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� `' r _ ., .J t ;� 3 ` rr ', ; '` ;`{r ; ^��, c�t':'s��, r�' } 3 `� . _— .— <br /> � � _ i <br /> 2 ia_ (� <br /> . c ? T _ _- - . y ' � rs -_ <br /> N`��l Qi8p!11�8�f�Cl�r07 7FY'ISfC�t.mcnU�fo�asata of ilia�"-•�{•n.�ar��o�t�4 nP e '1 twe.r r.n.t .- <br /> ��' ,��Y�S�StnGOS(6)EP!ry otaiudgmentenfo�ctngthl�&autl tniwmin�•'t}�osoC nadon�a �ih��ortowpr tA3 ,� <br /> ye;J.w(det o�i�sdlw whlM't1iEn�vQ�ld Iid due oqQer�hii�Ewrl fa�icumen[a�Q altie-NoRe aa�nq as�s/uitton-Aad � ': <br /> " � .(GjCuraanj�defeUltotenYOtheicovenenubtlS+���+ki a?PaY�dl{expenseatacwr�dld!Cn(utNoH�'JsBerydry'�� � <br /> , JnahUtnEntr 1t�cipdGig.but dot,limited f6 ?l8son�blo Lt(oiq4yp feu;'�nd(dy teke�Yuch dctton at.Lebdet may rcas�rsbty _- - <br /> fiq6(EatoauuteUfatth0l!epDfN:SSe�Srylnstnimsni;LenQerh'rigt�yl8'th6fiuyeRqrund¢udowu1f9b11geUontopiy�56 <br /> . dump seaac3 .Nt+ SuWlry t:utNmenc.chqit cor.Nnuo uncryarged. Vpon ronsieteotent by'�orttlwet, Ci!n 3Ewdty <br /> ..tdawmeritund�a'p 6Ugdtlons esaied Fe.rlby�hnll[emain Fully ettxtivo esit no�edNerotlon j�a0 o6FumQ. Nowe'eF.t�18 <br /> _ ' _ dghitoigln5leweh8ltriotapplyl�tAocueMaxeteradonuuderparegraP617. ' • ' ' -- <br /> !9.6a[4.v�NWe;Qipnge vJl.00n Bervtccr.-Ttw No[e or apaNal-Imcrest!n Uw Noto(to3etAu whh thU 3eeutty - <br /> Lrowmbnp'iwy be Wld Onb or m8m dmea wtthoul pr�or nalce ro 8ortowu. A e§ta may raut{in 9 change In the sndry <br /> pano�vn as cho'[uen Bewlobr9 that eolloua monWY PaY�!�u due under the Note and Wa 8ecwity W Wmert :Tf�e[��pIsR <br /> mny 6e ona or moro ohargu ot9�e Wan Suvlcer unrela[ed ro 8 rale otthe Noro. if��ro 10 a chnnge ot thalqan 3eir{oEr. <br /> Bortowet will be given.wtiircn notice oT�ho ehange In aauManco w(th paregeyh 14 ebove and nyplttab!e law, Yfie nMke <br /> -- w1Us�atethenaneeadaddreasofthanewluin3ervl�erendthasddresatowhichpayr.ienyshould6amada 7Len6AcOw111 <br /> eIw oontqin any oNu tntam�tlon ttqplted Dya�pllcebla law. <br />� - 20. itatardoo�Bu6stenaa Bortower ihetl not cauw or pemilt Na prcsence,w0.dbpoe6L etor�e,or releaSg of aiiy - — �- - <br /> HetanWm Substarms on or In the Propeny. Bortower shell no�do,nor ailow anyone elce to do,envihing�fleZNng O�e . . _ <br /> Property that la in violeUon ot nny Hnv4onmental law. 11ie prueding two sentenca shall aot eyply to Iha p[eaence,uae,or . <br />--- etorage on the Property o(�mall quenHtlea otHazerdoui Substenaa tha[ero generelly recognluA to be eppropdat0 to tlamal . _ <br /> - [u:demiel usw and lo¢e ot�o Property. � <br /> -- Borrower thell promp�ly glve i.ender w�ttten naice of eny Invutigadon,clalm,demand,lavnutt or other eUlon by my <br /> govemmental or rogulatory egency or priva;e parry fnvolving�he Property and eny Hazardoui Substence or Hnvironn:ental � <br /> __._� Law ot wlilch Hoerower has acnul kr.owledge. If Horrowet leame, or ia notlfled by any govemmenW or rcgul+tory _ __. <br /> .._= eu�hodry,that eny removel or other rcmedia�ion ot any Hezardoue Substena Bifecting the Pmperty la necu.wy,Hortower ----� <br /> ahall promptly�eka ell neceuary rcmedial aulor.a In aceo:dence wlth Environmental I.�w. <br />..,�� A�used In Ihie paragreph 20,"HvaMom SuMtannx'ere�hose cubsteneu deftned as roxic or heuMow euWtenca by <br /> �- Environmentel Lew end�ha following substenas: gesoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petrokum producte,roxic <br />_'..;� peatieidea and herbieldes,voleNle wlvenu,metcdels come3n(ng esbea�w or to�maldehydo,end�adioaGive metetlala M �. <br /> used(n�b paragaph?A,'Environmen[el Law"meam fWeral Iawa end Isws of the Juddicilon where�he Propeny b loca:ed <br /> Ihat rele:e to Aeal:h,mfuy or environmentel protecHon. <br /> NON•UMFORM COVHNANfS. Bortower end Le�der PoMer covrneat end egee a�follo�ve: <br /> El. Acceierafloni Remedia. LenAer shsll gire notice to Borrorra pNOr to ecoeieration following Borroeer'e <br /> ���; breach of en�eovenant or egrament in IhG Secudty Inalrument(but not prlor to eaeleratlon uoder peregraph 17 <br /> -�'�", unlen eppilca6le lax proWden othernlse). The notice ehnll spceitg: (a)Ihe deNult;(b)the acNon requlred ro curc t6e <br /> 1 N; defauN;(c)e date,nnt less tAen 30 days hom the date�Ae r.otice b given to Uorrower,by which ihe detaclt must be <br /> - -.-- cnred;and(d)that ta4larc ro eure the detnult nn ur betore Ihe dsle spec!!kd!n Wf nutt�msy result In emiera4lnn of <br /> .... --_--�----� --.---- <br />";"' the sumv secured by thb Security Instrument and safe of the Property. T�e notice ehall Nrther inform Dorrower oS ��- �-� <br />. ,-:�t�; the right to rdnatate aRa acoeieratton and lhe dght ro brfng e murt actlon to aaert�he non•exfstence of a deteult or <br /> eny other dehnse ot Qorro�ver to acceleration end eale. If the deteult u not eured an or Defore Ihe date specifled In <br /> �-��� the notice,Lender et tu optlon mey require Immediate payment in tLll of ell sum�eeeured by thts 8ecudq Instrummt =�� � <br /> 4�4 �rlthout Nrther demnnd end may Invoke the power of sale ar.d flny other remediea permitted by epplleeble IeH. �rcT's ��,_� <br /> �- Lender sha11 he mtiqed ro collect aIl expenses incurred in purauinp IAe remedles provided In th6 paragreph 2l, f. ���`� . <br /> -`: Includtng,but not Iim![ed lo,reawnebte attorneys'teea and easts of tftle erldenca " <br /> � *`k-, <br /> If thepo ner of sate(s(nvoked,7Yustee xhell rernrd e notltt ot detoult tn each munty In wh!ch any part of the '� __r-.^;- - <br /> -- Property b l�eated end ihall me:l mpiea otaueh notice in the manner preacdbed by opplicable la�v to Uorroner and to i�, > z;, ,� <br />. .,-_.; the other percons prescribed by epp!Ieable le�r. ARer the time requtred by e�pIlcaDle law,7Yuslce ahall glve publle ' {Y. �Y s _,-, <br /> notice of sele to the peraons end tn the menner preacribed by applteeble law. '1}ustee,�vit6out demand on Oorroaer, - ' '� � - <br /> � ' ahail adl the Property et public auctlon to Ihe higAest 6idder et the time end platt end under Ihe termc designated In `< < _i'�' <br /> ti,', ihe notice ot zeie�n one or more parcel�and in any order 1Fustee determfnea. 7}ustx mey postpone aele of etl or eny F?;f . -�. <br /> ' parml oi the Properly by publle ennouncement at the fime end place of eny previousiy seheduled wle. Lender or itv , �`r?� --1+' ,i�_ <br /> o`,,� designee may purchase lhe Properly at any sele. x �r -. <br /> Upon receipt ot payment ot lhe price bid 7}ustee ahnll ddfver to the purehncer 7}ustee'a dced mnveying Ihe �f r -.--.�f = <br /> �-. Property. The recifels In the 7Yuatce's dced ahail be pAmu feete evidence of the Iruth of the stntemenb made thereln. � �` :,�' `,. <br /> 7lvsttt shell appiy the proceedt ot Ihe sele fn the tolla�ring order: fa)to ell costs end expentes of exeretsing the po�rer r+- .�a�• <br /> ��! 'r•*,`;�.sh:d'�_�- <br /> --i: yi[� :.akc� -_ <br />. _�iJ� k�f;` 3.11!t•i <br /> � )-,�� ' s y� i_,�'� ... <br /> r �y <br /> .�.. ::fP ,c : },-- <br /> _ ' ::-.`:..•'%.: <br /> E_�;; <br /> � � L', <br /> ,.=.��' � Form W2U 9.90 /n tr.i �1•,-^" <br /> �l�[�t.. ry <br />��,'�l"I '���±"•�)�': . <br />-- "'r` • _ <br /> �.'1 ' S.: T- . . #^ _ �. " � r.; ' �{_�:..� .:�-.i . ^-`%-2 _. . . <br /> i. - .s _ .,7 . ' _ . • _ ' -. . ��:. / � r � � <br /> 1 � - - ' . . _ . - .�� ' - . <br /> � <br /> . ..,. �_ . ' __: , .. _ ". ' " <br /> ... -... . -• <br /> _ . . _ - .. _ -_� . • <br /> Y" _ ._e . : '. . . . . _ ' - . - _ . . <br /> . <br /> � <br /> ♦�.r. • �___ l� _ -' • . - : <br /> i .-�.^ "-'i ._ .__. . . . <br /> Y • <br /> t � � <br /> � JV . � t . . .. - . <br /> � y )) � . ...-1 . .._ � _. . � <br /> J ) _ f � . . <br /> . 1.__ �� -i . <br /> � "'J.,! _ "�_ _ j . . . .. . . <br /> .p <br /> L15- . .� ' � - - +. -. 1 - .. <br /> i -� s ` <br /> C♦V <br /> � ) � <br /> l "` � <br /> � � ? •5 n <br /> 4 1 �t _ ) � S . _ <br /> � i 1 e ` � <br /> vJ s t k � <br /> , •t � � �t .�f} z <br /> '��-� iJ r j ..a � -_it s3- � r< } . , <br /> �� �t ; . .� : x- r � �. � f <br /> _,,.. .tJ; , '_ _ . ...s. . _ . .rJt>: )_ . _,_ . . _ .. .. _ ... _ . .. ._.��. . . _ . .''. - . . . _ <br />