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� <br /> �{ � .v.,...-ta -.�. . � . s '. ./��.T --.__ <br /> *ns1,�1 .:` i � t � Y � �S _ � �_` t f _ _ � � 25 )�;1 s r'y" -A via . i �SnFt�y`" - . . <br /> a ._, .. � n _ 4 ra �iy�,+,� c 1 c <br /> jr � ' -.. ' _� / - 1 �C i� � r � ��` vJN �V� ��/`���V/- t r �Y ��> <br /> - l '� �} ( � i-- - 1 i-. ' " e r� . )f�;SR I - Y � �� t'_ - <br /> � �' -�c....�.... � � S �. I� ]'. 1�.�� � - U1� � � : <br /> �� •�iF36fi'IbttiYifti��Q�o��nyiwP�l�i'�r[VvTiim w � i�l-Aie�iy��Y+l�4wy�TmHn• t.!�rrv.,`S� � •T-� . .. __,. <br /> •end�{xt4ref now oi'tislent2er�PaYt 9f�hef.P�➢��' All ceDlnamEnq aiidadd,uoh9 c?utU#14o 6a sov�red pY�3 6xudry - � <br /> tnstrumepr.�UCfUiofote8P1!��srtlSKWt 14t +�acodtyU�s�GmintBf�e°ProDFnY,. � .:° ; t �< : : <br /> �= J10RRbP/IIRCOy[iNAN1'3�IiuBoiTQweitela�Yfully�cGi�9tQ�eestaSdh4reDYMnvoyedendtibffl�etl�dt�ogren �• <br /> r__ W�_�� • �.f n..... <br /> _ . :8tl�44�yi1[3p�op�y diji��IdCiti3R , _Y� una�cum`rq"Iw�cxwyi�wcuw�ua.uqwv��wva�.-.+wv �- i'Y�wwi� -- — ._ <br /> wlpdefendgen fy�9etlt}aW�hoFro���rsrq�cl?�mse'mdema�d?ra �Jectoaenyb9cumbreua�qtruocG ` � ° <br /> 771I9 8EL47RIfY IPJS7RUIKSN!'ePin6lna� uulJptm g6venenu{or n}tlonal.nae qa¢non�uNfyml mvenana wUh`r z ` � <br /> iimq�ayulatlom6yJudsdira�ontounsutateaunffonnaecudty4�swmeaieeve�irgceatpropeny; � <br /> ,. , - -- � � . <br /> tJNiFDRMODV�1AtVf9. Bo�rowdtAnat.enduc4vertanlenbagreeartoltoW+:," ; <br /> : i. Psymen�o}Prtncfp�FrndlntertalS�p�atq"nd1.�teChusea. Borsowqehallpromyqy aq w7wuduathe <br /> pcNelpstofandintcreatontt�;debtevidcnpedbytheNotea�dpnypreyayrrentandta;eehargesdu0undit�PN6a. <br /> & FYmOetor7l�xesaadlqs4Mna. BnbJerato�ppUcabte4worroaw+ll�enyiaiyerCyLenQU.8ort6were�ai! to. - <br /> I.ender on tha dry momAty prymCnu ue due under iha Note,unhl Ne Note 16 pald!n{ull a stiqy('►tindi")for(a)y'�ty� ' <br /> taxea and esseasmenu wNch cuy attaln prtodry over Secwiry Inswment es e Ifen on�fie Atoppty;@)yeazly It�{shold : ' <br />. . psymenro or ground renu on U:e Pmperty. Iteny; (c) Ytatly hazard or pmperty insOracce Pruntums�(d)Yeatty tloiSd' ` - "- r_.. <br /> inswance premimia.if aqy:(e)Yearly mortgega I�uwance premiuma.It enyt end(q any aum�payaEte by.sp�rowerto.:_ <br />__ _— 1.ender,in evcordmce with iheprovb lona of paregroph 8,in Itea of Ihe Payment of mottggge tn+uranca premlums. Tfieae - <br /> _ Itcm�ero eelled'6attow i[emt L.ender may.�t any tima,collea end ho.A Atnda Sn an emount not to exoeed ehe max(mam <br /> � emount a lender tor s fedonily relaud mongege Imn may reqciro for Bomnwerb esttow aocoun►undu tho tederat Rtai � . . <br /> - ---� &tete&ulemer.�Roadurea Aa of 1974 aa amendeA tcom tlme ro time,l2 U.S.C.p 2b01 st es� ("RH9PA").-oatess ano@et - <br /> �- taw thet applta ro the Nhnda eu a le.uer amounG It w.I.ender mey,at eny time,cotlect end Aoldlvnd�in en a.�ount na ta . <br /> __._�� exoud the leaser am.wn� Lender mny utlmete t�e emount ot ivnd�due on Na bul�ot curtent daie and ieasonabte <br /> _---- esNmatea o(oxpenditures of torore Esaow Ituns or ahenvlse ln e000rdence wi�h eppllceble law. _____ . <br />-.:c::,-s�� 71:e fUnd��hall6e held In an institution whox deposita ue Inaurcd by e federel agency,WwmentaUry,orcndry <br /> � �- (Iacluding Lender,if I.ender b�uch en Insdtution)a in eny Fedual Hone Loan Benk. I.ender shall apply tAe Amda to pay <br /> ""�4.'."'��i [he Hacrow Iter.u. Lender mey not charge Bortowu for holMg end�pplying�he Hlmd�,annuelly nnelyzing�he uuow <br /> '=��:ti' exount,or veiifying the 6urow Item�, unleae Lender pays Bortower inrerett on the Wnde and epplicable law pem�.tte <br /> em <br /> -�'!"< Lender ro make nuch a cherge. However.Lendu mey requira Bortowu ro pay a one-Nme charge tor en ladependent real <br /> '_�%�="� es�em tax rcpon(ng servia used by Gender in connealon wt�h thit loan.unlesa appIlcab:e Iaw provldea otAenvlse. Unla�an <br /> � - ,� � agreement h mede m app!tceMe Iew rcqutrea interat ro be paid.Lendu shall not ba rcquircd to pay Borrower eny interest or <br />����'�f�n'."���. camingi on the Ei�nd�. Bortower a�d I.endor may egrce in wrtting,however,thet lnterest�hall ba d on�he Wndt. l.ender <br />;;:.�t.�� r_ <br /> -_ «;.�, thell give Io Bortower,witha[charge,en ennunl eaoumirg of tha E�nd�.ahowing crediu and eblu ro tha Amds and Ihe <br />':;�ut:�i:-' pu�peue far which each debluo the 14ads waa mada 7he Amds aro plWged as edditional secudry tor aEl aums cecurcd by <br />::'a.i:�=� W�Sceu�iryInawmem. <br /> '�''Y-� If U:e Funda held b Lender excced the emocnu IttW to be held b a ticable law. Lender shell eccount to <br /> y'j� Y P�!m Y PP <br /> �_� ..:q Hortower tor the oxeas Fun'w in aaordance wifi�he�eqm'em�nb o(�ppGca6!u 1uW. I�ii�c itiuuui�l uf irie rvia5 i�2��uy �._. . . --__ . <br />-:�.-:.;-;r Lender al my iime is no[autfirient�o pay tLe Fx�wr flcun wircn Juc.Lu�da muy w nWifr Bmwwer N wAWg.and.N � <br /> "��:>;,; wch caae Bortower ihell pay w I.enda Uu emoum r.eceassry w meke up �he deFlclency. Bortower chall meke up�he <br /> �?�:��:'�'��� defleiency la no nore then twelre mon�hly paymenta,�[Lendert eole discrction. <br /> '''`�=� ' U n pa mt(n full of r'1 sums eecured b �his Seced Inswmer.4 I.ender shell rom Q rcfund to Bortower on --- <br />.:.;�,�n.�:.� W Ym Y �Y P D Y Y -- <br /> �. �.�� Phnda held by Lender. It,mder pamgraph 21,Lender shall acquirc or ceIl the Ropeny,�.ender,pdor to�he�cquis{[ion or �,� <br /> ;i _`- sele of�he Propeny,ihall apply eny Ponda held by Lender et�he tlme of ecquBitlon or eale aa a eredi�ageins[the sum� _ � <br /> ` ,�'��`: tecurcd by�Mn Saurity Inatrument. � .-.--,-,a-.a-. <br /> -:.'s�;- 3. Applicatton of Payments. Unlese eppiicable la�v provides o:henvice, nIi payr.ienu receivW by Lender under -�s-�-`:n�l-- <br /> '°`-z:i parvgraphs I and 2 shall be epplied:firs4 to any Prepaymem chugu due under�he Note;Kcond,to emounts paysC:e mder -�+K'?` ' <br /> _r?=y; pangreph 2; inkrest dae;foueh,�o princ�pal duc:end last,to eny late charges due under�he Note. �:�'t-:-"{_- <br /> --:�� 4. Chargee; Liena. Oortower shall pay all �exes, asseasmente.eherga,finea end ImposOiona ettribuuble to the r'= ___ <br /> � ,,, Property which may attein prior.ty orer�his Security Imtrument,md Ieesehold payments or ground rcnu,if eny. Bortower , ;i <br /> ra.•,: shvl pay ihese obligations in ihe manner provided in puegreph 2,or if not paid in thnt manner,Borto�ver:hall pay them on v -_ <br /> � -`.-��i. tiae direcdy to�he peaon ovrtd paynxnt. Bo�rower shall p:omptly tumish�o Lender ell notices ot amounu to be peld under ,,'�,�:;;;,"_!-�'_ <br /> -'=� thi�paregnph. If Bortower makes these payments dimctly.Bortower ahall promp�ly fumish to Lender rcceipu evldencing -_ :: �-. <br /> '- -�- �he paymeau. �'"'�-.-`= F ?�-- <br /> � i,,:. <br />,.,y,�.�.-•. Bortowerchall rom tI discher e en lien which has riorit orer�his Secvrit Inswmem unless Bortower.(a)a ' - --� �`=�� <br /> P P Y 6 Y P Y Y 8�3 ;'c���s,...�y,-.,,Y..- <br /> '�: in wming�o the paymem of�he oblige�ion secureA by the lien in a manner uccep�able to Lender.(b)contesu in good faitA the _ �`,. -;� '�, "- <br /> -t-=•: litn by,ordefends against enforcemwt of the lien inJegnl pmcadings which in�he Lender�opinion opemre to prevent Ihe �,. �.. `5 �t'� . .i.- <br /> � enforament of�9e lien:or(c)secures!rom the holder of the lien an agrcement setisfac�ory w Lender subordina�ing the lien ��1=�' �,,, J- <br /> i -,�_ to ihis Saurity Instrument. I(LCnderde�ertnines�hat any pan of U�e Propeny is su6ject w a Iien which may ettain priority +�� i �`�.� <br /> T over this Securi�y Inswmem.Lender may give Borrou•er a notice iden�i(ying the lien. Bofrower shall satisfy Ne lien or leke =:j d tC� �: <br /> one ot morc of[he ectior.s se[fonh ubore wi�hin 10 days of�he giviag of mtice. t : -% '�+� <br /> 5. Ilazard or Property Insurance. Borroxer shnll keep ihc improvemems now ezisting or hercafier era�W on�he � � - <br /> Propetly insured againsf loss by fire.hvards included withia the�emi"exiended mverage and any ha7ards,including �-�;y,;,Y:--r: <br /> iloods or Ilooding, for which Lender rcqufrcs insurairce. Thix insumnce shall be mamtained in Ihe anoums a.�d for Ihe -- <br /> V`�).�• �.'ti.,`� � . <br /> iMm30SS 1I90 lNt�1n/6JaF�fl _ . <br /> " ��`:•': .-i..:.-� . �.. <br />� - : —_..�.�T.--. ._....- . -- .r ...: . _ "" _ . .., . - '.' ' _ ' ..--. .n . . . ' _ . . <br /> .ti: . . - . _ _ ' ' ' _ . . .. . .. <br /> ;1'i':;..=o___.;___'_r._ _ _.. _ . ' ' ' - <br /> ':rr ' ' ' _ , . ._ _ ' . - . <br /> -�"i . " . . . _ ' <br /> _ :.,],.,_ _. <br /> y ; -. , <br /> ;;_�:•' ' . , �- . • , . <br /> �;.; . <br /> - ::, _ ; , ' . , <br /> � ` . . . <br /> , , , <br /> � .: _ r � � ' � <br /> , . . <br /> . � .- _' ` <br /> , . . :. <br /> .,: :_- � , . ., - �_ .._. . . <br /> , ._ ; . .. _. t : . . . <br />