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�� �f - ` x- l . . � _ ..J. ♦ . 2 —_--. . <br /> -!.. /.� (o ) .- ��� 13 Y "; v <br /> I Il. /� ' �/ <br /> ''-. t . . - -t: .�:y� -/r.� r t7CC ,. _ <br /> .-•- -•OOtiQStM9tio9orWhcTte�clago3iuyysiRO[ffie�[o�tedy.orCdr.opitrogunccJniic�o�fondrm,�aUon.p�oncRbyaraycn�pw.0 .•� ': - -` - <br /> chalj6ap�Tdtvt.ulAtt�_. , - . . , t- <br /> ' irt the'ereni of a totaf tektng of iho PtppNty;thq pioee�de�ha116p epplitil ta the auini,deeG�by tida 8eeudry �P <br /> - in'tuuinent wbtbher.or pof Nui'due,atth any ezaas paid.w aorrom�i.�tt�ido event Df P D�����ng ot�h¢�try la <br /> - wAIcA tAe�elime[ket veipb ot��tbo PropntY tmmedietely botote tlie Wc[ng Is equnl io oi rutcr then�fie_azhauqs ot.ti pum� _s-- <br /> securcd by'Qdd SFcudry.U�sswment iminediato�y boforo tho Wdng.W,teat,Bortowar l.endubtherniso�gcta lo wd�ing. <br /> the sum�eeciirt4 by Nb Sedrrity Jns�maicnt s1�a1t be nduocd Ey�h'e emopnt of.�hb proae0s mWdplied by-tfie ioiJoWing, <br /> tnctlom (a)tBe rotel amount og the euma catucd Immcd�ets�y bgforo Iho taking,dlvldW bY(b)�he Wr maktt reluo.o(tha <br /> - proptaty Imnxdlateiy bp[ore t�e qking. An'y balanco ihall be paid to Horto�ver: In the evenf ot e pnrtfai aklng ot thb <br /> ' Pmp�ty in whkh tho Poir ma�ket value of�he ihopeny immediateiy betore�lw tilcing Is les��han Ne emount o[�Ge aunu _ <br /> sceurtd immedately 6ofo:o the uking,unlen Hoirowu end Len&r aherwise agteo in wAting or unlas epplicebie law, <br /> o�ernise providea,tAe ptooeeda slwit ba epp8ed ro che wma«cum4 by thia Saudty Tnslrvr.�ent wixther or nqt cAa euma aro _ <br /> U¢n due. ' <br /> If tho Propeny is ebaidoned 6y Bortower,or if,after naiw by Ler.der to Bortower thac rhe condemnor ofkn to make <br /> en award or senle a cleim for damages,Bortower feila to respond to Lender within 30 daya efter the daro the r.otice ie given, _ <br /> -- Lecder W aulhodted to collect nnd apply�Ire prooeede,�t iro option,elther to rcuoration or m�palr ot Ne Pmperty or ro iho <br /> -� == eumececuredbythleSecudrytnswmenqwhetherorr.ot�hendue. -- �� �- <br />—_.—� Unlesa Ltnder and Bortowu mhernice agrce in wrldng,eny�pplieation ot pmceede to pdncipal nhalt no[extend or <br /> � postpone the due dato otthe monN:y paynrnu refemd ro In�reglaphs 1 and 2 orchenge�he ar.roun[of euch paymenu. <br /> ���*- Il. Horrower Not Releasedt Imrbeerantt IIy Lender Not a Watver. Bxanalon of tho tima for paymene ot _ _ <br /> 'R modifludon o(unonizatton ot tM sun�cceured by thia Seadty Inurument gramed by Lender ro eny�uaeasor in intutst <br />'��-�� ot Bortower eh�l not opuete to rcicase�he Ilebility ot�he original Bortowu or Bortowerh auceesson in interest.Lender <br /> *� �hell not Ixircq ufred m commence proceedinge agains[eny�ucceuor In intercst or rcfuce to extend Hme for payment or <br /> �'�� otM1efwiu mad(ty emottlraHon of�he aumi securcd by th6 Security Nsuumme by rceson of my demuid meda by�he odginel <br /> :='.�� Bomowu or Barowerl�ucasson in interut. Any forbeawnoe 6y Lender in oxercising a�y dght or rcmedy�hail not ba e <br /> - -'�"''� m[verotorprceludetheexereisaofanydghrorrcmedy. —-- <br /> <br /> ; <<,,c 12. SuaYnon end Asslgne Qound;Jolnt end Several Ltabllity�Co•s!gnero. 77ie wvenenu end egreemenb of�hii ___ <br />_�_:'ts�.' Secuiity Insaument sheil bind end benefit�he auccesson ond esaiqro of Lender end Boirower,cubJce[ro the provision�ot <br /> „,�r puagreph 17.Bortowerb corenenu and earcemente�Aoll be jo7nt end ievenl.Any Borrower who eo-aigm�hie Security <br /> �� �•_� Lutrument but doea no�execute the Note: (a)is m•aigning�hu Secsriry Ina[rument only to mongaga grant end convey thet __ <br /> �-��� ��� BortowuL intercat(n the Pro rt under�he�ertna of thf�Securi[ Insnu:nrnr, (b)is not rwnall obli eteA to the wma <br /> . �,�5,:,�. P� Y Y P� Y B PaY <br /> - - ucurcd by�h!�Securiry Inrtumem:end(c)egrees Net Lenda end eny other Bortower may agree to extend,modify.forbear �:�:�s:-•- <br /> ; ��, or meke any eccommodetlont wi�A rcgerd �o the �emu of�hia Saud�y Instrument or�he Note without�het Bortowerh `" - � <br /> r consent. � ��6 � <br /> ., ,z�_� 13. Loen Chargea. If�he loan secured by this Secnrity Insuument is subject �o a law which seu meximum loan . -- <br /> -� charges,end�hu lew ta finelly inte�reted co ihet�he imemst or other loan charges collected or ta be collected in rnnnectloa A � <br /> -- -- -= with ih:loan excud ihe�rtnitted 6miu,ihere (a)an;a�ch!nn ch+se shsll M rcdiwd Fy thr nm����r�e.xcsarv m rcdure s-�- h� . <br /> �,-- �� �he chvge to the perminW I:mit:end(b)any sums alrcndy collected from Bortowcr which extteded pemvt[W I�mits will be +-�y4�;.-- <br /> _,,xi{,.#�� rcPonded to Bartower. I.ender mey cliaose�o make thi�rcfund by rcdocing the principal owed under�he No�e or by neking a t,,n���,_ <br /> �< i- direct paymenuo Borro�vec If e¢fund rcducec princip�I,�he reduaion will be treated m a par.iel prcpayment wi�hou[eny i �,#? �i_. <br /> � � p:epayment chuge under�he Nott. '" ,3 �V �„ <br /> �'.;; 14. Notica. Any notice to Bortower provided far in�his Saurity Insvument shall be given by delivcring It or by ry1- . t: <br />- _ mailing i[by fiat class meil unlese epplicuble law reqcirca uu of ana�her methad.7Te notitt shall 6e directed�o tL•e Pmpeny "_�` <br /> ' -_y1s< Addreas or eny o�her addrcss Bofrower designatts by nmice to Lendec Any no�ice to Leader sheti be given by first cless . - '� � ,,.-�--- <br /> e s S{. mall ro Lenderl eddren smhd hercin or any other address Lender designates by no�ice to Boaower. Any no�ice provided for .;�;�!.�%`-�'7')�%,-';_u <br />�..?��a/L ��:�..\i'.:�Y{Gil�i v". <br /> � in thla Security Inauument shnll 6e dcemM ro hnve 6een girrn �o Bnrtonrr or Lender rvhen given av provided in this hr - -- <br /> ---�. PazeBreph. j ��,.�7� �is"' <br /> _�. I3. Governing Lx�v;Severeblllty. This Secumy Inswment shn:l be govemed by fedemi law and the la�v of�he n-✓>i . - <br /> ;4- jurisdiction in which the Propeny is lacn:ed. In�he evem�hat any p:ovision orclause of�hiz Secerity Insvumem or ihe M1o�e j , .- .+-,'�„�,�t U�r�� <br /> uY' mnflicu wi�h applicable law,such con0ict shall mt nttae other prorisions of this Sewrity Iattmment or�he Note which con + f � �`at": <br /> �-= 6e givcn efka�vi�hout the rnnflining provision. To this end the pmvisiom of�his Secumy Instn:mmt ar.d the Kote are •�..+ �,�.°e... 'i1? <br /> _ifi . decloml ro bc ierembic. = � <br /> �„g„-`r 16. Borrox�er'a Capy. Bortower.hnll be given one mn.'omud cnpy a(�he Note nnd of�his Securi�y Intwmem. Q- c'�i� -- � { , <br /> 17. 7}ansfer of ihe Properly or a Denefleifll Interest in Qorrmrer. If al I u:nny pan ot the Pupcny or any ir.terest in - � i xc� ' 1i '. <br />-..tif."i• -•_:4)�i) .hSl:. <br /> - -:(S'� it is sold or Iwctskrted(or if n bcneficiul imcrc�i in BaROx�er is m!d nr traa�kmd and Bortmver is not n nnturnl persoN � „ �tY` � <br /> '- wiihout LenderY prior wrinen comeN.Ler.der i�s op[ion. rtyuirc immcJime paynenl in full o(nll mms ucu:ed by ° ;Y� „ 4_ <br /> -� -' ihix Security Ine:rumcnt. However,ihis oplion shali not hc ezcmi.cJ by Lcndcr i(ixcrci+e is pmhi6ilcd by fedetal law nc of ' '-�-;= » z <br /> _,: ' �he daMOf thiaSecurity Insimmem. f :. • � + •� <br /> =�^�i); � If Lenderexercises Ihis o tion.Lender shall �rc Oorrowcr na�icc of rccdcratiun. lM r.a:ice shall rovide n nod of '`'-��`�-v''r=��.>'�: <br />. ��F � R P PP' -'-JL).yyTC �(S11Ly� <br /> ��?����-'�' not Iess lhnn 30 days fmm Ihc dnte Ihc noticc is ddivcrcd or r.uilcd within which Bnrruo�cr muil pay all sums sccured by this .�_�,-,;.�r,•,;7 rc-?>;::_- <br /> . �'� Securit Insw:ae�1. If Bortower fuils In Ihcx wsi+ rior w�hc ex ir.��ion of Ihi. nuJ. Lendcr ma inroke an � `�`' <br /> Y WY P P P� Y Y -.•i � <br /> ir r"• rcmedies permilitd by lhis Stturity In.wmen:�vuhnul furthcrnotittorCcmand an Borni�eer. <br /> r" 1& Borro�ver's RIgAt lo Reinste�e. If Borroxer mm�. cenafn cnndi�ia:n. Oortoucr.hali havc the right m have -�:< � Y � - <br />;,-�;;::,r enCorcemen[of Ihis Securiry Imtmmem dfxnminucd al a�y�ime pnnr��.Ihe cadier of: (al S Jays(ar wdi o�her perial as �<'%'� <br />.:. . . .... ........ <br /> .,n..7i "-" - - ' <br /> --s_'•_, SmpleFmdy""Ftmie�4e4}tddleVaaG\IFORf1USTRfVF.]T-�1-n:l.m�Cmemnn9,90 �rySN..Jnp�erv ��>"�'•':�:". •.`.- <br /> ;�: j". <br /> _ � � <br /> • ', �-;�..�: - - _ i . . <br /> .'°"'"��i.�'?i _ - . . . . ._ ._ . _. . _ _ .__ '. . _ _ <br /> ' u ; ' _ _ . . _ � . <br /> _ � _ __ .'. _ - . . <br /> ..f. ' " . _ - _ . "_ "._ . - _ . _ <br /> , . -_'�, . . __ . . . - .. . . _ . <br /> f- T- . ' . . - � <br /> -f i� +i. �' . ' . - . . <br /> / a_ ! . _ . J. . <br /> r 2:: -� - . . . . - . . � <br /> ri <br /> t _ . _ . . . - .- . <br /> � Cl.-�L _[ '��, � t - _ . � '� J -i : ._ . <br /> S 1( �` \ \ � _� . <br /> ` � y}( . �! i} - 1 • . . ■ - _ <br /> + _ ,_ . �t �1 ._ t ��• _ . '` e .��� . . <br /> . .a.�][_ . / iS .. . _ . _ . i _ .. _ T.�- . i.� .r� .. . <br />