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t'��. 55 ._i ;:. ' ' ' .-. -y. r t - -�_,S.F i�k r .:? rq - �:.1 } •` <br /> �. t . 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Barrowuandl.endetcoren�tandegreeeatollowa: , - - <br /> l. Payment of Yrindpal and iatereaq Prepqyment ond tote CAnrgea Dpirowa she11 pmm.paypsy wnen due d:e <br /> princJpal otend IntercsCon�ha debt eWCenced by tha Note end eny prcpaymsn[ead laro cfiargu Aua undetNie�to'a <br /> -- A [+bnd�forl�ceaeadTaaurance. bS�bJeutoappIlceblelaworwavrtinenwetverbyl.endcr.BOrtowus6etipaylo -' <br /> I.enda on the day monthly paymenta era due mder Ne Nota uaW U�a Noro le patd ln full,e�um('Au�da")Por.(a)yearty�. -- <br /> texee a�d usessmeme wNch mry anal�pdorhy over thia Searlty Inswment ai a lien on tLa Propeny;(b)YearlY 1:asehold _ _ <br /> payne,�ti or gowd nnn on�:a Pioptrty, it xny: (c) yoarly haurd or propeny Insurence preMums;(cq yeedy floti0 <br /> ______ Inswance premicrt:e,If eny; (e)yeazty mortgege Insuranca premluma,If eny; end(�any wma payaDle by BotroweYro _ . <br /> _ _ --= I.endw,in ecoordance wt�h theprovlalona of paregrep'a 8,in Iiw ot 1ha Qayment of mortgege inaurenw premfuma. 7Lae _ <br /> '� iteme are calied"Wuow Iteme. Lender may,at eny tlme,collece and Ao:d Amde In m emouni not�o exceed 11w meximum <br />_=*;:y� emowt a lender for e fWerelly rclated mongage toan may requiro for portower§esttow axocnt under Ihe federel Reat <br /> ---- Bstete 3ettlement Procedurca Aa of 1974 es emendW hom tima to time,llII.S.C.¢2601 a req.("RE9PA"),unless anotber <br /> - v"� law Ihat epplla ro�he Fvnra seu a lesser emo¢nt. It w,Lendu mey,at eny Ume,collcet and hold ivnda la an eieount not to <br />'-"�"'=� exaed the luser amount. Lender may csNmaro �Ae emount of Amds due on tha bxata of cumnt deta en4¢asonable �--..-..._. <br /> -__;F_:�:�j.� atimntes ofexpendlmres otfurm Hscrow Items or oiherwise In accorda�a w(th epplicable law. ' . <br /> t��,�-__ 7Te[§�nda �MU be held in en InrtiwYon whose deposfu ere inwred by a federel agenry,Incwmenteliry,or entlty <br /> � � , (including I.ender,if Ler.der fa mch en Inatltution)or In eny Federel Home Loen Bank. Lender ehall app:y the Amda to pay <br /> ����;� tha&crow Ieems. I.ender may not cAazga Bortower for holding s�d epplying�ha Punde,ennualiy enalyzing�he acrow <br /> :__��?•"_�.�., aaoun4 or vedfying �Ae&crow Ieeme, unlesa Lender pays Bortower intercst on the i0�nd� end epplfcable law pem�he <br /> ,_:.;zd{,�"y��� I.ender ro mate such a chvga However,Lender mayrcq uirc Bortower ro pay a one•time chazge tor nn Independent rcal <br /> �-:i%?�?=-���` utaro terz rtin servla used b L.ender in connec8on wfth thle Iwn,unlesa e licable Iaw rovide.+otMnvlu. Unlats an <br /> . _�,. .v:. � 8 Y PP P <br />�-�;i=,z!ji`'- egeemen[ia made or appliceble lew req�itta(nrerest ro be paid.Lender ahail no[6e rcqulrcd ro pay Bortower eny Interut or <br /> - aa.,..^ ` --_- . . <br /> :��:�-�.,; �i eemingi on the I§�nd�. Bortower and Lender may agree in wriqng,however.�hat interest�hall be paid on tha Ei�nde. Lender <br /> �%:=i`r:`�!�`:`*'-� cAell gtve ro i3ortower,wiihom charga on ennual eccouming of the Funde,ahowing credita end deb(�a to�he Punds and Ne <br />�-��;;:i`i>,�,:`;� puryose for whlch eech debit ro ihe Pund�wes made. The F:nds are pledgW ea edd!HOnel ucudty Por dl aums aecurcd by <br /> ,i sy� .._.;.; th(a Secudty insuument. <br /> . „_.--.�-_., Ii iho Fur.da hefd by Lendcr ox�ced ihe emuumn permiiiod tu 6t i�eW Gj npyin:dbic idcr. LcTid2�bhuii uicuunt id '""" ----- <br /> 2� n_`,>� 6ortower tor me excw tunm m e«omance wim tne reqmrcmenw ot epphcsble lew. If�he emour.[ot me Fvnds heid by _ - --- � <br /> r Lender a[any time Ia no[suflidrnt to pay che Escrow Rems when due,Lender may so notity Borto�ver in writing,and,In <br /> 1 �.;:�}-= auch case Bortower ahall a m Lender�he amowt neas �o make u �he deficien Borrower chall meke u Ne -- <br />�--_�°.?��:.. -- <br /> P Y �' P �Y• P <br /> <<;�4;S deficiency in no morc than[welre momhly paymeno,at I.enderh wle diacredon. -- - <br /> ' � - ->� Upon payment in full ot dl aums securcA by this Secudty Instrument,Lender ahall prom.ptly rcfund to Borrowu a�y �' --- <br /> -�'„;�,::"�-- t_ Ponds held b Lender. If,under are re h 2I,Lender ahall a u!re or cell the Pro Lender,pdor ro�he a uisitlon or �`'"-"''��� <br /> frL.�_ Y P 8 P �9 D�nY. M _ . <br /> �y+.�t,�,,; sale of the Property,shall apply any Wnds hcld by Lender at�he�ime ot acquisition or sale as a ttedit aga(nst the cum: cz - �-�� <br /> securcA by thie Security Insvumem. Tt: -• <br /> y f`.v;:5. "� <br /> '�- 3. AppllceUon ot Peyments. Unless applicab!e la�v provides otherwise. all paymenu received by Lender ur.der 3 n- <br /> 'y ,� �'��' re ha t and 2 xhall be e hed:first,to en rc a ment cAer es due under�he Note;second,to emoums able under � � <br /> ,i - .:.�. P�8 P PP� Y P P Y B PeY _r <br /> - - -s� parsgraph 2;�hird,�o inrorat due:founh,to principal due:end latt,m nny late charges due under the No�a ';y x+�.;-- <br /> :;,rS;.;y��; 4. Chergee; Uens Bofro�ver :hall pay all iaxes, asussments, chnrges,fines end imposition�attd6meble ro the V;:,c,.; ,.,?- <br /> ,� y �;, , Ropeny which mey�ttein priomy over�his Security Insuumem,and lensehold payments or ground renu,if any. Borrower ,:,, •,. <br /> _ -y K�: shall pxy�hese ob:iga�ians in the menner provided in pafagraph 2,or if not paid in�hai manncr,Bortower shail pay�hem on [.. �s ��y,°,,� -- <br /> ,,. - �Y�;; directly ro the person owed payment. Borto�ver shall promptly fumish[o Lender all notices of amoums to be peid under �-°� P <br /> .t.,,.:.r„��. <br /> '�t?:;t{;�";:'�; �his paragreph. If Borrower makes these paymems direcYry.Borroxxr shall pmmptly fumish ro Lender mceip�s evidencing y=;!��,;�,u�_,.:� <br /> � � ';':� �hepaymeats. }s,°,�r'F .f:'� <br /> r '- Dortowerahnll prompcly dixharge any lirn which hu prioriry over lhis Secumy Instrummt unless Bortower.(a)agrecs 5;,,,;<t " <br /> '�'•�� in writing ro Ne paymmt o!the obligation securcd by�he lien in a ma�ner acceptable ro Lender,(b)rnnrew in gaod faith the ''�r � "_- <br /> �• -_.';4� lien by,ordefrnds ageinst enfottemem of�he lien in.Iegal proceedings which in�he Lender's opinion ope�ete ro prevent the k� <br /> i y - "" enforttment of thc lien:or(c)ucures from the holder of�he lien an agreement u�isfactory to Lender su6ordimting the Iirn �' ' a � �� <br /> t .- .�>t, ro this Seccrit Instrument If Lender determines�hat an an ot the Pro n rs sub-a[�o x licn which ma attain riorit i� `'� '-� <br /> Y YP P� Y J Y P Y s � �':. <br /> �* - -�� over this Securiry Instrument,Lender may gire Bartoorr a no:ice idemifying the Iien. Bortower shall satisty�he lien or take i�- <br /> - �� -;-�� one or morc of the actions ut far.h above within 10 days of the Fiving of no�ice. ��� ` <br /> ^ ;;�,. 5. He�ard or Property Insurance. Bortowcr shall kttp�hc improvcmcnis now exis[ing or hereafter erccted on Ihe ;: , <br /> Propeny ins¢rcd agai�st loss by fire,ha�rds induded wi�hin Ihe�erm"exiended mversge"and any olher haznrds,inciuding � _y;:'-_-` <br /> :' � �'i��:?'.._......-. <br /> _�.�: iloods or Oooding,for which Lender rcyuircx imurance. This inxcmnce ahali M rtwintained in �he nmounis and for the �-;uti.:•� <br />.. <<,' <br /> x'_ <br /> ':-'�;.� : FormlO}D 9A0 lpab2nJ6rygn) � <br /> `i� •'� <br /> i ��t • <br /> ''-- '-'---��,�t--z-..- ;., _" ' " _' _' _. .._.. .. _. . __ _ ., .. � _ . <br /> . -. - :t i ' _ ' " -_ p . _ . . ._ . . . _ .--. "' T. - r.. a..- - . <br /> f �. ` .-. � _..i- _ <br /> ._ . <br /> V z - :� .:. _t .: .. .... - _ . . .. . .�. . 1. _ _ __ . .. <br /> . . <br /> � I ♦ ... _- . . - . . . ' . .. . -., . .. .. -. . - �. . _ <br /> tt - '.✓-�_ .. . _ '_ � _ -... - " - - . <br /> � .. <br /> �- .. . . . .. . - . . <br /> -. � t . . . . _ ' <br /> ♦ � <br /> � ..}t � _ " . . . . - . . <br /> Y 1 � _ _ .. .. " - ' _ . .. - . . <br /> J 1 . .. <br /> � t 1� }'. . :! . _ ` .} . - . . ._ <br /> 1 ' � <br /> a}(- � . <br /> l - <br /> f t � . . . . {. ' . . <br /> �a}� � i _ ./�„ 3� _ <br /> - Sy �ii-i2 J �" " � . . - _ t . . - <br /> G 4� . ! �t t '' . 1}, <br /> 1. � ` �l f l ({{` <br /> � . .r� �♦ !.� . i . . a .� �S 2 . . . . . . . _ .._ �! . . . . .i_. .�� i . •,:. � 1,. .. _ .. <br />