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,� i{.i;yh�`T� _ t"3 _ �.: �-. �� . _,_ ..T .-. . . <br /> �.'�dal i' t ( . , T • . _ _ <br /> _.__._ J! 1 � d�� -��/�: ) _,;+(� -; <br /> . „'. . � -+�_� s - �� -�` : ;.� - _ � . -. _ �� � - <br /> - �i .- ., . , . ._ ;' s .. , <br /> ay�iaD�lix auy a�dty for�Sne�e?•+neqr}b:to;s"�ts vNhip�o(+k+ey pubumv f��Mpnwer�t�14���d A il� _,�y._ <br /> -- $eeudry�nsaument;or@)en ofpJu�iSme�etntortinBfiisSauriiyfnspw:fect 'Ifioi3comLdodSp�etllai�crrom� �nJ ,:: —. <br /> , p�ya[,Cnder alt Eum4�#��+�ri:woutd bo due undcr fhts"Sewel�y-InuNment,gnd ehe Nota n�tt ho aqpdr."tadm fiaA : +` ' <br /> � - 'paurted.(Q)eiitqnnydeaultotenyo�haiaov$5anteor�g(eembnW;(c)y�a11dXpensisihdumediAenfprcjng�hid8ecudry - <br /> -- __ , Guwlntnt�NcloAtnB.bttt n4t llinitCC-tu.tiatooabl9"9$ofb9Y+_'t�•?�FQ(a)_teked�uch ealon as Lendlt P1dy itl9SOQebty - - <br /> (equire�oassuieq�t�lielienotWe3eeudtylr.ifNmet�kt,�nduetiBli�lL)tdolfiopetryai(dlt.`bvierbobUg4ti6nt0pay uw ' <br /> • a�m4 sSCcreQ Dy thia Secwlry Inatrumer,t�hatl coapnue imehanged, Upnn,reL�stateMen�y Dor{cilvu� �his BtCurt <br /> { ' {nsbu�ntne and Ne"oD'�iget[on�sawed Aerebq ahall roraia Nlty eftccttva ee ff qo aCaleN�lon had QoewFeQ. HowlveF,� .` <br /> = righttoroimietorhalJnotepDlYN[hacaseofeoceler�:lonunduparngraph� i7. . <br /> ° •. t9. 8ale oi NoFe1C� honge of l,o�a&rrker..ifie Noie or a p a rgel tnrertst In�e h•ao(to geihu cr14t tN4$�11Y- - <br /> — Immimem)mar be so MCne or�ibro Rme��i�:ou!p�im no tice fo Borrowei. A e de mey r a u t R i n a c h a n g e!n�h e e n U t y <br /> (Icnown aa ilw'[oan Scrvi��O�atcolleLlA iNO7�tfity pnyments d�e wder tho Noro�nd thl�Baudly►nsWment..7Uae e►eo . <br /> may Do one or more fhaigerof�id L09rt Bei4lbCi wirelated ro e�elo o!tfie Noie. It�hera b e changa ottUe ix�an Serviper, . — <br /> Bonower w1U be given wrtiren noHbe otlM1e eheng"e in exordence with parogpph I4 e6ove c�d appllQablo iew. 9re r'O��oe - . _� <br /> wtllstetaNenamennd�ddrcuotthenewLoanSe[vlarandcheedNeae[owhlehpaymem��hoWd6ar�aAe. 7l�enadcawlU _ <br /> eiw¢ontafnmyo�herintormadonrequlredbyappllca6ietsw. . • <br /> 7A. Aaza�dous Scbskaaa Bocrower�Aetl no[exuse or pemiit tha puence,use,di6posel.etorega,ot releas6 oteny - - -- <br /> Hazazdous Subs�a�oas on or in tha Propeny. Horro�vu s6e11 no[do,not eliow anyana else ro do,.anything affestin�•tfie <br /> .-- -- P[c�peny tl:�t fs N vioLdon oteny 8nvironmentel Law. 'fieprecediag two�enrencra shaU na� ayp1Y ro ttw prcsenc0.use.or - <br /> - srorege on tlro Property of smdl quen[ItiW otNezerdow Substencea thac are generoliy recogntzea ro be approp�iate ro nom�al <br /> -°� residendal usra aid to r.aintenance of the Propnry. <br /> Borcowtt�hd!promptly gfve I.endu w�itten no0ce ot eny Invutigadon,cleim,demend,Iawsui�or other acUon by nny <br /> � �� govunmenW or regulawry ageney or pdva[e peny Involving�he Property md nny Hazardous Subatenco or Bnvlroamental <br /> -- Law o[w6kh Borrower hea adusl knowledge. If Bortower leemf, or i� notlfied by eny govem.meneel or ttgu:atory __._.___ <br /> `^^,��7� eu:hodry,tA�t any removet or other rcmedletion oF eny Hezardom SubswKe�fkctlng tha Propeery i�necessaty.Botrowu <br /> ,:;`afi:L._� �hall promqly teke all nuaesery remWiel auioro in aaordance wlth Envliaimental Lew. <br /> :-.- A�used(n tAfs pu�graph 20,'Hazerdom Subatances"a[e those wba�maa deftied as roxic or heterdoua substenca by <br />- ��;.���:`" - Enviror.memel Law end ihe follmving�ubster.ce.+: guoline,kemswie,o�hu flammabla or toxic petroleum producu,toxlc <br /> ��'��'��� -= ticidca end hublctda, voletlle eolvenu,ma�edals ameiniag eabeatos or redioaqive metedal�. A� <br /> �;;➢..�.;�..,c. P� <br />: :,.r_.,: ._, used in thla paza�aph 20,"Environmemel Lew'means federel lavn a�d lawi of�ha Judadtdio�wherc Ihe P[operty ie laated <br /> ���� <•�� thnt rclata w AeaI�M1,aeRty or environmemel proteeNon. <br /> .:.,._ . a: <br />-:r':ni;�:,"" NON-UhIFORMCOVBNAN7'S. BortowerendLenderfunhercovenantandogreea�followa: _ <br /> -__-e X`�: 21. Acceterattoni Remedten. Lender eheU give notice ro Borrower prtor fo acoeieretion toliowing BortoaeP� <br /> .'�-�s'2.7•h=. <br /> =`�.;✓�;�..- breacA ot eny avenent or egrcement in tAU Secudty[nstrumer.t(but wt prlor to ncceleratlon under para�apb l7 __ <br /> i. 3„r .> -- <br /> - ::;;c..rr; unles�applltabte lave proddea other�vtte). The notice shall spalty: (a)the defeult;(b)tAe aMlon rcqutred to curo the <br /> � ? `. default;(c)e date,not less than 30 daye hom the date the nottce Lv g(nn to Borrower,by�vhlch the defeuit must be <br /> , ,.l� curso�and idy ikai fu�ta�e Y eure the detault an or�fors the date:pxlRed!a the co!!ce msy re�!I!tn ecceLretlen ot --- ._. <br /> - ehe sums eccurat by�h�Se:udty Instrument and sate at the Properiy. The nopce shal!further Intorr.:Bo::ec-:r�! . <br /> �"���%'r}� the rlght to relnatete oIIer acceleretloe end lhe rlght to bring a court atllon to essert the nomez6tence ot e defaull or <br />��'�'�':`^`���'�� any other defense of Borrover to ecceleration wnd aele. If the defeuit b not cured on or beforc the date specified In _- __ —_ <br /> ���'`''��%'��- the notice,l.ender at iu option mey requGe Immediate payment in tuil otell sum�secured by thB Security Insirument ��- <br /> Z;; > ' �vithout fcrther demmd and may Inroke the power of sele and any other remedta permkted by eppUceUle law �-_, _ — <br />�,.--,.-r:t._�,?`� Lender sAall be mtltlM ro colleet all expensa Incurred in pursut�g�he remedlea prodded In tAb paragreph 21, E.�_�_�.: <br /> � �� � Intluding,but not Iimlted to,rtasonable etlarneyn'faa end cus4v of Illie evldence. - _. �-�__.--. <br /> , ,,5{ y� �j� It lhe po�rer aY co:e 1�fnroked,7}uatee ahall rceord a notltt oP defeult tn each county in whlch eny part of tAe ����z�,�_- <br /> +h yi„_ , Property 4+localed end chall mefl copite ofsuch notice In Ihe manner prcscdbed by app0eabte lev to Dorrower and to ,, s5!-- -a� v,�.. -- <br /> _ � {• the olher persom praeribed by nppliesble la�r. ARec 1he time rcqulred by oppliea6le le�v,7Yustee ehall gfve publlc x�.T, ' - - <br /> t , ' -.�; notice of saie to Ihe persone and in the mnnner prescrfbed by eppltcable la�a 7}ustee,wlihout demand on Borrooer. _.� � ___ <br /> :�:l� shall aell the Property el pu6lte eucllon ro IF.e highat bidder at fhe qme and place and under Ihe terme designated In -„;�,E;,, ;�,- <br /> Ihe notice otwte In aae or more percet+and in eny order 1}ustee determines. 7Yustee may postpone sale of all or eny ��;,,� � �.._ <br /> '�� r� �Y pareel of Ihe Property by public announcemml at Ihe tlmt end plece of any pre�louslY uheduled axle. Lender or Ib �;� `1 rt -: <br /> ?- 7�`� deslgneemaypurchncethePropertyntxnysxle. rs =�, 5�� <br /> ' . � ... Upon receipl ot peyment of the price bid,Trustee shall delivcr lo the purehaser'Rmtee'�deed mnveying Ihe - �e �s .�l$+T <br /> �� Property. TF.e recha�in tht"IYustee's deed xhell be prima facte evfdence of 1he Iruth of Ihe statemenis nade iheretn. :.';3 +. � <br /> 7}ustce shall apply the procced+otthe xnle In the follo�rinR order. (x)la nll caas end expenses otexeretsing the poaer '�Si/ h �a ��.�- <br /> _'�.. �1r '[,"t.,-,Y1..�,E.°(.. <br /> --� .e. ' p �� -e <br /> � L - :' -. l;s lA �_ ,.`�"t'-- <br /> -rt��- ..i- �:8: `�'+"'1-�+y:�=r� <br /> _ial � •- <br /> t"%: <br /> ''Fit' ?'t:s" _ <br /> -t�` ,_�:.- f - . <br /> ..�`: <br /> - Furm Wllt 9.90 �NC��t.qnNerv "" � � . <br /> f � , <br /> �'.'�±.�.,_ __•-._ ..-.._.. .. . .. ... ." ' ' ' _ _— '" ' " " _ ' <br /> I — . � . . . . _ - . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> '�-`` - �. . - ' _ <br /> Y. _ _ <br /> -__ ___. . _.. . <br /> .,_._ . . _ .. .. . .. .. . ._ . <br /> Jh.. "� <br /> � <br />- �.:. . <br /> ' +.Y.- " ' .. . . <br /> _" _�-.�t�j:"!' ' . . <br />. _ •t'' � ' - " _ . <br /> . ��.\'�_ . . . _ <br /> "�}'.� . . . ' . _ ' . <br /> '�_��i .:r',� . . .f <br /> .t-• -2 - - . . . - <br /> , rt' -� . ' . . <br /> t�' ` •���. ,._ _ . . . . . _ - _ <br /> . . <br /> . ' • ! <br /> . . <br /> � <br /> � # x -�. . _..; •.� - .. • ' _ � . . -.. .. . . . � WI � .. <br />