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1./'-�rri+ _ -.. . "" __—_—_". <br /> � -- . . 2 . �. � • r t _ ° � i 2 � ="E p'�: <br /> •• ' �* .� � , "AdKP�O�tlLEt�d@h�EM�OROE�Dl�P�TflUB� ���°�����' � _' �''' <br /> SiN@TORABAD�I88�FOkG$I'Jti1Nt� "' , ' `� �`t� ",;'` � � - �, <br /> -y�-,'. ' •i - .t , . _ , .. _, ol i}-.t��- � 7- - �A�L� k�fF�.,..�14 .- +, ii , Pr r - ,'�F..,p� <br /> -TrL undeni(AH•tnetUi6doGun+anitlitt Tfi�ijienouteti•x�ctla�ir4A�idotYri:N4Jdiief• q�fq�pd(vb� . <br /> _� ot��uf�p�W�!(brinM�D�WCfYrwtprctridoi"i�1eWINiLW�ttntrk��eadd4"�AB4nk14Tf$ � fi�tNWlnt - : <br /> Oti'�f1uit�ititw�hoto0l iC81�un¢erM�DieQCltluuH,inotuGiK?DUt�Oi]Imft66toffiOUn �r 6Npfitw �aiQ - • <br /> , D.y g�.�. �YU�[eo+ylNOUter��ua:adyraae8�ng.Truma�4epresdnpenAVlBrra�,��+h�t9�ippo�cnbwt�pem�ntw�A D� <br /> ffWtor6Ma�tM�xldu9dnottliYpeaGOflYu�l � // <br /> . , � , ., , � ���5 r , . <br /> --- , r . ._: . _ � .. .�. tp � . ,., Trosmr - ' �Y�r� <br /> ` _' <br /> „ . ' � � �- TOM , t RDS Truato� . . <br /> - < ,r �. _ . _ . . . . <br /> . ., . <br /> . ._._— - . . . _ -. . -.-�. - . <br /> ' ' DE6p OF TflUBT WiTH FUfiiRF?ADVANOEB ' °' ' ' <br /> — THIS DEED OP TRUST,le maAe an ol Ne�Zth_Cay ol He�• ,19 93-by en0 emonp <br /> - theTtuatoR � TOHfIY'S IliC b��TOHHY EDMARDS � �� �� <br /> wnoae mplliny adCreas is 1325 5 LOCUBT � ' 6RAHD ISLAH�ereln�mueloi'bwhemer one or moro� <br /> __— <br /> — Ua 7YUatee, Pive Pointe 4anM, a Ilebraske CorDOtetion <br />..._.._.._.,._ � �...-._..-_ <br /> 3� whowmanlnyaEErasU P'0. Oox 1507 Grand Ielend. HB 68002 pN�aln'Tru�fw'�,uW <br /> - `�"�� � P�ve Pointo Dank <br />-_ry;.�s NOB�OOIIO.Gry, � <br /> ;;;�_,.; whoae malliny eEtlie�s���H. Broadvell OranA lelond. IIE. 68802-1909 merein^unaery. <br /> ::'es:;-. <br /> -�-'�"' -' FOR VALUABL¢CON8IDEMTION,InaluAlnp LanAele axtenalon o}weaR Idenunetl nereln ta�011HY'6 IHC <br />. . ..c:. <br /> ..;;,;��.,�y a TOHHY EDYARDS maraln"BOrrOwBl',w�ONl�O�B 0�InO�B)9nd 0B W!t h9tB10 O�eStEd. - <br /> the raeelpt ol wNO�le�eraby noknorAedged.TNStor heraby trrevooabty grente,unnelerti conveye end aealgns to Truatee,IN <br /> :":,:�•;"! TRU8T,WRHPOWEROFBALB,torNebenetlten0eeouriryolLenGar,underendeubJeotloNet9rmeandconAillonsheralnaNareet <br /> '``'::F� tOM,ih8 roN prOPlfly,ltBECtlb00 e!(OIIOw& <br /> <.^�i SG! 11TT111.11I1G111 'A' ---- --- .-... <br /> '._�;� - _���_. . <br /> R"''',""�. __" . <br />.:.(-.`i:: '. <br /> - .V.i):' l�� <br /> � ,� � �.�-�-': <br /> �� - � TOgOihBr wIN!11 buIlAllpe.Improvemen18.11xlureD.6VBB10.a��ey9.P&9e998weye,688Bm8N&Mghle,prN110gBe 9nA eppu118• _�p; '- <br />-_��--`•",°�-c nenCea loCeleO t�ergpn or In enywise peile:ning Nerelo,anC N9 renle,iasaea end D�ofile,reveralone enC remelnAero Nereol,enA ,..w��-;'-- <br /> " '«� euCh pere0nal property thet le etteeheA to t�e improvemenu eo ea to conaGluce e 11�clure,IncluAing.but not Ilmit9d to,heatlng anA /i �. -- -� <br /> �- ���' COOIIngBqu�pmententltog6NerwlNlhehome6t08dormerttelintereele,lleny.wh:ehlnleresle9rBhBrBbyro�eelBtlenAwelvBtl-911 t ���"}_.-. <br /> ,,';t�(.;J_ �.f.[:'y,.:'%-. <br /> �,, olwhle�,IncWAinpreplaeementeentleAAi�lonet�erero.leherebydeelared�obeapanoffherealeatateeecuradbyt�ellenolMle �- , � <br /> � DeeA M Trust antl e:l of the loregoing being re�erreA to herein ae the'Propert�/L �a-E t�' - <br /> � u»'(r. -_-. <br /> t �� Thia DeeE of huat s�nl1 socure(a)Ne peyment of the D�����Pe�eum end Intereat evi0enced by e promlaaory nole or qeClt `-�7s�?;. <br /> .r � t - '.�� .: <br /> _�!�i£� eyreemant datetl xwy »r n t593 ,heving e marohry tlaie ol June let 200� , yy--_�* <br /> y{v���_. in tne orlgin&1 pdndpfll emount o16 162.750.00 ,end eny enE all modlllcetionA e�Cenalona antl renewal6 ��<;�' z._._ <br /> , Nere01 or thereto antl eny an0 all luture eCvancea entl reaOvencea lo Borrower(or eny ol l�em ii more then One)her0untler p r • <br /> -:?''i��;� pursuant to one o�more promiesory nOtee or creElt agraemer.te�herein ealleA"NOte�:(D)the payme�t of oNer svms eManC9d by ' �"'�1'-°'�= <br /> -_ e �� Lendertoprotectlhesewdryolt�eNOte:(c)thepodormeneeolellernenen:eanEflgreemenlaolTruatorsetlorlhhB�aln:entl(d)BII `,-a-- "% � <br /> '� pre8ent antl fuNre InCebtetlnesa an0 obllge�long ol Borrower(or any ol t�em ff more than one)to LenAer whether Oirect InU1�oCt S3,S i ; <br /> '� t; ebeolWe or eomingent enA whe:her atlning by note.gueranry,overOrett or oNerwise.The No1e,Ihla Deatl ol Tmet enA any nnO ell r�r� ! <br /> �S__% oNertloCUeMelheteOCU�eth8NOt9oroihe(w169e:8cu1801nCOnneCtionther9wiN,mcluOingwilhoutlimilatlOnguer8n18eD,66eurNy 'F° 1-- <br /> "--:'r�"s��" egreomente end esaignmenle of lea6ea enG rente.chell De re:erreA lo herein a9 Ne`LOan Inelrumenta". _��'�;;:;y;: <br />-':"��-'�� Trusta covenanis end ayreea rAlh Lentler as�ollowa .`�."-j'�.:=-�' <br /> ;at:='.:�' ;:�. . ....,_ <br /> 1. Payment of InAebleOnetb Al1lnAebte0ne93 eecuretl hereby ahell be DalO when Eue. ; �'-- . <br />� �'.�}�:�.�° 2.TIIIO.Tm8t0�IB NB OwnBl 0�the Propeny.hee tCe right an0 BWhOhry to cor.vey the Pr008rty.en0 werrenU Net NB IIBn "}`,Z,�L�� <br /> 't""� CrOatetl he�eb ia e firat enA rior Ilen on the Pro e - <br /> k Y P p ny.exeep�for�lena end e�eumbrances set 1or1�Dy Truetor in wrl:iny an0 <br /> AelivereCtOLBnAerbeforeexecutionotlhiaDeedo/Truate�4ln8expcullonend08�iveryollnieD8edolhuatAOesmtviolaleany �� - <br /> cOntrett Or 01118r Obligeli.�n f0 which Truelor i!subjeG!- �_ _.t• ,.:- <br /> 3.Toxe�,Asfoitmonb.To pey Eebre Lellnquency ell fexes.a0eclal auessmanls and all olher che:gea agaimt Ihe Property t-'_:,�- . .. <br /> ` nOw Of hBfBeNBr IpvlBtl- � <br /> ''�- 4. Insuraneo.TOkBBplhePropeM��sure0aga:natOamagebyflre.�ezerASinc�uOeAw�Ihinlheterm"exlentle0coverege.enA f �" - <br /> euch oNOr hezerAa as LenOer mey repWre,in amounta an0 wiln com08niea acceplaD�e!o Le�tler,neming Lentler es en etltlWOnel I <br /> t - nertlBd InlulBtl.wllh 1069 DeyObiB�O IhB LB�CBG�n C88B O��04!u�02r 6uCh pofIC18l.�hB LB�OBr id Bu[hOtlxe010 Bd'JEL C0119Ct 9nE <br />-:�,�_�. fAmprOm150.811t�81m8�her8u�GOrB�tlehe��h9v8��80p1ionolBpplyingellorp8rtollh.einsurenCeproCCECf(iJlounyinEeb!eLne34 f� - . - <br /> -,-"t-:."�; 6eeure0 hereDy enC m sucn or0er et Lenaer may ae7ermme.p71 to�ne irustor to De used lor ine repair or resloretion o1 the Property - <br /> - ' or(Ilqlorenyotherpurp0a0oroDjBtleetl5�ettorytoLe�CervnlhoWa!fectfng;heLe�o�ihigDeetlaiTm811o�Ih8�WiamounlbecureA �'�- ' <br />- - �ereby bolom eucn peymem eve�took piace-nny eppuca�ion of Orocee0s:o mOeD�eOnoas sna:�not ex�en0 or poalDOne Ne Aue , <br />_:i_.�;;;-`_ Oele ol9ny peymente unAer Ihe Nole.or cure any Oelault 1�ereuntler or he:eunAer <br /> 6. Eeetow.UOOn wrinen Eemantl by LenEec Tmator gha�i Day lo LenOe�.in euc�manner ae LenAer may Oea����c�anl <br />. ,.. .,:_. �..��.���.�"'"""�'_"" "�..�.����...��.... � �""_' _ <br /> _'. <— .....�...a.o...o..o....o....wioa°aiwG:.-..�CC�::.O.:::.:a...................y.�..o:pco..Bo.ow...o::a-:�ha::..4•y:on:::. � <br />.`'?'•' fne Properry.Oq me Dremiune on me properry msurance repu�rea nereuneer,ana(dp me prem.�ums on eny mongage msurance <br /> 'a�i"� reqWreAbyLenOer. • <br /> 8. Idalnlenaneo. Ropaln antl Compllanee wiU Laws.7ms�or s�an kaep me Property m good tor.Ai9on an0 ropeir,s�ell . - <br /> prompUy repeir. or rep:eGe any ImC�OVemont wh:ch mey De Oa:aeqeC or 06slroye0:ahail not commi[or permil eny wante or <br /> _ ,-{-.,: GBIBtlO:eNOn 0�ih8 PrOpB�ly.8�0���Ot rBmWO.40mOligh or gyb818Mi8��y B��Br 8ny pl�hg ImprOVBme�tb O�Ihe Prppgrly,ehe��n0t <br />. Oommlt aWlaror p8rmlt e�y eCt to be Oone In or upon the Propery In violallo�o16�y�awArdinance.or re8uletion;an0 e�all pay anA <br /> prompCy OlbCherge aI TNeloi e CoS�an0 expense a:l liena.entumErences anA t�arye9 levi0d,impOSed or a5E05b1M Ihe <br /> �- '`�„!.:� PrOPBrty Or ery part ther001. <br /> 7. EminOnt DOmlln.LentlBr is�ereby aee:9ne0 ail coRpeneetlon.awe�0e.d9magea entl olher Daymenle or reliel(here:nalt0r <br /> - "j'~� , 'PtOC6B08')�nCOnn8C110:Iw1111COndemneliOnOroLherl9k:nA0���ePropertyorpetl1�8�8of.orlorconvByenCB�nli0uolCOrEemnB- - <br /> ';���t;��_J lloa LenOOr shall Da enU11eA a�ita op�lon�o commence.appear�n antl proeecute in iis own name any aetlo�or proceetlinge.en0 <br /> '�.`>�� - 8�811 ell0 b9 enlltletl to make any conpromise or setllement in tonnectfon with auch teking or Oamnge.In 11�0 ev6nt eny poNOn ol <br /> :;ca:�:._ NlCN6)1 <br /> - MwpWnw��MM11n10�M <br /> �IYOlM�Iqwp{�Nq(rn�nndTNt��M$� • � j •• <br /> '.a< �p�lytmalen4rcdwNW�W � <br />. ..- . _ _ .. _ _ _ __._ _ �``._ __. . <br />