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���� ' �M�� . _ p�++.•' l� �.: �_ ' T .� 1 /' )! <br /> 7_ �,. e7C.�'a": ..{.: __ " _ � _'�"tz _. t it=_ . , ._ . <br /> ♦�eY� . -. - _ . " . . ..� . . .��� .,l <br /> .. . <br /> �"' � 93� i#�'�a <br /> � 17.1Yaaster olt6?ProBe�y or a RenetttiW[nterest tn ei1 ot p�ottlw Prape�ty or eny Inlcra��n 11 .' ' <br /> - -- ii aotd or tran�hrad(or da beceHciat ir.[ertst I�8oriu�vti Ia autd ut tiu�s&r7W w'�ora�ver t+not s ru��tora!pe�,o q.i6 oat- . ° <br /> I.endu'e pilor wducn coasent. Lendu may, at lu oqloa. Iro Im�nedlate payment In fu11 of ali aum�caur�by Wi� , <br /> Savrity Instrumeny Etowever,�hla opdon eha:l not bo exerciecd�y Lendc►it oxercfse ie prohlDltcd by fedcrel law s+ot ihe Qato • <br /> . of thle Scariry fnstrum:nt. ' <br /> __ I[Lendu aerelste�his opHon,Lender sAail gIvo Ftortowu notico of aeodemNen.The noHce�he11 provlde�perlod of not <br /> laa�han 30 duy� Rom�ho dete tho notico Is delivereA or malled vi(�hin whlch Horrower muat pay all wau soeurcd 6y thlt " <br /> --__=° Scp:riry Instrument.It Oortower fail�topay�hese eur.0 Crior ro�he expiredon of tM1b period,t.endu may Invoko ecy rcr.udla <br /> permlttod Dy thi�$earity instm:nent wlthout funher nottce or da:iand on Borrower. - <br /> — 18. Bortower's HIgIIt lo RctnsWta [! Horrowcr maq oerWtn coc�ditiom. Bonowcr �hd! have the right to hnve — <br /> ' enforcemca[ of�hie 9eanty•t�tryinwi•diesonMucd at any iime prior to the eadier of: (a)S daye(or such aher pedod a� '� " <br /> � epplicable lew may spociry !or{elns�etNikfi��Nefdrb eaia of the P[operty purauant �o eny power of eale contelnal iq thU- .-- <br /> Sxurity Insuumenr,or @)gntry oPU}Gdgment enforcing t(dc 3avriry[nst�umen�.7Lose condiqoro ao thet Horrower:(a)paya <br /> ----- l.ender all cum�which then li%oi{id 68 due u:der�6b Saudty Insnument end the Na:e as U no�caleretion had oaurred:@) -_ <br />.—_�..__ aues eny defeult of eny aher mvenenu or egrcemena: (c)paye ell expensa fnwrted In enforcing thle SceuAry Inshument, <br /> — Inciuding but not Ilm9ed ro,reuoneble attomera'faa;end(d)takes auch se8on n�Lender may rtasonably requlm to dssure <br /> ---��.,;�„ thet�he Ilen of�hfa Secudry In�wment, l.ender e dghu in thc Propeny and Bortower'a obllgatlon to pay the wm�Kcurcd by - <br /> -�---_ �hia Se�wity Imnument shall continue-unchanged. Upon[ by Horrower, ihla Saudty Imtrument and �he = � <br /> --Y_� obligettoro seared hercby ahall rcmaln fi:lly etfecHve e�if r.o ecceleretlon had oaurrcd. Howevu,�hia dght to ttinctaro shell <br /> :- zyrc. not apply In the ease of eoceleration under�areg�aph 17. <br /> '�r�:�� 19. 8ale ot Note; C6ange of Loen Bervlcer. 'ITo No�e or a paniel In;erat in the Note(togdher wit� �hit Suudry <br /> +�^- Irsnumcat)may be sold ox or more tina wi�hout pdor noHce ro Bortower.A sele may result in e changa In the emity(Imo�m -- <br /> } �� es�he'I.oan Suvicer')�het collenn monthly paymenu Hue uader�ha Noro and�hia Seeurity InstNr�enL Therc elso mey be one <br /> -i or more cM1angea of ihe Lwa Servlcer unrele[ed ro a sele of�he Nota If tAerc Is a chan¢e of tAe Loan Serviar.Borrower will be <br /> }a+ '� given wrinen notice of�he change(n aocordena�viih pa`sgreph 14 a6ove and eppliab.e lew.7Te naice will stete�he neme and <br /> { +�5- �' address of�he new l.oen Serviar end�he eddrcss ro whlch paymenu should be made. 7Te notice will elso contein any other --��- ------- <br />..:_s:;:-,�:. -._ <br /> _,-..;g.>; infom:ation required by epplicable lew. <br />``ri:��{7�'-. 20. Harardous Suhctsac�v. Dormwer shall not ceuse or perm!t�he presena,use, dispoml, srorege, or release of any --- <br /> -"'�!�- Hazardom Subs�ances on or in �he Propeny. Bortower shall no[ do, nor el:ow enyone elze �o Co, enything affecting the '�'`� <br /> :.vey:._;, �`_:'' <br />----;1r'*;;.Y;, Propeny�hat Is in viola�ion oteny 8nvironmental Law.The preading two sentenca ahall not�pply to the prcsence, use, or <br /> '-:,.."-5•: srorage on the Property of amell quantities of Hazerdous Substences that erc generelly recognized�o be epproprlate to nortnel � <br /> �-•�;�=`�;t' resident(el uses end�o maintenena of�he Propeny. �'"" � <br />"`:?j;�,,,',.` Dorrower�hall�mmpdy give Lcnder wdtten notfce of any investigation,claim,demand, lewwil or o�her enlon b�any ��?_-. <br /> -- gavemmemel or rcgu arory egcnry or Privatc p�ny involving ihe Property end eny Nvardoua Substonu or @mtronmenu Law �, ,_,,�_�- <br /> � r`�i ot wh!ch�orrower ha+ectual knowtedge. If Qorrower Icems,or ia no�ificd 6y eny govemmemal or regula�ory auihority,Ihat °• <br /> -�„.!�.Y; any mmoral or oeher remcdintlon of nny He�ardous Substancc dfectlng�hc Praperly li nccc.uery,Uorrowcr ahnh promp�ly tekc <br /> ��^�?�y-.:i t oll ncccssery«�dinl enions in eccordencc with Bnvironmcmel Lew. ��'� <br /> � As used In�hls 6�R�Ph]0. 'Nazardous Subs�enas'arc thox substnncc.+dcMOd a+toxic or hazardoua suMtanccs by -- -- — <br /> �� Envlmnrc+ntnl I Nw C1M 1!!^_ (:•.inwing cnhua�rra• enm1lM, k�mcrnp. n!hCr/Inmmehlp �r In�i' rrrm�nnm prM:�Ma Mtle -:W — .. <br /> peRlicida md herblcida,rolnu!e uAvent+, nu�edala es6es�us nr foma!dehyGe.end radioactive metedala.A�uud In e� � c <br /> ���:;';;- �hi� pamgraph 30, 'Hnrimnmemul Low' mpns fcdcrel la�va end lews of�hcjuriidiplon wherc�hc Propcny Is lacated ihat ,i��'f'_ <br /> i�_ rclete m health,mfc�y arenvlronmemel protM{on. �r ;� <br /> � -.�; KON•UNIFORM COVE4ANTS.Bovower nnd Lcndcr funher mvenant end ngrcc na tollo�: 4 +;�x - �;, <br /> ' � 21. Aceeieretlont Ranedlea. Lender cAall glre notice to Dormwer pdor to ecceleretion tollo�Wng Borro�rer•a 6reacL *' 'h� - -- <br /> li �/`. 1 � ��'.l�j i J„_" <br /> of nny mreneat or egreement in lhU 3ecudty Inrirument @ut nol prlor to eccelerntlon under pnrnitraph 17 unle� �.. „ _ : <br /> a--.� epplicabte la�r provida othenr4sd.The no�ice x6e11 specity: (e)the defaulh (b)the action requi r e d ro cure the detaWti -t,� j� ._ <br /> '_ ' (c)a detq not les�tAen JO dnp hom the dale tl�e notice is given to Dorra�rer,by ahich the defeult must be cured;end ,e --4; , ;r ; � <br /> (d) thet fellurc lo curc the defeult on or 6etorc the dnte speclFled in the naqce may resuit In eccelerutlon of the wma � --,,fl r , - <br /> +���-.�,� cecured Dy thu Secudty Ins[rument and sele of ihe Psnperty.The nottce a6e11 turther Inform 6orrower of tAe right to �t -r'' ' <br /> _ f _,,.:., • ' <br /> -�� relnstate after eccelerctlan end Ihc right to brfng a murt acUon to assert [he non-exis[entt ot u default or any other ' ,��;,�,;..�;':`� <br /> `���t�';���� dehnse ot Bortower to acceleraUon nnd aele. If the defeult B not cured on or 6etorc the date xpeclited In Ihe notice, -=�-.-'a-:�.,::.::� <br /> , . � ; Lender. �t IU opqon,may require Immediete payment In tull of all sun�+saured by thLv Seeudty Instrument �dthout -.-�,s}'' ,�• <br /> ;;.fi..i further demand end mey invoke ihe poirer ot sole end uny other renedles permitted by eppIiteble lan. Lender shall be -,�;`-,�{r...r..�..:' <br /> -�f`A entflled ta tolla[all e�penua Incurrcd In pursulnp the remedies provided in this paragreph 21,Induding,but not Ilmited '-, �.:�y� i�r,:,• <br /> ,r,� ,, to,reasonable oirorney:'hes end cnsts of tlHe evidrnm. -_ � x•_; 1 v <br /> �,;i�.;. If the oxrr of mle 4s Invoktd,Trustee shell record a nntice af defeuit In each rnur.t7 In �rhlch eny part of the - y>.'- +.� r <br /> �-�;.� Property L+ Paceted end shell mull rnples oi such notice In Ihe manner prcscribed by appliceble la�v to Qorroirer end to - f,,�*� 't •� <br /> .,;.t�;.:; the other persare prescribed by appllcebie In���.ARer lhe Ilme reyufred 6y appltcnble la�r,Trusice shall gfve pu611c natfa �s�:i.:: �, !E'� <br /> Ex, of sale to�he persnas and in thc mennrr pranihtd h?�appllrnblc lua-. TruRee, irlthout demand on I1orro�rer,shnll sell - � �`,� � -��. <br /> - the Prapeny nt public accNon ro thc hl�he.n hidder nt tl�e time and plaa and under the tern�s designated In ihe notice af � r*�. .�:5"� <br /> �,' .l, eele In one or more pamis and In anr order Trustce dMennhies.Trustee map pnstpmie sxle of nll or eny parcel of ihe -�ti�'/t�` = <br /> `!: Property 6y pu611c amwuncement at the ltme nnd placr of nn� preclou.l� .cheduled sule. I.ender or Its dal�nee may -- � ' ` '� � <br /> - purchese 1he Property et eny sa:e. �- �;' . 1 -"- <br /> - -:i '- - <br /> '6i ?e <br /> `�"_�_" Farm 3028 9/80 ' •: i�--.. <br /> �Mf��ry ` <br /> t..f <br /> � ``' '" , . <br /> i <br /> _F.q _�--,_ ;_ . ... - . . . ...-. ' . "I'. <br /> _ - .... . �.�.-- . <br /> u. . ... _.: . - . . . . . _. . .. -.- \' .. " _ <br /> . q,. , .. • _'' -" � <br /> ._ . . .:.. . .. .. . . -. .. _. . .. . _ _ " <br /> - '-_ ��1 �- �.. � . . . . ' - - - - <br /> - z'" ..•. .. - . . _ _ <br />.__-:".-t :..._. _ . '�.. ' . _ <br /> "_ _—. ,i"--__-t_._ ,_„__"_--_ . . . .' __ _'__—_""'— '___ <br /> _ ...' "_" ' ""_.. _"' "_ __ __'_ <br /> ._ . __ _ " """__-"_'._'_" _ , _ '" ._ _ _ """"_ __ '" _ " " <br /> ,,.—�:ti::'.:�..-. -. . - � _ . <br /> . ._ �l'[ . ' ' . _ - __ ' .. <br />. • :'�i�' - _ � . ' _ <br /> ) - { _ � .. <br /> /. � . " _ <br /> '-�,4� r--- . ' _ - . . - . <br /> - Y'• . . . . . . <br /> i .:l . . . . . _ <br /> ` �. <br />. "F�..Siy '.ti.• - . . . - � . . . _ . - . - . <br /> - q -. :. '- i -.. -. . _ . -� _ . <br /> - � ' -. - _ _ . . . � " . .. - <br /> J { �y 4 ' ` <br /> J • <br /> t � � 4 .- � .. . . . <br /> { � f . <br /> , <br /> � � <br /> � ' � . �- -.. ._ . . , . _ . . . , . _�f't. . ,.� = .. _. <br /> j � . r <br /> .{), rJ �c <br />