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. ��iyqf "�_._.� .� � .�.., � �:..._u�: � �� i � � <br /> �3W c Y --f � ..h i .f { � `C -. _ . t ,- � (1 !I 1 _--__ . . <br /> �7 f : �Jt t � r" <br /> :� - t w•4�) �_���.�w►y� e .} <br /> s .;. 1 i -J iz �}� -�Y7, !�f <br /> �a'w�,9U0�OtOt�ttlaltl.^�oL�uX�6ttDitilQ��+^�'nL m1n/aa�ve4aneelrtlledef�N6lle�Snetlerc�L+nlf�tehvsYil�h�edu�d � , Y _ __ <br /> br�1"�p�a�Ot.�ifaCt,- �. _.� -. :-• "_�_-,MS _ - iT._.('/ r . <br /> ,>.tn{he Evc.nCQt a�o�el i�kP,ig oY PeopyiyA�o iccuqe hnll bs pUe3 to�hb sum� by sh�s�eci�Yry <br /> �n:iroraan� tv�phso ornoR u�eii 4ue.�v��iy.oxaas paf�ia so�r6�,�pr.'tn�PY nEy1`a`p9�I�I�otax�. " p ta , <br /> yvl�iclithe#a'J{netkeev@Iuvotthe�YtopenylmmedleiFlybfto?elhetak(ng(atquel�kof lAter�uldi6Lmoqnl�uafr <br /> ;C4ytS(1�Y�(i 3ewdryfinoi-"rvmtnt(mmcdle;qt y-bciom it6 t¢ktng,Yidi3f 85q'uWei' j".eri aotfienViiv�ie Jn wt�i�rtyi <br /> � tqo.;uma:sew:u!by thfa$u+ulty.�.�sttur.�ent ehAl be.m�tuC}d.4y tho intoimt of tho p�i muittpIlcd Dy�hatolbwl � ; ' <br /> tr�ub�:",[e)�hdtocelemoGniot�esuinsaealresilmmeAi�ro�ly kronv�lbea9lrg,d�vldsdey,eb3aet.1[in.rEUV�tpdift�w � . <br /> . _..� PNpCHy�mnitdletely LCtOti Ihe M.Jcing. My 681ptIC16h111 tl0 p81(yQ,fo$9nQWCt, GI Ih6 OYNU.O�R.0�81!0$1t�l g�DT IIM . _ <br /> ` sewr�t�im.ediately be�ce thoeta�k4�ie,o�ale�ea Borroryei rad�Len i oA�ecivla�Dtaking i:leas�hm�!ha aeiomn oP tlm�r ` - <br /> ed dg agrze la wdtlag A►�!!�1es+�+DPlld'ab!e qw <br /> bmernite provldG,th p�sha116o eppUed to the pumf eaurW 6y 0i�8tluriry InslnuiiCpt whrahet qr nol tho sums Aro <br />. __ tfiendue. -� - . - - : � . -- - -'- . <br /> -- 1(tha Prope�ty 4 ebandoned by Bortower,or It,eRer aotlw 6y Lender to Aorfower ihat Ihe condetnror offei's to make <br /> _ en award or settle a elalm for damagae,Bortower LIU tonapond io I.enAer wlO�f4 30 day�alterthe daw tho nmlco i�glven � <br /> � I.endet Is aa�Aurized w coUea end epply tAe pmoeed�.et i�A opdon.elU�er to restoratlon or repilr oTthe Yto�aty m to the :' . <br /> � :um�secuttdbythleSecurlryBuwmeat,whethuornott4endua - . ..- . �-. ...-- .. ... <br /> iTnles�Lendu and Bo�rower o�herwlsa egrea in wrfling,my epp!leadon ot prooud�to pAnolyal ehell not exfend ot � <br /> _= pm�pone the due daro otthe momhlypaymenta ttkrted to la pangtapha 1 end 2 or�he amunt of sueh payiltente. .= <br /> Il. Ftonowu Not Rdeased� [+brbearante Hy Lender Not e Welver. Bxtens!on of tlie �Ime [or pAyment or <br />__;��a modlflcaHon ot amonfzetlon ot the�wna cecured by chis Sar.rity Inaeeunent grentW by Lertder ro eny succt�wr 11i Intelest - <br />---- of Boerower chall na operero ro release�he llablUty of the odglnel Barower or Botrower§ivacasoro in Interest.I.endu <br /> _ -- �hell no[borcqufrcd to commenee proaeding��gN:4st eny euxeuor In imereat or Rfuse to extend ttme for payment or <br /> �' othetwisemdlfyemonlzettonuttheeumf�ecurdbythlaSeewfry Insmmen�byrensonotenydemnndmedebytheorlglnel �- <br /> ,�' Bortower or Borcower�wcassors in Intercst. Any torbearence by I.eMer U1'exerclaing my d�t or remedy cl;all not be a <br /> watver of or preclude the exerclsa oteny d;ht or rcmedy. <br />�'':�'�>. 12. Suceeasoro end Ass!gna Boundc Jotat and Several Uebllltyt Co•slsnero. 7Le covenante md�greemenW of�hle <br /> --��'`•' 3ceudt Imaument�Aall b(nd end benefit tho succesaom and auI s ot I.ender end Bortower,cub ec[to the rovlslone ot <br />'`_;;��"�' Paregreph 17.Borrowenc�ovenem�end�grcementa�h»II be jo:nt�end wveral.Any Hortowu who co-slgne Pthte Seeudty <br />��_;'���-� Ir.swment but doea no[exeeu:e the Notr. (a)le co-slgning thia Secudty NatmTrnt oNy to mort6egq gra�t end wnvey�haz <br />.."';r;;;; Borto�ver§Inmreat In the P[opaty under the tenn�o[thla Secudty Irowmenr, (b)ia not penonally obllgated w pay�I:e euma <br />�_;:�:;�_; saurcd by�hB Sceudty Inatnunent s�d(c)egren thet Lender end eny o�ha Horco�ver mny agrce ro eztend,nodlfy,torbear <br /> tA: or make my accommodaHons wlth rcgerd to ihe tem�e of thb Securlty inswment or the Naa wl�l�out thet BortowerY -- <br /> r conienl. <br /> ° J'� t3. Loan Cha[B�� If�he loaa securcd by ihis Swuriry Innrument Is subJec[w e law which seu muimum loan <br /> chargea,end thet Iawla finally Inre�reted a thet�he intercs�or o�her lom chuges eollceted or ro be colltaW in wnnectlon <br /> _ �:� wi1R Wc lum�exacal6�e yimnital Lmiis.G�tn: i5i diy aucn Iuun ind7!{2 ihell Fic iwiii�i Fij thc uTl'vYid Ti2t2i5L�i4 rc�1'uiv _ ---`°. <br /> tlie cherge to the pennlned limii;and N)enY eums nhexdy rollre�ed fram BoROwer whkh exceeded{r�mltted Itmfb wlll M -- - . . <br />.`�''n�;' rcfunded ro Bartowec Lcndcr may choose to make�hl�rePond by rcAUClaa the princtpal owed under tMe Noro orby making a <br /> ":;":'.`.t� dtrect paymer.t ta Bomower. ft e refund rt4uce�pdnclpal,the ttducHon wI116e uwted m a panid prepeymenl wltAout any <br /> - `-`�' prcpayment chuge undtt�he Note. <br /> ''�:,��� l4. fiotices. Any no�itt to 6ortower providW for in �hls Searti:y Insnument dull bo given by dellvet(ng It or by <br /><�;�:f:� malling it by first class mall unlas applinble le�v rcquircs use of enothermuhad.The notla ahall bo dlrectW to tho Property <br />_,=z�:::; Addrcss or nny otAer address Oorrower dnigne�es by notice to Lendec Any notice to Lender shell be glven by flrt dess «-�-- � <br /> '`�s�� mall ro Lenderk addrw s[e�W hereia or xny otheraddress Lender desigratca by r.otice�o Borrowcr. My nmfa provlCW for ---- <br /> 's,;'., <br /> •- f- In �his Security Insuument ahell 6e deemed ro havc been given �o Hortower or Lender when gtven a+ provldeA In thls —�-=-- <br /> yi < paregraph. s�i <br /> +-� IS. Gorerning Lew: Serern6fllty. ThIs Sauriry Inswment ah�ll be govcmed by federel law and �he law of[he <br /> -3 : jurisdic�ion in which�he Propeny ix lacuted. In�he event that any provision or claux of ihis Securiry Inawmmt or tla Note — <br /> ,.a,.'�. cun0icls wilh applicable law.wch contlia shel I na eRect o�her provisions o(Ihis Securiry Instmmen[or�he Note whlch can �.,._._- � <br /> "�' f;� be giren effcct wiihaut the canllic�ing provision. To�his cnd �he pror"sioa�of ehis Saurity Instrument end�he Note ere � _- <br /> ti c declercd ro bc sCVCmble. � e ' ` _ <br /> :�t,: 16. Borrower'a Copy. BoRO�rer zlwll be giren one contormed capy of�he Note and of thic Saurity Inswmenc V � -• <br /> ,. 17. 7}ensfer of the Praperty or e OmeOclel Interest�n Dormuxr. I(al I or any pan of the Propcny or eny inicrcat in - <br /> it is sold or tmns(erted(or it a bencficinl ineercs�in Borrowcr is sold or trancfared end Borrower ia not a na�ural peraon) „y, _y �_ <br /> .-�r wi:hocl Lender's prior wrilten con.unl.Lcndcr n:ay.aI its op[ion,rcyuirc inmcdiale payment in(ulI of all sums seCUrcd by � _ _- <br /> s - �his Security Inslmnienl. No��ever,lhis op�ion sF.a:l noI 6e exeaised by Lcndcr if exerciu is prol:ibited Dy federel law af of � <br /> the da�e of this Securiry laswment. �-�? �- <br /> ,:;�` If Lender exercius this option.Lender sha!I give Borto�ver no�ice o(accelem�ion. The no�ice shall pmvide a period of wb"�f'^�:-.�'z'•- <br /> . n°:'I'.!. <br /> no[lesc Ihon 3(1 dnys Bom Ihc date Ihe nolia is delirc`ed or mai:cd�vithin which Borrower muat pay all sums uwrcd by this ��: - - --. <br /> Sicurity Inalrumcnl. If Borto�rer fails lo p.ry �hcce mma priar lo[he expimlion of Ihis period, Lender mey invoke eny - ��i��.`� <br /> rcmedies pem�illed by Ihis Security InzwnKnt wi:hom(unher no�ice ordemand an 6ortoxer, s�;yb`^.'.+5��'--` <br /> � I8. Borrower's Rlght ta Relnslate. 1( 6nrtm�er mec�s ccnain cor.ditians. Bortower sM1all havt the righ! Io have � .-':. - <br /> en(orcemcm nf Ihis Stturily Imlrumcr.t Ji¢ontinuad a�an���ime pr.or tu Ihe carlier oL UI S days(or such olher periad at �-''-'.� <br /> �;•_- +-;i��. <br /> timfkFain�n-flnnleVaePrMElellacC\IRIR\11CC77tl'NI:\T..CnAamCmmmn9.90 �NtNnJnMP�s1 �'.�}-;•.�ij,-_ <br /> .ty <br /> '):- <br /> ;f.` <br /> ,4t` . - . � . T,_ ,yr,_ __ "t., t_ <br /> . - . . - ._ . . ... - . . . _ _ • . �� , . . . <br /> ;'. ' . _. . , .' _ . <br /> _—. __.__�_ __ ___ ___ <br /> _t "__ _ . . " — _—_—. " _. __ __ _ .i �— ___ <br /> _.tii _ ' " ' ' . . , - . _ . . <br />. .'- . . ' .. . <br /> ._5- - : _ ., . _ . . . _ _ • _ . " ' <br /> �'r[ - ' . . . - . - . <br /> :i'i.,.. � . . _ . . . . . _ . <br /> c . . . ' ' . - . _ <br /> 1'tf c ,, . ' <br /> ' �, _ .. <br /> ,} - . ,.� , � - <br /> , . �:'. .. . . .. � .. . . . . <br />