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��t , . . i,�= +'ki� ia .: ... r�it:.:� P� �. K i. .. 5:��... <br /> iT, ' :. . - - - '-- t_r....-J..a. . .. .. ... . .�:��.., =..-_ . - - .. _.. . ' — <br /> i . . __.__ ___ .. <br /> __ • <br /> x t�� '93- �o���� N--- -- <br /> ----- p:,dada thn Lcndxr rrquirsa. 7he lnsnranca carrkr providing�Aa Ntirana chell W choun by Borruwar euGJut w Landxr5 ----_ . <br /> � �— ---"-"--- <br /> ___.,:..-f.,._ epyrov�l wNch nhall not be uareesonably�vit6held. It Bortowu fall�co mdnteln coverege deacd6ed ebove,Ler.der moy,et <br /> -�� Lender!option,obtefn coveraga to proiect►.endarY righte N�he Propeny in eccoNu:ce wlth paregroph 7. �. -�, _.___. <br /> = Atl inaurence poliNea und renewala ahdl be acaptabb ro Lender end�hall include e�tenderd mortgage clecu. I.ender ._ <br /> -- . shall have�he dght to Irold the polleiea end reneweb. If Leader requirea,Do�rower shall prompdy giva ro I.ender all rcaipte ��T - _- <br /> - ot paid prcmlurtu nnd rcnewal notiw. Ia�he event of los�,Borrower ahell gtve prompt notfce ro�he fnsun.xe carrier end `� - <br /> . � � Lender. Lsnder mey meke prootof lau!f no[meda promp�ly 6y Hortowec � r���r =_ <br /> . Unlese Lender end Hortower othecwise egret in wri4ng,inaumnca proceed�eAall be epplied to reatoreUon or npilr of �-�= <br /> ,�,,� Ihe Properry damagW, If the restomdon or rcpair Ia ecommnleally feasibie ond Lenderk secudty(s not lesuned. IP the �, ..- , .� ,�,--• <br /> � � -- reuorett�n or repair ic not economiaily feu(b1e or Lenderh secudty wald be lessened,the insarence p�oceeds chall be -` �� <br /> - -- applled ro tha aum�seeured by�hB Secwity Inauumenr,whethu or r.ot�hen due,wRh eny excesa peld a IIorrower. I( � �--- - -� �- <br /> - - Bortower ebandom�he Propmty, or doea not enswer witAin 30 daya a naica from Lender tha��he inaurume certier has -Rc��` �`-r <br /> � �^� ofkrcd to uttle a eleim,then Lender mey collett�he ir.awence pmceeda. Lender may use�he proceeds ro rcpair or restore u'-c yt -. <br /> �F,.y the Propetty or to pay aums secured by thie Saurity Inauument,whaher or not then due. 77ie 30•dey period wW begin when t ��'�.; � ��_:- <br /> �°'?� �Ae r.odce la given. �" �ir <br /> �t r� Unlese Lender end Bortower oihacwise egrce in writing,any epplicmlon of procads to principal ahell r.ot extend or -�' �- - <br /> i �= - postpane�he due dare of�he mon[hly paymen�a rckrted to In paragrephs I s�d 2 or change q�e am.oun[of�he paymenu. IC s�-_:�> � �•;� <br /> � 9. ''t under pa�agreph 2( tfie Property la acquired by Lender,Bo�rowert dght to eny insumnce policia end proceeda resulting -�-:t�, �, v.,_;. <br /> +r';� from damege to�he Propeny pdor to�he acqu7sition ahall ptn to Lender ro�he extent of the iuma secured by U:Is Saurity 4;��+ r ` �- <br /> 1q;.i; Ir.swmen[(mmWiecdypnorrothaacquisilion. -'r s�s' � 4+`� .. <br /> 3;,� 6. Uccupency, PreserveAon, Malntennnm end RoteMion of the Property; Borrower'a Loan Appilteilon; r �.�; �,�, + '�- <br /> `;- 's I.eesehold�. Borto�ver shall accupy,atablish,and ux�he Propeny m BonowerY principal msidence wi:hin:ixty dnyn aRer �.,, : ' y ? �- <br /> _Y F . <br /> --_.i�. the executlon of this Sauriry Inatrumer.t and shall wnHnue to occupy�he Property as Bortowerk principal rcsidenco for at �' � y r, � :_-. <br /> , _�;;. least one yeer aRer �he date of occupency, unleas Lender otherwiu �greee in writing, whith consent shall not be ?� F t`�• x�- <br /> s; �;;° unreesonably�vi�hheld,or unlexv exmnuating circums�enas ezist which are beyond Borrower6 wntrol. Bortower shsll not � '-:i ' _. <br /> - �� dea[roy,damage or impeir�he Propeny,ellow rhe Propeny ro deterio�a:e,or commi[waste on ihe Propeny. 6orrower ahell � 1 -� F� ,M - <br /> j�;��,,{' 6e in defeult if eny fodei:um ection ar praeeding,whether civil orcrimind,is begun�het in LenderS gaod feith judgment •�:�;�-u�'�,31z�.�;,:_�. <br /> ,q� could rcsult in fodeiwrc of�he Property or otherwiu me�erially impair�he lien created by this Securiry Inswmen[ or -�- �; b ;_ <br />� a., '�s�: Ler.derl ucudty iniercst IIortower may cure such a default end rcinstete,a�proviCed in paregreph 18,by ceesing�he enios - '�:41.=i,�•>.'�c=�._- <br /> - `�`:`^ orproceeding ro be diamissed with a mling tha�,in Lendert gaad fai�h derc`mina�ion,prccludes(oReiwrc of the Borrowerl ''�`�•.'F��'Crv:`��==- <br /> =.:,.jt„e'•::• :�i,;i_'.+'":�'i ' _ <br /> ,-_;;�q 5�.;.,. imercst in the Property or oNer maceriet inpaianent of che lien c�wted by this Security In:trummt or Lenderk aaurity ':��y,;y.'-,-f;�5'�:gf+- <br /> � .��, inrcrcst. Bolrower shall elw be In default if Bortower, during ihe loan epplioetion process, gave me:erially felse or �_,= . r:—.. <br />- ,��;'S' inaccura�e infortne�ion or atetemenu ro Lender(or fei1W to pmvide Lender wifi any mnteriel info�me�ion)in connection wi�h '-��"U":+.::-•:"'=�• <br /> �'��; Ne loen evidencW by the Note, induding, but nat Ifmi:ed to, mpresenteiions ronceming BotrowerY occupancy of�he ' - �� ��T� �'- <br /> ' ,-_ � Propeny a�a principal aridence. If�hie Securiry Instrument is on a leasehold,Bofmwer shell comply with nll�he provisiona -�,'.` s��ye- <br /> ^, y � of the leaze. If Bortower�equima fee tide ro�he Propeny,the lensehold end�6c fee�itle shell not merge unless Lender ogrees � 1- ` '�.}-�.YSr- <br /> 41 -� ro�he mer¢er in wrl�ing. ` " <br /> t� -° Z Pmkclion of Lender'a Righta in the Property. It Bofrower fails to per(om� the wvenents end egrcemmts i � x s.,, <br /> �+'_� conteined in this Security Inatmmem,or il:ere ia a legal procuAing tha[mny :ignificantly aftat Lenderk righta in Ihe � ` � k�l L��•;- <br />. r��•�„�?. Praperty(aach xs e proceeding in bankmptcy,proba�e,for mndemnaiion or torfetmrc or ro mforce lews or rcgulationa),�hen r.�.,.;;;,,;y.y{%�lA�;_:_ <br /> �' '-i Ler.der may do end pay for whe:tver is necessary�o protect the veWe of�he Propeny end Lender�righn ir.the Propeny. ';�� �r�{r.�+�� <br /> � ' ; Lenderk actions mey include paying any sums suurcd by�lien�vhich has prioriry over�his Securiry Instrument,appeadng { � �e+,:. <br /> ' - � ? ir,court,paying rcesonuble anomeyi fces end entering on�he Property ro make rcpairs.Al�hoagh Lender mav take aaion ` :��_ ' �. <br /> ti-�-�� under�his pamgmph 7,4endcrdacs no�have ro do w. ��� [�-� <br /> ' i�i Any emoums diabursed by Lender under thie paregnph 7 shell becone addilionel deb�o(BoROwer securcd hy this �� �-' ��4� i*'+'� <br /> f�-d Security Instrumem. Unleas Borrower and Lendcr egree ro olher cerms of payment.�hese xmounts sF.e!I Ixar intcrest from the .t�.,.,�i s, , <br /> �� �`<i�`?' date of dishuraemmt nt�he Note rete end shall be payabla wi�M1 inttrest,upon notice Gom Lender ro Borrarer aqcesting � ,''�;;- � `�¢.�'i� <br /> menc %�� <br /> .: {��._�' �Y B. Morlgege Insuraaca If Ler.der rcquimd mongaae insurmce az a condi�ioa of ineking the loan ucured by this "�.�?i ,��,�y�,_!�� <br /> � /,+{. Security Instrument, Bortower shell pay �he prcmiums requircd to naintain ihe m.ongage insurance in eftat. tf. for eny � -�;��' ' '�<<-� <br /> ,:.,:)M1: rcason, the mongage insu�nce covenge requircd by lapses or ceases ro be in eRecR Dortower s6all pay �he =�-�'>{� -`�-`.`_`�- <br /> � -- premiums reyuittd to obtei� carerage subs;antially equivalent to �he mongege insumnce previousiy in effa6 ¢t e cosl '�;;`i ! � - <br /> k�_-" suM�entially eqcivalent m�he cost w tiorrou�cr of the mottgege insurance previously in efkct.trom an alremete mongage ;-- � }""�'} ` <br /> _.-; insurer approvcd by Lendec If sulutaminlly equivalcnt monaage insmance mversge is noe available,Bovower shnll pay to � :' � -;. <br /> - " Lcnder cach momh n su:n equal to onanvelnh o(ihe yeerty manguge insurance prcmium being paid by Borrower when�he -�:;;�,�'t,1'� r� <br /> "'"U'�''� insurentt toverage lapxd or ctaxd Io 6e in d&ct. Lender will accepe.ux and rc[uin Iheu paymems es a bss rcserve in lieu -.-.'a'<�.,:.�_�_;'• <br /> `-q r`.� o(mongage inwrance. Lois rcxrve paymems may no langer be required at �he opeion of Lender,i(mongagc insurence -.-� • . ?�. - - <br />.-' 4t�."::- z.��'-�':�,:; :.:..::•.� <br /> coverage(in Ihe amoum and for Ihe period Iha[Lender mquires)provided by an insurcr upproved by Lender again bttromes <br /> �- aveileble ar.d is ab�ained.Dorro�ver shall pay�he prtmiums rcquircd ro mainuin moGgagc rosurence m cffecl,or[o pmvidC a r �Y <br /> s; loxs rescrve.until the requirement for mortgage inmrance enCs in acmrdance�vith any�wrinen agrcemen[beiween Bo�rower <br /> F j-s�- and Lcnderor npp:itablc law. . <br />- -���',y,y'>-• 9. InspMflon. Lcnder or i[s agen[may makc reawnable emries upon and mspct�ions nf ihc Property. Lcnder shall . ���� <br /> give Bortower nolitt al[he time of or prior to ar.inspection specifying rcuonahle came(nr IF.e in+pection. - ' <br /> ' W. Condennallon. The procceds of ar.y ax�ard or claim for damages,Circa or comcyurntial,in connMion���ith any � . -- - <br /> ' ' Singlcf.nlY-Fenn4llte�RaddleMacUSIFOR)fl\.RRC\ik\T-.BnAmmCO.<:��� 9A0 yve�t./nNSn� " . <br /> � �1� �nWnlu'eeulam_:r � "- , <br /> J nw.rao �tosnaiwar.ucu»�-�o� __ <br /> f <br /> ' _ .•.. - .. <br /> ( <br /> P <br /> - -� - - H '- -•. . . .-. . _ .. -_--- .�:_ � ',:;.'4,-• - ..,. . �.;.:.. t ' _. <br /> f .. _ .. .. - . - - <br />. . ' r::': • _ . ' . _ . . ._ <br /> ::t - � . __ `_--___ _ - . . . ._ _ _ ..-. . - - .- . . <br /> � .'i ' _ - - - ' . . _ - - <br /> -.i:}i� ' . , ,. . - - � � . <br /> ' _ . .. - . . . . <br /> - � ,r . _ ;,.. :._'_ : .. .' � _ <br /> •1 ;_. �' - - ' , . _ . ' - _ � ._. . _ <br /> , .i <br /> 1 <br /> � .� 1 - �� .4 . . ' � t _ <br /> i <br /> i <br /> U k 9 t _ f.. � � �. ' � �`� '�_ <br /> , Im -J# . ���� . u �. .a . �. -f � . , ..-. . . ..- . . -.'I .. . . . � y�� ... _ . � .._-___-. . . <br />