_ <br /> •' �:e . <br /> ll••�.(;''�b I . ' <br /> . ` <br /> . <br /> � . <br /> + -.. <br /> . .�: . � . <br />