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.�t z . : .. _ . . . . .::] . -iP _ _�''�,'r " .', t �:J . <br /> .; t ' - �. - _.� <• '.. ' � . i _ � , _. _, � _ <br /> . " t� : <br /> . , p�yarena nxty no ldt�Bci bo rcgal�W�e1�iroo�tjon o!Gende'q itmo�,age Insa�anbeso�erl8e{Ut�enwun'�i��faf 11ro ailad - < <br /> ° tt,�tc.-'�d2r't�Irrs3D�vt ,�bYs�{�v-�rcra�rBY���1.p�xr�ti�,iia�lgWaadittatiplr�: " ,R �.dt�-,:.- — --°— <br /> . 1lieptt,mlytm/tqulied;Gmninleinmottgigeit�suienceiqeKecyorroQ{glldoqlos�iSaeive:unA{tfi¢regal�euKtnfa'rpxtiy�a ..- <br /> lnaui6iiroaW�InecqorQ¢neoW111iohywAtter�egi�CmciltbetwEynBo�owuandLenderoio➢pliceblolaw,� ;• <br /> D:tnsyicttow Lsiqer or Ita agenl may malca m,awaablo erfdea updd pnd inspdct[6iu�!�No Proptrry 1.endu ehall glvo' =. : <br /> -`� Uorjoweteoticoa9fidt�meoforpr�oPioeninspaitooepeclfy(nBRa"sonabfoca�ise{oiffiei,�spatian: • - � r.°•r ,-- - <br /> •'10.Con�entr.atton. 1ho proceod�ot eny ewerd or ctaim tor damaga,Olrcct or eonsequcnhd,In"eonnectlo�o'4�t►h en� =:_ <br /> condemneNon or olhu Ieking of ony pan of tke Property,o�for oonvpyonpo in Uw of condemaatloo,ero hlttby aulgae0 pijd �_ '"-. <br /> _ _—; tlmil be Wld w Lendu. — <br /> In�ho event o(u total lakfn of the Pro � <br /> - - - B P��Y.tEe pmoeeda eh�U bo applted ro tAa suma sawttd by t�Ja9ewdry.tilsttumem._ :.. <br /> whahcr or not then dua,wlth any ozass pafd ro Borrower. Jn che event of e penlal tektng of the Propeay Id w'Jch ttw t¢Ir - - <br /> markµvaiuo ot tAo Property ImmediaceJy before tha taking 1�equal to or greeter 4ien tho artaunt ot�ho surtu aecpro4 8y Oi:e ` <br /> &arity Inswment immedletdy bePoro the teking,unles�llonower and I.ender othenvlse egroe in wdtlag,the mm�ceaireA 6y <br /> thls Sxudry Instmmmt shall be rcduad by the emour.t ot the procade multiplled by the tollowing frACtioa: (a)the total <br /> emount ot the eums sen:re0 immedlately beforo the reking,divlded by @)tho fa!r n�arket valao ot Ghs Propertyr Immcdiit¢ly ___ __ <br /> beforo We taking. Any baiance chall be paid to Hortowu. In the event of a paniel �eking of tda Propeny 1��vhich the talr � <br /> market velue ot the Propeny tmmed;atdy befon the tekfng!a lesa�han tAe emwnt of Uie scm+«curcC Immed:etely bafo:e�de <br /> �aking,unlw Hoirower end Lcader otherwisa egrea in wrlUeg or u:ileaa applicable law othernise provlda, the proceeda�hall � � <br /> ..—� be app!ied to the sum�wwred by thle Secudry Inst�ument.vhuher or not�he surtu era�hen dce. -- <br /> -- - If�he abandoned by Bortower,or if,after notla by I.ender to Borrower thet the condemnor otter�to meko en <br /> _--Fd awa:d or eenle a claim Por demegca, Bortower fetla to res�wnd to Lender whhin 30 deyi aRu the d�ro �ho notia ia glveh, <br /> �""`-"� i.ender ie euthorized ro mllat end epply�Ae prooeed�,at ha optlon,elther to ratomdon or rcQ�fr of Ihe Property or ro the atro -- <br />._-_ `-- ._.... ._ _ <br />-__�:_tiraw securod by tM�Saurity Instn�ment,whetAu or not�hen dce. <br />_ -�.:,,— Ur.lw Lender end Hortowcr ahernise egree In writfng, eay epplicaUo� of proceeds m prinelpal ihell no[extend or <br /> .-z;�Y;� portpone the due date of�he monthly paymenta rcferred ro in paregrephs I er.d 2 or change the amount of wc6 prymrnU. <br /> _°�t:,,, 11.Borrower Not Released;For6eernnce By LenAer Not e Wetver.8xteroion of�he Hnu for paymmt or modlfta�lon <br />_�`?;•�i;: of emoni�pon of�he sums saured by Savdty Inam:ment granted 6y Lender ro any wcceswr In ir.�erest of Horro�ver chall <br />��r� not operete ro rcleau the Iiebiliry of Ihe odginel Bortawer or Qortower'a aucceason in lntemst.Lendu cheil m1 bo requirod ta <br /> - " rommeax proreedinga ageinst eny:ucaasor in intercst or rcPose ro extmd time for payment or othenvim moCify�morttvelba <br />`'"[�^�7:��� of[he sums exurcd by [hi� Securiiy G�s�mmer.t by reazun of any demend made by the original Bortower or�ortower9 �- <br /> _ �:`"�'• �aocesmn in intcrest. Any for6earence by Lender in exercising eny dght or remedy shall not ba a weiver of or prcclude the <br /> t' ��'.-� exerciu oC eny right or runedy. <br /> -_ _ 12. Sumxson arid Aatan.Round�Jnlne sn� !+!rorel Ida411ttr: Co�gners. ?7r_ cnvers!•ecd rorcem�L o!cMe ------- --- <br />.� ,.;;_,;:� S:curitp L^stmm;.nt shai� bfrd and bcn:Ot ch:;uc:sss;,rs an3 acsigra of Lcrdsr:nd itortaxcr. subJc:t ta the provittors af ` "-� --- -- <br />.:-•4*.��:,� paregreph 17. Borrower'e mvenenu end agramem� thall be Jolr.t enJ cevcfal. Any Dorrowcr who cro•algns �hb Secvdty <br /> >-.-._.- <br />.;;:�`�a�-..;. fastrumene but doca not oxavte the No�r. (e) fs m-aign!ng thl�Secudry Instrument oniy ro mongage,gmnt uid mnvoy�het <br /> .:;,r:;r'r Qorrower'a imereat in the Properry under tAe tefms of�his Secudty Instmnenr,(b)la not penonaily obligetod�o pay tho cum� - <br /> r-:; securcd by ihls Savdty Inswmenp and(c)ngrai that Lender end eny other Borrower may tgrce to extend,modlfy,forbwr or � - - <br /> _!__�_ nwke any ecrnmmodaqons�viih rcgard ro�he tcmu nt�his Securiry Inswnxm or�he Note�vitMut that IMrm�ver s rnnsent. �__.,�-�-_�• <br /> < < <� 13.Loen Chargea.If�hc loan xcurcd by�M1is Secudiy Inswmmi is subJat ro e lew whlch seu meximum Iwn chargea, ��^�,v-� <br /> ,";,,.-' �nd ihat Inw is Onnlly interprcted so�hat�he intercst or oiher loan chnrges mlla�ed or to be co3lceted In connectian with iho ��'�•}'"•- <br />