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r��� . � _ _ ` :_ -. . _ ._ , _. . _ .y__ _ .:: °nr _., . . <br /> , , .;.@3° '�m9��!�: <br /> - 4'QOBTIIIIA1VYf'H�111he1mprovtmem�faWOrAe�c+PterorcFkGoplhaQroperiy,iwd�lea9emeqlq�pu�tcnuktAjgqd <br /> --..� __ IIz�utea_mw-ot_he�Ree.agott�ft�pmpet.ty.'Att.rcpl�edx�ta.rod.addlllodi_.s5�11:a�wbAcav:ecs�bqt�'L�d�v �5 <br /> fa�hwnenf.AlloPthetoregolAgGrcfute4tolnthtaBialiiry(jlawnicneistho�pto�crty'' � � " <br /> OOAROWQEt00V8NItN'CSthatEortop�ei141as+fullyfds�btWoesratoNctd�ybor�veyeddlMr.esmeTi�h(iogient�nE .,- <br /> convey�io Properiy and 4�et the FM11eny If uubnpimbettG;exoejrt for�t�wmbteApea af iaaotb BoTrowr�wattsrie s�xt wA�, is _ � <br /> defaidgeaasllythaUCkwtheP[opeRyagalnstellct�lmi.#��'"°^�.S�b)epf.bangesiimb[ana�olti'aofd =�- - - <br /> TiilS BBCUAPfY�II�STRUM8N7'eomDincs unifartrt iovenaqts for netiona!ase ddd.qon�unffatm.doruianualN linilttd- <br /> vedatlon�Dy Judsdlcrlop ro wnstitate a udform sua�dJty instnimelt qovedng�ca[proppny. <br /> UNlAORM COVBNAN7'8.Boaower end I.cndu ooqenai(s ead qgroe m;tollowa: ' �^ <br /> -�-- - • 1. Poyinmt of PrInNp91 end [nteeestt�p9Yment aAd�Mte Ciiatgea.�Bqrrower Qia11 promptly puy whw�duo O�a - _ - --. <br /> —" pdndpal ot and Intereat on Ne dtbt ovidentod by tho Note aid anY preDa�'mwt md Inte d�argw due undei�he Nota . -- <br /> 2.Hunda tor Tazee end[nsutguce.SbDJect to ippliabta laN or ro a written waivor Dy LenAu,Bortowet shaii pay:to=- �� ; <br /> LuMu on the day montlily paymente are dua undet�he Nota undl tho Note le pa!d(n full,A eu.m('Fynda�fort(n)ycarfy iexee <br /> --- aid assessmente which may atteln pdodry over thts Seadry Inskumem as e ilen on No ProPmty:@)yeaily leasehold paymaue ; <br />— - or ground rcnte on ehe Propeny,iteny;(c)yeady haurd orproperty Insurenae premlumr,(d)ytariy ttood Irourenoepmmlwra, <br /> -_-_ (t any: (e)Yearly mong¢ge insurarice preMum+. if eqY; end(�eny sum+payable by Bomower to Lender,in e000�denoe witL- _ <br /> the provialona of paragraph 8,in Ilw of the payment ot mongage tnsuwnoa prcmiumi.7Uese Items ere called"&erow It�:' <br />--i_� Lendcr mny, at eny tlme.collea and hoid Pr.r.da in en emount no[to exoad the muimum artwunt e ludec for a fafetally�� - � <br /> _;.,,,� reletcd mongege lan may req�:iro for Bortower'e eacrow�ocount cndu the federel RW Hs�ata SUtlunuu Ptooedurq Act ot <br /> —= 1974 as emended from�ime to time, 12 II.S.C.SecUon 2601 e�ttq. ('RHSPA'),unlea�another law tLat�pplia ro the Funde - <br /> � �_-- aue n lesser amounc If so. Lender mey, ae eay tlme,collcct aM hold Funds in en emount not to uceed tha laser emount. <br />-",-'h.� Lenda eray es�imete the emount of Funde due on the bea6 of acrent dua and reaso:wblo es�imates of expendlNrta of Potune <br /> -°:- &cro:v Itertu or otherwisa ia eaordena.vith applica6ls law. °-------� <br /> ,r��.� Tde Punda shall be held in en Instimtion whaa depos(u em Insurcd by fl federel agenry. Instrvmentnliry, or enUty <br /> b,, _, pneluding l.ender,if Lendcr io�ueh en instltution)or in any Federol Hor.a I.oaa Benk.I.ender ahall epply U:e Fa�d.+to pay the <br /> -�«r- Escrow Items.I.ender may not cMerge Borrower for holding end epplying�ho Funda,annueliy enalyziag the escrow oocour.4 or - <br />"�-.^.A-.".{';",; veNfying t1e Pscrow Irena,unlus l.ender p�yi Borroaer imerast on tho Fund+a�d eppl!cable lew perm.lta lendu ro malce wch <br /> ",�e;�j; a charge.Howevu.Lender may requirc Bortower to pay a one-�ime cLarge tor an independent rwl estata us ceporting snvice <br /> .:;,�,,� used by Lender in connettion w(th �Ais loan, unicae epplicable law provida otherwiae. Unlw ea ngrcement b msde or <br /> ,-,yt applicable law rcquires intcreat ro bc paid.Lender shell not 6e required ro pay liortower eny intercst or eaminge on the Flmda. -- <br /> '-"�r�` Borrower and I.ender may egrce in wripng,hmvever,�hat interat�hell 6a paid on[he Aunds. Lender ehall glve to Hortower, <br /> -"'F'-�- �vithout charge,en annuel aaounUng of the Punds, clawin6 cradits end debiu ro the 1'unde and the purpose for which each <br /> "...'FIs <br /> �-"'r�.;�'� debit[a the Fund�wes mada The Funds erc p:edged a�addf�ional aecudiy for ell wma sxurcd by thin Secudty Instmment. <br />-'-=�'�-`-_'=- If tGc F�r��s trcid by�e��der e+:.�:tz arNurt��rri¢:�so�,.-htitd by appl:abic laac,[.er.a.,.-r:h.atl�ura te Herrocros _ -: <br /> `=;c:;{:_,y for ehe excess Punds in eceordena with the rcquirenxnu of epplicable law. If�he amount of�ha Fund�Add by l.ender at eny <br /> time is noe aufticient to pay the Escrow hem+when due,Lender may aa mtify Bortower ia wriHng,and,in wch caze Borrower <br />--;�+.;;,`�: shell pay�o Lender�he emount r.ecessary ro r.iake up�he deticienty. Qorrower ahali milce up the de0cieney in no morc than <br /> ��`-"K`':" �welve mor.thly paymems,et Lendcr'e sole discrction. -- <br />-���;S�s��: Upon payment in PoII of oll sums smrcd by this Savdty Inswment. Lendcr chell p:omptly rcfwd to Bortower my �r"� <br /> T,�%=- �mds hdd by Lender.If,under paragroph 21,Lendershall uquirc or sell the Propeny,I.ender,prior�o�he ecqulsitlon or rale F <br /> �`���' of the Property.shall apply e�y Funds hcld by Lender at the tinn o(acqcisition or sele u a credit egainst�M1e sumf cecured by F"_,-;�- <br /> _�,.�,�-:; �hiaSecudrylnauumcm. 'i;i;;- <br /> r.;.r° 3.Appticetlon of Paymente.Unlcss epplicxblc law provides othernice,all paynxnu rcaived by Lender under paragrephs �`� '`° <br /> I and 2 shall be npplied: firs�, to any prepayment charges duc under�he No� anaun[s payable under paregrepA 2: <br /> '.-+'�°r �hird,to inteart principal due;end any Inte chergu�duc u�er the Nole. <br /> -'%���'� 4. Chargea; Llem.Oono�rer ahall pay all �n�ces.acsessmer.ts,churges, fines nnd impositions anribuuble to the Property =;'+:TM.�;-_ <br /> which nw ettei� riorit over this Securit Irsintment, und Icauhold ment.or mund rents, it en Borroxcr ahall 'j"'+-- <br />.-.`=f'%�f:: Y P Y Y NY 8 Y� PflY a<vj., <br /> - i`,,;':_ these obligatfons in thc manner p:ovidcd in paragmph 2.or if no�piid in thut manncr,Borrower shall pay�M1em on limc dirxdy - <br /> - lo thc person owed payment. Borm�vcr shall pmmptly furnish to Lender ali nnticcs o(nnounn[n be paid mder this paregrvph. - <br /> �r ((Borrowcr makcs Ihae mcnu dircctl &mower shull rnm�ll furnis:i Io Lcndcr nari ls evidcncin Ihe n menla. � <br /> .:; t::. WY Y. P � Y P B P Y .�,,,;:`- <br /> -�•-i�-- Bormwer shall prompll��dixharge any Ifen ahich Irr.prinri:y over�hix Securiq•Irtctrumem unless Borto�ver.(a)agrees in - <br /> _;`,x:�r -•,''.i�S:" <br /> wriliag m tl:e paymrn[of tL•e obligalion sccurcd hy 1hc licn in a manncr a¢eplahle m isnJer,(b)mmesis in good faith tht lien <br /> ":i,.;'-'�.� by, or defends enCorcement of the lien in. Icgal prMading. irhich in Ihe LenJer'� apinin� npaale lo prcvent Ihe %si==:� <br /> -'�-����` enforcement of�he lien:or tc)accurc,Grnn�hc hnlJcr n(�In licn an agnxmcm.a�i,facmq• tn Lender tuMNinating�he lien ro ;:;`.��+ <br />:. [!iiz Security Irte[�m:�enL I(l.enJer Jclemiina Ihal am p:m.,l"�he Pro�cny i.whJ�Y�e.a lien uhirh may altain priority over . <br /> � lltis Security Instrument. Isnder ma}'g��•e&�rrmcer a r.�+liar idrmi(ying lad licn. Rnrmucr�ha!1 cni�f)'lht lien nr�ake onC o' _ - <br />- morc of Ihe aclionx scl fnnh aMirc wi:hin IU Jac.o1 thc gf riag u;nn�fac �'':.�-� <br /> - Form 3028 8�80 <br /> �qe l u�6 <br /> '-?t^c� .-��. . _ _ : ' . . .: . � . ' :! ._ �< . ' �a_ � <br /> —� . ..- . ... . -. .'—c.�f <br /> .:K.. _ . . . . . . . <br />� `�-}1. .• _ _ . _ .-. . . _. . . . ., - _ _ ... <br /> /S� , <br /> J�.- . .. ' . . <br /> __. ._ __.__ _ . _. _. <br />� - :l'. . ... . <br /> 4.I. -. - ..., . . . <br />. {y-�. . • . . <br /> --r ..�s� . --. ' . _ ' _ � -' .. _ <br /> r t -�� { <br /> E � - -.�i . . � • - f} . <br /> .. • . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ " _ �.__._ ' �_._ __ j <br /> . . . . . , e. , .. _ _ . . _S_�. <br />