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' � - <br /> ��?�x ti� : � —— <br /> ' •"" c .a' �+ w� �� ,, , r� �. � /�i ��ei'A�� ' , r Y •: <br /> n � � a �- 9 <br /> ,_...�. .L_i.. . _ .i.� __ !.].'f�Sl t'lf-�' 6 Y �IL.tYfR} )1l _ _.. <br /> � ili�Ii�f��yi��� uk�ro�ui4ua«6+�pc�r�nan����'�fi6�d�o�;rn�eap�nreinde(�a`ry a e 494AWedp iittii� rpep�yt�: ', <br /> �ttb6� o@�ereif r!t�iI .�. ¢nGesl qd9sig�qrtDitby(�I�co�i^Tfl�oh4Atl�yv�(Pro��Yipdndnylp�Jedn fpeurod <br /> haJpb e�i In 6bhor$e1k�tlddoriniy�taminE,ortoeD6N��euc prdc00GA�Ret�uC d CtlonRfoblr tlonbtXip <br /> A1�pprly�' ei�ChC"onQltlRnaa�4e2da1�Y�9terrMp�._ 4AP(PePo(lapfa@eEAtolnQeDyQR�seehpino[@xt9n�►ofDw'D�4 _ <br /> � l Y�a1dy'(pdtE6}qtly�7gyMB�{OVpQ81Ri0NGt0.0tp11[8�n�0feUR�Farqun¢��rorFiereY!jdP!{�Y��o➢DD��"���hA�it��idiQ - <br /> w m�+� <br /> p tiy'af.:upoo�eo�cuvpn�eoeenE4antot,p8!eunh4reunce►,oiuenyhoS)e.ukeno}t2oaipr¢ceddinq� <br /> - oommen ' whlchfialaflelryFd99o[4LenQ9rslnteroStlr�t�qPropeirytentlbimay Inf�eowntlleoreBOn.butw�lwuta�l�p���o0to� <br /> �±--� @o,6ndWIHiaA¢6ticefo0rdeman0upohflutlo�and�vlr�outrdaas�npPrustm�romenyobllgntlon,aoa�aGVfiTchYruSbrheb _- _ -.-,. ._- - .. <br /> -�-� Ayr6gdDUtfatletodoandmayaleodoanyoNer aRdeemeneceaeqrytop(oteotN9epourlqherQoLT�uqtor.ehe�LtmmpA�1ety - -- - <br /> uponda(nahdNerePoiU lenqer,peySols�lde�sl�coe endexVenaealnwnade dou.�160xperldeODy LeptleNnCo�1MOtl6nrAl� <br /> �;,��� the6xd:Clae6y Landaroffhefaegolpg�IObta,wga�herwlth(ntBrealtnareonptq�GataultretaCrovltletlfANpNota�,wl�lotii"e1�b0 <br /> edEaO to"the InAeDI00neea e0eur�0 h6reDy.lendor ehall not Incur Gny I1e61:iry bBCBUfe of enylMny It-m8Y d0 OY orAlt to Go <br /> �� nereUndar. <br /> �" �`.' 9. N�iudoy�MiUd�lti Truetor ehal KeeD�he PropeM��wmpIiance wi�h a�l applkablo law&w4lnence9 enQ repNaUoM <br /> �*�'a rglepn9ro In0u6M@1 hyplene w envlron�6Ma�prot¢cllon(colloWvery ralertetl to her8�n e§"FiwlronmBntN Lnr�e7•filato('�hell <br /> =G��,.� keeplfieProperryhaei�omallwbaleeoeltlB�amedtoEe�arsrAOdeorto�oun0arairyEnNronmontel�awe{oolleol(veyfOferred�o <br /> ___:4�� hereln ee^Haxardoue Ma�ede�Y9.Truetor��roby viarranu end reD�oaenu�o Lender thatt�ero ere no HpzerAaue Mpetl�i�on or <br /> -___ �' unUe�NlProDe�ly.huBtOr�B�Bbyepr8Ait01nEemnHyBntlhOldherm:0a0Le�dOt.lUtlIrBCI0r0.0(1109f0.lmDloyeeaendeyen�,enA <br /> erry euOOB$60f8 to L9ndare IMeto6R hom end epa!nt�any a0d en delma demape0,IoOSes and IIEb11111ee ed0lnp In eonnoouon wIU� <br /> �..+-� Ne pre�encq uea,tllaDOeal or vaneport of any I1a�erAOUe Ma�ene:e on,un0e�,from or aMut Ne Prop6 THB FOREOOINO <br /> „�„�� ' WARRIWTIEBIUjDREPRE8ENTATI0N8.MIDTRUBTOR'808LI(iATI0N8PUfl8UANTTOTHBFORE�0IN�INDEMNRY,BNAII. <br /> �,r�jk � BURVNE REOONVEYANCE OF THIB DEEO O►TRU9T. <br /> _ =�a 10.MlIgnmMtWRMtl.huptm�BreEyera7gnetOlen0arN9rBnf0.16tu008ndD�Ofl1001NEP�OpHty,DrONE0tl01atTNIWr <br /> { ` eMll,untllt�eouunenceotenEventolUe�eunherounder,navatnerl htloullaotendremin�uohrenU,laeueaendpro5bWNoy `--' ------- <br /> -� `��"^k"''� beaome0ue end D+YeDIa Upon tha oocunenoe ot en Event ol DeteuQ;Lende�mey,elNe�In perton or by epent wlln or wINON - <br />.:°�=`4�-,;�;:'��-� Otlnpiny nny nMlon or prceaeUlnp,or by a reoelver aDPO�n�eA by e court end wltlfout repard W t�e adequacy ol Me eeouriry,eMu <br /> ��-{'� uponenOTek9po64BOC10nofthBPropo�ly,wanypartthereof.Inileownnemealn�henameofNaTrueUe.enOEOeiryectewClchN G":?-� <br />:.::i:v'3i(,`..t�, <br /> ;;.+?'����i:��� tleemar.BCaaa9ryorEeelMbleWpr60erveN9relue,markadblliryorrenteblliryoiMeProperry,orenypaRthereolorintarentNereln, <br /> `°A���\(��T incraese tha mcoma tharetrom or protactme eeour�.y noreol ena,wim or wnhom uking pW6B0lIOn 01 thB PrOp6rty,eu0 f0�Ot �: <br /> z af oNBnNfe oolleot Na rante,18euea anA prONW Neraol.Inclutling No�e peet Eue and unDalC,en0 aDPY�e eema,iew we�a ena � s <br /> r � f,a — <br /> 1 expen686 Of oparfltlon end collacllon IncluEing attorneye'feea,upon eny Indebletlneif eeouraA hereby,all in buoh Orderae LOnder <br /> , +t,-�_'.='�� mey determine.T�a entedng upon enA tak:ng posaeaslon ol tha Proparty,the wllecUOn ol euc�ranta leauea enA proflle anA Na �* ��.- _ <br /> „p. � y:� epD���etlon Nereof ea atoreeab,ehell not Cure ot we1vB Bny A818uft O�noficC Of del8ult he�eunEe�Or Im�a1108tB eny 90t EOnB In �-, ,_ <br /> i�� , � •, reapor.teto�uchEelnultorpunvanttosuchnouceofEefauilandnotwit�e�antllnpNeconUnuencalnpoaaeanlonoltnaCrope�w <br /> _,,};'s; t�a colbot:m.�eceipt anA epDlicet!on ot ranu,iseaea or pro!Its,end Trus�ee entl Lendar she0 Ee entltled W exercisa evary r gnt -'� .;��e-�- <br /> i 7}_;� prorlAedtorinenyoft�el.oenlnatrum9nborbyl8wuponxcurr9neeofenyEventolDelau41nc1udln9wNhoutllmlletlonih9tlgM i z't <br /> _�_�i.i IOexBrpeethBpownrof88iB.Furiner,CeMarerighfanndiemadi'ns�i�tlorNl6WrdQ�aOh:h:ll�CUrcrJlSdvewllh,entl!nnpwaye _°-� __. ___._ <br /> , �� Ilmttenonon.LeMersrighbami�nnmdiubum7urar�ya6e�pr,ro��.o.7aas6sanCra�Ure;.ordetlsgainKltaProperPj.LCndor, � --�- �- - <br /> � <br /> r�` �'��. eM the receNer 6�NI be Ileb:e to eccoum ory lor Moae rente eduelly recelveO. ���•�f' �_. <br />�1:t..�K;i::�;., �; J:.r.cG:�: <br /> F 4 t�.p 1 L Evmb ol 0�hvlt T�e Pollowing thell eonstlWte en Event ot Defautt unaer Nla Deed of True[ - : <br /> (a)Feilure to pey eny Inate::ment o1 Odncipal o�intereet ol eny other eum secmeA hereby when due: ' ; � <br /> t�< �,`�-+�u. (b)Abr6acholordelaultunAe�anyD�ovlelonconlelnedlnNeMOte.lMeDeeOOthuatflnyolthaLOenlnetmmen:e,o�eny .�a'frS -:_—: <br /> [�' r i'� ;% � oNer Ilan or encumbrenee upon Ne Properly; - �� K�r �aF-�;� <br /> �n�.:�-i�•=�'� (o)Awrltof6xBCUtlonoretlechmen[orenyelmilerproeeasehell6ee�tore0egelnotTruelorwl�lehshellbeeom0ellonon ,�;.y�,:z-5;:,.;Y_,'_. <br /> i �f5 } :7.: ,_ -_ <br /> }� r f ��� Ih0 PrOpOrty Or eny poNOn Net80f ot IntB�88t IhBreiK !"�<� ' , <br /> ,- r-. (tl)There a�all Ce NIeO by or epalnat Truelor or Borrowe�en nnion under any preaent m lulure lederel,Stele or other �* �3^ � � . <br /> - .;:fi';.f•.'-'' ataNte.lew or regulation releUng to 65nlwptayJnsoHeney or oNer re11e11or Aoblora or Nere aheil be eppolnted any W6lee. �,"t���i�,�,�,.�_ <br /> recelverorllqul0ebrofhuetororBOrrovrerorotallorenyDanollheProperry.orlherenle.lasuaaorpro111ethergol.orT�uDlor � f .i..:_ <br /> �� t_� '' or Boe)�e�eale!ve 6eernleaeeea03 gnm9e ReCOnveyan eeor lutlhereeneVmbrenee ol e:l or eny p9rt ot or any Inlereal in Ne �-1,� �4{5 �r hht fF:� <br /> i <br /> � ��•��: Property,elNer voluntetlry or involunleriy. without Il�e expresa wdCen consent of LenOer,p�oWAOd lhet Trustor ehall 60 _ , <br /> r "�t. �e.l ` _S 3 _. , <br /> .,.q pemtltt8dloezewtB8leeW O1ingPropeflylhelAOBanotconl8inanopliontopu¢haseAndt�etermoiwh:chdoeenOtazCeed � - - <br /> <.-<':;i� . � <br /> ir -- �..; oneyear, , r -��.�:�-. <br /> :�•���' r�s "� � <br /> S , �.-;r. (0 AbenAOnmentolNePropery,or .y. � r,-��-- -. . <br /> ��.:�;;-:^� (g)XTroatorlanotenlntlldCaaLtheissuence.aelqtmna�er.aea�8�menl,comnyaneeorencumbraneeotmorethanerolal r•,t.,-_�_ �,,._. <br /> � ` ,{ s .. <br /> '� ' --"-1 Of pereent ol(If a corporetion)ils leauetl en0 ou�6�entlmg atoek or(i/e parinerahip)a roal of Percenl ol ����_� 'i�`�y�:+i <br /> 1--�-'�t PeMeletllp Inlereal9 AYtlnp the Per100 UU DeBd of TNlt remaina a Ilen on ihe ProPBrtY. '-.r� y'�, .^t:% <br /> ,_lx .•:'__i 12.Ram�dler,AeeebratbnUponDeleuRmeheeven�olar�yEvemotDefauttLenAermay.wunoutnoueeezceD�aerequtroOOy c �'-,;-;= <br /> r •,, lew,dettare BII intlebletln88s a8CUr8A hereby to be due 8n0 peyeb:e e�0 ll:9 eeme she��ihereupon OeCOme tluo end peyable � �;.t <br /> y'/: w11hoN eny DreeenMent demen4 proleri or notiCe of em/kin0.Thereatler LenCe�mey. ' -"��'- <br /> . (e)DBmenE llt0t T�oslee exerclB tlre POWER OF $ALE grfln�9tl herein.end Tma18a sh011 NerBL1�e�teuEe hu510fB - ' -� 7�= -' <br /> '.,i. , :.r. -... <br /> In!er6at In the PropoM�o be eoltl en0 the O�o�ee0s�o be Ola���buletl.9111n the manner prmiAetl in Ne Nebreske 7ru91 D6e0e _ <br /> � Ae: <br /> 1 � �` ��-+i (b)Exercise any entl en r�gnle provlEetl br in eny o�Lhe Loan mauumenU or by�aw upon occurrence of eny Erent ot , <br /> _ _ '� De1au1(anE � � ` <br /> � .'':_{� (c�Commeneeane[GOntoforecloSUNisOeeCO�TmalBeemonyege,eppointereceiror.orapeci/ice��yenlorteenyollh0 - • . <br /> corenenla her9ot - ' - <br /> - NO rBmBOy�etein conferretl uDOn or refen8010 Tmstee or LenEe�ie ir.lentled 10 be ozclubire ol eny o�her remeDy� Ne (Y <br /> Loen InstrumenU or by lew proviCeO or permine0.but eac!M shell be cumulauve,s�all be m eUAEnon to every other reme0y pWen � , . <br /> ,''_�,��, herBUMBr.InlheLOenlnfUUmenteOrnowor�ere8/l8recblingeUewOrinBpu�yo�bysaLWle.8�Om8YbBBx8rCI8BdCOncu�rB�Cy. <br /> r <br /> '- - maepenaer.%or wccess�ve�y. � <br />- 13.Tru�100.T�e Tms�ee nay rea�p�at er.y lime wiNOUI Le�Eer may et er.y nme a�L wN:oul cause appoint E - <br /> - buCteS50rOBUDaliluteTN9:ee-Tru9�065he11nOtbB���Ih0ullimi.9tlonLenEer.Borrowe�.Tr¢9torore�y � <br /> D��ehASer olthe Property.ior a.^.y losa or Gemape ur.less due lo recklese or wAIIW misconOuct.anE snail not Oe repu�reE to 18ke eny _- <br /> - — f`'•�� eUion In Connecilon wi0 ihe enlorceme.^•t ol thi9 DeeA of Tmat unieaa��Oemrnf:e0.�n wming.�or all coaU.compeneeEOn or � --� <br /> . `- •"=� expenses whlCh m9y De a65odlleG IhBrewiiR In 8tl0�Iio4 hu9lee mey betomB e pu�theser et 0�y ea�e 0���e PrOpBM�uA�Cfel Or '- <br /> -�5�-=-`�— ..�..��....nW nn.dn��memnm�hn min nl�11 nr anv oettlon of Ihe PtOO8f1Y.tl8 D�OVId04 by 19W;O�i811 II1B ' <br /> - ' ProDe�Y e�' e w�ole.or in 6eperete parce�a c��ote al7ruslbeh tlistretio�. ' -._ <br /> -- ' 10.F00�8nd FJ[pOnf06��ihe eve��TmE!ee selle t11e Prope�fy by Bi8rCi5B of pOwe�ol sele.Tmtiee B�all De B��Ned to epply <br />- ` er.y 881e praBedf flr6110 payment of al:tosU anC e:pOnSea of exereiaing power ol ae:e.��e:uCmg 911 Tmstee e leea.en0 Le�Cer e <br /> �,"SF-•.�• anETmsteebatlomeyeleea.eC.uallyincurreOtoeYlenlperminetlbyeDD���b:elaw.Inlneeveat8orrowerorTfystorexe�eisiaeny <br />., __ _ _ ripht provlAeE Dy 19w 10 CYrB en Event ol DB�auIL Lenderlhell be Bnt:I1BE Io recOVe�from Trcllor ei�COSIB an0 oxpBn40a erluelly <br />.. ���C r`�� Irturr¢0 a9 L rODU�t ol TNatofe de/eul(Int:uO:ng withoulllmlAtlon e:l TNSIee 8 anE atlomey'e� Ne ertent pOrmfltUO by <br /> "� .`'',� apDllCable kw. ; <br /> .`:i.•�„-- 75.Fuluro AOVaneM. U�an requefl oi BOrrower.Ler.Eer mey,at Ite optlon.meke etlO11o�a1 antl iu!ure aCre�cea antl re- <br /> 80vencee to BOrrOwer.SuGh BErenC89 antl rBLlventee.wllh inte�eitl�eteon,6�811 De beturetl by NIe Deed ol TrulL A1 no tim0 b�ell <br /> - lheptlreipelemountoR�einUebteEnew6eu�retlbythieDeeAOliruslndtlnU4Uln aUn:eaGranceA�opro�eamesewriryotu:ie <br /> ','�:=.>;�;::�".;•,_ DBetl o�Tn:tt exceetl ihe otlpinal prinCpel emounl etete0 herein.or S whicheve�b groaler. <br /> ,-.i_.�;:.,a.,.t 3 <br /> 4 4 ' <br /> 'i <br /> ' . _ <br />