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♦. -�.�1. ___ . � r l _ t _ ' '4!-�t '.j4 . <br />—?�"�' f . (! ) -�": `_ : .. _ _. <br /> _� . , ' ��� ; �lR�4�'�s �: <br /> , <br /> .. , .. <br /> . . : . . . ,. . ,,. <br /> -�oplic�b'e'! rv mey epecliy fot ttlnstatetnent)befary 4elA oi tDO P(py.try Pufcuant to 6ny ea10 7�faLR4illYh!! � —` <br /> _ -- &.cutiryf6s�rSea�01(D)�4try 4fuJuAg�aEatentoretngtNdBearlryUuwment-T�oseconGiNotU9r60ret�QrtowL (a) -- , . <br /> peYd l.enQsr al!foins v+lt:chShen-wo�10 ib d��o'unAec�le Sua�tlt5�tn@Wmeat enC tPa Nas aa If no ao6elenlN�E�6; ' <br /> occUrtz�;(b)puefany.detauttofRnYotbueorenantaorDgreement�ita)psYealle�pepsealrtauredlnenforcingjhl�BCaalty'. . <br /> - toatrvi�tr.t.-tntWdtng.6b[t�arlWfceQ to.rt�sansbte attsnye'txs;m}d(�tek�wch icqan as LenAa,u�ayiC�amb'�-; <br /> requtretuessUretl�atih0llpnottNeSecWEtylnstcurt�pnyLendwti'tightel�the�p�Y&�dBqrtower�ODlt&1tlOnto• <br /> sum� uaured tiy thb 8CCOdty lnauuinent shail mnUnue uqchinged. IIpon idrie(atemeht by 9oAOw�'Uilf $!cw'�-. <br /> --- L^s ment end 0e obligeNona seq�red Qercby ehall ttme!n[uliy effixt[ve es V no aeceleradonhad obuirte0. Hmvevee, �, <br /> `--� dg�itwaiastate�Mtlno[applyln�xcaseotecxeteretlonundeSY�@8!@Ph17. .- <br /> 19. 8ate of Notet C6aage of Lou�BeMat. 'llie Nota or e peNal imercst In Ne Note(toge�et.wlth tT.le 8eµhlry-" <br /> _= Ir.sdumenq mn�bo aold one ot moro dme�wtthout prtor aodco�o Bortowee A sele mny rcsult in a cAange!rt tlio entity . <br /> _ d r-° (known w the Loen 3ervla�')that collec��momhly paymenta due wdu tha Nota aad tha 8auiry Inawment. 1Lcro c10 <br /> _ - -� may be or.e or moro chmges ot Ne Loaa 8ervtar unrela�ed to a w1a of tha Nota If there L+s change otiha Loen Berylar, <br /> -- °�°-��"' Bo�rowu wAt be given artiecen noace of the chmge In aaordanca wtth par�ap d 14 a6ove and app4ubte law. lfio ndioo • <br /> ;�,.5.`°"'u`'"� wiil euro U�e neme end eddresa otthe new Lonn 9eevicer end Uia eddrcs�t which peymer.p ehould 6o meda.lLe natlwalll <br /> �-_-- -- alsocomeinanyotherinPomiallonrequiredbyapplicablelew. - - <br /> °;w�`s 20. Ha:ardoua 8uhstancee. Boerowu�Aa11 not cawe or pem�it the pnunce,um,Cispaal,e:orege,or release ota�y <br /> -_ ".,:;:r z�'� Hezardow Sub.ttance�on or In Ne Property. Bortowu�hell ao[do,nor eliow onyone else to do,eny,hing attatina ihe <br /> �."� ��• � Propeny that b N violedon otnny Bnvironmentel Lew. 1he pteoWing two eentenas ehell noe epply ro tha presence,uu,or <br /> ��-:.�j�:r aorege on the Propary of amnil quen[itlea of Hazardoua Subsienca+�hat ere generally recop:lud ro be eppropriAU�o noimal <br /> , t� 33; ralden�el usw cud to m�ntenana of�4a Proputy. <br /> { ��. Barowu cM1all promytly g(ve Ler.du wrl�trn nodce of eny(nvestigedon,claim,demand,Iawedt or aher acNon by my <br /> govemmentel or�egWerory agenq or pdvaie party Involving the Property end eny Hazardow 9ubswnca or Environmauel � .,,... _,.._. <br /> � Law of whlch Bortower hae acmel knowledge. if Bortower Ieam�, or ie notifled b �ny govem�nenlal or rcguleiay <br /> � �?' auWodry.�ha�my romovat or o�er nmedlulon of eny Hezerdom Subs�nnoe eHating�e Propecty b neaasery,Bormwer <br /> '...�.'`°'`.3. sheil rom q uke ell neces remediel eulom In eccoMmce with EnHronmentel Lflw. --- <br />-.:i:A;:�:,�:.,,; P P Y �Y — . . <br /> ;.;,i.,c::Y, As used in�hs pa�agreph 20,"Hazerdo:u SuMtencei are�Iase eubstanas d�ned e�wzic or hazerdoua cuMtantts by . <br /> � .i;�,�!:;. Pnvlro�mental Law end�he tollowir.g subsrencei: gasoline,kemxna,other tlammeble or toxic petrolaum ptoduW,�oxic <br />'�=^��j>,:3;��,,;, pesticida end herbicida,voleUle eolveme,matedels come!Nng as6eatm or form�ldehyd0.end redioacifve matutaie. A� _ <br /> "` ���:.7,_,6 used in�his paregaph 7A,"Bnvironmentel Gw"mpare fedeml laxa end lawe ot the Judsdiqion wherc�he Property ia loa:ed <br />- *`�=>- that relam ro hui:h,aefery or env(ronmemd proccetioa. <br />..-',t?.�:`'-��: NON-UM1'IFORMCOVHNANI'S. IIortowerendLendertunhercovenentendegroeesfollows: =. -- .._. <br />':�;;`.'';yY�•�j; 21. Acceieretlon�Remedies I.ender shatl give notice to Borrower prlor to eaeleradon tollowing QorroeePe <br />-_�����;�`,<; breaeh of eny mvenent or agreemmt In�hu Security Instrument @ut not prlor to ecceleretlon under pangrap617 <br /> r�;tf� _� unleav epplica6le law providea olhernlse). The notice chall speciry: (e)the default;(b)the acUon requUed to cure N�e -- <br /> _ • deteulh{c)s date,cot less than 30 dsys hom!kf date the netice b gtven to 9orrower,by whlth!hs dete!e•.t m•±q l�e ---- ---._ . <br /> :•>�v�.��;a-_i ���rni;and(A)tlwt fnllvre fn enrr the Arfanit nn nr befnre th¢date xpectfled in ihe netlre mny result in neceleratloo of ---_ . <br /> � s_-��, �he aum�secured by thls Saurity Instrument end sele ot the Property. The notice e6a0 Nrther inform Borrower of —T' <br /> ,,,_ �.,?,,, the rlght ro reinsiete eRer acceteretion aad Ihe dght to bring e murt aMlon to essert Ihe r.omexistena of a detfluif or �y�- � <br /> 7 a _ �: eny otAer defense of RorroNer to aaelention end sale. It the defeult is not tured on or before Ihe dete speclfled in �_. _ <br /> r - Ihe notfce,I.ender et Itv opfion mey requlre Immediete payment In iLll of all aumv secured by thb Secudty Instrummt �,� -:. — <br /> - ?�- ' without Nrther demand end mey invoke the po�ver ot aele end any other remedia permltted by appliteble I�w. � x-.-. <br /> :.,,;,_ -..' v_ Lender shetl be entttled to mllect all wpenses Incurred In pursuing the remedles prorided In th4v peragrap6ll, -,:;?t• ' _:._ <br /> + �-- �` Inctuding,but not Ifmfted to,reazonable aftorneya'fcea and costs of title evidenee. -��`"; - <br /> , `-`" Itthe po�rer of sale 6 invoked,7}ustee ahall record e natice of default in each munty tn nhich eny part oilhe - r-� � <br /> ti (:��: Property le loeated nnd ahall mall mptee of auch notice fn the manner preatribed 4y eppl leable laN to Borroner er.d ro s>�+%� - <br /> ` - - the otAer persons preieribed by applicab;e lew. ARer Ihe time required by appticable Ia�r,9Fustee ahall gfre pu51k t„T;zi,„_ .: <br /> - ' - � �' notice oteaie to the persons end in Ihe manner preacd6ed 6y epplicnble In�r. 7Yustee.�vilhout demend on Borroae, :�� � .i � <br /> :':l�y,};._..r shall aell the Property et publfc eucllon ro the higheat bidder et lhe tlme ar.d ptace end under the terms designated In -�)r.,:�.�s�,o_;;. <br /> ti ;'.� Ihe r.otiee otaa:e in one or more parcels end In en��order 7Yustee determines. 7Yusta may postpone sele of ell urany �;c�w ,x�- - <br /> ..;iy-�. parcel of the Property by publlc ennouncement at the tlme end place of eny prevlously schedultd se!e. LenEer or Ib 5°,y <br /> e -�5'. deaigneemnypurehnselhePrapertyxte�ysxle. �••�v° ' <br /> ;..�;: Upon recelpt of payment of the pdce bld,7YUStee shall deliver ro tF.e purchaser 7}ustee'a deed com-eying Ihe :,��:;yn,;��,.�- <br /> t �_:i�: Property. The recftais In Ihe 7}usta's decd ahall 6e prlma fecie evidence of the truth oi the atetemenv made then;n. Su•„ ' .��•:r <br /> .i" 7}ustee shall epply the procceds of ihe sele In Ihe follmring order. (el to all costs xnd expenses of exercL+ing Ihe poxxr �,��:t�,�,s�:;: <br /> r - -rT�� ��:_: <br /> 1M1Si�°i._�;� ' ,'i.:'�� <br /> r _, r-.+_ �'4 �• <br /> _�:L�_���.-�:( �i�Fy � <br /> +.�T f_ <br /> `.`i'_ " _ <br /> Ys-_`��` }. ' <br /> '.; _ <br /> kbrmJ07i 9f90 �ryer�..lnryw�i ti��. -. . <br /> •" . . <br />. .. ::j•. <br /> !�; <br />�.::'� .:�`��+ �P-..,�_�.".._._�_.-,.,�. . . . ... .. _ - T- ,�-_—,..- z - �, "_' _ ' <br /> .�.: - . . _. . .. . . .. . ." ' . _ ' __" . .. . . " <br /> . ' `:.)1� - -_ . . .� -- . <br /> �..�.,a. .. :::-„'. .. <br /> �-._� .:.,:. :._- . - . <br />' _ �t:,_':`_' __` . _ .. . . . _ _ . . <br /> �a' _ <br />. %�:'` • <br /> .i.:�_.,"C " `' _ . <br /> ...i. 5,�. :.r : ti:,.."' <br />-- __ ' - , �: � ' <br /> _.p`�_'.. .. .. <br />__ ._ ' .. S::' !�� . _ . . - . <br /> �yy�.fr _ _ .. _ <br /> . e 'l:.-:.\ ' - . . � � _ . <br /> i(:N•- :f - • . � .. . - . <br />- ���"�;�t: -. - . .� � . . . . -- � <br /> � <br /> Y ,. <br /> � � " <br /> t y � � '. � � � - . '� -. - - �_ <br /> o. . '�i "' _ _' . . �- " . . ..__r ' ' __ __ .. _ . . ... . __ , - - _ �. _. <br />