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Upon payment ot dl sume KcurcA by thb 3ecudty Innwment,Lender s:ull requeat 7FUetee to � <br /> rcconvey the Propeny and shail�crrcndu thb Sauri�Y fnsmment and ell notcs evldencing debt eecured by thb$ecudty <br /> Inawment to 7lustca. 7lusteo ihell rcconvoy ehe Property whhout warter.ry end wlthout cAflrge�o the penon or penotu <br />°:..-� Iegaily�enfltled to ic Sueh person or penons shell piy a�y rc,cord�Hon oosu. _ -.--•- ._. --� <br /> --_° 73. Bubstifuta 7Yustee. Lender,et iu optioa may from time to tlme remove 7tuatee end ap im a wasasorputtee Io . <br />_---= eny 7lustw eppolnted hercunder by en inswmer.t reoorded I�the counry In whlch this Swu�L�strummt I�ruwrded. � . <br /> r=— 141thout conveyance ot Gho Propeny,tho cuaessar auuee ehall succeed�o all[he tltle,power end dutla coakrted upon <br />�-`�i 7Fus�ee herein end by appIlcable lew. � <br />.:--;:i�,�� 20. Requeat for Notieee. Bortower rcqueau�hnt mplea of the naicei of detaul[and aele be ant w HortowerA eddress <br /> `:-,=k� which i�the Propeny Addrex�. <br />'_'�'�- �_ 2!. R(den ro Ihts 8ecurity Inatrumenw It one or morc dden ere aecuted by HoROwer end recorded togahet with <br /> - ---- thla Securfry Instrument the wvenenu�end agreemenu of each such dder shall be Inaryoreted Inta end chall emetld and <br /> ^'°�� wpplenent�he covenents and egramenla of this Saudry Inatmment ei if�hc Ader(s)werc a part otth:�3ea:dry Lutrument - <br />-.�_;r,',-i.;>._ ICheckeppiicablebox(es)1 <br /> t+ - <br /> u�- � �AdjuitableReteRider �CondominiumRider �lAFamllyRtder - <br /> q�A <br /> _ -_- �Oradua�ed Payment Rider �Plenned Unit Devclopne�t Rider �Biwakly Paymen[Rider __ ___ _ <br /> 5 r' �Belloon Rider �Reulmprovenrnt Rider �Second Home Rider __ <br /> ; .�� <br />--c:"4°i� ��ciar:. <br /> r- -: �O�her<s)lsPu��YI <br /> a iS ( F(�°_. <br /> m` �� BY SIONING BHIAW.Bortower ncrep�s n�agras to�he tertns and covenanm camained in this Saumy Ins[mmen[ �_ <br /> �}� t, and in eny riderta)executed by Bonower end rccolded wiih it. -.``-. <br /> - �; ``'-v..� <br /> '�- �; Wimesss: � + �— . <br /> ��r �`. .� <br /> � V �$fH�) 4�� s _a_.` r.: <br /> -..' . >'1'-� <br /> ��`� q. JOHR80N -aono�er `- _--_-- <br /> ✓I t' <br /> T4-,.+�`_ <br /> l ( <br /> 2 <br /> { - <br /> A a � ' <br /> � n <br /> '7. - �{AN �� nn�, l^'1_rcPah , - i �xr�s- <br /> �E iE1FlNlIDiNClSLrN r �RB� Jo�isoN -ao�ro,.« `'�t�l"�� <br /> ; li!l�tL ' �F �i�-n'. <br /> � IUOW7 � . -.. <br /> '}3}+_ SfATEOF KEBRASK . ������� SDPPAI.O Count u: � .°~�!�'• ;�^�"": <br /> ���,��n� Y c',i:�r�_�:Y�,���' _- <br /> �:- On this 28TH dayat MAY� 1993 ,befom me.the aadcrsigned,e ho�ary Public ' {`;i��i �� �x � <br /> ' ': duly mmmissiaacd nnd yua;ifiM for said mumy.persom!ly cnme -�u..�w N. JOHNSON Atm ICAY ,"•`:;'i;?�i;,�;:±?`- <br /> x;: RB88LHR JOHHSON. H[fRBlAD AND filF ---ao mc known ro be the � -t_ ,� : � �y�=_ <br /> tic ,- identical persons(s)whose mmc(s)are subscri6ed�o ihe forcgoi�g instruaxnt and acknowicdged the exaWion Ihercof w -P S . -r�z < -- <br /> -� 6c T�IA vuiwnarync�mxichd. AY /�)�.�'�?� A.H./l'�,'�w -��"'r "�,�.s�+�r ' <br /> +�-j-� �Ymess my hand nnd notarial zeal m � in seid county.the '+ 1 < tir ' -_; <br /> - y, delc nforesaid. � _z -�; rJkq*,,t :: <br /> My Commission expirct: --. T C� t _ <br /> , . <br /> -: Nmuy wnrc r-�`. ''. '7 <br /> --�.} REQUESTInR R OyVEYANCE - .-r t m{ i r, <br /> . TOTRUSTEE: -:, 4y�{ • <br /> The undersigned is Ihc hulder of thc notc nr m[cs xcurcd hy IL•i.DcN of Trmt. SaiJ no�e or notei.�agc�her wi�h all 'f t � � <br /> _,,.,:u_ " •-r..i'�.-.�1�.-.;��':�� <br /> _ olher inde6led�ec�securcd by Ihis DecJ o(7}v.l.lure Mn paiJ in(ull. You art herchy dirccled lo rancel said no�e or no�e5 - • - - <br /> - - and ihis Dccd of Tmsl,ivhich a:c dclircrcd hr.chy,anJ m rcmmcy,ai�hnm wamnt�-,all�hc c�lalc r.ow held hy pou undcr `'����%d-; �'- <br /> Ihis Deed of Trust to the pcnon ar perwm Iegxlly cmi ticd -- - <br /> Da�e: -- —_ - <br /> ..,K,, <br /> `.'�: <br /> Ponn302s 9:9G rrye�n..lnNrrsi " . <br /> '(.. <br />� �.��� � f�, ' ' <br /> -. . <br /> <... _. <br /> "_'r""'3""_'°":.-:.-..r_..r...-__...:.s._...: .. r ...� . . - -. _ .. _ r.--_. .�r_ " _ _.r'• _.-. .. __" r'-.. - <br /> . _'" 'y_".' .' _ . " "_ _. <br /> _ _%_ . _ "_"--_ _. " __ " __"____ . ' _ " _ <br /> _ `. <br /> ;.�-'. <br /> - _ -.'ic,__- -" .. . . - - . . <br /> �i:r-}.�t�: `• _- _ <br /> 1r �� ' <br /> oiJ_A: . , - _ _ <br /> f i �' �- - . . . � � - <br /> , 5�_- " . ,/ •_ _, .. . . . } . � ..-_ . -._ <br /> � , <br /> ' <br /> � � . E <br /> )..�� , S .. .. _ _ _ ... , " , ____ '_.._ ..u,:i - <br /> .' <br /> � , � . , <br />