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F S..;i• __. .,-r�-- � ny . , .rc: <br /> ,}."'a t=.,.'; .� ' .• . ` -, � - — _. <br /> - . ._ :- -.,- -., , . .-., . <br /> ,t.,.�t....:`:�=� r _ .-' .-. � .z__ _._ ,... ., - ;r„_. ', _- ..s . . <br /> 1 (��r . . . . �'j� - _,".� ' -.. _ ___——__ <br /> r_. <br /> ..Ya'T.eJ� , .. _ . . - -. • . . _ . _� �I}6 /�f��QL►. � � t � �. <br /> . . � � V : �irV wTiq1� _ `- <br /> . . . -,. -'' -S1SYqYN' .l,..MeY, OD16DYlt60IlQal[W.itt600QI1011OtIBd14Gf.11100It$E$CI6iY1l�fmvAtlBO(I�t11047WilOt��QS11�(Xd�9�"_ z.°--. _ . .. . <br /> U�ue Lendec-reqciresj provlQsd by qp InsSrcr npprovpd by Fr,r.Au ega6S 6eoomq aV9Ueb�e�nd is obW1nM Borfowe;i3ullpiy' <br /> iheQrtcuu:ii�roqulredtomalNelninortgageinsum�celnettea,ortoyrovlEeeloufes�i`vo,ur.�►tAeipg�remectto�awR$s$p ' �< <br /> I:uurenodeqdala�000rCenoeivhhaqywrinwagreemcnttuweenBorroWcrendl.cnQerornppliea4Tolsw. �,.. ,�:. <br /> -- --- _ 9,imFeCtkp.Lyiqler ot lts.egent mqy mske rcesuneble entda'upon end IndpaCilona o/tha Vroperty,tx�Jee eA!1l gtve , -- <br /> Bdmower r.opce et the time otor prfoT to en inspenlon specifying reasopnble wuse for U:e inspaaton. � <br /> !0.CoeGemoottoa, 'Ne proaxd�ot any awud or clsn Por damaga,dlrect or conaequentlY, ia oo^necNoq wl�h ony ` - <br /> condemtiaHon or o�her tektng ot any part ot the Property,or for eanvoyamE in tiw of cor:derturatton,eie hercby.+sulgneA�np <br /> - ----- � tha110a p�ld to Lender. ° -°`— <br /> T--' � In Iho event of a totel leking of tho Properry.�ho prooxda eLell bo applled ro Ne auma eeare0 hy thb 8a�udty ImtnimenR . <br /> __ _ whether ar no[�hen dua ��enq exoeae pa�d[o Borrower.In tho event ot e partiet teking of tho Property in whlc8 the fe'r <br /> r.ierkU value ot tAa Property I.r.medletdy baforo tAe uJ�ing li equel�o or grratu�Ann the emount of t90 wms seWrod Dy Qdt <br /> - 8ewrity Insuument launediately beforo tLe tetcing,uniea�Hortower and Lender othenviw egrco in wrltlng,��e wm+stand by <br /> —>x�r?ew thls 8eadry Irsitument e!:ell be rcduad by�he amount ot tho procecd�madplled by ihe followl;�g fieqton: (a)�h9 totel <br /> ---'"�—' emount o!the euma scared immediazel boforo tAO takin ,divldcd b <br /> - ._,°'.•� Y B Y(b)�ho talr n�aricct veluo of thu Propeny immeClattly <br /> ��o - ____ _ <br /> _,-_�r-� before tla taktng.Any balenae shall De pa!d to Borrawer. Is the event ol a paNil roking ot the Propeny In whdi the tdr <br /> ` ":%_� merlcu vaiuo ot�he Property Imroediatdy Ixforo Ne taking b Iws than the emount ot the:urtu secuccd Immcdieteiy 6efote the <br /> `>;F`'y"',, taking,unlw Bortowu and I.ender othernise agrce[n wrlting or unus epplicable law otherwlu provlQee,tho pr000eda shell <br /> �r�`n�..�=;� ba epplled ro the�ums acurcd by Wa Sxudty Inswment whuher or not the eam�are thm due. <br />``,"•i;�=� - It�he Pm <br /> pttryia abandoned 6y Bortower,or if,eftu notloe by l.ender ro Bortower that Ne coMemnor oNen to meke en <br /> ,;=;r;.;,;,�, _ awerd or utUe a cleim for dertagea,Bortowu fall�ro�eapond ro Lendu within 30 days aftu the dete tha notlee it givea, <br /> ,� .^,= Lender�euthorized ro collect md epply the proaed�.a[iu opHon.d�hu w re,�tore[ion or repair of the Propeny or to Ne sem� �...------- <br />-.`;t•':��;�'• sxured by thia Saurity Instrvment.whuher or not�hen due. <br />- "'�'`=�"`-'� Unlas Lendu end Horrower o�Aerwfte egrte in wrlUng, eny eppllcaUon of prooeeds to pdnclpal shell not aitend ot <br />...�,`.�:�=-�r�. <br />��-' .•.,E;',�. posryona tha due data of the monthly paymente roferted to in paregraphe 1 ead 4 or chenge tha ertaunt ot weh paymenb. <br /> �;>��`Y°°��.�`�� 11.Borrover Not Releattd;For6cerance B•Lcnder Not a Wetver.Bxcuulon ot the time for <br /> .. - - - 3 Payment or modiflcallon <br />- `r�i'?;;t:'�" of amoniradon of�he au:`u aared by�Na Sxudry Insnument granted by Lendu�o eny suooessor in intereat of Bortower nhell <br />�:-`-'�:`�:;:%='' not openrc to rcltasa tfie I(ebiliry of�he odginal Borrowu or Borrower'a wccetson in im.ercat.Lender ehell not be roquired ta <br />�` ,:e:�_-•` ", <br /> ��'` eommcncc r0000d(n s ainst m pay {y <br />'-�-i�:+i;.=-s� p g ag y waeasor in intcrut or re!use ro extend qme for ment or othenvice modi amoNretlon °- - - � - <br /> �- -';'"'�'�'- ot the sums saurcA by thia Sewdry Instn�ment 6y reuon of eny demand made by Ihe odginal Bortowtr or Bortowu't <br /> `.':>7 f'1'�;v�', <br /> .. -,:v cucceswn in in:ueat. My forbearana by Lender in exerciaing eny dght or rcmedy shell not be a walver ot or preclude�he - <br />.`._�!r.}.-':� <br /> :.:;v�; exerctso of eny daht or ttmedy. --. ... <br /> =- I2. Suttrson and Aysi¢ns Goundt doinr end eeveral Zie6ilityt �o-aignen. 'Tre covenents enU n¢rcemmu of Nb --- - _ . <br /> -�"�'s`-.i-:'g Seccdiy Instmment shell bind and benefit �he suaesson and essigne of Lender esd Bo�rower, subJea ro tha prov4lore of <br />��:`�:l'u`.ti;i:�. paregreph 17. Bo`rower'a covenanu and agranxr.0 aM1ill be joint end uverel. Any Honower who m-aig�n thit 3ecudry - <br />'--;1+f��=+'j;= In�trument but das not execute the Nore: (e)ia co-sign!ng thie Securiry Inumner.t only ro mortgege,grant end convey that �.':-- � <br /> '�', Bortower's intercst in tAC Pro under�he temu of this Savrit Imtrumenr,@)ia not y g pay 1he auw F <br /> , _ -�:. pnty Y perwnall obll eted ro C ��-y�-. <br /> �,?. - cecurcd by thia Security Imwment:end(c)egrw that L.ender end any other Borto�rer mey egra to atend, modify,fofbear or { -,'"�-'��`- <br /> i} �r -�_ make any accomr.wdetions wi�h regard�o the terms of this Security Instrument or the Nae wi�hout�hat Bortower'�conunt. � _� '� �;� � <br /> - .:(+,_'}. 13.Loan Chargen.If ihe loen xcured by this Security Instrument Is cubJat to a lew wh(ch aeu muimum loan chargea, s:�k=:��-"II""°"••' <br /> + �pr��F. <br /> s '.£ and that Ie�v Ia finaliy ir.ceryrcted so Cut�he in�ercst or other loan charges coliected or ro be collecttd in connection with�Ae �'�:'� . . i�.-�r;�. <br /> �7.�. <br /> :� -; loan ecoeed the permitted limiu,then:(a)eny mch loan cherge shall be rcduced by the amount neces�ary to redua the chazge $•r:�� �;_ <br /> !, ro the pertnitted limit; and�b)eny sums already mllected from Borro�ver which exceeded permined limi�s will be rcfunded�o .1;�`.-,t� ,�y,:,�_-� <br /> �,; Oorrowec I.ender may choau �o r.uke this rcfund by reducing �he principal owed uader the No�e or by making a dirat �.;3 � � � - <br /> 't iy_,- paYmem �o Bonower. If a rc.'und reduces prir.cipal, ihe reduction will be treated as e panial prcpayment wi�hout eny r` ia �`p -'` <br />-• -�:��,s'-, prepayment charge under�he Note. �;;;i`t„`;;1;'i•:=:�:� <br /> � 14.Notlee�.Any no�ice to Bono�rer provided for in this Security Instmment shell be given by delivering it or by nailing � �� S^ �` £ -�_� <br /> � ` it by first clau m�il unlcu applicable law requires use of a�o�her outhod.The notice shdl be dirated to�he Propeny Address ;,•'.a' r+4 Z • <br /> ', or eny o�her eddrcss Borroxxr designams by notia to Lender. Any no�itt to Lender shall be given by first ciast mail lo �`-�:�` 1 � '���� <br /> `` F :.i` <br /> f+ i, J Lendcr's addrcss stetul herein or any o�hcr address Lcndcr designatcs by notice tn Bormwer. Any no�ice provided for in[hu .�, ' 4s ��.�r <br /> �� -< <. Securiry Irawment shnll 6e damed�o have 6een given[o Borrowcr or Lender when given at pmvided in this paregraph. ��,f� _• <br /> -�"" I5.Govemfng La�r; Se��eraAfllty. This Security Insuument shall be govcmed by fedcral law end the law of the ��`�; e -�'� <br /> � �'��. jurisdidion in which the Propeny is loca�ed. In�he erem thai any pmvisiaa nr clauu of�his Security Innrumem or the Note ....:_-.�zi-..,'�ii��.'''�� <br /> � e <br /> r':�.._ <br /> -�.�_c'i-,:: . mn�icls�vi1h applicable la�v,such cor.Cict shall noi af(mt niher provixions o([his Securily Instrument or Ihe Nott which wn be �--�t�s--- <br /> given efkc[wi�Aou[ the cun0icting pmrisian.To�hi�end�he provi+iom af IhiS Stturily I�.�mment and Ihe Note arc dalared '��'• .y:•,`;.;���` <br /> - - •� lobexveable. .¢-`�: <br /> r:.:..-�;� l6.Oorrooer's Cop)�.Boamrcr sha:l hc gi�ron nr.e mr.f.�mud rnpy of Ihc Kmc anJ of this Scwriiy Insimmenl. - <br /> /{ . <br /> i ` <br /> Form 3018 9180 r <br />_ Vp��.n6 E . . . <br /> �•: �..r �. _ . _ l • • <br /> .l - . . •. .. _ . _ . .. - • �-/ _ ' . _ . .. �..�.. _ , '�. <br /> .��_ _-_;=� _ <br />: ..i�. '.._ .. _ <br />. ...-'-- �. ":-. - . <br />. '. ' .Li_ __. _.. . . . . . _ <br /> :) ` .• <br />.. :..f. : � � . " . <br /> ".`i.- •.t�' �'� � . � . <br /> ;: ��_: <br /> :iF�s_ , :- j . - - _. <br />" �i���.!��..�A � _ , � ' � . . . <br /> -. . - -, t - . . <br /> t - l <br /> 1�l �' . .. . ." ., : . - } <br /> � ' -. .. . . . �-'l-- <br />