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� :. ;; , <br /> �I - i 7 , fi t i� V�� ,� �ll,� "(' D' f -5 .. <br /> � 4::�ta�d-o►Pr�p F �•a9nbwr,r�k4epiEelmp�ogd�ntsty�ealiUagbrlv.�r�fletr_cu2edaGdee' � _ <br /> �t G <br /> ' ProD�Y In3crt�t8aluf tos�by.�fl%t�rW!?S�udrA v tfiln t6e kcm r'ext�ii0eg ooV�4':nnd$dY W'hbr F,qrai'�insTaitnA � <br /> 1lpops,Qt f�ondt�g,tor wh1d�I.�Mer,requlres iimu6pop.�s iesura�cecl�al!!w meirtpined,�n t�v gmodnfennd fqr Oro pcdqtr <br /> . " �hst 1.cndct rcqutma.7ho IreuPAiiob�8idee proviQing"�he iiisurenbn�h911�bo d+.osen 6y BorMWer subJect to�SA¢br�ayp►ovel ,; <br /> - - wUlch fAaif not 6e umra,tcq:bSy 8otrbwe�fWb to mtiintqin'covir6ga deser(ped ebbve.;,ci:EeF ina�rr itl�V <br /> optlon.obtelnooveragot6proteCliendet'dFt3hteinthchropertyina4tptdi�cewithp�regrey'h7 i . "�i r.i <br /> All iruutanoe poUC(e�en¢renow5le sh�li.tie.pocep�ebte to Lepdor eud'�he1)lnefude s s�anEard mo(tgega�,Iaus¢..IR{�q'#r ' <br /> �hall have tho rigt:[to Aold O�o yo9clai anA renbwela.U1,eiWu requlm,a,Bbrtuwer eA�i!ptor..yUY gTvO to Ltp4e[�1jlaElprs ot <br /> C remiw�u ond renewal n6dcea.Jn tho evfn�oflou.IIDJfOWGi BI49II�.� : ---- .'' ,•`°• <br /> L�NMu mY make praof otlm3ltaot mada promptly 6y 8omwer. ° `•"-' '7�- -'-� r a= r � .i�'— <br /> Ontw Gender end Hortoaer mhernlw agaa Id yrooxde stinll be aypllad to{Fat6tadon ul�ie�ir 8�f�-:, �:- <br /> PtopenY daiaaged,l[t�e[taWraHon oi repatr 1�eoonomically hasible and Laidu•e teEUdry i�tiqi tessene4.if tho rCalo@Qoildt :;'• .�: <br /> repatt Is nm eoonomicelty fuulble or Lendet'e exwiry would be lessencd.ihe iasureucp yraaoda tfiall pe ep�lle{i�0 Uie'iWfi�t:•i,::":: <br /> Kcured by th!a&adry Lweument. whethu ar not�hen due,wleh eny excess pald ro Bortower..Jf Borm�vet �Jido6i 1he.•::%s::°� <br /> Propaty.or doea imt mumr wltLln 30 days e uoHce from Lendu that tha Insuranco caniu hat bifere4 to.idq0=0eleim.!►,!�n,-=.} ., <br /> LeMu msy collect the Insurenee proacda. I.ender may use Qw p[oxeda to�e�air or reatoro Ihe P[operty pay sap�a.. :; . <br /> _= cearcd by this Secudty fastmmenG whethu or not tAtn duo.'fie 30-0ay pulod arill begin when�e notice Lf glven: �,. : = <br /> _= Un�w Lender end Bortowu othernice egree in wr(Hag, eny eppAcauon ot prooeed�to pdnciput ahet(nq(piifend�t <br /> °^� postpona the due dero of t6e monUily paymer.0 referted ro In paragrep6t I end 2 or cLunge tha emount of�ha prymEnu. It <br />=—= under paregreph 21'the P[operty f�acqalred by Lcnder,Borrowu'e dgL[to a�y insurence poflclw aAd'y[ocYZN nbWttng frQxn . , <br /> "� demege to�he Propury pdor ro the ecqulattloa ehall pac�to I.eodu to tho extent of tAe eurtu eewrod by tlila 8cadty Instromedt _ � <br /> <� inmedietely prlor ro the ecqulsIdon. - . <br /> 3� 6.Oecupancy,Preservatton,Malntenence end Yroteqlon ot t6e Properiyi Qorroner'e i.oap ApDUcations Lnseholds <br /> �� Borrower she(I oavpy,eate611ah,a,�d uce the Prope�ty ea Horrower's princlpal residence within dxty daye e4er tha exepidon Of � , <br /> t61s Sxurity Instrumen[end�hell ane(n�e ro oocupy tha Properry as Borrowu'e pdncipal ruidence tor at leau one year ettu <br /> '"� the date of aapancy,unles�Lenda o�Aawlu egrua in wdting,wt:ich conunt ehall not 6e unrcasonably al:h'�eld,or edeat � <br />�'it�� eitenuadng efrcums�enxa ubt whfeh ere beyond OortowuY comrol. Bortower chelt not deslroy, damege or Impa!r the <br /> Property, ellow the Property to detertorete, or comr.�it wasm on the Propeny. Bnrtower shall bo in default It any[ot[eltum <br />--: ; eraion or proaedh�g,u�huher civil or cdnilnxl,Is begun thet in LendePs good fNth Jud3ment auld rpult in torfd�aro ot the ° - <br />'�-;;+'t� Propetty or otherniu materially impair the Ifen croemd by thia Saurity Instrument or Lender'e cecuriry intereat.Bortower may <br /> �-.:1 are weh a default end rNm�ete,u provided in paraareph 18,by causing�Ae anion or proceeding to be dtemicud w:�A a ruling <br />-",�;?-�� thet, In I.ender•s good_fa(th determ:natlon, precludea forkituro of tha BorrowePe (ntercst in tha Prope[ry or othu mazerlal <br />. -__° impaimrcnt oC ifie fien cmud by�nie Savriry Insttumen[ or Lender a cecuriry inte¢at. 8mrower enall elso 6e in deiauie if °- <br />;_:�:;{� Bonower,dudng the loan appl[cetion proceai,geve metedelly fatu or inaauwta infortnadon or statemu:te to Lender(or fWied <br /> �' to provide Lender whh any ma[eriW informetion)In connxtlon wiih�he loan evidenad by�e Note.ineluding,but mt Iimited <br />-�___.;,j'.: to,rcpresentetloro eonaming Borm�ver's occupancy of�he Prope+ty ev a prinetpal rcsidena.If thia Savdry Instrument la on a — <br /> - Ieaxhold, Bortower rhall amply wf�h ell �hc provisions of�he leasa If Bortower ncquira fee q�le to Ne Propeny, tha <br /> - leasehold and�he fa qtle shdl no[merge unlw I.ender egrcea ro�he meryter in writlng. - <br />-�_;,_I; 7.ProtttUon of Lendu•e Righta in thc Property.If Bortowcr feils�o perform�hc mvenanu and egreementa a+�etned in = <br /> �hie Secudty Instm:nent. or there is a legal proceeding�hat mry significently efCect I.endePs dghu in the Property(�udi a�e - <br /> .'e�� praacding in bank�uptcy,proba[e,tor mndcmretion or forkiwrc or to enforce laws or reguletions).�hen Lender toay do end = <br /> "" tor aheuvcr in neoesse to rotett the velae of�he Pro n and Lendcr a ri hu in the Pro rt Lendu's atlons ma <br /> - PaY �Y P P� Y 8 P� Y• Y =- <br /> include paying any sums secured by e Ilen �vhich hes priori�y over this Security Irstmment, appeedng in court, paying s� <br /> ressonable attomeya'fas and entering on�he Propeny to make rcpairs. Al�hough Lcnder may teke ection under thb paragreph ���� <br /> ` 7.Lcnder doea not have m do so. <br /> - Any emounts disburscd by Lender under�his paregreph 7 shall baonx additional debt of Oortower«curcd by Ws ' - <br /> ���t' Security Instrunrnt. Unless Borrower vnd Lender agrec to o�her tern�s of payment,these amounts ahall bear imerat from Ihe � <br /> date ot dsbursemcnt at �hc Note n�e nnd shall be payable, with ir.�erest, upon no�ice from Lender ro Bortmver roquestlng <br /> prymer.�. <br /> •_�:�' 8.Mortgege lnsurenn. If LenCer requirai mongage inwrance as a maditinn of naking the loen securcd by thi�Searity <br /> I:utrummt. Borrower chall pay tl�e prcmiunu requircd to maintein the mongage insumnm in effac If, for eny rcawn, Iho <br />-_- - mongage rnrerage rcyuircd by Lender lapses or ceaus to be in efkcL Bmmwer shell pay the premiums rcqulrcd ro <br /> ob[flin mvclage substanlially cquiva.em[o the mortga¢c insunm�e previously in e( a mst substa+tinlly equivilent f0 th0 <br /> mst to Bortower o(Ihe moCgage insurance p:erinudy in eRecl. (mm aa al�emale mongage insurcr approved by Lendq. Zf <br />. - substantially equivaler.t morcgage imuranm mverage is not available.6ormx�cr.hall pay to Lender each month� sum equel to <br /> ono-l�velRh n(the yeariy mongage insunace prc:nium hcing paid by &irrox�er���hen tlm im��ra�e mverege lepsed orceexd to — <br />. be in effect. Lender x�ill aacp�, uuand reWin Ihcu papment.a. a loti. rnene in lieu ��( mongnge iacurana. I.oss re3Crve <br />- Form 3028 9/80 -� <br /> ^.x�an - <br />�..�-..i�. � . <br /> -i- .....—„-,.�._ _:.___... . _ . . . . . . _ . - �_--_.-__.-_.�r . <br /> :. �_. <br />.. . � � . - :;k; .a. - <br /> ,._ , . � .. .. ..,..=_ - ._�.. . <br /> . . . _ - .. , , � _��..-_, <br /> . -i'� . . . � . �- ... � " - <br /> ..:,4. . <br /> .� . . ! <br /> i '', _ • _ • � f <br /> r , <br />