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�-fir_ F ^Y. q,.iv.,-:. _ yi: - <br /> �',,�r� . .-: - _... -' i ��" - .sJ"� -x; � - -rsnY y ':Z �, �- ��tY ------- - <br /> t ,- i n <br /> � -._ - J{ (�j � --_ r Sf ;— _' <br /> } __ •- _� .., - --' _-•: ��R - . �V���l/`' - -- � u , <br /> " codAemHst(onoeolRerta]dngoY��y�yutof�hePmpeRy,ptlorfadVeydnOdNUguDfe0110tm�((�it8i1 Wd.neteopp59E�upnv ' ; - <br /> fidiboPd0lol.ender , , ,• , ; <br /> . . � <br /> I�L+ M.4 ont oA n'WwF t�Wng ot N:e�Yopeny;•ite y�roaeds s!iall 6e.eppI(�to Aq sum�sCc4rc6 tly.Ult Secudry ` <br /> n���S�Aei or nu Shcd d�Ik wl��y oxas��aid ro Boapwbi.Ta tAGoient ot 6 p&tt(ai takW6 ot IhP��ifY� <br /> � ' ',}VhICTt1I1pIiI�IMII�CtVA1Y00Yt110Pf0�.11yUllli1td1810 btfdrad�etel-tng(lequelWorgr�a�e�muttha�amwn�_ t euiis - - - -- <br /> sec�¢cd by.t6la Becudqr yi+w. cnt Immedlatety beforo iha taking,unieu Horto�vu end Lenderoihezwlco egrc4ln wrfllrg, ? • _____ <br /> . thp.s•rmrsaurCd 6y tdle Sau�ty Ltstry�:iem she11 ba«ddved by.lhe�mbunt pf Iho ptoCCWs.tltulqylkd b thq followL�g <br /> &e�lom (a)tha rote�emoor.t oYtl:e�omb cecurediinmediaroty bofqro�ho tektdg;AIrldW by @)tAb I,dt m�et v8hse nttho : <br /> - • Prdperty immed3e�cly 6eiao the teking. Any 6alenca ahoil De psid to 8orrowei. In thd evcm o�p pattipl.�I n}'t6e - "-�--- <br /> ___ Propy�ty irt wLish the feir maicet vdue o!�ha Propary-tmm lekty,beforo Ne taking t+Ifn tddi�he smouiq'ot t�is euma -' <br /> etc6red immediatety tibforo th0 Wc6�g, unleas Bortowu an�Lerdw othenviw egree In wdttr.g os unlgs�eppdcaDle taq <br /> o�Aervriu provtde�,the proceeda shell6a apptied to�ha eum�sernred by thla 9ecurity Insbur.Mnt whethuornqt tqo iume et4 <br /> �en due: ' <br /> If the Propeny te abandoned by Borrowcr,or it,aRei notia by tendor to Bortower�hat the condemnor oHerc IV meko . . <br /> a�award or senle s c1elm tor demega,Bomower tella to rsspond[o LraWer within 30 daye eRtt�he de�e Iho notfca it given, .- <br /> ------ I.cndcr te authorizcd ro colku and+pply�ho ita opeion,efther ro aatomtion or rop�tr of the PtopEny or W dro .. � -� <br /> — eumaeccundbytNa3ecurity(nawmenbwhuhcrornotthendue. <br /> .__ Unlesa Lender end Bortower mhervrke agree in writing,eny applicario�ot proceeda�o pdncipil ehall nol extend or � <br />--���= posryoca the due daea of�la mon[Ny paymenw mkrted to inparegrepha 1 end 2 orehange the emant otcuch paymenb: <br />:-��� 11. Borrower Not Refease0t Pbrbearana Uy tander Not e We�ver. Hxtension of�ha �Ime lor payment or <br />_-- _ mod(flcaUon ot emortfzatlai of the�ume sxured by�hfs 3audry Tnsuument gramed by I.ender lo any tucaesot In Intuat <br />�_};� ot 8o[rower shall no[openro to rclqse tAe Ilabiiiry of�he odginal Bortower or HortowerY sucasson in intetCal.Lendar <br /> -,� thell not bercq uircd to commenee proceedinga egeinst eny euccessor(n in:erest or rcfuse ro u�end dme tor payment o[ <br /> z.�, o�hereiu madity unoniaetlon of t:a wma ucureA by Nie Seeudry Insuument by roason otany da^�and made by�he odgin�l °--- <br /> -�-�� Hortower or Horrower§suoceeson(n inaresc Any forbca�ana by Lender In exerc4ing eny right oi rsmedy sM1all aot be a <br /> "-�-- waiver of or precluda the aerciso o[my dght or rcmWy. <br />'t.=���:". 13. 8acceasore end Assigm Bound�Joint and Several LIabllity�Caalgnero. 'ihe rnveronu end agreemenu of�M1li <br /> ^ "='" Securtry Inswment ehall bind and hneRi the sucauon end assigm of Lender and Bortower,scbJect�o the provis:ons of <br /> -�c c:�`;� aregreph l7.Bo�mwerb covenenu md egrcements ahell he joint end ceverel.Any Bortower who co-c(gns thb Seeudry <br /> _ �_: <br />'`;�„�,;` tmment 6ut daes not esauro tha Note: (e)fa w•aigning�hia Searity Inawment only ro mona�ge,gient md convey�het <br /> � .-• Hortowerb Intercat(n the Pmper[y under tAe terms of�his Savdry InswmenG N)ia no[personnlly obligued to pay IAe sur.0 <br /> �� - saurcd by thia Secudty Inummrnt;end(c)ogreee�hat Lender end any other Nortower mey egree�o ax�end,madify,for6pr _ . _—__ <br /> ��= or make eny exommodulons with rcga�d ro �he temia of�M1u Saurity Insuumrnt or Na No�e wi�h.a:t thet Oortower6 <br /> 'T� --Y wnum. <br /> 3 �< 13. Loan Cha[B�. If the Iwa secuad by this Securiry Inswmen[ia subJect ro e Inw which cetn maximum lan <br /> 't"_= charaa,and t6at 4w ia flmlly inte�prcted w Ihat Ihe Intertst or other loan cher¢es colfee[ed or m be co7ec[ed la canneCllon <br /> '�'3 wit11 the loan extetd the pertnilted ifmils.Ihen: [a)any anch Ican clume xhali he rcduced 6y the mm�unt necessnry tn reduce = __ <br />---;�'��'� the char�e ro the permlttW limit:end @)any sums alrcady mllected from Borrower whkh exceeCed pemdited Iim(u wfll be -- <br /> °"`'_`�� rcfunded to Dorrowee Lender mey c��aou�o meke this rcfund by rcAuciag the prir.cipal owed under qx Noro or by milcing a ----" � <br /> -'`��^=�': dirat payment ro Bortowec If a rcfund reduces principa4 the rcduction will be trcated as e panlal prcpayment wlNout a�y �""— <br /> ti-.-}'_ prcpaymeot chuge undenM1e Note. P-�-�- <br /> . ud� 10. Notlaa. Any naice to 6ovower provided for in� Savrity lnswment shell be given by delivedng it or by 'i-z-`-----�- <br /> :,,L;i mafling(t by fia�dasc meil unleu applicable law requircs na nf nnnther method.lLe no�ice shall be directed to�he Pmpeny Y��� - __ <br /> _ Addmas or a�y o�her uddrcsa Bortower designotea by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender aMll be given by first class .�: - _•-•. <br /> - mail�o Lenderb eddress sated hercin or nny o�her nddress Lender dcsignates by notice to Bortower. Any noHce provided tor '-"%=��r;'�'° <br /> �`;'.".._.�. <br />--;���°4"=� in tAis Securiry Inrrument ahnll be deemed to havc bcen giren to Uortower or Lender when given es provided in �his <^r;- .�yw <br /> �c_t`-. P�Breph- ��`.-�-;, :_ <br /> -.��� IS. Governing La�r,Severebllity. 'ILis Security Irswmem shall be govemcd by feder+l law end �he law of the o � -�7lh �" <br /> +��,, jurisdiction in which the Property is lacared. In�he event�hat ar.y provision orcleuse of this Security/nswment or ihe No�e -�'�.f z =� <br /> _,s.t: con0itts with epplicnb!e law,such canilic[shall nat nRec�o�her provisioas of this Sauriry Instrument or�he Nae which cen �-tyr?; ,t , <br />-;:�;.-,;. be given eBat�vi�hout the cantliaiog provision. fi�his er.d�he provi�ior.a of this Security Innrumem and ihe Note ue � •,�;,^;-„�i_?--. <br /> �-; dcelued ro be zevembla t r�t��` c :-- <br /> ' � '� 16. Bo�rotra's Copy. Borroner xhall be given onc mnfor.ned cop�•o(�hc No�c nnd ot�his Securily Ir.swmcnL �� 1 _�! ! ` <br /> °t- _.� 17. 7Yansler of the Property or e Beneticfal Interest in Oorro�rer. I(all or aay part of the Propeny ar ony inmrcst in g`,-�g�v r�} :�- <br /> ��.:r> �;= it is m!d or�mnsferted (or it u bencficiul imcrost in Oorton�cr is mld or tmnsfcrred and Bortoxer is not a nnmrel person) :,,�:.,�„y�.t�:�. <br /> ."f=: wilhout Lenderk prior wrinen cunsem.Lender may,at il+upliaa. reyuire inm�ediaie paymem in fcll uf ail sums securcd by { .-- -�: <br /> 1- :,,- this Secumy Ins�mment. Howevec�his op�ion,hall not 6e exeaixed by Lendcr i(ezercise is pmhibited by(edernl Imv ns of �'� i r'j f; .- <br /> r -- � llK de�e of�M1is Securi�y Inswmem. �.,�:� � `- <br /> --.� ._��- I(Lender cxe:cixs Ihis op[ion.Lcndcr shall givc Durtaoar nmias of ameleralion. 'Ihe notitt shall provide a periad ot - _<. <br /> ' � noi lus�han 30 days(mm Ihe dalc Ihe notim is dclivcrcd or ma0ed���i�hin uhich 13orto�eer must pay all sums se�vrcd by�his �;:i:�r.,��"s�,��� <br /> � - Securi�y Instmn:eni. I( liortowcr faik ro pay to�hc cxpinlina of�!:iz periad,Lcnder mny invoke any ��f�-+ i :;__ <br /> rcmedies pemiilled by IhisSecuri�y Imlrumem wi�4nm funher no�ice or dema::d on Rumixer. "."''?:-'' <br /> . t8. Borrower's RIRht Io Rdnctate. It Bnrm.�rr mren renain conJi:iom. Rurto�cer .hal! hmr the right �o hare ,'�i=.c;�:i - <br /> - of�hic Sccuriy�Imwr.mnt di.cnminucd a�anr�imr prior io�hc cadicr nC 1a15 da�.(or auch othcr periad ax _ ;::-��_•'����.. - <br /> .: ::::^ i ,-.:.. <br /> s��Emr:mr.�-taook�t.rT-rcamrmact��ieox�i��srx�qt:�7-r�m,,,o�.m,o� svo r�,.,�.�.l�r�v., • <br /> �:r� �..::! <br /> ,, � �' � <br /> ,i:_3_'%`"'_T`�_:. ._ ' _ . i.., _ ._ -t'-�,. �... _ ,� " _ . ... _ _F"`�..�.C--.V..-_ � __ . . <br /> l:"' — - " _ . '_ - ' _ . . . . . - . . ._ " - � " _: ' <br /> -.... . , _ _. . . . " _"__ _ " ___ . . . __ _' _ _ _ <br /> � - _ _ ' . - _ _ _ - " ' _ <br /> � ' _ <br /> � - . � ._ . . . . . _ - ' _ <br /> _ .. . . . _ _ ..� ' " � - -. <br /> � :S � �- ' . .y ., . .. <br /> fl � <br /> � . � � _ - . . - t . -_ . <br /> � ' <br /> i � <br /> J ' '�ls <br /> t . _ . � . . < .r _ , 1.; .... . . . . . .. . . . . ." ..�-.. .. . _. -.� '� . . _.. <br />