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.. ___ _ __ __ <br /> l ' __ _._ ._..._ . . <br /> Y1�- 1. .. . . . . . • .. .a .. ..- ", � [P -Y- . i <br /> R\ <br /> -- . _ . . � - . . ,��30 � �itt��� . �, . -; <br /> � <br /> pertod�s5at LenQe�teQuima:-71�a(nsw8uae cnaler provlding d�o)nduranee sLell be dtosed by Qoirovieien eet{o-LEiid�r6 i"_"` ��` <br /> approValwhlel�thsUno�bounrcasonabtywUhhetd. IfBottowufatlstomnlntatncovetegode�edbtdabovo�detmpy, <br /> l.eisder9op(lon,obmL�eove�e�oproteotLe�detldghWlnA�eftopenylnaccardu�cewl�hpuoBeph�.. . � ` � ' �' '� <br /> � p11 Napreaca pollciw md Rnoxsl�t5aq be 9aepWb!e to LenderenQ shell tnctudo a etandqN mortgage cTausp:LenQeif' _. � <br /> • —' ��ail6evamedght[oholGrhopollole�endrenewal�. ltLenderrequlrca,Sortawe►eheltpromydygivowLendetelltccsipb _•- . -- <br /> � of pald prcmtuma end rcr.eNal noticea. In ihe event o!�osa,Rptrower she11 give prompt notico ro�he insutonco cauln er.d . <br /> Lender. l.endermey rtuko proof of tau Itaot m�de prpmptly Ey.Bortower. � . , <br /> llNese Lender end Borrower otheiwi»agrsa In�viidd@,fnadrence yraceed���I bo applled to`esroretlon or repalr ot <br /> � ---^ Nop�pp�ny dunnged.It tho rca[oretlon or re�Ir la uonomlcally fqsibte ond l.enderD ceeuAry ts not telsen:A.-N tho `--° , <br /> —°-- rutoratlon or repair b not wwnomiaUy foas161e m Lenderb�ecurlty woutd be laxned.the Insuronce pntaceGa shell bf <br /> npplied to Uie sums ecarod by this Seauiry tnswmu:t,whxther or not then due,wtth eny exceu pald ta Borrowu. If <br /> Botrower eba^.dona the Propt[ty,or dan not enswer wltt�in 3D daya a noHu trom Lendu thet�e Inwrenoe ceqitt hef <br /> offorW ro eettle s clalm,then Lender ma�collea the Inscrence praceeda. I.ender may uce thp pnaed��reuel�r��ro <br /> ._-- �e Propeny or eo pay suma eecured by�F�Secwity Inswment,whaher or noe then due. 7Le pe wl gln <br /> the nodce i�gIven. � <br /> �"� � Uaeu I.endcr md Bortowa otheiwim agrce In wrhL�g,a�y eppIlcation of procada to pdncfpel iheU not ex�epd or - � � � � <br /> _ � postpone�he due daro of the monthly paymenta referced to in pamgeplu 1 nnd 2 or cliange�he amount of Uie p uYa. I[ <br /> "_;°"� under paregreph 21 tfia Property ia earyLrod by Lender,Homowerb dRht ro eny insurenco poflclea and p�resulHng <br />-'- finm damage ro�he Propeety pdor to fie ecquisi�lon she 1 pasa ro Lender ro the exten[of ehe sume seartd by thie Secudty <br /> °�'��� Nsdumrnt Immedia:elypdor ro the ecquisition. <br /> _��- 6. Oaupeney, Preservadon, Me!ntenance und Protectlon M the Property; Borroaer's Laan Applltadon{ <br /> -= l.caseholda. Bortower cAeU occupy,uubliah,md use the PropMy ea Bortowerb pdncipat resldence wlthfn sixry dayi aRer <br /> ��'� �he exceuNon ot this Saudry Insuumrnt md ahell continue to occupy�he Propeny e�BortowerY pdnclpal ros!denw Por et ___ <br /> - %:_-;;� Ieast one year nRa tl:e date of oawp�ncy, unlws Lender oihenviu egreee in vrt(dng, whish wnaent shaU not 60 � �--� --� - <br /> -T.;�;j',�: umeasonabiy wiNheid,or uNess ex[enuulag ctsumstenma axiat which am 6eyond Bortower§control. Bortower sMll not <br /> �`i�:;-k; drsuoy,damege or Impair the Property,��ow tha Propeny ro detedorete,or comm(t waate on tha Property. Borrower ehell __ <br />-�-�7Y'"' be in default if any fodeiNre actlon or proceeding,whe�her civfl or cdminel,ia begw that in Lendorh good fei:h Judgment -- <br />.;;iX!c;?` could rcsult in fodehurc of tAe Propeny or oU�envise materielly impair Ne flen croetW by �M1la Saudty Inswment or <br /> -+•'"-a4 Lendcr6 cecudry in�erest. Bortower mey eure sueh a defeult anA rdna�aee,ee provided in parograph I6,by cecaing�he nction — -- <br /> -:':°4:;;" or proceeding to 6e diemissed whh a�ulin6 that,In LenderY good fafth detttminat:on,precludea foAelturo o!the Bortowery — <br /> " :��s�� inrerest in tha Propeny or mher materid lmpaitment of the Ilen cmated by this Saurity]nswmmt or Lenderti �etudty --- <br /> _•.�'�i:•- <br /> ��� T,�.- Bortower shall also be in defeult if Bortower, dudng �he loan eppllu�lon praeaa,geve metedelly false or e...,..:�-r--- � <br /> -��;.-�x'r-� inaaure�e Infom�atlon orstatemmte ro Lender(or falled ro provide Lender wl�h eny meteriel infortnallon)in coa�ecdon whh --- <br /> � :`��1�?- �he laan evidenad by the Nae, Including, but not Ii:n:ud ro, rcpreuntetions eoneeming Bortowerk occupency of the -_ — � <br /> ', . ! Property u a principal ruidence. Tf thte Secudty[mwmm�Ia on e leauhold,Borrower ahell comply wf�h ell the provisiom ��a��~� <br />. .:.:._.���s ef tht 4sse. If HcrroWer,q�!rc!fee ei��,te ihe Pm�ny.�he le�_lwld��d the fr_i�4 shal!aot m�rge enle•�Lrncer egrece es` -- �--.. <br /> , - -= wnc�mergcrinx�riting. �-=-.-_ - ._---- - <br /> eS;: �-�. <br /> 7. Protection ot Lender'e RI Au In the Pro ert. If Borrower feils to rfofm�he covenanu end a menu <br /> � ' 8 P Y P� <br /> '� t comelned in thi: Security Insnment,or�herc Is a legal proceeding�hat mey signlFlcantly atkct Lenderh dg u fn �he ='r" ,t;. -. <br /> ��� Property(cuch m a procading in bankrvpcy,probata(or mndemnation or fodehurc or ro enforce Isws or rcguletlons),�hen � � <br /> >-i; Lender may do and pay for�vhatever is neceasery to protect the vnlue of the Pmpeny end Lenderk dghta in tht Property. ,�;jt�Y �i- <br /> _ �h; Lenderk ections may include paying any mms saurcd by a lien which Aes priority ova thia Security Ins�mmer.�,appeadng ._-v�'� ?�'F'�;�_- <br /> in coun.paying rea:anable nilumeyn'fas�nd cn�cring on�he Prupeny w make repairs.Ahhough may take ection ,;:?F:�_y_;�_. .n:i: <br /> y'�_-," underthis parogmph 7,Lender does not have to do co. �t. ^�Z r'^ �.--- <br /> � �j ;' Any amounts disburscd by Lender under this pareg�aph 7 ahall become edditianal debt of Bortower saured by thl� � . �_f � `3=`: <br /> rr :- Securiry Instn:ment Unless Borrower end Lender egree ro other tertns ot payment,eAese emounu ahall bear intereat from the * -� •,*t�c' -- � <br /> .. a [;' ,u...3(.._i!}-�tt•:;,. <br /> ;�f:,�: date of disbmsemcnt a��he Noce m[e a�d shall be paya6lc,wi;h inrercst,upon notice from Lendcr to Bortower rcqueatfng �;�.,.t,_qj f',i_�„-�,,;,1:;-. <br /> � - payment. -- 4� <br /> `a�'.� 8. Mortgage Insurenen If Ler.der requircd mongege iasurantt as a condition of ineking the loan aecurcd by this �r- i #t � `^" <br /> l-" Secur.ty Ias�rumen6 Bortower shall pay ihe prcnium5 rcquircd to maimain�he mattgage insurance in effect. If,tor any ` � ' ' ' <br /> �"�� reasan. the mortgage incurance wverage reyuircd by Lender lepses or ceases to be in effect. 6ortower shell pay the s `_.-`:�- ErY fs �z-�� <br /> � �` prcmiums requircd ro obmin mvernge subs�amielly equivalent m the mongage insumnce previously in effa[, e[ e cost -+ � � s - �:. <br /> � ''?� substantielly equivnlent m�he cnst to Bo(mwer ot ehe mongage insumnce pmv�ously in etkct.from nn d�ema�e mortgage ' ji�� � .y� +r�-_ <br /> insurcr epproved by Le�der. If substentially equivalent mor.gage insuance covenge�s not avnilable,Bortower ahell pay ro .t.F�.' 'f� r i-:: <br /> Lender each monih¢sum eyual ro one-t�relflh o(lhe ycariy mongage insurance prcmium being paid by Bono�ver when the .,�'4`� [ €x � <br /> insurance covemge Inpsed or ctased m be in e(fecl. Lender�vill accept,uu.nd rctain�hece paynmms az a lass reserve in lieu ��% -y a,� -��_- <br /> y- af mo:lgugc insurnnce. Loss rcserve{raymenls mxy no longer be ehe option of Lender, if morigage insurence -7;,: <br /> - mvcmgc(in Ihc amoun[a�d tar�he periad thet Lender rcquircs)providcd by an ir.surcr appmved by Lendcr again bemmes * - �� � � _j-`: <br /> • avnilable and is obinined.6orrower shall pay lhe premiums reqcired to nainnin mongage msunnce m eftect,or�o provide a ' --[ a.�f.-r.'.-. <br /> -=':�� bts rcxn�e,umil ihe rcquircmem tor mo�gage insurance ends in acco:danee with ar.y wrir.<n agreement Mnreen Dartower '-��_;-;`?�`.�. -: <br /> _ � <br /> . i ' and Lenderor applicable law. - -� � <br /> 9. Inspecllon. Lender or its agcnl may nake rcacnnahle envies upon and in.peciinnx o(Ihe Propeny. Lender shall -- ; - <br />. give 6ortnwer notice a��he lime o(or prior Io an mspeaiun.pecifying rea>onah!e cauv(ur Ihe impeaion. 1�•��,�`-? - , <br /> 10. Condemneflon. The prc+c<eds o(any award nr dafm far Aamage+.direc�nr cun.cyuenbal,in connection wi�h any <br />- " S�ngkfvnil�-F'anArM�e.M1TedGiefl�cl\IFON\71VSTRl-]IF.\T-I�ndnr.nC��rmnn 9.90 rpuert.qeNxr�i �•`�t:'.•���:�"'' " � <br /> fna 1Yn tuOea fum�I�[ ■ .. _ <br /> rewru �mwwus�arax�nn�-�n� <br />. � � t".. -. . <br /> ..� .:-•_� .�'_-_'-eer-.: .. -. . �.. _-._, . .. _ _ ' .. ' __ ' <br /> - . . . . _ . • ' .. . - . . . . - ., ,. .. , _ - _ .l7 .. _. <br /> � .i.`�•�_ ._ ' � � ' "' _ <br /> - .__ __-_. . . . ' " " "_' '_ . . . _ . . . . "_'_ ""' " ' <br /> , _l. _ _ ._ _ . _ . . <br /> F'4�- si✓ .. _ � . - . <br /> Z'` � . <br />. SJ . • <br /> i.. -)(.- _ . . _ . . _ . <br />� '{f,• �.{n - . . . . <br /> t_. ' <br /> �ft G . � . . , - <br /> l § <br /> ." S t" : .. " . - <br /> � L . . <br /> .� �. �_ . : . . . � ._. { . . : _ :: . ; . . ... � - - - � . _ . -- <br />