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f iy�,�i3;rf - -� _ . . _ - . � . . - ,. — <br /> ` r •� <br /> ��, . �� . . . . _ �g3" ' ��'�, . <br /> �3 TOO817tett tiVet'ti dt eM impravanenu now or hewaifw erccted on ihc.ProDCrry.apd ai[vuemente.o ae;� <br />� _��� end tixicrrw aow o►4ert4ftec s part ot Uu p�opefly. All RpISC;I11G9t8 UW 9ddW0IH 6h�ll d1E0 DO COVCfCd D 1ti Baudty_ <br /> IntuumrnG AllofthefocegoingTsrefert�.d�olntUeSecwltyJnstrvmen�a+tAe'Proycny." <br />=`�a BORROWBR ODVBNAN'f8 rBet Bortower U Iewfuliy eelaed of�hs esuuo hercby coavoyW and hu tha Nght to granf <br /> -�:_����. end ca�ve �he Prop�[y end rhut�As Dmpeny la uneneumbercA.ezoept for encumDroncca ol rccord. Oorrowee wetrOmi uud . ` . _`— <br /> r=�;v_,..-,; wilt defe�generelty U�e u�b to tha Pcopnty egatns�ell cletrtu aad demaiMa,eubJ�a�o eny eneumbraneu of rlooM. ' . <br />--- 7YIIS SHCUAPf1l lN317tUM8N1'comb:na uN[o�m oovenanta for nnional r•to nnd non•unttomi oovcnenU wlth , <br />—j=;-=��� Iimited vazlutom by Jurlsdi�tlon w constftute a unitorm�eeudry ins�rument coredng reel ProP�nY• ----- <br /> � �—.� UDIIPORM COVSNAN7'9. Bortowu enA LenAer coveonnt and egtw ae followe: � ` -� - <br /> —= 1. Payment of Prlactpal end IntereaN Prepqqment and Lfle Charge�. Bortowcr shell promp0y pay when due the <br /> � �,_ p�1nNp�1 otend Interest on the debt evidenced by the Note ead a�y prcpaymene and late ehargee duo underUto Noro. <br /> -� 2. Phnd+for 4�a and Insurance. SLbJa�to eppIicebte I�w or ro a wrtuen waiver 6y Lendcr,Borrowcr thell pay to <br /> ��*t�� l.e n d e r o n t h a d ry m o n�A l y p a y m e n u a re d u e u n d e r t h o N o ro,c n H l[h a N o t a i a p a i d i n f w l,a e u m('I O m d s'ry t o r.(o)y e a r l y ' <br /> '� , ��r �exea end auessmenro wAlch mey attetn prtodry over thle Saudiy Inatrumem e�a Iiea on the Propcny;@)peer1Y leaeehold <br /> �'---- - Paymenro or gound renu on �he Propeny. If any; (c) yeorly huerd or p:openy Insurence premtums; (� ytarly Ilaod _ <br /> � ?�� insurena prcmium�, tf any: (e)yearly mongege inauranw prcmiume.•if e�ry: md(Q eny �um+paye6'.e Uy Bortowcr to <br /> -° eceordana wi�h rheprovision�of panigaph B,in lieu of tha paynent of mortgego Insurenco premtum�. 'fieao <br />=s�'t�;=�=,'.;'�c:`� ttems ua ca11W"Sscrow Itema. Lender m�y,at�ny timo.wllal s�d tald A.�d+in an emount not to oxceed the meximum <br /> _-',��-r�,;;�. amount a lendu tor e kderaAy relatW mortgage loan may requl:e for Borrowert escrow aaount under the &deml Real _ . _ <br /> j':-s;=:*�`= Euaro 9enlemen[Procedurca Act of 1974 es emended from dma to tlme,12 L.9.C.�2601 sr rtq.("RHSPA'7,unlcu enolhcr <br /> '•]E.`-,,°.,.:< <br /> � -.-.»• le�v thet eppliea ro[he Pund�su�a laser amoun[. I(ao.Ler.der ma ,at my tlme,collect and hold Pundo in en amaunt not to <br /> a; :r;i:`.-,-, <br /> >i.� exceed tha lesur emount Lender may ettimam�he amount ot nde due on the basit of cument daa end rcatoneblo <br /> ` ' "� estlma�ea of expendimres of future Escrow Items a otherwlu in eaordance wlth eppIlcebie law. -.--.-...-- <br />;� -y'`.'- 7Le Wnd��hall be hdd In en InsUCUtlon whose depostu erc Insured by e federel egency,instrumrnality,or er.�ity <br /> ....._�,X_Y:;.:. <br />�n�-.:-„._jr.:.:;;; (including 4nder,if Lender is cucA an ir.sdmtlon)or in any Pederel Home Loan 8enk. LerMer shall apply Ne Pund�ro pay <br /> c :�'�,;:-�_... <br /> - .a -i,.;.: [hc Eserow items. Lender may not cherge Borrower Por hoiding end epplying ihe Wnd�,ennually enalyzing �Ae aerow <br />�-��%'�':�',�`,' aaount, or vedfytn the Hscmw I[ertu, unlas Ler.der paye Borrower interest on �ha I�nda and epp!icabla Iaw pemilte <br /> <,.: �.. <br /> - �--�:��`;: I.ender to meke mc e charga However,I.ender mayrcq a'.ro Bortowa to pay e cherge for m Independent rcel <br /> r�'��;�':��t;.% es�ate tex rcponiag servia used by Lender In conna�ion wtt�thla loan,unleae appIkable law providef o�hcnvise. Uniesf an <br /> �:���=:�`r.j<;•`,,�L;. ageement I�m�Ce or applicable law«qW.rca inte:ect to be pa!d.[.ender�hall.-ot be rcqu!red to pey Horrower eny intercat or <br />"'� �'`� � • euningi on tha Wnda. Bortower end l.ender may�gree In wrlUng,however,ihat imerest aAaI16e paid on the Wnd�. l.ender — __ ._ ._ <br />';^;';�;�f,s%F�: 6AtII BIYC IO HOROWCf.wiihom cherge,en annual ecwunNng of ihe Punds,slwwing crediu and debiu ro the Plmd�ond�ho -- <br />�:�i�:{;:��-,;'FC- pmpose for whieh each debit ro�he W�de wu made. 7Le FLnda ue pledged ee eddiilonal ucudty for ell sume�eeurcA by =_ <br /> :r�:_....,;;_�.;. thi�3audrylnswmepc. — - <br />`-;+.c�.�'�y�i"z;' If�he Pond+ held by Lender exceed �he amounts pertnittW io be held by eppl:wble Iaw. Lender ehall eccount to =---��"" <br /> `_' Bortower ior�he exmas Fundx in acca:dance wi�h ihe requircmenu of epplicabie iaw. if ine nmount of ihe Tvnds hAd by = --- __ <br /> � ,�4 �a t;�•� i.ender et my time ia rroi sufficient ro pay�he Eurox Icenu when due,Lender may so notify Donower in wdtir.g,end,in = ° <br /> `�?`�'�'-•�• sueh case Borro�ver chall a ro Lender�he emaant necu to make u �he de(Iclene Bortowcr chall make u �he <br /> - .: rY-•::..• PY �' P Y• P .;-,•.:,;...—_. <br />__,:.�_?��i�'a�'�, defielency ia no more thaa twelve monthly paymems,et Lenderk wle dluretlan. t';':'�=— <br /> _ . � ,,:i� <br />�.r;�`cLy_.��;;�, Upon paymen[in full of alI suma aecurcd by�his Securiry Inswmmt,Lender shall promptly rcfuad to Bortower eny ;7��;��.{��,.�__ <br /> r. �-+?':'i, Hlmda held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender ahell ecquirc or«II the Propeny,Lendcr,pdor w the acqaisitlon or ��� � �•.=- <br /> .�f_-.-...°_=_';+�-_ aele o[1he Property.ahtll apply any Wnds held by Lender at Ihe time of ncquisition or sek a+e cttAit against the aume __ - <br /> ,'. �t .:��'�=ik== securedbyU�isSauritylmwmem. =�;�{ .n,. __"'_�. <br /> i ; � ;;° 3. Applleetlon of Paymenu. Unless eppliceble lew providcs o�herwisc.all paymente recefved by L.ender under ��,{� �,`^� �- <br /> s a., -;: peragnphe 1 end 2 shell bc eppliW:fin6 to any prcpayment cherges due under ihe Notr,aemnd,ro amounte payable under � , �,,,__�- <br /> r` �- ,;;- puagnph 2;�h(rd,to imerest dur, pr.nciql due:end les6 ro any late charga due under the No�c. '�,, - <br /> � � �f ,} 4. Chargen; I.iem. Bo�rower chull pay tll [exes, essessmcnts,charges,tiaa end Imposition�ettributeble ro c.".c ,� , , �'�i-'"'�- <br /> E�f),+��-�F}. Pmperty which mey attain priority ovcr this Security InsUUment.and leuehold paymenis or ground rcnte,If�ny. Bortower +:�, .�'_j ��_„�-- <br /> r ,(_ i sAall pay thae obligations in�he mamier provided in psragreph 2.or if no�paid in�het menner,Uortower ahell pay them on -�:;� � y<_�.-. <br /> i << +'��` �ime directl [o�he rson owed a ient. Bortower shall rom �I fumuh[o Lender all no�ices of nmounts ro be �d under - � - <br /> .:.,:_k; si- Y Pe P Y� P P Y W i::.(t... .,?,.�.m_:. <br /> :,-;;�,{«;:�;_+ thia paragreph. If Bortower makes Ihex paymems dircclly.Bortower shall promp�iy(umiali to Lender rcceipta evidencing ,,,;�_,;?„`.3'F-: <br /> � '-'.� :`; the paymems. ;�•� i � _"'- <br /> - - � � Bortower ahall promp�iy discharge eny lien mhich hat prioriryover�his Security Instmmene unlese Borcower.(e)egrees -.��iS. . -�:;�;•_�-� <br />°`�,'�,�-``i>i, in wri�ing�o the paymen[of the obliga�ion securcd by the licn in a mmneraccepteble ro Lender,(b)conlesu In good tai�h the �`?�;;:°�,:_;:-c����.'�'.-- <br /> -'�+',r;'a-'_.�_ lien by,ordefends againat enlorcemene of the lien in,Iegal praceedings which in�he LenderY opinion opemte to prcvent�he ;�;;,.�`.=.:±.x:?.=;_::. <br /> f ,.,�?yS-_;;:; enforcement of�he lien;cr(c)saurcs from�he holdcr of tF.e licn an egrecment satisfucrory la Lcndcr subordinating ehe lien -{`z�;�;=,: <br /> z .- to this Saurity Instrumem. It Lender daertnines�hat nny part of ihe Propeny is scb;ect ro a licn which may anein priority ��'+ � ; <br /> r_ � ,_� Mi over this Saurity Inatrument,Ler.der may give 6ortowcr a notice idcntifying�hc licn. �ortower shall setisfy�he Iien or teke --�`• 2 � ���jy_.-.� <br /> s - -�` - one or mam of the aclior.s se[fonh above�vilhin IO days of Ihe giving of notica ;�,,.� it <br /> a -��- 5. Hezard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvemenu now cxisting or hercaRCr ercr.ed oa�he ' ' �-' <br /> �''�•'����':��.� Property imured egeinst loss by fire,hazards ir.duded�vithin the�ertn "extended mremgc'end eny o�her haiards,including '•+�•-�-'-����`�'r'�. <br /> '�'�« iloods or Oooding,for which Lender requires vuurance. This imuranm shall be mainlained in Ihe amoums ar.d for�he � ` `"O ".'� <br /> :.��'� '. ...:; <br /> `'�; <br /> �y.:-':: -- <br /> - Porm JOSD 9.90 r •.•�-.��� .� <br /> ? ' N��:r'/npRpl � ; � <br /> _ �i:� . ,��. . . <br /> � i( �'�..'��:�:lt:'I!' - '%'._• :' ._�_„__ . _ _. 'IT—'�i^T^-�-��-� __��l-� � . <br /> '.Y _ . - . . . .'. _ _n . . . <br /> t _ _ 'q ' - . ' 1 . ' . ' . <br /> _ � .- ��� � . _ ' . " . . . __ . . . <br /> .-.'�...: ._ _ �.:... , . .' " e � . ` /.. . . . <br /> _ _ . . . ... . . . . . . . <br /> 31 t , . . . . . . . .. ' - _ , . " <br /> U � (�F±y - . . � - - - - . <br /> YI ' . . - . S ._ - " . � . <br /> rA .')�' � ' . . . . _ _ � . . <br /> . � f� � <br /> � <br /> . . <br /> �): • � <br /> Y . .: _ . '. : _ - . <br /> . ; . ! _ .. . .).. ' ' . _ " <br /> . iJ'J� \ ' ' ' ' - <br /> Il. t . ' -. . . <br /> I ln i � - :- . - � - . <br /> 4 r �, . �.. _ . . . <br /> . �t�i � <br /> 1 �" r ( <br /> - 3t: /( t. (_ ( . - . � <br /> _ .�� '� ! � u�l. , <br /> . � <br /> � }j <br /> L _ s . . ••f. . a _ �. ' � i . . . . . . . . . . � . � L _� __ _ _.��- . _ ... . .. - <br />