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' - ' <br /> ej QORBWH H01flNsaNd�F�ena�on of Ne qme for psymentot�ditfaeron ofemoNretlonaltlie 1um�WgureqEyNh <br /> .. -. �y}Try�iaqt1R.'ybyLMdlflOPr NiCOOUOMninterlitofBOtrow�t�h811nOt0p9ti14t070•e8t9,IqQng(MPR9t,�010)I IIOf _ -_____—_.. <br /> olMeod9inalHOrtowelald8oqoxe�a uco9asoro�nlnteieKLendeiehiUlpotbBraqWO�topommenceD�oaaatllnps�y�nn <br /> 6uch 6ucC4NOt o«bNS9 SO eMetld tlrtl e�o�paymant or oNOn+"aa modiy emoNra�on of Ne eume seeured by tnls DeeA o}Tni�t <br /> Cy re�wn ot�ny demanGS mnCe by Ne onpinel Borrower ub BortOwefs eucoeieore N Incerast - <br /> ___� (D) I��rtd.W1 Fawen.WHhoN enwtlng Na Ilablliry ol eny olher peraon Ileble for Ne peymenl of any obliyatlon hiteln ___ <br />� � - mentloned,endwlUrouta(faoYnpNaltenorcnerpeo1N1o0;,c0otttuetuponanypoNOnolthePropxprnot�hanaONroto!are . --- .-. --- __ .. <br /> �— -T rNsueae��aoudbtwNeNllemountolnl�unpni0ob11yeyonti4endarmay.homtlmetoUmaenOwllhoutnotlee(qrele�mury � <br /> porwn w11aDIa�q excanAmemaMltyorelteranyolmetermaofanywch oE!Ipctlon�,p�prantoNerindul9�nos�6OY�fNNN <br /> --- Or r000�v0y,or cauoeyto be reieaarJ a reconveya0 af eny tlme at LenCele op�on eiry peroe6 poroan or on of ina Propery� <br /> ene�npemenu wlm ueD'.on In�elatlon e'eta urly for eny oDliyatlon herain menuone0.or pp mUce oompodtlom or offin <br /> (o) iorhH��nc�by IwnEH Not�WaMr.Any fO�bEe�anCE by LlndB�In ax8roltiny e�ry rlqhl Or�BfnBdy hOtlunEOR 0� <br />� - - ONOrvALe YNWCCA by tDA����d�nW 6heil n0f Ds e wONOr 010�pi101ude Na Bzatcll0 of My iu0h tlyM 0►romldY T�0 _ _ .- - <br /> proourammtolln�unnaorNepaymentofuxe�oroNerllenfoioMrpe�bylentlerehellnotbeewalvorolLentleY�dy�tta <br /> ��—"— �eGUrtte N!mRNAry ol NO Indebtedneea lBOUmE by Nla DOOd ol TrulL <br /> '°��__ (� gueaN�on�nA Aulano Eoundi JWni�nd 8wu�l U�pllflyt Cap11on6 Tne aovenanU and egraements heroln con• <br /> °-- talnad M�II bind,tn0 N0 dphq hE�OUntler thell IOUr91q NO r01DOCWB suCCOWOrO end ee6lane ol LanCer anA Tru6Wr.NI <br /> — � OOWn�n4�ndaQre�mentsoiT�vet0�6ha11be olntelWiOVerel.TheCBpfloneend�oaAlnpeollhapMepmp�aofNlaDBBAOI _— <br /> � TN11 Q!PoI OOIrvOflll�ICe OMylntl 8�9�0�l0�e u�ad 10 IMaryret or EeOne Iha provlUOne hareof. <br /> � (p) p�quMt(aNOtlox.ThaperCeaherebyrapuESlNetOCOpyofEMrnotlCOOlGaleultharaunAerenAaCODYOImynotlae <br /> Of ip10 haeUOdN bB m611eA lo BeCh Derty lo Ihls DBOd 01 Trult et Ne eAAreSa 86t fOM ebOVB In NB m9nnW pfBlOdbatl Dy __. _ _ __ <br /> q��q'� eDP���aa law.Ezcept lo�any othar noUCO requlrad unAer aDP�loable lew ro 6e BMan In anoNer manner,eny notloa prodded r - <br /> +,g,n:• forinNlsDeadofTruetshailbepivanbymelCnpwohr.oticab�ce�LfleOmelleddroeae0totheotharpertiea,eltheeAdreaanet _ <br /> -1 �� foM ebova My ootioa providad tor In thla DeaA ol Truat ehe.l be e1lee�ive upon ma!IIn81n Ne menner AealgnateA hereln.B ��,- <br /> - f �? hu6tor le mora then one paraon,nofice eenl to the adGreea net lonh ebove ohell Ce notice to ell euch powona. �,�`'-',��-�- <br />. ,a .,,.. r'a. __ - <br /> , �'`;� (Q In�p�etlon.lanEer may make a oeuae to be maGe reei0neble entriea upon and InsDecllone of Na Propart/,proNAad �-� <br /> e}r,fi_ � -�- Wet Londar ehell BNe Truetor mtice ptlor w any wen maDeeeon spec�ty�ng raeroneble oeuee tneretor reia�eA to LanGefe � ;., r __ <br /> +r, t c r;; Inlereat in tha Proparty. <br /> f>,"+7- (g) ReCOnv�yanu.Uponpaynentofalleum�eecure0bylhlaDeetlolTrue�lentlerehalliequeatTroetaetoreoonveyNe �y�f <br /> " 4 Ay, ProportyandehallsurtanderlMeDeetlofTruttendallnoteamlOanclnBindebtetlne6esecure06yth1aDeedotT�uffitoTruelee. s : .-_-- <br /> ; > r Truntee bhell rewnvey Ihe Property wil�out warrenty enG wi�hout eher9a to the Parson or pereona legaly onWed thereta -;ns " .�.�... <br /> sl � - ;�i- Tru6tor e�ell pey all coe�s of reeordaUOn,lt eny. g <br /> h y .�� <br /> �,h �r� _ (h) Penonal Dropuly:B�cudry ApmmML Aa edAillonel eeouriy for the payment of 1h0 Nole.Tru6tor herbby grenU ���i �' - _ <br /> - = L�!agf�!nea{{haf�ebraakaUNlormCommereinlCOd9eeewtlryin:ereatlneltllxlurea.BqulDmentendofho�pBreonelproperty . . <br /> - U:LdIGC0�00C1100ri1ihlh8�0918lt9t9M�mprovnmenlaloc0loANOrCOn.nnA�MtOtl�ervA89tlBC�e�e00�d9emedlObeepado( r = _ ----� <br /> r ��' Ne reel eetete eeoured hereby.Thie Inelrument ehall be consuuetl ee e Aecudly Agreement unOer wiA Cotla an0 Ne LenOer � r: ,�+�--_ � <br /> ;;`�r.- `O- shell heve all the Hghte end remeA:ea of e Becur80 parry unEer Bald Catle In ed0lllon to N0 righte anC ramBtllBe cree:ed unAer .r- <br /> �^?'�;';� end eccor0atl�he LenOer pureuentlo lhle DeeA otTmeC prm+.tlod I�e�Lentlar�rlghle antl reme0lea unAenhWDa�e roph ehell �,f%7_�,VS _,: <br /> 8 i:. s : _ <br /> -�t S'; be wmulnllve w1U,enE in no way e nmttenon on,Lenaern righle antl remediea under eny other eecurlry egreement nlgne0 by -r[�, �41+'r'- —_ <br /> '�',�; BprtOwer or Trualor. .�". �� � -zi�-� <br /> �' - @ Uen�an0 EncumDrona�.Troa�or�ereby warran�a anA repreaenta that there la no Aelault untler tlia D�ovielons ol eny r�; . . <br /> �Z�� !-, morlgflge,d98tl of Wat leaee or Durcheee wmreet Aeaerlbing all or eny perl of it�e PrOperty or other conVect,InMrument or r .r rt r ?�r�.i__- <br /> �,4;.����•�� egrgement connNWnp a Ilan or eneumbrence egeinat ell or eny pert ot ihe Property(CO11ectMely.'Llene').ez19IIn8 e6 0l Na : }� <br /> - ` ' tl8le ot thie Deed of Truet enA Ihet en end all exielln Uena remaln unmo0i�etl Bxcept ae Qselosed lo LenAer In Trueto/e .- �°'""��� � <br /> .€� ; Y 8 .r:7"T � � �!'C?: <br /> wrlllon 01ecI08ure ol llona en0 eneumbreneea provlde0 lor hereln.huator ahall llme:y perform ell of Truetor'o obllgeUOne. <br /> ±°... .,''�,�� . <br /> 4x - -_ covenenlarepreaen1e11onsenAwarranlleeuntleranyanEellexla�nn0antlhNreLlene,Ne110romp1lyforwerAWLOnUercoplee � ` � i-� ° <br /> .::_�.*.,,.`..�- ol all no11ce8 of Eelault aent In wnnectlon wllh eny anO a11 exisling or Nlure Uene,an0 ahell not wHhout Lender'e prl0�wdtten -{t' <r '`,,,Y,`� <br /> � - t-''' COnfont in am menner modlry th9 provislone o1 or ellow eiry�uNre edvanwa unCar eny exlsYng m tuture Llena '. - � -d -��;�' <br /> '?��=-�_'•' � App11ea11ono1PaymenU.Unleaeo�he'wlsereqWreAbylaw.aumepeiOtoLanCerhereunEer.meluCin without11m1�aUOn i'i2, ,�,,. .t-? ` s':�. <br /> , -���- pflymenU of princ�pel flnd IntareaL inauranee proeeeOS.condemnallon proceeES enE renW anA Oro(Ite,a9he11 be epP119d by `"-� t�i,v� -� - <br /> � q:�; Lendertotheemounledueendowingiromlru8rorentlBOrrowerinsue�orAeraaLenAerinitesoleOlecretlondeemtABalmble. :}�¢Y, �1��. --' .' <br /> �f - � �= (Ie) Bw�fabllity If eny D��'�61on of lhie DBeA ol Tma1 eonmcu with BDP���eble�ew or b deelaretl ImatW or olh0rwlee -�= �_;"r_ <br /> r r - <br /> � unenfO�Ceeblo.6ueh Conlllct or InvB:itlity BM��nol aifett N8 olher proviaona OI thie Deetl ol hu6t or the NW0 wh�c�Can be ;)�j 7 �� -.n�; <br /> � �`• glvenellectwlmoutNeeonfllWngOrovialon.enCtofmaendfheprowsianaolmie0eedo�TmatanOLheNO�eerodeelaretltobe 2�,r ,� - -,�, <br /> v '�i: ievBrabl& : �f� ...-, <br /> . �i - > (p Ta�mb The terme"Tma:or'enE"BOrtowet'a�all InGUtle 6olh eingWar enE Olmal.flnA when tl�e Trua!or en0 Borrower --�� ` sa�l>s. : <br /> r -,;� � are N9 aM�e per6on(6).ihose terma ae ueetl�n iMe DBetl ol Truet ehe��be��te2hangaeble. �"t' - <br /> (m) Oov�minq Lew.Tti:c Deetl ot Trual ehali De yoveme0 by Ne iawe of the Stele of Nebraake. ' -'• t<.,`~ <br /> �' `� Truator hee Bzecute0 Nle Deetl o/Trubt ae ot NB Oate wrttten above. 1 � - �r 4 r � <br /> � ���• �� C— 1 � -4A-WG��f :� <br /> T _-Si ;' ���'-.'��i: T � / ._��� tr.. <br /> v `� rSV+.--- <br /> �' .-i�: � TmSWr � '.. _ s- , . . _. <br /> :1::_ :;f � <br /> '_. .i.. <br /> i ' <br /> - :r� -r � <br /> 'te^ <br /> _ ..r.. <br /> � - _ <br /> _';�% �:p:: � <br /> . _'t_� t •_ <br /> ":� <br />. �i� : P E <br /> +'{��". :'s ' <br /> -�•iF:�:_S�'.l " _ <br /> _ i�-p'(:: __. <br />. '-� (.' <br /> ��Yli� � � <br /> i�°f-'�� . � <br /> - :;;?,z�(1<i• <br /> r °' i <br /> '* ..�h� . <br /> i - <br /> . 'f-.,.;. . ___. <br />- , i.(::'L�.i __ _—_ _ - - <br />