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.Y1�'.3:_��1 "?'_'_ _ _ '.-. _ �..� ':' . }.�• -. . .,._�� .:i.{c,l a t���5.,�.'Lr:; <br /> - ,n.. _.. L4_f'!1�_ � __-_ _ .. <br /> L _ ^> �t .-yi � y2 t ' ��f iY� .- .� � - :". '� .__� n�� _ ; v _. S _.. _ ._. <br /> ) - r . -. 5 - Q (� )- rr� f <br /> ' - ( _t. ._" �y � . �-. �. - * � ���?r� ��{T,.�'�S �.r }� it.. <br /> > > _�.i �,f� r ' _. Ji- �t F -� 1f� ' <br /> �!� ,�tlndf�thstJ�C1�.rH�(.�MSs '�rM�tnirwyyp�gttlY1411i$3hfi�laSI1f81:OFkfie11 Mi'iunhvltnfinw�"t r .��� .-�C� --- _ <br /> { apyrpvalwhlchrhhl[rn��eunreaSAlabiywfttyleld, Itffa[4wer(ait�i'oinaln cpygra'g� �¢n � ' de�qlqy,ait � <br /> Leitdubopitot��obtnL�calersse)cProtatL'enduldgh�etAthoPropenY1�� 65��"� ,F��DAj�.8reAh7- � : "• <br /> �.r AI{Insq�s�:Ce(aIlcieibadPqn4 a1e�11Dae �ebieto1A11deron sh 1nct��eAalanoaromatgbgeclaaFd'j.enbet .r <br /> sAetJ�vbtly�lgt¢tohbldU�eQQ:i�esandrexlewda� Lengerlegulreb;8orro5YCtshall�(orf�pttygiV4ebl,e6Qsretirece�pta ` _---- <br /> • . �p pycatitlum+endtenoWel'npttceQ: I�thnqruito Tds�,iforcowerah"Argivepro;n�tn6UcoT3t5oiiTSyranwcl�lt}nnd <br /> Lendec l.@r.du�fayr.�ekoptaofotloasitnosmaEepromp[Iyby Hortoryei., : � � <br /> UNe�!LEpder and Bmqvisr A�heiwUe�grw.ln virJdng,lnsoreno6 ptoccede she; gPPA lorestola'Jon ocrcpatt9f <br /> aijQ�Frqp�rry dem�ged;�f tpo'�tion or.p�r i�eatwmig@llY fepstblo ni'd�.endeib�ry y n9)I�e� If t5e <br /> — ' reatmaqon o[cepatr is r.ot eco�o.imiiy teaslbfa or Lender8 cuu�liy vrould be lesiened,�ho;insum;cp ympF�jJtalj Tn -- <br /> epDUpd to tlro wnu aecwed by�'82cudty Inswmen� tvhether or.ndt:E�en.dug wlth�ny excess.patd ro Borto�er I( <br /> B otrowee aUandons Na P rope r l y,or doa not e�sw b f w j�h i n 3 0 dey9 a'aot l d e f r om I.e i Mer t haz O�a i nsuranpo,c t Mer fi a <br /> ottered ro eettle a clalm,�hcn I.endu map copest tlte ir,surance proceede. Ler.dec may�ue thep r�poCSds . ��.ormawre <br /> theProperty OffOQdf6Jf11f6CCUfCAbylhbSecudqlnspumeo6WhetherorGOtthend�e. 'Itn3q�dayporl�wlpbeEipwlieo <br /> �he notfee i��lvea. - <br /> Un:ess].endEr end Horrower oihervise egee in wridng,my nppIlcntion of proceeds ro principal eh�ll qot esteqA a — <br /> � postpone the duo date of�ha montfily papoeAG nft[red ro in pa�agrephe 1 end 2 or change 4he amvun[.ot{�e payme t� Jf - � � -����-- � <br /> undu pamgreph 21 the Pro�i�acqu4cd by Lender,Bortowerl dpht ro any Insuranee poticla end proceed�tesulHng ' <br /> trom Qamage to�ha Propnty pr or to the kqulciiloa shall pese to Lendu to�ho exteat of�ho cupd�ecused by ihfa Sewrity <br /> Wwmentimmedtately pdorto�heacqu4iiton. � - <br /> 6. Oaupancy, PreservaUoM 111tlntenence and Protection oT Ihe Property�; Donoetrb Losa ApyqcaqRni <br /> I.easedolda. Hortower�hnll occupy,eauNlsh,ud um tfio Propeny an Bortowerh pdncipal rcaldena wlthin t{xty Qeyl af{x► <br /> �he execctlon of�h3a Secudry Instrument md shdl wntlaue to acupy Ghe Prope�ty u Bortowerh piinelpd residpnce for u <br /> ._ leeat one ytar eRu tM1e daro o( occuqncy. unless i.etMa otherwlu agreea in wdting, wh�� �nunt eheli pok 6e �__-_.. <br /> �-- unrcuanably wi�h.".eld,or unlus excenuaiag circumstencea aziat which ero boyond Bo�rowerb cor.�rol. Bortower�M1eil not - <br /> dutroy,demage or inpaG the Property,dlow�he Property to detedorete,or commft was�e on the Pmoeriy. 6otrowSi ahall <br />_ �;;� ba fn deteult it eny foRelmre acdon or pooeeding,whether dvil or edminel,i�begun the[in LenderS gaod falth judgment <br /> could reaul[in todalmro of�he Propaq or o�herwisa materie:iy tnpair�he lien created by tfib 8ecurity Instrument or <br />_=— l.enderY aeeudry interesc Bonower may are�uch a default and roinstate,as providW in pregraph I8,by uming�ha eeUon <br />._--_s_'� or prooeeding ro be dismitted with e rul'mg that,in L.endert good fehh daertaina�lon,prcciudw foddturo of�he Bortoww6 <br />�-::i*�;: InteRSt(n tM Propeny or o�her materid impaimient of�e lien cma:W by�ia Suurtty Imwment or Ler.derY cauriry <br /> .-`%i`'� intereu Borto�rer nheil alco be In defu!t if Bo[rawer, dudng tha loan eppliatlon a,gae mtledelly talsa tt _ <br /> . " inaaumte intortna�ion or stntements to Lmder(or failed�o provtde Lender�vi�h any mete d infomu�ion)In conneuion xi�h <br /> -=.;'�„' the loan evidenad bp�e Note, Includias, bm not ltmitW to, reprcsentaHona wnaming Bortowert oaupeney of the <br /> �''" Propeny a�a pd�rcipalrcsidmca. If thLv Saur3ry Insm�ment ie on a Ieasehold,Borrower shall mmply wlth�II tha proviatoro <br />:_',�,t�`,.;., of�he lease. [f Borrower eoquima he Ntle�o the Pmpeny.�he Ieasehold und�he fee�i�lo shall not merge unlae Lender egreW <br /> -:� ta iha r.Kraer in Mitlny --- ----- �---- - <br /> ' 7. Protatton of Lendcr's Rlghts in t6e Property. It Bofrower lails to�dom� ihe corenenu end n amenu �_ � --� <br /> ��t`}_ eontalr.W in ih:� Secumy insuument, a�herc ie a legol proceeding the[ may signiRcenuy nttect Lenderh A�s(n tha <br /> ����'=�: Property(auch aa a proceeding in bankrupcy, probate,for wndemna�ion or fodeimrc or ro en(orce Izwa or rcgulvtlau),then <br /> ��:i��`.:. Lender mey do and pay for whntever is nccessery to pmtect thc value of the Propeny nnd Lenderk dghu In the Property. <br /> '''+` �•� Leaderh actlom mey iaclude pnying any wms snvred by a lien�vhich hav priority over thB Security Inam.•ment,appeartn6 _ <br />"�;r:`LL�: In eoutt,paying reasonable atwmeys'fea md emering on[he Propeny ro makc rcpaira.Ahhoug.h Lendcr may teke ectlm _ <br /> rq : under this paragaph 7,Ler.der daes not h�m to do w. =----.—�-- <br /> ,-c;, '• Any amounts d!sbursed 6y Lender��der�his pnragnph 7 a9a:l hecome eddi�ional debt of Oortowu ucured by this Y' �-,_--� <br /> F ��} Security(ns�mnmt. Unlcss Bormwcr and Lenderagree to other�crmz of payr.�em,�hese emounts shell bear Ntercat from tAe � - :e..:- <br /> � dete of disbuesement a[d�e Yom rate and shal l be payablc,wi�h in:ercs6 upon notim from Lender to Borro�ver requesdr.g "`. 'rr.�-- <br /> ;�: ' paymenc � "- - <br /> -� B. Morigege Insurance. If Lender required mongage insurance as a condition of mdcing�te loan ucurcd by iho o-: �,'�"�-- <br /> �-'-�'"�,' Security Insttumen6 Bortoaer shall pay ihe prcmiums requircd m maimai� tAe mortgage insurnna in effat. If,for any """"�^iz?s-= <br /> - `$� � rcason, the mon a e insumnce covern rc uimd b Le�der Iu scs or ccoses �o be in etfect. Borrower shall the ��' x'� ��- <br /> .��. 8 8 d� 9 Y P WY � ra�.�p K�-.:--- <br /> ' prcmiumx required to ohrnin covemge wdctan:ully eyuivalent eo �he mortgage insumnce previausly in e(ftct,at a cw[ �v -:�: _ <br /> subs�emially equivalent to fie cost to Bmmwer of the mongnge i�surance prcviously in etfect,from an nlmmate mongaae � `�h . <br /> -.`� imurcr npprored by Lender. I(xubstnmirly eyuivalem mongoge iasumnce covernge�s no�nvailabk,Bo�rower shell pey tc E s t a�? �7 s r�� <br /> r Lender eech monlh x sum eyuel to onedxslfih o(�he yeurly mortgnge insumnce premium bcing paid by [forto�ver when tht ei --. � <br /> insumr.ce coverege Inpsed orccuxd to brinef(eat. Lender x�ilL�ccep4 uu nnd rcwin these pnyinens at a loss reserve in lieu � r,,;e fi}' ` <br /> '- � of mortgage insurenca Loss rcsercc parmems may no longcr be rcyuimd.u�the up;ion of Lcnder,if mortgage i�surantt h,s' � : <br /> .-. coverage(in thc amount and for�hc periad tliat LenJcr�cyuircU prov�ded by an irourer approved by Lender agnin becomes !s >�� �� ��`� <br /> availeb¢end is!I pry[he premiums reyuind lu maimam mon¢age insutance in effecl,or lo provide e �!-��•,.�:'-� -'�9,,,�','.. <br /> �}:%r�3�' �.'Y•,.>:>'�._ <br /> loss rcserve,umil�he rcq�immem(or monga�e irourancc axurdanar�.ith an��wricen agm:nen[benveen Bortower � a::.t�,._-i;��z=.-; <br /> j'� endLenderorappiicnb!claw. t`, -'` � � � <br /> 9. Inapeellon. Lcndcr or il.agem m:�y makc rcawnahlc cmnc.upa:i aad impcafum nf Ihc Ropcny. Lender ahall �� -c \'=�� <br /> givc Boaoa•er r.ol:ce a��hc�imc nf or priaio an m.�c�ian.pcafyn:g rcawnahlc cau.c tur�6c in.pcninn. � �' � �v�; .. <br /> 10. Condemnetian. Tl:e pnaredsofany aeaN nr claim fi,r Camagc.,dircr�n;mr.cryurn�ial,in comec�ion�ri�h aay i�i ., - <br /> - -re. -: v . �. <br />-rn:'._". SmF�eFamdv—Fauk �be.l'rcddleNUl�60HNUSfRINF.]f-I"e:!.ee:Cnv<r_. 4.� ::�:r_'.,'-^.p.xr.: ry[[''''����'' t,��:iSr.s";° <br /> ? : ueru�MUmraa+.�r■ � A <br /> l : I�UV�UY IrAS.b�N:]fM61�M1-�11i <br /> Ii �' <br /> f <br /> .- ,. . .�e���'��[�+-, ve���. ..- T.'l�-.^+Tw^T�—r�'•�I���'� ! _ �. <br /> � ._.. . .... . .. i.:. •i .. .• � _��" - . .' . f: _ -`�'17 _ � <br /> ��'_ r F.i _ . _. . . _ � _ _ . . -. . _ <br /> , - . �. ' _ .. '._ '- '"' - <br /> .:: ;_'. .. _.. '_" _ _ ' _ _ _ .. - '' - �.. . ...-_ .' 1_ ",.:,-,�- . <br /> ' � " ' _ . '. _ . ' .. _ , <br /> �. <br /> � . �5; ` . - ' , . " __ .. _ , .- . . . . <br /> ��- ' � . _ _ _ . _ . . <br /> l: -S' - . . .� . . . _ . <br /> � ':t __ . . ' - _ _. ' _ <br /> �- . _. � . _ . . <br /> ,hr" '" J l .t' i-3 . - <br /> iFr _ _r _ t ' _, . .. � f <br /> - � --.� _ . .. <br /> �� .�� ,- 4 i i � v� . <br /> � ??.�.! ' � e __ .--.�. � - —s .,` .�' . <br /> r [. � f i � �; -- � . <br /> y � 7 , �. <br /> . .�'`;1 �,� . . _. . t_. . ._ ,_. .._�_ , x�� . . _. JVJ- , .. � � _ �� . .i-�. ... _"" ' _. <br /> r• <br />