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' �j _ . . _ — - :�:.. -.,�- �yj(� �yr-�p{� � Y s7 ---- <br /> �_� . . . , _ `-- . .. . _ � . ; ... <br /> ��. . -. . - '�... . � , ' c V�/"�/ _- _ U . _ �/1� �` ...-�i �' - <br /> � e,H�nare or rropetb Iosuranqe, 6oaowcr snei�,keep txp(c�r�veb:ents now eaistixg nr huapttei eisao�otl�pid t <br /> Fi3�y ti7i�aod age(rst toie by�ire..tiateN�ltidu�ta�viWlit t'.n-temt•oxtecQeQ soreraga•endany oiTier hizarde.laciu0� -- "T_ <br /> . floods or tlocding,for efilch I.ender rcqutra insurencv �Is insofance�l�ali be malr.tileed in che adwunta twD for[�e pe'r1 <br /> — �Aat l.eaCer roquln�s.fie lnsuransa caRier p�ovldiqg�:e insunxe aAell i»diosen 6y Durtoiver su6Jat to l.endu'a ep�tav�{;•. .::'- . <br /> — �vh�ch�haU not be unmssonobly wltALcid. ft Bottower tella to mn(ntnin ooveta8a desalbed a6ovo.LcnAer mey:at LetiAet'6�: :� — <br /> `` - optlon,obteln rovetego to protxt tendu`s dghte in tha pmpeny In eaardenco wlth pfmgrayh 7. - • <br />-- ---_- AII iruurence policla and rcnetivaie sha116e aootptab:e to l.crAu and chell lndude 8��endard arortgnge eleuu:LenAei <br /> -_ ehelt�hnva 1he dght ro hold tho poNcla.6nd ren�wele.If Lender rcqutrea;8orcowef e1�aU prompQy glveto I:eaCer eif�ec!!pq of-�- - <br /> - .- .- pald p2miums and rcmxret notlon.In 1he event ot lose.Horto�ver aLall givo prompt m�ce ro the insw�oca cacder and Lsnder.- . . . .. . <br /> :.--_. -_; _.__ ___. <br /> _--- Lender may meke praof ot lose If not mada promptly 6y 8otrowu. ' <br /> Unlera Eender end IIorrower otherwlsa agree ln wdt(ng, Insureace prooecda shell be applled to ratoradoa or rdpalr qf�he <br /> — . Propeny denuged,if 1he restomtlon or repair fe eoonomically feasible and Lsndu'e scadry le not lessexd. UtAa restoraUoa ot � <br /> _ repair b not eoonomleally feasibla or Lender'e saurity wo;dd 6e leaseued,the insurenca prooeed�ehill ba epplfed to tha curtu <br /> ------ exured by tAit Seadty Instrument, whuher or not then due,with eny exopa pafd ro Bortower. [t Borrower abandohs�o <br /> _�____: Proparty, or does not ens�ver wlthfn 30 daya e noNw from I.r.n�.'er that U�e Inwranco artler hee offercd to sen!e a cle:m,tMen <br /> Lender mey collea�he i�umce proceeda. [.eadu may usa the rooeeda ro ' ...... <br /> sxured C thb 8aud Instrument,whuher or no[then due.1La 30P-d �or restore�de Property or to pqy aums <br /> ---__- Y �Y ay pctiod will Ixgin wfien�he notloe la gtven. <br /> �=i�.r�i Unless Lender md Boirower otAenviae agrx In writing,my applicatlon of prooeed�to prindp+l s1W1 not atend or <br /> postpone the dua data of�he mo.^.�hly paymeme rcferred to ta puagrephs 1 end 2 or eAange the emaun� of�:a paymente.If <br />_�,�I under peragr�ph 21-�5e Pmperty In eoqulred by Lu:der,Bortowa'e dght to er.y Inwranoe pol:olw and prooee�rcsuldng from <br />_�A}�_;_.� damage w the Propeny prlor ro tho ecquisidon chall pas�to I.endu to the extent of the ams secured by ihls Savdty Inswmu:t <br /> r`''�-�� immcdtee�etypdortotheaa�ulsitlon. --_. -_ ----_----... <br /> :_:r.,,.;y..-.--�ti�i 6.Occu enc <br /> .,�-�.�,;,�;,�,; p y,Presetvation,]lfeinteaana end Protectlon ot the Propertyt Borto�rer•e Iuan Appticatlon;Leasehald�. <br />:�'"`i�:;;::-;�;�.:,: Borto�ver slull oceupy,estebli�h,er.d use the Propeny ee Oorrower•a pdceipal rcaidena within sixty da}a aftu�he exautlon of — <br /> . -.c•;.�%•:���. th!a Seartty Irotrunxnt and ahell continue to oocupy the Prope.Ky as BorroweYs prinefpal reaidence for at leas[one year eIIu --— <br /> =_,:�f�;:!�=��:�;. the date of awpancy,un:ev Lenda whernix agraa ln writins,whlch conser.t shall not be unrcaso�ubly wiNheld,or unlw <br />___-'�"�5''':"�.•, r extenua�ing tircumsunas exist which ere beyond Bortower's conttoi. Bortower shill not destroy,damege or Impair tl:e -- . <br /> e�:..�_.:.:.;.. <br />--r`,;.��t.�}tt__�; ` Propeny, allow thc Property m dUedorere, or commft was�a on the Propeny. Borrower ehell be in default If any fodefture <br />-"- ��.��'%, aqion or proaedfng,whe�her dvil or criminel,i�begun that in Lender's goad feith judgmer.t cauld rault In fodeituro of Lhe <br />='t;:;..i..:�:, _,,.,. -- <br /> ':t{.'��s``�' Pro en or ahernlse meteriall im Ir the Ifen created b this SecuH Instrument or Lender's searf interat.Horrower mi — <br /> ==� s,.. P Y Y Pe Y ry ry Y <br /> ,���??>''=";���+; arc such a dsfeult e:d reinuate,aa provided in paregreph 18, by eausing�he ecHon or praceeding�o Ixdiamissed with e ruling ---- <br />=�%.'-`i:�_%'�.�:`- ehat, tn Lender's ood.tei�h duem(ne[lon, mcludea fodeiwrc of[he Borrowu'e in:enat in �he Praperty or other ma[erial <br /> - :�,;e� 8 p ._..__�__ <br /> F � <br /> ' impairnKnt ot[he Ilen crcated by th(s Security tnurumen�nr Ltnder'��urity intet!v. Horn�wtr sh��l¢!�� Is�feult!f - .. <br /> .�i�-�y &tnuuu.Jmie' [i'�ci'vmi d 'ricailvi� �ji � y �— �_-- _ <br /> F =--,, ts �v 6�w�. �"matedat� fd,c o� inaccurate iniomauon or aetema:ta to Leader(or felled — � <br /> _�<-`�_f,�'y�.�:f_ �o provide Le:der wi�h eny matedal IntortnetionJ im m�na�ion with the loan evldcncM by the Nate, ircluding,but not Iimlled �,.,.:__-_ - <br /> .- }�k'--!�>-,��� �o,rcpresentationa wnttming Iiorrower'a uccupancy of�he Propeny a�e principal rceidenw. If�his Sea:dty I�strument Is on e `"`-� -"'��- <br /> `^r `c ;.__;� Ieauhold. Bo�mwer�hnll mmply �vi�h ell the provialam nf ihe Ieau. If Borcower ecqulrcs fce U�e to �he Property, �he ��'�'1,°�" <br /> � -�,;i;'.� Ica+chnld and thc fcc�itic ehull noi mcrgc unlca.Lcndcr agreca m�hc mcrgcr in writing. ��{'' ���. <br /> � � - :„ 7.Prattttlon ot I.cndcr'�RIR���a In thc Property.if Ifnrrmar fails�o perfarm�hc mvenem,unJ�rccnuma mm�ined In "�`�•' ��l -.�„a;_. <br /> � ,��� -.; thl�3avriry Inarumcai. nr�hcrc is u Icgnl pnx�ccJing that may dgnilicantly affa� LendcPR Nghtx in ihc Property(such es e �4''0 . ?, ,�,y��r <br /> - �'�� ' �- proceeding In 6ankrup�cy. pmW�c. for mndemimiion or forfN�urc ar�n enfarcc luws or rcgulotian+L�hen I.ender nuy du end �sE'.'��:;�;-'_'t��°I_..�'_�:;: <br /> ` r`.� pay for whmever Is necca+ary�o pro�m �hc vnluc nf�hc Pmpeny und l.cndcr's right:in �he Propeny.Lendcr i acllons may ,,�r L p*--:�� <br /> c F-,' Inciudc poying uny smn. ucurcd by u licn �rhich buw priority over this Sccuri�y Imtrwnem. nppeuing in murt. paying y.._u.._.� �h� �-. - <br /> ^� i' '�'�-''� rcaeonable ntwmeys'fces unel entcring on�6c Pmpcny to nukc«�in.AlUmugh LcMer may tukc nction unda�hia paflgruph "- � `:7.��- ^F <br /> > J ,�. l.. ;j:�... .n - �ih_.. <br /> - r � 7.Lcnder daes mt hnre ta do m. ,,-_S . ,w_. _ <br /> _t'-�.;. . . <br /> � - : �x%_%�: Any amounts dixhursed by Lender nnJer �his pur�graph 7 shnll hcco�:�e additiowl debt of Borrower securW by this '";-R.-� -"="i•i+. <br /> Stturily InsimmCnL Unless Bortoo•cr and Lcnder agree ta olhcr Icnns of paymcnL these nmounls shall benr intcrcst Bom the f��„i�'+,r -, <br /> �; `-r�+� dnte nf disburscmcnl a1 Ihc Koic rn[e end cl�nll M p,yxhlr, ..i�h intcmt. upnn nutim Gom Lcnder�0 6artawcr rcqucsting � { t---' <br /> - •: paymem. _ xx� .�� . : <br /> :�s - -� 8.�Ioriga�e 6tmrence. If Lender reyuireJ:nnngage m.ur+n�r ar a canJ:�ian nf nuking tlie Inan xttired by this Secvrity �'r> � ^ L'` �: <br /> > <br /> ! ����� InsWnen[. Borro�ver shall pay Ihe prtmiuma nyuircJ tn m;umain lhe mnrtgage imcm:ce in effeci. If. for any rcmm�. Ihe s �\+r�s+'_� �r <br /> �,'' -1ii+l - _ nrortgn�le imu2nce m��emgc rtyuircd by Lcr.Jcr lapu+nr ira.c��n Fe m c(kct. Dormu�cr tihall pay Iht prCmiums rcquired Io ..5 *jt--� ' <br /> obinin mvengt subslantially cquivolem�n Ihc numg;�gc m•-.ranac prcvinosly in c(fial,a a cent.ub��amially eGuivalem ro O�e ���:q -_ y�S:' -� <br /> .,•' ms� m Borroutr o(�hc mnngage in.uran�r pmvinu.l�� in cflia. Gnm an allcma�c nx�ngage imarer approvcJ by Lendcr. I( �i,.;..; ;.. -.n.,'..:,•^ <br /> '�3.;'.>`�- subslar.�ially equivaler.�n:nngage inw'ance a+cerage i.nnl aa-:�il�M1le. &+rro�cer.h:Jl paJ�tu LenJcr ea.h monlh eqcal la !i'.�`:` . .�-•;`� - <br /> " - one-Iwtlflh of Ihc cad�morl ��c iaiu:aarc rcn:icm hcin• � � ` <br /> �� Y' ) F'b P �.pa�J h�� Unrm�vtr ohcn�hc in�urancr rurtn c la .N ar ccnsed lo -t . <br /> .�.'y.�: M in effttL Lcndcr���01 a�rcp�.uu ar.J rctain thc.r�ymcr.l.a+ a lu.. rc.rrcc in licu nf mnngagc irtwrrnm. l.nss rcurvc � <br /> =- Porm 3028 8180 � <br /> �_- �: �r i:. �. . _ <br /> �i .i • <br /> � <br /> / � `�'•'.-•T- . ., . . . .� � . ' � _ . _ . . ._� .� . - e . . . � _� . .. .-_:� . . . <br /> —/(. . , <br /> •_\r a <br /> '.111'-.`'Z. _ . . . <br /> �.: <br /> j�C '�` _;I . . . ' ' . <br /> j-�� . - . ... ' .. � <br /> ' l - ' '' ' - �i. " " _ .. •1... <br /> 1. _ ' �.'. . . ` , _- . <br /> ' t._i _ " . " . I _ ,_ . <br /> t } � ...- .. _ _ . . <br /> . <br /> r . } <br /> - . T - . ! . . _ _ ' _ . . <br /> . .' . F <br /> _ i <br /> �'..l <br />